Ruby empty parameter in function - ruby

I'm trying to enqueue various functions in a generic way with this code :
{ Object.const_get(object_name).new(job[:params]||={}).delay(:queue => queue).send(method_name)}
job is a Hash where I get the name, objects parameters etc...
My problem is in this case :
class Foo
def initialize
puts 'bar'
Foo doesn't take parameters for its instanciation.
So if I use the previous line with Foo as object_name I'll get this error :
ArgumentError: wrong number pf arguments (1 for 0)
And I absolutly don't want to write something like that :
if job.has_key?[:param] then
Object.const_get(object_name).new(job[:params]||={}).delay(:queue => queue).send(method_name)
Object.const_get(object_name).new().delay(:queue => queue).send(method_name)
What could I write instead of job[:params]||={} so it works for every case?
Thanks in advance.

you can achieve this with using Foo.send and using an array.
For instance
send(*(job.has_key?(:param) ? ['new', job[:param]] : ['new']))...
I personally think it is not worth it and an if statement is easier on the eyes.

The initialize method of your Foo class should receive a parameter with a default value. Like this:
class Foo
def initialize(params={})
# Here you do stuff like checking if params is empty or whatever.
This way you will achieve the two behaviors.

Based on your example, I think the test you accepted might be wrong. Your code suggests that you shouldn't be testing whether the :params key exists in the hash, you should be testing whether initialize takes an argument. If initialize does take an argument, then you send it an argument regardless of whether the :params key exists in the hash. The accepted answer will fail when the :params key doesn't exist in the hash, and yet the initialize method takes an argument--you'll get a 0 for 1 error. Is that a possibility?
class Dog
def initialize(params)
p params
puts "dog"
class Cat
def initialize
puts "cat"
class_names = ["Dog", "Cat"]
job = {
params: {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
class_names.each do |class_name|
class_obj = Object.const_get(class_name)
if class_obj.instance_method(:initialize).arity == 0
send_args = 'new'
send_args = 'new', job[:params] ||= {}
{:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3}


wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 4)

I have an instance method thats accepting 4 inputs
class Foo
def baz(a, b, c, d)
puts 'something'
I am writing spec for the instance method and i have
let(:resp) { (
a: '97334',
b: '38',
c: '0001110000',
d: 'N')
I tried changing it to the one below but no luck
let(:resp) { '97334', '38', '0001110000','N')
why am i getting wrong number of arguments at instance method in Foo class?
let(:resp) {
You are passing keyword arguments which could be thought of as passing one Hash. So your code is basically equivalent to:
params =
params[:a] = '97334'
params[:b] = '38'
params[:c] = '0001110000'
params[:d] = 'N'
This example above obviously only has 1 argument.
Another way to solve this would be parameterizing the function call:
class Foo
def baz(a:, b:, c:, d:)
puts 'something'
In general this is preferred when there are many args to a function, because it does not require the function user to know the specific order of the function arguments, only which arguments are needed.
In ruby <= 1.9, there are no named parameters, but you can achieve the same effect with a hash. The reason you get an error saying you only have one argument is because ruby assumes you are passing a single hash rather than 4 parameters. You can make it work like so:
class Foo
def baz(myhash)
puts "#{myhash[:a]}, #{myhash[:b]}"
end "hello", b: "world) #=> "hello, world"
In ruby 2.0, named parameters exist, but they can only be optional:
class Foo
def baz(a: "hi", b: "mum")
puts "#{myhash[:a]}, #{myhash[:b]}"
end "hello", b: "world) #=> "hello, world" #=> "hi, mum"
In ruby >= 2.1, named params can be optional OR required. you can make named params required by specifying them without default values like so:
class Foo
def baz(a:, b:)
puts "#{myhash[:a]}, #{myhash[:b]}"
end "hello", b: "world) #=> "hello, world"
In all of these rubies, your last code snippet should work if you remove the extra parenthesis:
class Foo
def baz(a, b, c, d)
puts 'something'
end '97334', '38', '0001110000','N'

Is there a good way to pass "array addresses" to a method?

How can I refactor the following? I have some values stored in my YAML file as nested arrays, but I want to pull all my transactions into two get and set methods. This works, but is obviously limited and bulky. It feels wrong.
module Persistance
#store ='store.yml')
def self.get_transaction(key)
#store.transaction { #store[key] }
def self.get_nested_transaction(key, sub)
#store.transaction { #store[key][sub] }
Bonus credit: I also have an additional method for incrementing values in my YAML file. Is there a further way to refactor this code? Does it make sense to just pass blocks to a single database accessing method?
Hey I remember thinking about this when I was practicing PStore a little while ago. I didn't figure out a working approach then but I managed to get one now. By the way, yaml/store is pretty cool and you can take credit for introducing me to it.
Anyway, on with the code. Basically here's a couple important concepts:
The #store is similar to a hash in that you can use [] and []= but it's not actually a hash, it's a YAML::Store.
Ruby 2.3 has a method Hash#dig which is kind of the missing puzzle piece here. You provide a list of keys and it treats each as successive keys. You can use this for both get and set, as my code shows
If #store were a true hash that would be the end of it but's not, so for this answer I added a YAML::Store#dig method which has the same usage as the original.
require 'yaml/store'
class YAML::Store
def dig(*keys)
first_val = self[keys.shift]
if keys.empty?
keys.reduce(first_val) do |result, key|
class YamlStore
attr_reader :store
def initialize filename
#store = filename
def get *keys
#store.transaction do
#store.dig *keys
def set *keys, val
#store.transaction do
final_key = keys.pop
hash_to_set = keys.empty? ? #store : #store.dig(*keys)
hash_to_set.send :[]=, final_key, val
filename = 'store.yml'
db = filename
db.set :a, {}
puts db.get :a
# => {}
db.set :a, :b, 1
puts db.get :a, :b
# => 1

How to change the default value of a Struct attribute?

According to the documentation unset attributes of Struct are set to nil:
unset parameters default to nil.
Is it possible to specify the default value for particular attributes?
For example, for the following Struct"Person", :name, :happy)
I would like the attribute happy to default to true rather than nil. How can I do this? If I do as follows"Person", :name, :happy = true)
I get
-:1: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting ')'"Person", :name, :happy = true)
-:1: warning: possibly useless use of true in void context
This can also be accomplished by creating your Struct as a subclass, and overriding
initialize with default values as in the following example:
class Person <, :happy)
def initialize(name, happy=true); super end
On one hand, this method does lead to a little bit of boilerplate; on the other, it does what you're looking for nice and succinctly.
One side-effect (which may be either a benefit or an annoyance depending on your preferences/use case) is that you lose the default Struct behavior of all attributes defaulting to nil -- unless you explicitly set them to be so. In effect, the above example would make name a required parameter unless you declare it as name=nil
Following #rintaun's example you can also do this with keyword arguments in Ruby 2+
A =, :b, :c) do
def initialize(a:, b: 2, c: 3); super end
# ArgumentError: missing keyword: a a: 1
# => #<struct A a=1, b=2, c=3> a: 1, c: 6
# => #<struct A a=1, b=2, c=6>
The code now needs to be written as follows to work.
A =, :b, :c) do
def initialize(a:, b: 2, c: 3)
super(a, b, c)
I also found this:
Person = "Person", :name, :happy do
def initialize(*)
self.location ||= true
#Linuxios gave an answer that overrides member lookup. This has a couple problems: you can't explicitly set a member to nil and there's extra overhead on every member reference. It seems to me you really just want to supply the defaults when initializing a new struct object with partial member values supplied to ::new or ::[].
Here's a module to extend Struct with an additional factory method that lets you describe your desired structure with a hash, where the keys are the member names and the values the defaults to fill in when not supplied at initialization:
# Extend stdlib Struct with a factory method Struct::with_defaults
# to allow StructClasses to be defined so omitted members of new structs
# are initialized to a default instead of nil
module StructWithDefaults
# makes a new StructClass specified by spec hash.
# keys are member names, values are defaults when not supplied to new
# examples:
# MyStruct = Struct.with_defaults( a: 1, b: 2, c: 'xyz' )
# #=> #<struct MyStruct a=1, b=2, c="xyz"
# #=> #<struct MyStruct a=99, b=2, c="xyz">
# MyStruct[-10, 3.5] #=> #<struct MyStruct a=-10, b=3.5, c="xyz">
def with_defaults(*spec)
new_args = []
new_args << spec.shift if spec.size > 1
spec = spec.first
raise ArgumentError, "expected Hash, got #{spec.class}" unless spec.is_a? Hash
new_args.concat spec.keys
new(*new_args) do
class << self
attr_reader :defaults
def initialize(*args)
self.class.defaults.drop(args.size).each {|k,v| self[k] = v }
end.tap {|s| s.instance_variable_set(:#defaults, spec.dup.freeze) }
Struct.extend StructWithDefaults
Just add another variation:
class Result <, :errors)
def initialize(*)
self.errors ||= []
I think that the override of the #initialize method is the best way, with call to #super(*required_args).
This has an additional advantage of being able to use hash-style arguments. Please see the following complete and compiling example:
Hash-Style Arguments, Default Values, and Ruby Struct
# This example demonstrates how to create Ruby Structs that use
# newer hash-style parameters, as well as the default values for
# some of the parameters, without loosing the benefits of struct's
# implementation of #eql? #hash, #to_s, #inspect, and other
# useful instance methods.
# Run this file as follows
# > gem install rspec
# > rspec struct_optional_arguments.rb --format documentation
class StructWithOptionals <
VERSION = '1.0.1'
def initialize(
iv: nil,
salt: 'salty',
version: VERSION
super(encrypted_data, cipher_name, iv, salt, version)
require 'rspec'
RSpec.describe StructWithOptionals do
let(:struct) { 'data', cipher_name: 'AES-256-CBC', iv: 'intravenous') }
it 'should be initialized with default values' do
expect(struct.version).to be(StructWithOptionals::VERSION)
context 'all fields must be not null' do
%i(encrypted_data cipher_name salt iv version).each do |field|
subject { struct.send(field) }
it field do
expect(subject).to_not be_nil

How do I convert hash keys to method names?

This is my hash:
tempData = {"a" => 100, "here" => 200, "c" => "hello"}
I need to access the hash keys as a method like:
tempData.a #100 # 200
You could just wrap up your hash in an OpenStruct:
require 'ostruct'
tempData = {"a" => 100, "here" => 200, "c" => "hello"}
os = tempData
os.a #=> 100 #=> 200
If you really really wanted to, you could also monkey-patch the Hash class, but I'd advise against that:
class Hash
def method_missing(m, *args, &blk)
fetch(m) { fetch(m.to_s) { super } }
tempData = {"a" => 100, "here" => 200, "c" => "hello"}
tempData.a #=> 100
Update: In my personal extensions library I added a Hash#to_ostruct method. This will recursively convert a hash into an OpenStruct including all nested hashes.
There is another way to do this.
JSON.parse(tempData.to_json, object_class: OpenStruct)
that will give object
#<OpenStruct a=100, here=200, c="hello">
In this way nested hash also will be converted to OpenStruct Object
tempData = {a: { b: { c: 3}}, foo: 200, msg: 'test msg'}
obj = JSON.parse(tempData.to_json, object_class: OpenStruct)
Now we are able to call
obj.a.b.c # 3 # 200
obj.msg # 'test msg'
Hope this will help someone.
Alternatively, if it’s just a small script it might be more convenient to just extend Hash itself
class Hash
def method_missing sym,*
method_missing is a magic method that is called whenever your code tries to call a method that does not exist. Ruby will intercept the failing call at run time and let you handle it so your program can recover gracefully. The implementation above tries to access the hash using the method name as a symbol, the using the method name as a string, and eventually fails with Ruby's built-in method missing error.
NB for a more complex script, where adding this behavior might break other third-party gems, you might alternatively use a module
and extend each instance
module H
def method_missing sym,*
the = { answer: 42 }
the.answer # => 42
and for greater convenience you can even propagate the module down to
nested hashes
module H
def method_missing sym,*
r = fetch(sym){fetch(sym.to_s){super}}
Hash === r ? r.extend(H) : r
the = { answer: { is: 42 } }
the.extend(H) # => 42
If the hash is inside a module, you can define methods on that module (or class) dynamically using define_method. For example:
module Version
HASH = {
major: 1,
minor: 2,
patch: 3,
HASH.each do |name, value|
define_method(name) do
return value
This will define a Version module with major, minor, and patch methods that return 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
you can extend the Hash class in the following way.
class Hash
# return nil whenever the key doesn't exist
def method_missing(m, *opts)
if self.has_key?(m.to_s)
return self[m.to_s]
elsif self.has_key?(m.to_sym)
return self[m.to_sym]
return nil
# comment out above line and replace with line below if you want to return an error
# super

Adding an instance variable to a class in Ruby

How can I add an instance variable to a defined class at runtime, and later get and set its value from outside of the class?
I'm looking for a metaprogramming solution that allows me to modify the class instance at runtime instead of modifying the source code that originally defined the class. A few of the solutions explain how to declare instance variables in the class definitions, but that is not what I am asking about.
Ruby provides methods for this, instance_variable_get and instance_variable_set. (docs)
You can create and assign a new instance variables like this:
>> foo =
=> #<Object:0x2aaaaaacc400>
>> foo.instance_variable_set(:#bar, "baz")
=> "baz"
>> foo.inspect
=> #<Object:0x2aaaaaacc400 #bar=\"baz\">
You can use attribute accessors:
class Array
attr_accessor :var
Now you can access it via:
array = []
array.var = 123
puts array.var
Note that you can also use attr_reader or attr_writer to define just getters or setters or you can define them manually as such:
class Array
attr_reader :getter_only_method
attr_writer :setter_only_method
# Manual definitions equivalent to using attr_reader/writer/accessor
def var
def var=(value)
#var = value
You can also use singleton methods if you just want it defined on a single instance:
array = []
def array.var
def array.var=(value)
#var = value
array.var = 123
puts array.var
FYI, in response to the comment on this answer, the singleton method works fine, and the following is proof:
irb(main):001:0> class A
irb(main):002:1> attr_accessor :b
irb(main):003:1> end
=> nil
irb(main):004:0> a =
=> #<A:0x7fbb4b0efe58>
irb(main):005:0> a.b = 1
=> 1
irb(main):006:0> a.b
=> 1
irb(main):007:0> def a.setit=(value)
irb(main):008:1> #b = value
irb(main):009:1> end
=> nil
irb(main):010:0> a.setit = 2
=> 2
irb(main):011:0> a.b
=> 2
As you can see, the singleton method setit will set the same field, #b, as the one defined using the attr_accessor... so a singleton method is a perfectly valid approach to this question.
If your usage of "class MyObject" is a usage of an open class, then please note you are redefining the initialize method.
In Ruby, there is no such thing as overloading... only overriding, or redefinition... in other words there can only be 1 instance of any given method, so if you redefine it, it is redefined... and the initialize method is no different (even though it is what the new method of Class objects use).
Thus, never redefine an existing method without aliasing it first... at least if you want access to the original definition. And redefining the initialize method of an unknown class may be quite risky.
At any rate, I think I have a much simpler solution for you, which uses the actual metaclass to define singleton methods:
m =
metaclass = class << m; self; end
metaclass.send :attr_accessor, :first, :second
m.first = "first"
m.second = "second"
puts m.first, m.second
You can use both the metaclass and open classes to get even trickier and do something like:
class MyObject
def metaclass
class << self
def define_attributes(hash)
hash.each_pair { |key, value|
metaclass.send :attr_accessor, key
send "#{key}=".to_sym, value
m =
m.define_attributes({ :first => "first", :second => "second" })
The above is basically exposing the metaclass via the "metaclass" method, then using it in define_attributes to dynamically define a bunch of attributes with attr_accessor, and then invoking the attribute setter afterwards with the associated value in the hash.
With Ruby you can get creative and do the same thing many different ways ;-)
FYI, in case you didn't know, using the metaclass as I have done means you are only acting on the given instance of the object. Thus, invoking define_attributes will only define those attributes for that particular instance.
m1 =
m2 =
m1.define_attributes({:a => 123, :b => 321})
m2.define_attributes({:c => "abc", :d => "zxy"})
puts m1.a, m1.b, m2.c, m2.d # this will work
m1.c = 5 # this will fail because c= is not defined on m1!
m2.a = 5 # this will fail because a= is not defined on m2!
Mike Stone's answer is already quite comprehensive, but I'd like to add a little detail.
You can modify your class at any moment, even after some instance have been created, and get the results you desire. You can try it out in your console:
s1 = 'string 1'
s2 = 'string 2'
class String
attr_accessor :my_var
s1.my_var = 'comment #1'
s2.my_var = 'comment 2'
puts s1.my_var, s2.my_var
The other solutions will work perfectly too, but here is an example using define_method, if you are hell bent on not using open classes... it will define the "var" variable for the array class... but note that it is EQUIVALENT to using an open class... the benefit is you can do it for an unknown class (so any object's class, rather than opening a specific class)... also define_method will work inside a method, whereas you cannot open a class within a method.
array = []
array.class.send(:define_method, :var) { #var }
array.class.send(:define_method, :var=) { |value| #var = value }
And here is an example of it's use... note that array2, a DIFFERENT array also has the methods, so if this is not what you want, you probably want singleton methods which I explained in another post.
irb(main):001:0> array = []
=> []
irb(main):002:0> array.class.send(:define_method, :var) { #var }
=> #<Proc:0x00007f289ccb62b0#(irb):2>
irb(main):003:0> array.class.send(:define_method, :var=) { |value| #var = value }
=> #<Proc:0x00007f289cc9fa88#(irb):3>
irb(main):004:0> array.var = 123
=> 123
irb(main):005:0> array.var
=> 123
irb(main):006:0> array2 = []
=> []
irb(main):007:0> array2.var = 321
=> 321
irb(main):008:0> array2.var
=> 321
irb(main):009:0> array.var
=> 123
Readonly, in response to your edit:
Edit: It looks like I need to clarify
that I'm looking for a metaprogramming
solution that allows me to modify the
class instance at runtime instead of
modifying the source code that
originally defined the class. A few of
the solutions explain how to declare
instance variables in the class
definitions, but that is not what I am
asking about. Sorry for the confusion.
I think you don't quite understand the concept of "open classes", which means you can open up a class at any time. For example:
class A
def hello
print "hello "
class A
def world
puts "world!"
a =
The above is perfectly valid Ruby code, and the 2 class definitions can be spread across multiple Ruby files. You could use the "define_method" method in the Module object to define a new method on a class instance, but it is equivalent to using open classes.
"Open classes" in Ruby means you can redefine ANY class at ANY point in time... which means add new methods, redefine existing methods, or whatever you want really. It sounds like the "open class" solution really is what you are looking for...
I wrote a gem for this some time ago. It's called "Flexible" and not available via rubygems, but was available via github until yesterday. I deleted it because it was useless for me.
You can do
class Foo
include Flexible
f = = 1
with it without getting any error. So you can set and get instance variables from an object on the fly.
If you are interessted... I could upload the source code to github again. It needs some modification to enable
#=> true
as method for asking the object if a instance variable "bar" is defined or not, but anything else is running.
Kind regards, musicmatze
It looks like all of the previous answers assume that you know what the name of the class that you want to tweak is when you are writing your code. Well, that isn't always true (at least, not for me). I might be iterating over a pile of classes that I want to bestow some variable on (say, to hold some metadata or something). In that case something like this will do the job,
# example classes that we want to tweak
class Foo;end
class Bar;end
klasses = [Foo, Bar]
# iterating over a collection of klasses
klasses.each do |klass|
# #class_eval gets it done
klass.class_eval do
attr_accessor :baz
# it works
f =
f.baz # => nil
f.baz = 'it works' # => "it works"
b =
b.baz # => nil
b.baz = 'it still works' # => "it still works"
