How to manage split Web Application project - visual-studio-2010

I've got a bit of an interesting project layout question for you all. I'm really not sure how to handle this, so I'm hoping someone here has a bright idea.
Basically, I have a Web Application that for the most part, is the same per customer (except the configuration files). There are certain files that are different for each and every customer (javascript, css, sql snippets), and managing all this is a bit of a pain with the setup we have now.
Currently, we have all these customised files sitting in the SVN repo and when someone comes to make changes, they first check out the core project (Web Forms Application consisting of pages, C# classes, javascript files, global styles, images, etc.) into a new working directory, then check out the customised files and export them into the working directory of the core project. Once they've finished making changes they will commit any changes that happened in the core project (bug fixes, changes/features other customers will want), and then copy back the customised files to the customised working directory and commit that. Needless to say, it's a major pain and things get missed.
My end goal is to have a single working directory for the core project (excluding any special development branches), and a customised project per customer. The developer would have a solution file that has both of these projects as part of it, they can make changes to either, and commits would go to the right repos.
Now, I could set up a multi project solution that looks like this, but functionally I have no idea what to do. How can I run the core project and have all the customised files available? How do we deploy to a testing or production server? How do we handle things like the web config that are only partially customised (e.g. connection strings)?
If anyone has worked on something like this, or has an idea on how we could set up a project like this, it would be greatly appreciated.

Ok, my working place experienced the same problem before. We ended up using branch.
Say you have 2 projects in one directory (main), and now you have another client coming in.
Simply branch this directory (main) to another directory (clientA). Now in directory clientA, you should have 2 projects.Do your daily development as usual, but just merge in the changes in core project to main branch.
---ClientA (branch)
----Core (do merge back later)
----ClientACustomised (client based code, do not do any merge in)
One morething, since your work is web applicaton, you need update each branchs' web projects file, to make it binding to different URL on your local IIS.
Say main webapplication's url is "",
and you customised branch's web application url is ""


tfs2013 share project across many projects

I have a few (3) core projects I want to share across many solutions (12+).
So, say I have 12 websites and they use some shared back end core code (in this case I'm not talking about shared js, css or views - I'm talking about business objects, entity stuff, etc.).
I need to be able to identify which site has which version of the shared code in dev, test, prod, etc. so a developer can get the website code and get the right version of the shared code to develop or patch the website.
And then the MS build server needs to know which version of the shared code to get for the deployment.
To solve this, I'm seeing people branch that core code - which seems absurd to do 12+ times. (I do expect to branch the core code sometimes for things like hot fixes and long running projects.)
I'm also seeing people copy DLLs of the core code and check those in.
I would think I would list the dependencies for my solutions based on TFS label names somewhere so developers can easily get the apps running with the right code and given a tfs label the build server can get the code for the website and the proper version of the core code. I'm using TFS & VS 2013 at the moment too, so there's that.
So, is there a way to do this that's straightforward, supportable/scale-able and intuitive? Thanks - Peter
Labels in TFS is very limited. For example once the label created you couldn't change and update it. If one of your core projects updated, did you need to create a new label for it. If you did and use the new label for one of your solution. However you found there are some bugs in this update, you need a newer update of your core project to fix the bug. Then a newer label created, you need to manually maintain the dependencies which seems not to be an easy job.
Moreover how to list the dependencies for your solutions based on TFS label names? TFS don't have this built-in option, seems the only way is store it in a txt or someother files and check in the source control. Every time the developer open a website application need to check it first and get label from server to their workspace and work on it.
Usually the purpose of sharing code between projects is reducing maintenance. There’s two main code sharing paths: source and binary. The difference between them you could take a look at this blog: Code Sharing in Team Foundation Server
Sharing code between products is a primary cause of quality erosion and elevated bug counts. I would recommend you to build separately and sharing binary output through NuGet which use preferable.
Also take a look below similar questions:
Sharing code between solutions in TFS
TFS 2010 Branch Across Team Projects - Best Practices

SVN structure, projects and recommendations assistance

I have read FAR too many posts on SO and I am now in analysis paralysis!
I work with Visual Studio 2010 and I have many small projects, many of which reference library/shared projects.
I don't really mind about having to check/re-build dependent projects if I make changes to shared code...I'll be putting TeamCity in place ASAP to assist with this, but for the moment, I just amend the code next time I work on a project. Many projects are "write once and forget", so they'll never need updating.
The team is very small at the moment (ME!) but new devs are expected early this year, but it will still be a very small in-house team, with fast project cycles if that makes any difference.
At the moment I have a very flat folder structure on disk, so ALL of my sln files are in a "development" folder on disk. Then there is a folder per VS project. This makes sharing pretty simple, and also leaves me with a single packages folder for nuget.
I am about to import everything into SVN (VisualSVN) and I'd like to start adding things like database scripts, docs, UAT tests, etc. etc.
Do I keep my flat structure and have a single trunk/branch/tag at
root level?
Do I expand the structure to an SVN folder-per-solution
and then have trunk/src, trunk/docs and manage things like nuget
packages with svn:eternals?
Do I hybrid this and have an SVN folder-per-solution but with docs in the VS solution?
NOTE: I am putting in SVN so I can bring in some Java development but keep source code managed in a single way. We will also share with a DB team, who want to put docs/sql sripts etc in there. I intend a separate repository each for DB and Java - but would like a "similar" folder structure for each of them.
NOTE2: I have some SVN user experience, but no Admin experience. The new devs have no experience at all (they are coming from an AS/400 background) so the simpler the solution the better! I've looked at repo per project and svn:extenals and whilst it is a great solution, it will require me to manage and maintain all the time (as well as do my own work! lol)
ANY advice from people who have "Been there, done that-GTTS" is very gratefully received.
OK, I now have the following local solution structure:
ALL my sln/suo files are in the same folder.
ALL of my project folders/files are subfolders
This makes sharing projects easy enough...but looks very messy and is hard to find anything :(
Should I be using svn:externals to manage "reference" projects, so I can branch/tag them?
Should I only reference built DLL's - and all the management that comes with doing that?
Should I let VS2010 manage my folders, and not care that I have lots of "nuget" folders etc.?
VERY VERY confused now...any decent answers? :(
NOTE: Will be adding TeamCity (or something similar) to the mix ASAP to provide CI capabilities. Any serious (and FREE) recommendations for CI also appreciated.
Here is a structure I use at work and for personal projects:
SVN structure:
productA projects
productA solution
productA projects
productA solution
Periodically (when exactly depends on your needs) all changes from the main branch of shared code are merged into product's branches of the shared code. Changes to the shared code are either made in product's branch and then merged back, or in the main branch and then merge to products.
Product sources content:
Everything needed to build the complete package is considered as source. E.g. if you have DB scripts - they are part of sources. Tests - too. For documentation I usually add a separate project into the solution which contains all sources for building documentation and produces result in the output directory. Then a project creating installer will include it into the generated distributive.
This may be debatable, but I prefer to store tasks list next to sources and branch/merge them together. If a task is completed in a branch, it's not completed in trunk until merge. More general planning may or may not be appropriate for storing next to the sources.
On disk:
First of all I believe in working with repository in such a way that it's OK to not store working copies for every product, but check them out on demand. Of course, checking out/deleting working copy for every change is impractical, so I have a directory for every product which I'm working frequently at this time, inside of it I check out branches I work on (trunk and some others). The rest of products need not to be checked out if you don't expect their development soon.

How to tackle machine-dependant configuration with SVN and VS2010?

To start with some background, I am a member of a small team developing an ASP.NET application. In addition to us, there are 2 other teams working on it, all from different countries. Source code is hosted on a shared SVN server but there is no central testing environment. Each developer runs the app on their own machine and data services are set up per team.
Unfortunately our SVN workflow has some gaps in it: annoyances arise when there is time for an SVN update.
It is mainly because each developer and team have slightly different environments in terms of disk directory structure and configuration (both IIS and app itself). Hence conflicts in configuration files and elsewhere that in essence are not conflicts at all - for runtime configuration (XML) and in *.suo.
How should we handle this if our objective is to keep checkout, app setup and update as painless as possible?
One option would obviously be master copies. Another one establishing uniformity in developer environments and keeping it. But what about a third alternative?
One thing to do is to not put the .suo files into SVN, there's no reason to do that.
For IIS configuration there should be no argument - uniform environment across the build team.
For app.config files and the like, I tend to keep them in a separate "cfg" directory in the root of the project and use pre-build events to copy in the relevant ones I need depending on the project and environment I'm working on.
You could have a separate build task to copy in user-specific config into your output directory. Add a new directory in your root project called "user.config or something, and leave it empty. Then configure your project build to check this for entries and copy them to the output directory. This is easy to do, and then each dev can have their own config without affecting the master copies. Just make sure you have an ignore pattern on that folder so you don't commit user-specific configuration. If you have svnadmin access to your source code repo, you could set a hook to prevent it from ever happening.
Also set ignore patterns on your root directory (recursively) for .suo, .user, _Resharper or any other extensions you think are pertinent. There are some So questions already on exactly this topic:
Best general SVN Ignore Pattern?
Ignore *.suo and *.user files in svn. It is easy. After that create two types of config files in subversion. Development and Server, if in use add Test also. See below example.
Server files would contain server information. Development files is not contained in svn and ignored there. Every new developer will start by copying server files and making changes according to his environment.
Look following example site
following lines are interest.
<appSettings configSource="appSettingsDevelopment.config"/>
<connectionStrings configSource="ConnectionStringsDevelopment.config" />
ConfigSource can be used almost everywhere in web.config therefore you will be able to change every config to every developer. Only make use of following naming convention. ignore *Development.config in subversion. This way no developer config will be added to subversion.
Its not a perfect solution (and should only be used if there are not many of those special files), but what I do is to add fake files for each case, and switch the real file locally to it.
In detail: I have a file foo that creates the problem. I also create foo_1 and foo_2 and then locally switch foo to foo_1 (I use tortoisesvn, so I cant really give you the command line to do that). Then I am working on foo on my machine, but actually commit to foo_1. Other parties could then switch to foo_2...
(I admit this is basically a variant of the master-file approach you suggested yourself; but if there are not many actual changes to those files this at least reduces the numer of conflicts you have to think about)

Visual studio 2010 Publish / web deploy issues

I'm using Publish/Web Deploy to deploy an aplication from Visual studio 2010. It works perfect, but there is a problem. If the new release is not working as expected, the old version is already replaced by the new one and there is no easy way to roll back to the working version. How is this best solved? I wish it was possible to keep the old version on the server so I could just switch back if needed.
With WebDeploy there is no built in rollback feature, so once you've deployed that's it.
There's a number of hand rolled strategies you could put in place, for example:
Limited Access e.g. Shared Hosting:
Where you don't have full access to the machine -
Backup the live site beforehand by downloading it.
Keep copies of what you deployed so you can push the previous version should something break
Full Access:
Maintain two sets of folders for the application and map your site to one or other of these folders. When you come to deploy switch the IIS site's physical path to the other folder then deploy. If the site fails then just knock the site back to the original folder. Each successful deploy would alternate between these two folders.
For stuff like user uploaded content you'd need to map virtual directories to a place on the file system that's always the same place because you don't want to be copying these around each time.
You're not the only one who has encountered these issues. Have a look at this article by Rob Conery and his observations about the state of affairs regarding ASP.NET deployment.
ASP.NET Deployment Needs To Be Fixed
Getting Constructive On ASP.NET Deployment
Using some form of Source Control would be another alternative. We use subversion, so if the publish goes bad, we can just update back to the last-good revision, and publish that. Even if you're the only developer, using source control can be very useful.

Visual Source Safe - Removing files from web projects

I'll try to make this as straight forward as possible.
Currently our team has a VSS database where our projects are stored.
Developers grab the code and place on their localhost machine and develop locally.
Designated developer grabs latest version and pushes to development server.
The problem is, when a file is removed from the project (by deleting it in VS2008) then the next time another developer (not the one who deleted it) checks in, it prompts them to check in those deleted files because they still have a copy on their local machine.
Is there a way around this? To have VSS instruct the client machine to remove these files and not prompt them to check back in? What is the preferred approach for this?
Edit Note(s):
I agree SVN is better than VSS
I agree Web Application project is better than Web Site project
Problem: This same thing happens with files which are removed from class libraries.
You number one way around this is to stop using web site projects. Web Site Projects cause visual studio to automatically add anything it finds in the project path to the project.
Instead, move to Web Application Projects which don't have this behavior problem.
Web Site projects are good for single person developments.
VB shops from the days gone past had similiar issues in that whatever they had installed affected the build process. You might take a page from their playbook and have a "clean" build machine. Prior to doing a deployment you would delete all of the project folders, then do a get latest. This way you would be sure that the only thing deployed is what you have in source control.
Incidentally, this is also how the TFS Build server works. It deletes the workspace, then creates a new one and downloads the necessary project files.
Further, you might consider using something like Cruise Control to handle builds.
Maybe the dev should take care to only check in or add things that they have been working on. Its kind of sloppy if they are adding things that they were not even using.
Your best solution would be to switch to a better version control system, like SVN.
At my job we recently acquired a project from an outsourcing company who did use VSS as their version control. We were able to import all of the change history into SVN from VSS, and get up and running pretty quickly with SVN at that point.
And with SVN, you can set up ignores for files and folders, so the files in your web projects dont get put into SVN and the ignore attributes are checked out onto each developer's machine
I believe we used VSSMigrate to do the migration to SVN
VSS is an awful versioning system and you should switch to SVN but that's got nothing to do with the crux of the problem. The project file contains references to what files are actually part of the project. If the visual studio project isn't checked in along with the changes to it, theres no way for any other developer to be fully updated hence queries to delete files when they grab the latest from VSS. From there you've got multiple choices...
Make the vbproj part of the repository. Any project level changes will be part of the commit and other developers can be notified. Problem here is it's also going to be on the dev server. Ideally you could use near the same process to deploy to dev as you would to deploy as release. This leads into the other way...
SVN gives you hooks for almost all major events, where hooks are literally just a properly named batch file / exe. For your purposes, you could use a post-commit hook to push the appropriate files, say via ftp, to the server on every commit. File problems solved, and more importantly closer towards the concept of continuous integration.
Something you may want to consider doing:
Get Latest (Recursive)
Check In ...
Its a manual process, but it may give you the desired result, plus if VS talks about deleted files, you know they should be deleted from the local machine in step 1.
