how to build and deploy sakai cle 2.9.x in eclipse - maven

I have imported "sakai" project into eclipse.
How do I build and deploy automatically in "Sakai 2.9.x" in eclipse?

Building from within eclipse is not recommended. We would suggest that you build from the maven command line. However, I think this is answered here: How to build and run Maven projects after importing into Eclipse IDE


Having Maven Plugins in IntelliJ IDEA without Maven Installation in Computer

I just started to use Maven and IntelliJ IDEA.
I imported a project into IntelliJ IDEA which requires Maven. I didn't install Maven to my computer but I have 2 plugins in IntelliJ IDEA named as "Maven" and "Maven Extension". And the code I have is running without any dependency problem.
In that case, do I still need to install Maven from the web or just the plugins in the IntellJ are enough for projects with Maven?
Can we say that for every project? If someone can explain the logic behind I would be very happy.
Thanks a lot!
Intellij comes with a bundled version of Maven (see File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven; the property 'Maven home directory' on that screen by defaults points to 'Bundled (Maven 3)').
You don't have to, but you can still install your own version of Maven, and point that property to it. It has the advantage of being able to run maven from the command-line, which is a better guarantee of build-stability (i.e. building the same project in different environments with the same result) than building directly inside of your IDE. And often is way more helpful in investigating build problems.

Can't build project through intellij-idea with maven, but through console command "mvn package" build successful

I got a project written in java EE 5.
I use:
Java 7
Maven 3.5.4
idea 2018.2.5x64
When you build a project through idea, the project is not built.
enter image description here
But when I run the mvn package through console, the process completes successfully
Help me please for this issue.
Try to update your maven dependencies in Intellij. Usually you should see a prompt asking you to do that.
Read this for more details on updating dependencies: How can I make IntelliJ IDEA update my dependencies from Maven?

Tycho build Cohabiting with Eclipse RCP

The context: I have embraced Eclipse Tycho to automate the build of my small clutch of plugins. It does a great job. Part of the Tycho migration included removing all Eclipse .project and .classpath files from SCM.
The problem: To work on my plugins in Eclipse I must import my projects using "Import => Existing Maven Project", however the resulting Eclipse project has a very different shape:
It lacks any Eclipse plugins required to compile it
though my sources lie in the usual directory src/main/java the project is not configured use this as a source directory.
My question: How can I build a .project and .classpath combination that will get me back to pre-Tycho IDE productivity.
I have tried mvn eclipse:eclipse which says "eclipse-plugin" no longer supported, but does Tycho have something similar that is?
mvn clean install builds successfully
In retrospect the solution seems obvious, and my many thanks to oberlies for the clue.
To develop Eclipse plugins you must be using the Eclipse RCP/RAP edition or the Maven/Tycho import will not prompt you to install the Tycho configurator that maps the Maven project back into an Eclipse RCP project.
Repeating the steps outlined in my question, using "Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers" prompts the developer to install the configurator, after which Eclipse requires a restart, and leaves perfectly useful RCP plugins projects.

Installing maven and the maven eclipse plugin?

I installed maven from here:
and also installed plugin for eclipse from the eclipse marketplace.
This is a really dumb question, but what's the difference between the two?
both are same thing ? or for differnet purposes ?
do we need both on system ?
Maven itself is the software you can use on your machine. It has nothing to do with Eclipse. You can use it from the command line with the mvn command to execute Maven goals on your projects in the file system.
The Maven Eclipse plugin (m2e) integrates Maven with Eclipse so you can comfortably use Maven functionality from inside Eclipse rather than using Maven as an external tool. The plugin just integrates Maven with Eclipse and needs a Maven installation to work. You can configure the plugin to use the Maven installation on your system but there is no need for one. It can use it's own internal "installation" of the actual Maven software. This would be basically the same as you can download and install yourself but it is integrated with the plugin. It therefor can't be used outside Eclipse.

run maven project form github in eclipse

I have imported a Git project from this url to my Eclipse.
How can I run this project? I am not familiar to maven and javaEE. please guide me to run this project. I am confused.
I have installed eclipse javaEE Kepler. but i do not know how to configure this project to run? what is type of my run? maven build or junit?
