shieldui mvc demo works for me when published, but not other user -

I'm testing out ShieldUI graphing in an MVC site using the demo version. (Incidentally, I really like it.) When I publish my site to Azure, my sample graphs look normal to me (apart from "demo version" warning). But when another user views the published site, he doesn't see the graphs. Instead he sees a message that says "thank you for using the trial version of ShieldUI for ASP.NET MVC." Why does it work for me, but not the other user? We're hitting the same site.

The trial message is rendered by the trial version of the Shield.Mvc.UI assembly you are using in the MVC project, but the message should not prevent the chart from showing properly. Make sure you're not getting any javascript errors in the browser console. If the problem does not go away, can you post some code we can look at?


Should Google Tag Manager code be inserted in an ASP.NET Site.Master?

We are implementing Google Tag Manager in our web site. The site is an ASP.NET Web Forms site. It seems to me that the optimal way to implement this is to insert the Google code in Site.Master.aspx - is this correct, or is there a better way?
For our webforms site, we put our tag manager code in the master page, both in order to ensure that the code is in the right place (at the very beginning of the body tag) and also to easily get it loaded onto every page. Unless you have some unusual circumstance I think that seems most logical to me.

SharePoint 2016 - Add Direct Line chat bot in Master Page to make it available in all the pages

I want to make my Direct line chat bot (using MS bot framework v4 - c# code ) to be available in all pages of my SharePoint 2016 on premises site, I'd a thought to adding the script to my site's master page so that it will be available in all the pages of my SharePoint site.
Before heading to that plan, i want to get some expert ideas on the following,
Is that a good idea or is there any other better idea.
If anyone successfully achieved it, i want to know how it affects
the SharePoint performance, since my chat bot's UI is customized
using Jquery, bootstrap, fontawesome..etc. Hence i've this
performance doubt.
How easy is to revert the changes, if anythings goes wrong, since i've no test environment and i'm taking a risk of testing it in production.
please guide me with your ideas and experiences.
I would recommend putting it in a SPFx web part (more dynamic, future ready) or just a script editor web part (depending on your need).
Performance would only be affected client-side. It's all going to be client side stuff anyhow. It won't affect the backend of SharePoint/server.

Can I see server logs or something equivalent on AppHarbor?

I just pushed my app to appharbor. I don't need full-on google analytics (and I can't use it since mostly my app is about dynamically creating rss feeds) but would just like to get a general idea how often my site is being hit and the types of urls that people are hitting.
Normally I would just keep an eye on the severlog but that doesn't seem to be available on appharbor. How can I get something equivalent?
I recently turned on the logentries add-on available in Appharbor and it has been a godsend for solving some server-side errors on my asp mvc 3 app. Extending my code to log routing requests would be a simple few lines of code.

Google in-page analytics doesn't work in my ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor website

We've recently launched a new website and since the launch I've been unable to get in-page analytics working on the website. Google also claims that my tracking code is not working but I think this is a misnomer.
Whenever I attempt to load in-page analytics I receive the error:
We've identified problems in your setup. These may cause problems loading In-Page Analytics.
Your site doesn't load ga.js from Google.
If you host the Google tracking code on your own servers, it isn't updated automatically and can miss important changes.
We didn't find a tracking snippet on your site. In-Page Analytics cannot load. Please make sure you have tracking installed correctly. If your snippet is included in a separate JavaScript file, you'll have to manually check it is being loaded correctly.
I've simply copy and pasted the tracking code on to the website and haven't done anything out of the ordinary. I've also checked to make sure that under Web Property Settings my Web property name and default URL is
Any ideas you guys have really would be welcomed.
EDIT: Added screenshot of Google Analytics error
Thanks in advance
Well there's whole buncha people in the web complaining about the same issue.
I've noticed something funny.
Most of developers love to exclude Analytics tracking code for logged in administrators and trying to check out In-Page Analytics while they're logged in. So there's really no any ga.js.
In my experience, this occurred when I hadn't set my default URL to exactly match the URL set in the profile.
P.S. Someone beat me to your source!
Got the same problem on Magento Enterprise, but solution was pretty simple: GA code just need to be placed before <head> tags. After this simple fix In-Page tracking works perfectly.
Also, be sure you have no framekiller installed in your site.

JSR168 Portlet Strange Page Expiring

I'm having a strange problem and no luck debugging.
I was tasked with writing a JSR168 compliant portlet to search a database. When you open the portlet, you're given 6 search boxes for different criteria to search several thousand records. Once you press search, it brings up another page (it keeps the first page and uses <jsp: include> for the second page so users can see/change their search terms) with the search results. From the search results page, the user can click on one of the results (which redirects to a new page) and get more detailed information about it.
All of that works. The problem is when the user wants to search again.
When I developed this, I used LifeRay installed on my local machine. Everything works perfectly in IE, Firefox, and Chrome. However, when I deploy it to our development portal (IBM WebSphere), it doesn't quite work in IE. In Firefox/Chrome, when a user is on the detailed information page, they can hit back on their browser and it loads a cached version of the search results. Perfect, because this content rarely changes.
However, in IE, when they click the back button on the detailed view, we get a "Webpage has expired message". I've tried every caching setting in the portal settings for the portlet as well as the page, but haven't had any luck.
Anyone have any ideas?
There are settings at the portal level too.
Check out following link
You could try tweeking some of these paramters as required by your portlets
The "Webpage has expired message" in IE indicates that you did a POST. You could try using a GET, which should not have this problem on "back" command.
You should install WebSphere Portal on your developer machine and test locally before going to another environment.
