Create new document with autofilled field - Lotus Script - lotus

I'm not sure, that title is correct, but i'll try to describe my qyestion in more detail.
What i have?
In Lotus db i have view V1 with two columns - names and address. Also i have two forms (for simplicity - F1 and F2). F1 has two fields: "Recipient" (names) and Title (text string) and Button "Send". F2 also has field Title (text string). After opening DB person can choose one document from view V1 and press button "Create", which creates new document on F1, where field Recipient takes chosen address from view V1. Then person fills field Title and press button "Send" to send message for Recipient with doc.Subject = Title . On this stage everything is clearly understandable
What i need?
In this mail, Recipient should receive link for creating new document on form F2, with automatic filling for the field "Title" with the "Subject" value from this mail.

Notes has a feature called "Send form in document". I would use that feature when I send the message to the user. The message that you send would not be an ordinary "Memo". It would actually be a custom form with a button that contains your code, and it would appear in the recipient's Inbox just like an ordinary email.
To do this, I would create another form F3. This is the form that you will email. Add whatever fields you want to this form. Also add a button with code to open your database, create a document using F2, and populate the fields of F2 with the data that you sent in F3.
Then go into F1 and modify the code that is sending the message. (Since you haven't shown any of your code, I'm assuming in your LotusScript code you have named the NotesDocument variable "msg".) Change it to set msg.Form="F3", and then in your call to msg.Send be sure to set the first argument to true. This will activate the store form in document feature, so the recipient will get a copy of F3 included inside the message, and the button will be functional.

This is how I would solve it:
A document ("Doc1") is created using Form1.
The fields are populated and the 'Send' button is clicked.
The 'Send' button will create a new document ("Doc2") using Form2.
The code will populate the 'Title' field on "Doc2" with the value of 'Title' on "Doc1", and create a new email. The email will contain a doclink to "Doc2", so the recipient can click on it to open the document.
Save "Doc1" and "Doc2" and close both documents.
Use the AppendDocLink method of the NotesRichTextItem class to create the doclink.


How to pass values or reference objects between the sceen powerapps

I am developing an app using PowerApps Web. Tried to integrate excel file which has tables in it. There is table called "employee" which has few details about employee. In first screen i just show employee listing with names in it. But when user clicks on any of the listing item, i would want to show the details about the employee in the next screen.
Note: I am able to connect to the excel file which is in dropbox. Excel file has employee table information. But only the problem is passing reference of selected employee to the next screen in powerapps.
On the Navigate call that you use to move from a screen to the next you can pass an optional third parameter (context) that is passed to the next screen.
So for example, if you display your employee names in a gallery in the first screen, and within one of the controls of the gallery you handle the OnSelect action to navigate to the next screen, you can pass the ThisItem value that represents the value that is being used in the gallery:
Navigate(ScreenDetails, ScreenTransition.Fade, { employee: ThisItem })
In the second screen (ScreenDetails), you can access the properties of the selected employee by using the employee context variable. For example, if you have a text box (label) in that screen, you can set its Text property to
And that will show the name of the employee that you selected in the previous screen.

Can I add a custom/email domain column in Outlook?

Sometimes in Outlook I want to be able to see the last few emails I received or sent to a client.
As there can be several individual email addresses per client, the only way to reliably identify emails as belonging to a client is to look at the domain part of the email address, eg the company in
How can I add this as a sortable column in the main views (Inbox, Sent Items, etc)?
Almost found what I want from here (I've improved on the formula).
Add a new column to a view from the Show Columns dialog, click New Column and enter a new formula based column:
IIf(InStr([SearchFromEmail], "#") = 0, "", Mid([SearchFromEmail], InStr([SearchFromEmail], "#") + 1))
Similar question was asked here
Be aware, the ItemAdd event of the Items class is not fired when multiple items are added to the folder at the same time.
You can handle the NewMailEx event of the Application class which is fires when a new message arrives in the Inbox and before client rule processing occurs. You can use the Entry ID returned in the EntryIDCollection array to call the NameSpace.GetItemFromID method and process the item.
In the event handler you can add a user property which can be user in the UI for sorting items (MailItem.UserProperties.Add). The CurrentView property of the Folder class returns a View object representing the current view.
The View object allows you to create customizable views that allow you to better sort, group and ultimately view data of all different types. There are a variety of different view types that provide the flexibility needed to create and maintain your important data.
- The table view type (olTableView) allows you to view data in a simple field-based table.
- The Calendar view type (olCalendarView) allows you to view data in a calendar format.
- The card view type (olCardView) allows you to view data in a series of cards. Each card displays the information contained by the item and can be sorted.
- The icon view type (olIconView) allows you to view data as icons, similar to a Windows folder or explorer.
- The timeline view type (olTimelineView) allows you to view data as it is received in a customizable linear time line.
Views are defined and customized using the View object's XML property. The XML property allows you to create and set a customized XML schema that defines the various features of a view.
Not out of the box. You can process all your existing emails (and automatically process all new items using MAPIFolder.Items.ItemAdd event on the folders that you want to process) to set a user property (MailItem.UserProperties.Add) to the value extracted by your code. If you modify the folder views to include your property, you will be able to see it.

How to Dynamically set to Field in Oracle apex 5.1 button

I have button in a page that will send an email. I have created a process for sending email (which is in built). The email is working fine.
My problem now is to assign to based on the form item (P5_email).
Also on the Email body, i would want to dynamically update the text based on the Items on the page
Anyone with the idea
Enter substitution string &P5_EMAIL. in Body Plain Text property of Send Email Process to include dynamic content in your text.

Add record with ID, selecting NAME from another table

Can anyone, please, help me with Libreoffice Base form creation?
I have the following tables:
And I'm trying to add a form to enter new RESOURCES record with the following fields: [RESOURCE_NAME], [CURRENCY_NAME] and [AMOUNT]. But after 10+ tries I have not succeeded. I have tried adding it via wizard, selecting RESOURCES as main form and CURRENCIES as subform and vice versa. I have tried VIEWS and forms based on them. These tries only gave to me or no possibility to enter new record, either creation of the new CURRENCY.
I don't need to create new currency via this form, I only want to enter new Resource (only enter once, not to modify, not to delete). Since I don't want to remember all the ID's I want to select currency name via DropDown list.
Can anyone provide instructions about how to do it, please?
You do not need a subform for this - just create your form document with RESOURCES as the main form (only form).
You will need a listbox to enter the currency item. A listbox has two fields, a display field and a field that is saved in the table. You will set it up to display CURRENCY_NAME and store CURRENCY_ID.
When you create a listbox, the wizard that pops up may get you what you want. If the wizard falls short:
Make sure the form document is open in design mode: on the "Form Controls" toolbar, the leftmost/topmost icon of a pencil with a triangle should be depressed. If this icon is grayed out, close your document, right-click on its name and choose "Edit".
Right-click on the listbox and choose "Control"; this will open the properties window
On the tab "Data" change the "Type of list contents" to "Sql"
The Bound Field should default to 1. If it isn't 1, change it to 1.
Close the properties window and save your form. It should work as you want now.
If you want a listbox inside a tablegrid: after you create the table, with the form in edit mode, right-click on the column name you want to change and choose "Replace with" and then "listbox".
Edited to include comment by OP about bound field needing to be 1

how to ignore subject field or define a default value for it,in a Microsoft dynamic crm Activity form

I create a new Activity in Microsoft dynamic CRM for sending SMS. but i dont need the "Subject" field in Activity Form and want to ignore it.
I tried to hide the subject field but is require field.
first i deselect the visible by default option in field property. after publish the customization i open the form and subject field has been hide. but when i pressed the Save button, activity form alert me You must provide a value for Subject. and show subject field.
how can i ignore Subject or define a default value for it?
You just need to change the requirement level.
On the form designer double click on the field. This will show you the Field Properties where the Visible by default checkbox is.
Click on the Details tab and then click the Edit button.
Here you can set the Requirement Level from Business Required to No Constraint.
Now you can hide the field from your form.
Save and Publish your customizations.
Your other option is using JavaScript.
On Load of the form you could use the following:
// Change the required level
On Save you could use the following:
// Set a default value
Xrm.Page.getAttribute("subject").setValue("This is your default value");
