Performance of NewRelic Real User Monitoring - performance

We're been using NewRelic Real User Monitoring to track performance and activity.
We've noticed that the browser metrics are showing the majority of time is just Network times.
Even extremely small and simple server pages are showing average times of 3-5 seconds, even though they are just a few k in size and their Web application times and rendering times are mere milliseconds.
The site is hosted in the UK and when I run Chrome's Network Developer Tools I can see the page loading in around 50ms and then the hit to (in the USA) taking a further 500ms.
The majority of our clients do not have the luxury of high bandwidth or modern browsers and I believe that NewRelic itself is causing them a particularly poor user experience.
Are there any ways of making the new relic calls perform better? Can I make new relic call to a local (UK or Europe) based beacon?
I don't want to turn off new relic, but at the moment, it is causing more performance issues than it is alerting us to.

New Relic real user monitoring (RUM) does not affect the page load time for your users. The 500 ms that you are seeing refers to the amount of time it takes for the RUM data we collected from your app to reach our servers here in the U.S. The data is transferred after the pages are loaded, so it doesn't affect the page load at all for your users. This 500 ms of data travel time, therefore, is not part of any of our measurements of the networking, page rendering or DOM processing time.
New Relic calculates network time by first finding the total amount of time your application takes from request to page load, and then subtracting any application server time from that total. It is assumed that the resulting amount of time is "network" time. As such, it doesn't include the amount of time it takes to send that data to New Relic's servers. See this page for more info on how RUM works:
If you're worried that there might be a bug or that your numbers don't look accurate, you can always file a support ticket with New Relic so we can look at your account in more detail.


detect scaling problem form performance test result

I conducted performance testing on e-commerce website and I have the test results with some matrices. I already found some problems on some component for example on checkout or post login with high response time and error. But I also would like to find issues that are limiting the application to scale. I only did the testing on the application server. And I observed that CPU , I/O rate are very stable as well. But still the application gives high response time. Is there any other way I can determine from the test result why it is not scaling well? Thank!
From JMeter test result only - unlikely, JMeter just sends requests, waits for the responses and measures the time in-between plus collects some extra metrics like connect time and latency, see the JMeter Glossary for full list with explanations
The integrated system acts at the speed of its slowest component, possible reasons could be in:
Network issues (i.e. lack of bandwidth, faulty router, long DNS resolution time, etc.)
Your application is not properly configured for high loads. Inspect the current setup of the application in terms of thread pools, maximum number of open connections, any limitations on resource usage, etc. Look for documentation on performance tuning of individual middleware compoments as well.
Repeat your test run with a profiler tool telemetry enabled or look at the APM tool output for the test time frame if the tool is in place, it will allow you do perform a deep dive into what's going on under the hood of this or that function call as it might be inefficient algorithm or a slow database query

How much user traffic/day each heroku dyno should attend?

I'm thinking about launching an web app with heroku but I have no idea to calculate the performance cost. According to their website 1 dyno to professional support is at least $ 25 /month gives a machine with "512MB or 1GB RAM".
If my website has a standard load assets and I have 1,000 people everyday access, how many "dynos" should be recommended to have a reasonable good speed for users?
This will likely get shut down as it's not a 'programming' question. I'll try to answer quickly.
It all depends on how fast your page executes on the server, if it's slow then you run the risk of requests being timed out before they can be served by the app server. Adding more dyno's does not make your application faster though, changing the dyno type, standard-1x, 2x, PM, PL does as it makes more resources available however, slow code will always be slow code - throwing more resources at it is like a band-aid for a period of time.
In short, it's very application dependent both from a code point of view and traffic point of view - do those 1000 users arrive at the same time or are they spreadout?

Can chrome's network tab can be compared with jmeter?

I have webportal for testing, our product owner want us to do measure performace of website by using chrome's network tab. Is it correct way to measure performance. My product owner wants me to mesaure Finish time and consider that time for performance of web portal. So my question is, is it a correct way of performance testing.Chrome Network tab finish time
This tool reports client-side performance, you can rely on it up to certain extent as it reports how long did page load take from browser's perspective.
However the test is not very representative as for example I'm getting the page loaded in ~3 seconds (and I'm using flaky mobile internet) while you have ~13 seconds.
So I would recommend considering a better tool, for example YSLow which not only measures rendering time but also can detect and report related issues.
Another point is, given application response time is 3 seconds while 1 user is accessing it, how do you know what response time will be when 100 users will be concurrently working with the application? 500 users? 1000 users? That's why you should not limit your performance testing to measuring DOM load and rendering speed only, you need to mimic at least anticipated number of your application users simultaneously accessing the application - this will give you some initial performance metrics to see whether your application behaviour is acceptable or not.

Time reported in WILY is very much less compared to Load Runner Time. Why?

I am trying to monitor the time spent on server using WILY Introscope but i observe that the time mentioned in WILY for each of the servers is in the range of 100 to 1000 ms. But the time taken for a page to load in browser is almost 5 seconds.
Why is the tool reporting incorrect value ? how to get the complete time in WILY ?
time mentioned in WILY for each of the servers is in the range of 100
to 1000 ms. But the time taken for a page to load in browser is almost
5 seconds.
Reason is - In Browser, you see all the outgoing traffic from the browser. Ideally, any web page would contain 1 POST request followed by multiple GET requests. POST could be your text/html data while Get could be image, CSS, javascript etc.
Mostly these Get requests would be answered by the Web server and post request would be served by involving app server.
The time reported in WILY is only the time spent on server to serve the POST request. Your GET request calls will not be captured by WILY.
Why is the tool reporting incorrect value ? how to get the complete
time in WILY ?
Tool is not reporting incorrect value. Tool sits on a JVM ideally. So it monitors the activity of the JVM and provides the metrics. That is the expected behavior.
A page is a complex item, requiring parsing of the page contents and then requests to multiple servers/sources. So, your page load time will be made up request time for an individual component, processing time for the page parsing and javascript (depending upon virtual user type), requests for the page components, where they are served from, etc... Compare this to your Wily monitoring, which may only be on one of the tiers involved.
For instance, you may have static components being served from a CDN which has zero visibility in your Wily Model. You might also be looking at your app server when the majority of the time is spent serving static components off of a web server, which is oft ignored from a monitoring perspective. Your page could have third party components which are loading which get counted in the Loadrunner time, but do not get counted in the Wily time.
It all comes down a a question of sampling. It is very common for what you see in your deep diag tool to be a piece of the total page load, or an individual request which makes up a page where there are many more components to be loaded. If you want and even more interesting look then enable the w3c time-taken field in your web HTTP request logs and look to see the cost of every individual request. You can do this in the web layer of your app servers as well. Wily will then provide internal breakdown for those items which are "slow."

Ajax-calls: big differences between server runtime and client waiting time

I have two REST endpoints driving some navigation in a web site. Both create nearly the same response, but one gets its data straight from the db whereas the other has to ask a search engine (solr) first to get some data and then do the db calls.
If i profile both endpoints via JProfiler i get a higher runtime (approx. 60%) for the second one (about 31ms vs. 53ms). That's as expected.
Profile result:
If i view the same ajax calls from the client side i get a very different picture.
The faster of the both calls takes about 146 ms waiting and network time
The slower of the both calls takes about 1.4 seconds waiting and network
Frontend timing is measured via chrome developer tools. The server is a tomcat 7.0.30 running in STS 3.2. Client and server live on the same system, db and solr are external so there should be no network latency between tomcat and the browser. As a side note: The faster response has the bigger payload (2.6 vs 4.5 kb).
I have no idea why the slower of the both calls takes about 60% more server time but in sum nearly 1000% more "frontend time".
The question is: Is there any way i can figure out where this timing differences originate?
By default, the CPU views in JProfiler show times in the "Runnable" thread state. If a thread reads data from a socket connection or waits for some condition, that time is not included in the "Runnable" thread state.
In the upper right corner of the CPU views there is a thread state selector. If you change that to "All states", you will get times that you can compare with the wall clock times from the browser.
