Understanding XOR logical operator - ruby

I don't understand this
2.0.0p247 :616 > 5 ^ 2
=> 7
2.0.0p247 :617 > 5 ^ 1
=> 4
What 7 and 4 means in those scenarios?
I try reading here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exclusive_disjunction but cannot figure out by looking into the diagrams what is the subtract here. Sorry if this is simple math question.

It has to do with the binary representation of the values.
5 = 0101
2 = 0010
1 = 0001
Now the XOR works like this:
0 ^ 0 = 0
0 ^ 1 = 1
1 ^ 0 = 1
1 ^ 1 = 0
so to compute 5 ^ 2, let's apply the ^ operation to each column:
0101 (this is 5)
0010 (this is 2)
0111 ==> which is the binary representation of 7
How did this work? In the leftmost column, we computed 0^0=0. In the second column, 1^0=1. In the third column 0^1=1, and so on.
and 5 ^ 1
0101 (this is 5)
0001 (this is 1)
0100 ==> which is the binary represenation of 4


Why does ^1 equal -2?

Why does this print -2?
The ^ operator is the bitwise complement operator. Spec: Arithmetic operators:
For integer operands, the unary operators +, -, and ^ are defined as follows:
+x is 0 + x
-x negation is 0 - x
^x bitwise complement is m ^ x with m = "all bits set to 1" for unsigned x
and m = -1 for signed x
So 1 in binary is a single 1 bit preceded with full of zeros:
So the bitwise complement is a single 0 bit preceded by full of ones:
The ^1 is an untyped constant expression. When it is passed to a function, it has to be converted to a type. Since 1 is an untyped integer constant, its default type int will be used. int in Go is represented using the 2's complement where negative numbers start with a 1. The number being full ones is -1, the number being smaller by one (in binary) is -2 etc.
The bit pattern above is the 2's complement representation of -2.
To print the bit patterns and type, use this code:
fmt.Printf("%T\n", ^1)
fmt.Printf("%064b\n", 1)
i := ^1
fmt.Printf("%064b\n", uint(i))
It outputs (try it on the Go Playground):
Okay, this has to do with the way that we use signed signs in computation.
For a 1 byte number, you can get
You can see here that 1 is equivalent to 0001 (Nothing changes) but -1 is equal to 1111. ^ operator does a bitwise xor operation. Therefore:
1111 xor
1110 -> That is actually -2.
All this is because of the convention of two complement that we use to do calculations with negative numbers. Of course, this can be extrapolated to longer binary numbers.
You can test this by using windows calculator to do a xor bitwise calculation.

What is << stand for in ruby with integer

What is use of << I understand in array it is used for push but here I am not clear what is purpose of this in following code. Where it is being used integer.
def array_pack(a)
a.reverse.reduce(0) { |x, b| (x << 8) + b }
array_pack([24, 85, 0]) # will print 21784
like if I x is 8 and I write 8 << 8 it gives me response of 2048 so is it converting in bytes? or what exact is its purpose.
It is a Bitwise LEFT shift operator.
The LEFT SHIFT operator << shifts each bit of a number to the left by n positions.
If you do 7 << 2 = 28
7 in Base 2: 0000 0111
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
7: 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Now shift each bit to the left by 2 positions
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
28: 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
Bitwise operators are widely used for low-level programming on embedded systems to apply a mask (in this case to integer)
See this SO answer: link
View Source for more details: link
As the documentation says, Integer:<< - Returns the integer shifted left "X" positions, or right if "X" is negative. In your scenario is shifts 8 positions to the left.
Here is how it works:
8.to(2) => "1000"
Now let's shift "1000" 8 positions to the left
(8 << 8).to_s(2) => "100000000000"
If you count the 0 above you will see it added 8 after "1000".
Now, let's see how it returns 2048
"100000000000".to_i(2) => 2048

Hashing binary numbers with don't care bits

How can I find out if a binary number is contained in a set, where it is possible that an element of the set has don’t care bits?
I thought about using hash table, but there is a need to duplicate the numbers with don’t care bits in the hash table in order to cover all the possibilities.
For example:
The set of numbers is:
0 00x1
1 10xx
2 110x
3 1010
4 11x1
5 0010
and the number is 0011, the result should be 0.
If number of digits of binary number are limited then you can duplicate those don't care bits and convert the binary numbers to integers then use these integers as keys for map and other as values.
0 00x1
1 10xx
can be converted to
0001 0
0011 0
1000 1
1001 1
1010 1
1011 1
and saved as
i j
1 0
3 0
8 1
9 1
10 1
11 1
where i is the key and j is the value
Let's say you have the binary number 1xxx, that would match 8 numbers. So, do not go with duplicating for each option.
You have to keep the "do not care" bits somewhere. Use another number for this, set the "do not care" bits to 1. If we go over your example:
i x y
0 00x1 0010
1 10xx 0011
2 110x 0001
3 1010 0000
4 11x1 0010
5 0010 0000
And you need to decide what to use for x, 0 or 1. You can use any of them, once you keep the information in the second number it does not matter.
Now use bitwise operations:
if ((n ^ x[i]) | y[i]) == y[i] then match
This solution is based on checking the existence of any non-matching bits except do-not-care bits. (n xor x[i]) gives the non-matching bits, then or'ing it with y[i] should not be different than y[i].
If we go over your example, and assuming you choose 0 for x, the check becomes
i:0 -->> ((0011 ^ 0001) | 0010) == 0010 -->> match!
i:1 -->> ((0011 ^ 1000) | 0011) != 0011 -->> no match!
i:2 -->> ((0011 ^ 1100) | 0001) != 0001 -->> no match!
i:3 -->> ((0011 ^ 1010) | 0000) != 0001 -->> no match!
i:4 -->> ((0011 ^ 1101) | 0010) != 0001 -->> no match!
i:5 -->> ((0011 ^ 0010) | 0000) != 0000 -->> no match!

What does ^ mean in Ruby? [duplicate]

1 ^ 1
# => 0
1 ^ 2
# => 3
5 ^ 6
# => 3
These are the results I am getting. Can, please, somebody explain how ^ works?
It's a bitwise XOR operator.
For each bit in the binary representation of the operands, a bitwise XOR will get a 1 bit if one of the corresponding bits in the operands is 1, but not both, otherwise the XOR will get a 0 bit. Here's an example:
5 = 101
6 = 110
5 ^ 6 = 011 = 3

What does & do in ruby (between integers)

I would like to know what & does in the use case:
7 & 3
=> 3
8 & 3
=> 0
Or as seen in the general use case:
Integer & Integer
=> ??
I know that array & array2 gives the intersection between the two arrays, but I am unsure of exactly what is going on here when used with integers.
& is bitwise AND which examines the two operands bit-by-bit and sets each result bit to 1 if both the corresponding input bits are 1, and 0 otherwise. You can also think of it as bit-by-bit multiplication.
111 (7)
AND 011 (3)
= 011 (3)
1000 (8)
AND 0011 (3)
= 0000 (0)
