Is there a way to see which items are not categorized in magento? - magento

Is there a way to see which items are not categorized in magneto on the backend? I know I can pull a report but I was wondering if there was anything easier?

You can use the free Enhanced Admin Grids extension, as the github version allows to add a categories column on the products grid, for which it is optionally possible to filter on products that are not assigned to any category.

Not natively in the Magento backend.
You could run a simple SQL query against your database to grab a list of skus that aren't assigned to a category.
Something like this:
SELECT sku FROM catalog_product_entity
WHERE entity_id
NOT IN (SELECT product_id FROM catalog_category_product)
Which will return a list of all skus not assigned to a category. From there you can save the results to a CSV using your SQL program.


Magento: Deleting archived products - Will the products inside orders be affected?

I have a lot of archived products that I would like to delete.
But I am using a function in the frontend where users can see their old orders and what products were bought:
$orders = Mage::getResourceModel('sales/order_grid_collection')
->addFieldToFilter('store_id', $storeId)
Some of the products in the orders are already archived.
When I delete all archived products, can the products inside the orders still be accessed? Or will I lose those products?
As answered by Marius:
"Normally, the orders don't have only references to the order products, but they also keep product values (that might seam redundant) because you want to see a snapshot of the product you ordered at the time you ordered it.
This way you avoid seeing new prices or descriptions.
The order history section that magento offers by default works even if you delete ordered products.
but if you have a custom code that loads a product collection or a product to get additional info, it will be affected if you delete the products.
If the only code you use is the one you shown in the question you should be save.
I suggest trying to delete the products first on a staging server then do it on live.
and backup before doing anything."
(If you want to upvote, please consider upvoting his answer too)

Does changing Magento SKU affect the Order History

I have a request to change the SKU for an existing product, so I am wondering if changing the SKU will affect the order history of this product. Since SKU is a global Identifier in Magento I am not sure what would be the effect of changing it. This is Magento 1.7 CE
Order data is stored in the sales_flat_order_item and sales_flat_order tables. If you change the SKU of a product in your catalog, it will not affect the SKU of the product on already existing orders.
Changing the SKU of an active product, and or the flat product's afterword will NOT retroactively update the sales order history.
100% sure on this.
Sales Order History
Referencing the old SKU to the "New" Sku will result in some broken behavior that must be accounted for, this especially is true in Configurable products.

Remove a Magento attribute from configurables and associated simple products

I have some configurable products that have many associated simple products, each with many custom options. The configurables use three attributes. My client has now decided that they want to remove one of the attributes. I have used the SQL method to remove one of the attributes, but this is now affecting the custom options when the remaining attributes are selected. The custom options no longer show up. I am assuming this because the attribute is still part of the associated simple products.
Is there a way to remove the attribute from the associated simple products as well, so that the custom options will show correctly when the remaining attributes are chosen?
The attribute, which you are trying to remove is part of each configurable super product, not associated products, as far as I know. Check 'catalog_product_super_attribute' table in db, remove all rows, which have 'attribute_id' set to id, which you want to remove.
Clean the cache, reindex and see, if it works.
To remove one super product attribute from all configurable products, you could execute this SQL query in the database:
DELETE FROM catalog_product_super_attribute WHERE attribute_id = <id>;
The table catalog_product_super_attribute links products to super product attributes.

How does Magento store deleted products in database

I'm running a script that exports magento products in an xml. I do the query using SQL connections and selecting all attributes. It there a way or how can I find information of deleted products in a magento database?
only way to find out is to have a list of all existing products or products that have existed and compare them against current dataset. Other way would be never delete a product but mark them as out of stock or inactive

recently purchased products

How to display recently purchased products on dashboard after login in magento?
for backend you need to make a block that gets the order collection (by status) filtered with date range and iterate over them by getting their item collection and display those. Alternate way would query products and join order information and filter by date
for frontend it is much the same but a filter is needed to strict the orders by customer id
