How to remove project within project in XCode? - xcode

I pasted all files of one folder into another, now it is showing something like this,,
How can I remove Project within Project and Make one Main Root.

This one is super easy to fix -- What you've accidentally done is drop the 'ShopCadeFinal.xcodeproj' into your Project Navigator. It is important to recognize that the Project Navigator view of your project is a tree that you manage and not necessarily a 1:1 representation of the filesystem. If you'd rather, you can think of each of the items in the Project Navigator as a link or shortcut to a file on disk. This means that your project organization can in fact be different from that of the on-disk filesystem. Good in that you can safely reorganize files in your project without having to move files around your filesystem or SCM, but that flexibility comes as the risk of accidentally duplicating entries in your project just as you've done with ShopCadeFinal.xcodeproj. how do I fix it?
You are probably going to kick yourself because this is so easy:
Click on the nested 'ShopCadeFinal.xcodeproj' item
Push your delete button.
Select 'Remove Reference'.
The shortcut to the nested .xcodeproj is gone!
Won't that delete the source code of my actual project file?
Nope! Not at all as long as you've selected the 'Remove Reference' option instead of 'Move to Trash'. The nuances about the Project Navigator being a collection of links or shortcuts from the mini-lecture at the top of this answer is the key -- You are simply removing the duplicate .xcodeproj reference in your Project Navigator, not actually deleting anything from disk.
Ok, I have other files I duplicated. How do I deal with those?
In just the same way -- select the duplicate reference, push delete and select 'Remove Reference'.
I ran into some other quirky issue...
Tack a note on this answer with what you are seeing and lets see if we can figure it out!


Keeping unused files in Xcode project

In Eclipse you can create a folder and name it, say, "unused", to keep currently unused files (incomplete code, resources for future use, etc)
which are ignored by project builder. Can I have something similar with Xcode?
If I move a file to a project folder without inserting it with Xcode, it may be OK, and I will be able to see it while opening in Finder. However, it will be more convenient to have it listed by Project Navigator.
As far as I am concerned, it's not possible. Though, you can comment all of your code in one click to momentarily disable it.
Press command + A;
Right click and select Comment Selection.

Changing Xcode 5 settings for folders added to project

When adding a folder to Xcode project there are two options - "Create groups for any added folders" and "Create folder references for any added folders."
My question is that if there is a way to change these settings once the folder is being added. I know we can remove the folder from the project and re-add them, but I wonder if there is some other way that is less idiotic to accomplish such task.
What you're asking for doesn't make much sense.
A group (yellow folder) in Xcode is just an abstract organizational concept. A group can contain one or more resources that actually get referenced/compiled/copied, but the group itself is just an placeholder that doesn't (necessarily) have any relation to the filesystem or target bundle.
A folder ref (blue folder), on the other hand, is the exact opposite. The folder itself is the only thing referenced/compiled/copied by Xcode and its contents are just blindly copied or whatever along with it. Xcode doesn't notice if you add, remove, or edit the contents. It only cares about the folder.
Because they are functionally opposite, converting from one to the other in-place would end you with a pile of conflicts at best and lost data at worst. So Xcode doesn't provide that as an option.

Why can't I delete files from my XCode project?

This is probably a very easy question, but I'm having trouble deleting resources from my XCode project. I added them using "Create Folder References for any added folders" so that I could import a whole offline HTML site with its correct folder structure.
Unfortunately, now it has been added like this I don't seem to be able to delete individual files in the structure (it's not available from the Edit menu).
Can anyone help please? Thanks!
That isn't how folder references work. The idea is that its only a reference, you can open files within it and save it from those editors, you can delete or move the entire reference throughout the xcode project, but you can't actually edit it - its read only as far as xcode is concerned. Likewise, you cannot restructure it (move internal files around).
I'm not to sure why apple decided to make this the case, but apparently they have.
If you want to know how one might use the xcode folder system, here's how I tend to use them with my projects:
Whenever I subdivide code into folders, when I drag them into my project I click "recursively create groups for any added folders". If you do this, you any changes you make within xcode will not reflect the actual file itself. As far as I know, there is no way to do this. What does happen then is that when you add a new code file to it, the directory starts off in that file by default. ie, you don't need to navigate to it manually when you create a new file.
I use folder references whenever I'm working with content for an application I'm using. This way, I add all my images, folders, configuration files, whatever - and xcode immediately lists them. The reason I have it within xcode, I can I copy the files into the executables directory by dragging the folder reference into a "Copy Files" build phase.
Thats basically (to my knowledge) how one uses the folder types within xcode - sadly, I don't know how to achieve the functionality you want. You may have to manually delete the folders in finder, which if you do use folder references will update xcode to the change.
I ran into the same issue by using "Create Folder References for any added folders". I wanted to change some of the times but that's not possible. I had added a main folder that had other directories under it. I just had to select the main directory and deleted it and then just add the subdirectories that I needed. You can't make any location or removal changes to the directories that are added this way. -- Jeff
In the project browser, where you're looking at files, right click and choose "Delete". It'll prompt you to either remove the file from the project (leaving the underlying file on the filesystem) or to also move the underlying file to the trash.
I ran into the same issue. Delete the files from the folder directly as opposed to from within Xcode. You'll see the entries turn red under your project. Restarting Xcode should make these red entries vanish.

Moving Files into a Real Folder in Xcode

When I started my project I was happy to use Groups in Xcode rather than literal folders: Since I'm using the browser in Xcode to access everything, stuff was nicely organized and I was happy.
However, now that the project is about to be shared for version control, the project folder itself is a horror show for those trying to scan it via a terminal, about 300 files, over half of which are graphics.
I'm trying to now reorganize things, creating real folders and importing them into Xcode. Unfortunately Xcode doesn't let me work with them the way it does with groups. For example, if I right-click on an actual added folder (blue, not yellow) and choose to add existing files, it doesn't actually put them in that folder, it puts them in its root.
Similarly, I can't move a file from a faux-folder (a group) into a real folder: Xcode doesn't consider the real folders to be valid places to move stuff to.
What am I missing? How can I convince Xcode to let me use the folders the way I use groups? There's an answer here to a somewhat similar question, but it doesn't actually solve my problem since I'm working with existing files.
A modern (and dead simple!) approach for 2017 (Xcode 6, 7, 8, and sometimes 9, since it does it automagically some of the time):
If you're moving a bunch of files into a new folder and are keeping the child hierarchy, it's actually a lot easier than moving each file individually:
Create new groups in the Xcode folder tree and organize your files into them however you like.
Create a matching physical folder tree in Finder and organize your physical files into them to match what you did in step 1.
All the references in Xcode should now be red (that's OK!).
From the Identity and Type manager, select the Group in Xcode that you want to relocate, then click the folder icon from the info pane:
In the Finder selection dialog, locate the equivalent new folder you created for this group in step 2. All the files inside that group will now be automagically rediscovered!
Isn't that nice? At most you'll have to repeat these 5 steps once for each new group you've created (which beats relocating each file individually!)
Bonus Points!
Say you accidentally screwed up the move and now a bunch of your files are red and can't be found: select multiple files that are broken, and using the same folder icon in the screenshot from step 4, find the correct folder that contains these files and they'll automatically resolve the missing paths.
FURTHER EDITED JUNE 2017: Xcode 9 does this automatically, no special effort required. This answer and Brandon's only apply to Xcode 8 and earlier.
EDITED DECEMBER 2016: Brandon's answer below is a better solution now. Back when this answer was created in 2010 this was the only option I could find. I now suggest Brandon's answer, below.
It turns out that moving files into real folders is certainly possible, though not as simple as it should be.
I got the basic information from a question here, Xcode organising files and folders (core data model objects - iPhone), but learned important things along the way.
##The Process
Moving the files is a two-step process with multiple sub-steps:
Tell Xcode where you want the files to be:
Right/Control-click on the file or file group that you'd like to move and choose Get Info from the contextual menu that appears. The Group Info or File Info window appears.
Click the Choose button on the far right side of the window in the Path area. A dialog box appears.
Navigate to the folder you want the files to be moved to. Create a New Folder if needed. Click the Choose button in the bottom-right corner of the dialog box, then close the Group Info/File Info window.
The names of the file/files in the group will turn red to indicate that Xcode can't find them in the place you specified.
Move the actual files
In the Finder (or Git) move the files you selected in step 1 into the actual folders you want them in.
Switch back to Xcode. The files/groups should all have turned black again. If any are still red then you've missed moving something to the right folder.
I learned a couple of important things while adjusting the ~300 files in this project:
Some files refuse to move this way; that is, when you navigate to the new destination the Choose button is disabled, as is the New Folder button. The solution, though I don't know why it makes a difference, is to first use Xcode to put those files in a Group (right/control-click the files and choose Group, and give the group a name) and then move the group to the new location. After you're actually moved the files in the Finder you can remove them from the group (by dragging them into the new parent group/folder and deleting the group).
Stop and build every few minutes, after completing step 2 for a number of files. The build will tell you if you've screwed anything up so far, making it easier to go back and fix it before you've done too much damage.
If the files won't move to where you want them to — I had a devil of a time moving some files that had been created early-on in the Classes folder — you can simply drag them out of their old place in the finder to someplace handy like the desktop, delete references to them in Xcode, and then re-import them via the right/control-click Add Existing Files option.
If in the past you've used Xcode to delete references to files without also moving them to the trash in this project, you'll find files that don't have to be moved but at just sitting there. Be careful that you don't do what I did, confusing the names of a current group of files I was moving and the older, no-longer-linked files, insisting that Xcode import them because you thought it was being dense.
In Xcode 5 or Xcode 6:
Create the folders that map to your Groups in Finder
Move the files into those folders in Finder
Select each file that is red in the Xcode sidebar on the left
Click the button "Show/Hide Utilities" to reveal the right sidebar (see figure)
In "Identity and Type", click the tiny button and select the file location (see figure)
I've found the most reliable way to work around XCode's appalling design here is to organize ALL your files in Finder, for two reasons:
Finder doesn't make "mistakes", unlike XCode's GUI
Once things are organized in Finder, you can drag/drop entire Finder folders into XCode, and ... it does exactly what you wanted, with no effort
Even when moving existing XCode files around, it is quicker to do this:
Select the files in Finder
Create a folder in Finder for them
Drag/drop them to the folder (automatically Moves them)
Drag/drop the Finder folder into Xcode (automatically: creates the Xcode folder, adds every file in the Finder folder)
cmd-select every "red" file you now see in Xcode (because you moved them) and hit the delete key
NB: I never use the "create dragged folders with sub-groups" option, because in XCode 3 that was often hopelessly buggy and could corrupt projects. Apple clearly (IMHO) does NOT use this feature internally, otherwise it would never have been allowed to be so buggy; if Apple doesn't use a thing, it's generally not safe to use it either - they aren't good at testing :)
There is a simple to setup and use Command Line Tool - "synx"
available in github that do exactly what is needed here.
It reorganizes Xcode project folder in finder to match Xcode groups in project.
You can find it here:
XCode 9 supports this feature by default. So, no need to use other tools anymore!
Xcode 9
It seems Xcode 9 now supports it by default. When you move files from a group to another, the file will also be moved from the old folder to the new folder. This was announced in WWDC 2017.
I used the following tool to achieve it.Organize Folders in Groups Xcode
I'm usually move files to the directory directly in the Finder, then fix the files with red-color names in XCode in their "Get Info" dialog: click the "Choose..." button and select file's new locatoin. That's the first response when I want to move files in XCode, and it works.
As of Xcode 4.5 when you drag in a folder structure it is automatically turned into nested groups in the Project Navigator. Then, if you look on disk (e.g. right click and choose Show in Finder), the folder structure has been retained.
I found trying to fix things from an older project was just a pain. It turned out much easier to just delete these files and drag them in again.
To move a folder in xcode 4.5 I just...
Delete the files/groups from xcode and select "Remove Reference".
Go into finder and move the folder/files as needed.
Once done I go back into Xcode and choose File->Add Files to {ProjectName}.
Make sure "Copy Items into Destination Group's folder (If needed)" is checked
Make sure "Create Group for any added folder" is checked
Make sure "Add to Target" is checked for your project
Easiest technique for XCode 8....
Assuming you have files A,B,C in a logical group, but want them moved into a folder on your hard drive.
Create a destination folder via Finder
Add the folder in XCode (File -> Add Files ) using the Options pane to select a Folder Reference (not a group)
Drag files A,B,C from the (old) group to the (new) folder reference in the project navigator. XCode will move the files into the folder, both in the the project, and on disk.
On XCode 11 (I just validated this on XCode 11.6), you can select the files you would like to move under the project navigator, right click on the selected files, and click "New Group From Selection". This will create a folder on disk and move the files appropriately.

How should I organize my Xcode project files?

I'm trying to wrap my head around Xcode's file organization - or lack there of. I can do all I want in project and it looks great with all the "fake" folders and structure. I go look at the file system and boom HUGE mess. I've tried importing files with the Create Folder Reference for any added folder option checked and that works, kinda. I get the structure I want both in Xcode and on the filesystem.
Issues: When I add a file to a folder on the filesystem that is a Folder Reference in Xcode, its not in Xcode when I go look, not even after reloading the project. Files/Subfolders in a Folder Reference can't be moved around in Xcode. When I move them on the filesystem I get red links (can't find the file?) in Xcode.
How do I keep a organized project and filesystem? How can I set up a project to just recognize a folder and show its (current and up-to-date) files and subfolders in my project?
Another issue I seem to run into, if I use a Folder Reference and change a file, the file is not updated in my application unless I do a full clean & rebuild. If I don't use a Folder Reference, all my files are dumped into the Resource folder of the application bundle, not in the nice structure I have in my project.
Should I care at all? Should I just use the fake folders and let everything go everywhere and not care? My application bundle will be a mess, the filesystem will be a mess, but it will all work... I would hope?
My biggest reason for wanting an organized filesystem is that the resource files (images, sounds, other datafiles, etc.) are not edited in Xcode. I have to access them in 3rd party apps via the filesystem. If its a mess things are harder to find and maintain in the other 3rd party applications.
Also what happens if I want a structure like the following:
Should I use long filenames rather than folders to organize?
I also wish Xcode automatically kept itself and the file system in sync.
So much so, that I spent an hour doing so manually for a project called acani-iphone on GitHub. Basically, I just moved some of the files around using Finder, creating new folders as I pleased. Then, I switched back to Xcode and saw that the files I just moved were now red (because Xcode was thinking they're where I moved them from and so couldn't find them).
UPDATE: I just figured out that I could've then just clicked on the red group or file, pressed CMD+i (Get Info from the context menu, which you can open by right-clicking on the red file or group), and under the General tab, clicked Choose, then found where I moved the file to in the filesystem. But, I didn't do that, here's what I did instead, which also works:
Then, I just highlighted all the red files in Xcode and pressed command + delete to delete the broken (red) references. Then, I right-clicked on the Group I wanted to add the files to (usually the same group), and clicked Add > Existing Files.... Then, I found the same files in the new spot on the file system. I kept "Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)" unchecked, I checked the radio button "Recursively create groups for any added folders," and I checked add to target acani if the files I was adding were being used to build the acani iPhone app.
I did the above with like a directory of files at a time. A few times I was more aggressive, adding multiple directories at a time, since I almost always selected the radio button "Recursively create groups for any added folders."
I found out that the files acani_Prefix.pch and acani-Info.plist had to stay in the root file system dir (although there may be settings you can set to allow these files to be elsewhere, like I think you can add a line to acani-Info.plist so that you can move/rename acani_Prefix.pch, but I'm fine with them in the root dir on the file system.
That was annoying to do, and perhaps not even worth the trouble, perhaps procrastination, but going forward, before adding existing files to Xcode, I'll first make sure they're in the place I want them to be on the file system.
OK, so here is how it works:
Xcode doesn't know about any files until you tell it about them. That is, even if you add a file manually in the finder (usually a bad idea) to a folder that contains files in an Xcode project, it doesn't know about them until you "add existing file to project".
The best practice (imo) for adding an existing file (or group of files) to a project (say, some code you just downloaded) is to choose "add existing files" and then "copy items to destination group's folder (if needed)" in the next dialog, if you want your project to have a copy of the files in question, rather than merely a reference to them (there are advantages and disadvantages of both).
Don't worry too much about the naming of folders in Xcode, or where you put things, but try to keep to a standard that makes sense in your environment. For example, I always put the classes I write in "Classes", and have separate folders for any library code i've downloaded for use in the project. I always put images/icons/audio etc in to "Resources".
In short, if you like what's in the project folder to be approximately the same as what's in your project, always add existing files by choosing the "copy items to destination group's folder"
The flexibility in XCode is intentional. It's up to you to decide how you like to organise things.
Should I care at all? Should I just use the fake folders and let
everything go everywhere and not care? My application bundle will be a
mess, the filesystem will be a mess, but it will all work... I would
IMO no... :) basically. The whole point is that XCode has been designed to give you the best experience of programming. If Apple wanted you to physically organise all your files and folders within the actual filesystem then they would have made it that way.
I don't really understand why you would want to organise all the files and folders in this way anyway? It makes no difference to the running of the application and the "fake" folders (groups) in XCode adequately provide the necessary visual aid for yourself (and others) to navigate through your classes and other resources. Organising it correctly in your filesystem (as you have found) surely just makes things more difficult?
Use Synx.
It rearranges your files on disk to match your Xcode groups. I try to run it before committing any code that changes the Xcode groups, and it keeps the project nice and tidy.
It would be great if Xcode could keep itself and the file system in sync. Unfortunately it doesn't. One reason for wanting it to is so the hierarchy in your SCCS matches the one in Xcode.
I fall back to keeping things organized in Xcode, and leaving the file system separated into not much more than "Classes" and "Resources".
This changed with Xcode 9. From the release notes:
Groups in the Project Navigator are now more closely associated with
directories in the file system. (28612132)
Dragging files between groups in the Project Navigator moves the files in the filesystem and updates any associated SCM working copies.
When a group is connected to folder in the filesystem, creating, renaming, and deleting groups updates the corresponding files and
folders in the the filesystem.
To remove a connection between a group and a folder in the filesystem, select the group, and then open the File inspector and
click on the on the Clear path button (X).
To add or update an association from a file or a folder in the filesystem to a file or a group in the project, select the file or
group, open the File inspector, and drag the corresponding file or
folder onto the Location section in the File inspector.
The new behaviour is available from the 'New Group with Folder' command (which may appear as just 'New Group'), while the old behaviour is available from the 'New Group without Folder' command (which may also appear as just 'New Group'!) The dominant usage amongst any existing groups in the target folder seems to determine which command gets labelled 'New Group'. It's more than a little confusing, but if you are in the habit of choosing one or the other, the idea seems to be that you can just stick with the default 'New Group' command. (See rob mayoff's far more thorough explanation.)
What I do is create a group to represent each folder and then, before adding files to it, in the right panel, first tab, immediately below "Path", there is an icon that allows you to choose the folder. In that folder dialog, I create a folder that matches the group and choose it.
In xcode3, this resulted in new and add files dialogs starting in this path. That made it worth the effort. Xcode4, however, does not respect this setting. Therefore, its questionable whether there is any real value in it. I also wish XCOde would support better file system organization.
Considering that file names must be unique within a project, regardless of groups and folders, there is justification for accepting the flat folder structure default and using groups for IDE convenience. Its difficult to come from other platforms where this is frowned upon.
i feel you and personally cannot NOT care about the actual structure and just rely on workspaces.
what would be really great is a tool that will go over the workspace structure and re-organize the file system accordingly, taking care of any re-naming of folders etc. this would be a classic solution and IMHO should be implemented as an option as we re-organize our project as we move about it.
some issues could be source control though xcode4 works with both git and SVN.
