How to maintain HTML internal links when converting with Pandoc - pandoc

I am trying to convert from html to pdf with Pandoc. The output is pretty nice, still with the command pandoc index.html -o output.pdfI lose all my internal links (from table of contents to chapters, from text to footnotes, etc).
In my HTML this is the outdegree link
<p class="calibre18"><span class="calibre8">CHAPTER ONE</span><br class="calibre19"></br>The Ever Expanding Domain of Computation</p>
which then lands here
Chapter 1 makes the case that because of...
and here
<p class="calibre18"><span class="calibre8">CHAPTER ONE</span><br class="calibre19"></br>The Ever Expanding Domain of Computation</p>...
Is there any way to keep all the links also in the output?

The Pandoc User's Guide section on Internal Links says
Internal links are currently supported for HTML formats (including HTML slide shows and EPUB), LaTeX, and ConTeXt.
This suggests that internal links aren't currently supported for PDF output, even though the PDF output is generated via LaTeX.

Internal links should work straightforwardly in PDF. However, for printing purposes, the default is not to color them. Have you tried clicking on the text that should be a link?


Migrate from bookdown to pure Pandoc: split the HTML output in one page per section

I have a book project in RMarkdown, but since I do not use Knitr or other RMarkdown specific features I am considering switching to pure Pandoc to remove the R burden from the dependencies.
For what concerns PDF and ePub output it seems all straightforward to me, but I have some troubles with the HTML output. In fact Pandoc generates a single HTML file with the entire book.
With Bookdown I used the gitbook HTML output which generates a page for each section and each page have the complete TOC on the left sidebar and its footnotes and partial bibliography on the bottom.
To achieve this I thought to write a md file for each section and convert them one by one with Pandoc (for the HTML output, and merge them to one unique file for converting to PDF and ePub), but in this way I cannot have references across sections, have a full bibliography at the end and also easily create a TOC.
So my question is if there is an easy way (e.g. a Pandoc filter or a script) to generate an HTML book (similar to gitbook in behavior, the style doesn't matter) without installing R and Bookdown?
Pandoc follows the philosophy of only writing files that have explicitly be specified on the command line. This is why no such feature is not built in.
It would be possible to do what you want with the help of a custom writer. The basic would be doable in a few lines of Lua code, but it's likely that you'd have to implement all bookdown features yourself.
The best (IMHO) alternative is to use Quarto, a standalone tool built on top of pandoc, created in part by the authors of bookdown. That way you can remove R from your dependencies but retain the features of bookdown -- and more.

Asciidoc: how to get page headers & footers?

Is there a correct way to get Asciidoc to include headers and footers?
I am trying to work out whether Asciidoc is a serious contender for printed material. I know that it is supposed to be docbook compatible, but I can’t find out how to create chapters, headers and footers.
I am trying to create instructional material. Currently I am using Atom with the asciidoc plugin to create the text, and Marked 2 on the Mac to get a better look and to export it to PDF.
Running page headers and footers are not part of the AsciiDoc language but the tool you use for PDF conversion. From my view you have (at least) 2 options:
Follow the instructions in Exporting Print/PDF of your Marked 2 user manual to create page headers and footers (this might turn out difficult using the AsciiDoc processor instead of MultiMarkdown).
"You can specify headers and footers on a per-document basis using MultiMarkdown metadata at the very top of the document"
Since you probably have installed Asciidoctor anyway to support asciidoc in Marked 2 you could use an Asciidoctor PDF theme to generate PDF with headers/footers using Asciidoctor PDF. You would have to find an appropriate theme or create one yourself, though.
The most frequently used way to generate PDF output, however, seems to be generating DocBook output first and convert that to PDF using dblatex with DocBook XSL stylesheets (see AsciiDoc homepage). Maybe someone else can say more about that.

Prevent asciidoc from converting a file path into a link

I'm manually converting a MS Word document to asciidoc format.
By doing so I ran into an issue that I can't work around yet.
There is an example where I want to show the reader of how the syntax of a file link should look like.
So I used this as an example:
Asciidoc now renders this pseudo link into an actual link and warns me about this while converting my asciidoc document into HTML and PDF.
Usually, I would simply use the [source] element to prevent the link rendering. But the file link is part of a table.
|keyTabLocation |file:///<Path>/<to>/<Keytab>
Is there a way to prevent the rendering/convertion of the file link?
Okay, I found the solution. I had to escape the whole macro using a \ at the beginning.
So this did the trick:
|keyTabLocation |\file:///<Path>/<to>/<Keytab>

Markdown to pdf: page marking

I want to make pdf by markdown: write makrdown and convert it in pdf.
Can I page marking by means of a markdown?
I understand as "a page marking" transition to new page, location of a line to page center across, text location in page center, etc.
I suspect that the best way to get about doing this is to do a Markdown-HTML-PDF convertion. Your markdown implementation should be able to generate HTML and then use something like wicked_pdf (ruby) or the underlying wkhtmltopdf to go from HTML to PDF. The wicked_pdf documentation outlines how to do page numbering with the help of some javascript. For page breaking you should be able to use CSS to keep things together and force page breaks. Check out page-break-inside and page-break-after for this. There is a discussion about it in the wkhtmltopdf manual.

create a simple pdf report from html

I'm looking for a way to generate pdf files from html
In order to make simple tabular reports I would need the following features
table rendering
variable page size
repeating headers / footers on every page
calculated page number / total page
css support would be nice
I know there have been many similar questions in stackoverflow, but I don't know if there's a product that supports the aforementioned features...
Ideally, the source would be a plain and simple well built html with css, (I'm building the html files, so I can adapt to the products needs, that is, it won't have to render every piece of html crap you can throw at a browser) and with some custom tags to configure headings, footer, page size, etc...
then I would run a command line to convert it from html to pdf.
I think does something like that
Take a look at TCPDF
Check out the examples.
