Such as in the following code from Why's Poignant Guide:
def wipe_mutterings_from( sentence )
unless sentence.respond_to? :include?
raise ArgumentError, "cannot wipe mutterings from a #{ sentence.class }"
while sentence.include? '('
open = sentence.index( '(' )
close = sentence.index( ')', open )
sentence[open..close] = '' if close
In a Ruby double-quoted string—which includes string literals like s = "…" and s = %Q{ ... } and s = <<ENDCODE—the syntax #{ … } is used for "string interpolation", inserting dynamic content into the string. For example:
i = 42
s = "I have #{ i } cats!"
#=> "I have 42 cats!"
It is equivalent to (but more convenient and efficient than) using string concatenation along with explicit calls to to_s:
i = 42
s= "I have " + i.to_s + " cats!"
#=> "I have 42 cats!"
You can place arbitrary code inside the region, including multiple expressions on multiple lines. The final result of evaluating the code has to_s called on it to ensure that it is a string value:
"I've seen #{
i = 10
5.times{ i+=1 }
} weasels in my life"
#=> "I've seen 30 weasels in my life"
[4,3,2,1,"no"].each do |legs|
puts "The frog has #{legs} leg#{:s if legs!=1}"
#=> The frog has 4 legs
#=> The frog has 3 legs
#=> The frog has 2 legs
#=> The frog has 1 leg
#=> The frog has no legs
Note that this has no effect inside single-quoted strings:
s = "The answer is #{6*7}" #=> "The answer is 42"
s = 'The answer is #{6*7}' #=> "The answer is #{6*7}"
s = %Q[The answer is #{ 6*7 }] #=> "The answer is 42"
s = %q[The answer is #{ 6*7 }] #=> "The answer is #{6*7}"
The answer is #{6*7}
#=> "The answer is 42\n"
The answer is #{6*7}
#=> "The answer is #{6*7}\n"
For convenience, the {} characters for string interpolation are optional if you want to insert just the value of an instance variable (#foo), global variable ($foo), or class variable (##foo):
#cats = 17
s1 = "There are #{#cats} cats" #=> "There are 17 cats"
s2 = "There are ##cats cats" #=> "There are 17 cats"
"#{}" means in Ruby string interpolation.See Here for too many answers.
#{} is used for Ruby interpolation. In this example,
this will raise an ArgumentError with the message,
cannot wipe mutterings from a <whatever sentence.class evaluates to>
This is a useful read - String concatenation vs. interpolation in Ruby
I have a string, e.g.
string = 'foo-bar'
and I want a new string which doesn't contain the character at index 3 (the - in the example string), so the results would be "foobar". The former string must not be changed.
This is what I have so far:
new_string = string.dup
#=> "foobar"
#=> "foo-bar"
or as a "one-liner":
new_string = string.dup.tap { |s| s.slice!(3) }
#=> "foobar"
But having to dup and maybe tap looks quite cumbersome. Is there a more concise way?
I'm not aware of such a method. You can write it yourself using slice though.
at = 3
string = "abc-def"
def delete_at(string, at)
string.slice(0, at) + string.slice(at + 1, string.length)
x = delete_at(string, at) #> "abcdef"
You could also monkey patch it to String class (which I don't like though)
Seems Kernel#sprintfcan solve this fairly simply:
str = "foo-bar"
#=> "foobar"
Or simply
#=> "foobar"
Additionally Enumerable methods could help but seem a bit overkill e.g.
str.each_char.with_index.reduce("") do |memo,(s,i)|
i == 3 ? memo : memo << s
#=> "foobar"
How can I check how many times a phrase occurs in a string?
For example, let's say the phrase is donut
str1 = "I love donuts!"
#=> returns 1 because "donuts" is found once.
str2 = "Squirrels do love nuts"
#=> also returns 1 because of 'do' and 'nuts' make up donut
str3 = "donuts do stun me"
#=> returns 2 because 'donuts' and 'do stun' has all elements to make 'donuts'
I checked this SO that suggests using include, but it only works if donuts is spelled in order.
I came up with this, but it doesn't stop spelling after all elements of "donuts"is spelled. i.e. "I love donuts" #=> ["o", "d", "o", "n", "u", "t", "s"]
def word(arr)
acceptable_word = "donuts".chars { |name| acceptable_word.include? name.downcase }
How can I check how many occurrences of donuts are there in a given string? No edge cases. Input will always be String, no nil. If it contains elements of donut only it should not count as 1 occurrence; it needs to contain donuts, doesn't have to be in order.
def count_em(str, target) { |c| str.count(c)/target.count(c) }.min
count_em "I love donuts!", "donuts" #=> 1
count_em "Squirrels do love nuts", "donuts" #=> 1
count_em "donuts do stun me", "donuts" #=> 2
count_em "donuts and nuts sound too delicious", "donuts" #=> 3
count_em "cats have nine lives", "donuts" #=> 0
count_em "feeding force scout", "coffee" #=> 1
count_em "feeding or scout", "coffee" #=> 0
str = ("free mocha".chars*4).shuffle.join
# => "hhrefemcfeaheomeccrmcre eef oa ofrmoaha "
count_em str, "free mocha"
#=> 4
str = "feeding force scout"
target = "coffee"
a = target.chars
#=> ["c", "o", "f", "f", "e", "e"]
b = a.uniq
#=> ["c", "o", "f", "e"]
c = { |c| str.count(c)/target.count(c) }
#=> [2, 2, 1, 1]
#=> 1
In calculating c, consider the first element of b passed to the block and assigned to the block variable c.
c = "c"
Then the block calculation is
d = str.count(c)
#=> 2
e = target.count(c)
#=> 1
#=> 2
This indicates that str contains enough "c"'s to match "coffee" twice.
The remaining calculations to obtain c are similar.
If the characters of str matching characters target must be in the same order as those of target, the following regex could be used.
target = "coffee"
r = /#{ target.chars.join(".*?") }/i
#=> /c.*?o.*?f.*?f.*?e.*?e/i
matches = "xcorr fzefe yecaof tfe erg eeffoc".scan(r)
#=> ["corr fzefe ye", "caof tfe e"]
#=> 2
"feeding force scout".scan(r).size
#=> 0
The questions marks in the regex are needed to make the searches non-greedy.
The solution is more or less simple (map(&:dup) is used there to avoid inputs mutating):
pattern = 'donuts'
[str1, str2, str3].map(&:dup).map do |s|
loop.with_index do |_, i|
break i unless pattern.chars.all? { |c| s.sub!(c, '') }
#⇒ [1, 1, 2]
Here's an approach with two variants, one where the letters must appear in order, and one where order is irrelevant. In both cases the frequency of each letter is respected, so "coffee" must match vs. two 'f' and two 'e' letters, "free mocha" is insufficient to match, lacking a second 'f'.
def sorted_string(string)
def phrase_regexp_sequence(phrase)
def phrase_regexp_unordered(phrase)
phrase.downcase.gsub(/\W/, '').split('').sort.chunk_while(&:==).map do |bit|
def contains_unordered(phrase, string)
def contains_sequence(phrase, string)
strings = [
"I love donuts!",
"Squirrels do love nuts",
"donuts do stun me",
"no stunned matches",
phrase = 'donut'
strings.each do |string|
puts '%-30s %s %s' % [
contains_unordered(phrase, string),
contains_sequence(phrase, string)
# => I love donuts! true true
# => Squirrels do love nuts true true
# => donuts do stun me true true
# => no stunned matches true false
Simple solution:
criteria = "donuts"
str1 = "I love donuts!"
str2 = "Squirrels do love nuts"
str3 = "donuts do stun me"
def strings_construction(criteria, string)
unique_criteria_array = criteria.split("").uniq
my_hash = {}
# Let's count how many times each character of the string matches a character in the string
unique_criteria_array.each do |char|
my_hash[char] ? my_hash[char] = my_hash[char] + 1 : my_hash[char] = string.count(char)
puts strings_construction(criteria, str1) #=> 1
puts strings_construction(criteria, str2) #=> 1
puts strings_construction(criteria, str3) #=> 2
How can I replace characters from string without changing its object_id?
For example:
string = "this is a test"
The first 7 characters need to be replaced with capitalized characters like: "THIS IS a Test" and the object_id needs to be the same. In which way can I sub or replace the characters to make it happen?
You can do it like this:
string = "this is a test"
string[0, 7] = string[0, 7].upcase
With procedural languages, one might write the equivalent of:
string = "this is in jest"
#=> 70309969974760
(1..7).each { |i| string[i] = string[i].upcase }
#=> 1..7
#=> "tHIS IS in jest"
#=> 70309969974760
This is not very Ruby-like, but it does offer the advantage over #sawa's solution that it does not create a temporary 7-character string. (Well, it does create a one-character string.) This is unimportant for strings of reasonable length (and for those I'd certainly concur with sawa), but it could be significant for really, really, really long strings.
Another way to do this is as follows:
string.each_char.with_index { |c,i|
string[i] = string[i].upcase if (1..7).cover?(i) }
#=> "tHIS IS in jest"
#=> 70309969974760
This second way might be more efficient if string is not much larger than string[start_index..end_index].
In a comment the OP indicates that the string is to be stripped, squeeze and reversed as well as certain characters converted to upper case. That could be done on the string in place, without creating a copy, as follows:
def strip_upcase_squeeze_reverse_whew(string, upcase_range, squeeze_str=nil)
upcase_range.each { |i| string[i] = string[i].upcase }
squeeze_str.nil? ? string.squeeze! : string.squeeze!(squeeze_str)
I have assumed the four operations would be performed in a particular order, but if the order should be different, that's an easy fix.
string = " this may bee inn jest, butt it's alsoo a test "
#=> 70309970103280
strip_upcase_squeeze_reverse_whew(string, (1..7))
#=> "tset a osla s'ti tub ,tsej ni eb YAM SIHt"
#=> 70309970103280
The steps:
string = "this may bee inn jest, butt it's alsoo a test"
#=> "this may bee inn jest, butt it's alsoo a test"
upcase_range = (1..7)
#=> 1..7
#=> nil
#=> "this may bee inn jest, butt it's alsoo a test"
upcase_range.each { |i| string[i] = string[i].upcase }
#=> 1..7
#=> "tHIS MAY bee inn jest, butt it's alsoo a test"
squeeze_str.nil? ? string.squeeze! : string.squeeze!(squeeze_str)
#=> "tHIS MAY be in jest, but it's also a test"
#=> "tHIS MAY be in jest, but it's also a test"
#=> "tset a osla s'ti tub ,tsej ni eb YAM SIHt"
Notice that in this example, strip! does not remove any characters, and therefore returns nil. Similarly, squeeze! would return nil if there is nothing to squeeze. It is for that reason that strip! and squeeze cannot be chained.
A second example:
string = " thiiiis may beeee in jeeest"
strip_upcase_squeeze_reverse_whew(string, (12..14), "aeiouAEIOU")
Adding onto a string without changing its object id:
foo = "foo"
# => "foo"
# => 70196045363960
foo << "bar"
# => "foobar"
# => 70196045363960
Replace an entire string without changing its object id
# => "foo"
# => 70196045363960
foo.gsub!(/./, '') << 'bar'
# => 'bar'
# => 70196045363960
Replace part of a string without changing its object id
# => "foo"
# => 70196045363960
foo.gsub!(/o/, 'z')
# => 'fzz'
# => 70196045363960
I don't get why reversed_string=string[i] + reversed_string puts the last char first. It seems that string[i] would index the first char and not the last. So if the string was "abc" index 0 would be 'a' and not 'c'. Could someone please explain how ruby gets 'c' from index 0? And then, of course, 'b' from index 1? Etc, etc.
Write a method that will take a string as input, and return a new string with the same letters in reverse order.
Difficulty: easy.
def reverse(string)
reversed_string = ""
i = 0
while i < string.length
reversed_string = string[i] + reversed_string
i += 1
return reversed_string
puts("reverse(\"abc\") == \"cba\": #{reverse("abc") == "cba"}")
puts("reverse(\"a\") == \"a\": #{reverse("a") == "a"}")
puts("reverse(\"\") == \"\": #{reverse("") == ""}")
reversed_string = string[i] + reversed_string
For example, if string is "abc", string[0] is indeed "a", but here it's being put in the beginning of reversed_string, not the end. reversed_string is added up in each iteration as:
"a" + "" #string[0] + "" => "a"
"b" + "a" #string[1] + "a" => "ba"
"c" + "ba" #string[2] + "ba"=> "cba"
Assuming you can't use Ruby Class String's built in Reverse method, you could try the following
def reverse_string(string)
new_string = []
i = string.length-1
while i >= 0
i -= 1
This will create a new string object, but it will reverse the string without using any built-in methods.
As you know, there is a method String#reverse to reverse a string. I understand you are not to use that method, but instead write your own, where the method's argument is the string to be reversed. Others will suggest ways you might do that.
As you are new to Ruby, I thought it might be instructive to show you how you could write a new method for the String class, say, String#my_reverse, that behaves exactly the same as String#reverse. Then for the string "three blind mice", we would have:
"three blind mice".reverse #=> "ecim dnilb eerht"
"three blind mice".my_reverse #=> "ecim dnilb eerht"
To create a method without arguments for the String class, we normally do it like this:
class String
def my_method
We invoke my_method by sending it a receiver that is an instance of the String class. For example, if write:
"three blind mice".my_method
we are sending the method String#my_method to the receiver "three blind mice". Within the definition of the method, the receiver is referred to as self. Here self would be "three blind mice". Similarly, just as the second character (at offset 1) of that string is "three blind mice"[1] #=> "h", self[1] #=> "h". We can check that:
class String
def my_method
puts "I is '#{self}'"
(0...self.size).each { |i| puts self[i] }
"three blind mice".my_method
would print:
I is 'three blind mice'
The method my_reverse is almost the same:
class String
def my_reverse
sz = self.size
str = ''
( { |i| str << self[sz-1-i] }
"three blind mice".my_reverse
#=> "ecim dnilb eerht"
You can think of self as a variable whose value is the receiver, but unlike a variable, you cannot reassign self to a different object. For example, we can write x = 1; x = 'cat', but we cannot write self = 'cat'. As we have already seen, however, we can change the references self makes to other objects, such as self[1] = 'r'.
I am trying to write a very simple method in Ruby which takes a string and an array of words and checks if the string contains any of the words and if it does it replaces them with their uppercase.
I made an attempt but its not great due to my level of Ruby skills.
#split the sentence up into an array of words
my_sentence_words = my_sentence.split(/\W+/)
#nested loop that checks the words array for each brand
my_sentence_words.each do |i|
my_words.each do |i|
#if it finds a brand in the words and sets them to be uppercase
if my_words[i] == my_sentence_words[i]
my_sentence_words[i] == my_sentence_words[i]
#put the words array into one string
words.each do |i|
new_sentence = ("" + my_sentence_words[i]) + " "
I am getting: can't convert string into integer error
def convert(mywords,sentence)
regex = /#{mywords.join("|")}/i
sentence.gsub(regex) { |m| m.upcase }
convert(%W{ john james jane }, "I like jane but prefer john")
#=> "I like JANE but prefer JOHN"
This will work better. It loops through the brands, searches for each, and replaces with the uppercase version.
brands = %w(sony toshiba)
sentence = "This is a sony. This is a toshiba."
brands.each do |brand|
sentence.gsub!(/#{brand}/i, brand.upcase)
Results in the string.
"This is a SONY. This is a TOSHIBA."
For those who like Ruby foo!
sentence.gsub!(/#{brands.join('|')}/i) { |b| b.upcase }
And in a function
def capitalize_brands(brands, sentence)
sentence.gsub(/#{brands.join('|')}/i) { |b| b.upcase }
You get this error because i doesn't start from 0 as you expected, in each method i is an element of array, and has string type, it's a first word from your sentence:
my_sentence_words = ["word"]
my_sentence_words.each do |i|
puts i.length #=> 4
puts i.type #=> String
puts i #=> word
So you try to call my_sentence_words[word] instead of my_sentence_words[0]. You can try method each_index that passes index of element instead of element itself`:
def check(str, *arr)
upstr = str.split(' ')
upstr.eachindex do |i| #=> i is index
arr.each_index do |j|
upstr[i].upcase! if upstr[i] == arr[j]
check("This is my sentence", "day", "is", "goal", "may", "my")
#=>["This", "IS", "MY", "sentence"]