Selectively loading iis log files into Hive - hadoop

I am just getting started with Hadoop/Pig/Hive on the cloudera platform and have questions on how to effectively load data for querying.
I currently have ~50GB of iis logs loaded into hdfs with the following directory structure:
I would like to load all the logs into a Hive table.
I have two issues/questions:
My first issue is that some of the webservers may not have been configured correctly and will have iis logs without all columns. These incorrect logs need additional processing to map the available columns in the log to the schema that contains all columns.
The data is space delimited, the issue is that when not all columns are enabled, the log only includes the columns enabled. Hive cant automatically insert nulls since the data does not include the columns that are empty. I need to be able to map the available columns in the log to the full schema.
Example good log:
#Fields: date time s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem useragent
2013-07-16 00:00:00 GET /common/viewFile/1232 Mozilla/5.0+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/27.0.1453.116+Safari/537.36
Example log with missing columns (cs-method and useragent):
#Fields: date time s-ip cs-uri-stem
2013-07-16 00:00:00 /common/viewFile/1232
The log with missing columns needs to be mapped to the full schema like this:
#Fields: date time s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem useragent
2013-07-16 00:00:00 null /common/viewFile/1232 null
How can I map these enabled fields to a schema that includes all possible columns, inserting blank/null/- token for fields that were missing? Is this something I could handle with a Pig script?
How can I define my Hive tables to include information from the hdfs path, namely Org and SubOrg in my dir structure example so that it is query-able in Hive? I am also unsure how to properly import data from the many directories into a single hive table.

First provide Sample data for better help.
How can I map these enabled fields to a schema that includes all possible columns, inserting blank/null/- token for fields that were missing?
If you have delimiter in file you can use Hive and hive automatically inserts nulls properly wherever data is not there.provided that you do not have delimiter as part of your data.
Is this something I could handle with a Pig script?
If you have delimiter among the fields then you can use Hive ,otherwise you can go for mapreduce/pig.
How can I include information from the hdfs path, namely Org and SubOrg in my dir structure example so that it is query-able in Hive?
Seems you are new bee in hive,before querying you have to create a table which includes information like path,delimiter and schema.
Is this a good candidate for partitioning?
You can apply partition on date if you wish.

I was able to solve both my issues with Pig UDF (user defined functions)
Mapping columns to proper schema: See this answer and this one.
All I really had to do is add some logic to handle the iis headers that start with #. Below are the snippets from getNext() that I used, everything else is the same as mr2ert's example code.
See the values[0].equals("#Fields:") parts.
public Tuple getNext() throws IOException {
Tuple t = mTupleFactory.newTuple(1);
// ignore header lines except the field definitions
if(values[0].startsWith("#") && !values[0].equals("#Fields:")) {
return t;
ArrayList<String> tf = new ArrayList<String>();
int pos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
if (fieldHeaders == null || values[0].equals("#Fields:")) {
// grab field headers ignoring the #Fields: token at values[0]
if(i > 0) {
fieldHeaders = tf;
} else {
readField(values[i], pos);
pos = pos + 1;
To include information from the file path, I added the following to my LoadFunc UDF that I used to solve 1. In the prepareToRead override, grab the filepath and store it in a member variable.
public class IISLoader extends LoadFunc {
public void prepareToRead(RecordReader reader, PigSplit split) {
in = reader;
filePath = ((FileSplit)split.getWrappedSplit()).getPath().toString();
Then within getNext() I could add the path to the output tuple.


OpenCSV : getting the list of header names in the order it appears in csv

I am using Springboot + OpenCSV to parse a CSV with 120 columns (sample 1). I upload the file process each rows and in case of error, return a similar CSV (say errorCSV). This errorCSV will have only errored out rows with 120 original columns and 3 additional columns for details on what went wrong. Sample Error file 2
I have used annotation based processing and beans are populating fine. But I need to get header names in the order they appear in the csv. This particular part is quite challenging. Then capture exception and original data during parsing. The two together can later be used in writing CSV.
CSVReaderHeaderAware headerReader;
headerReader = new CSVReaderHeaderAware(reader);
try {
header = headerReader.readMap().keySet();
} catch (CsvValidationException e) {
However the header order is jumbled and there is no way to get header index. The reason being CSVReaderHeaderAware internally uses a HashMap. In order to solve this I built my custom class. It is a replica of CSVReaderHeaderAware 3 except that I used LinkedHashMap
public class CSVReaderHeaderOrderAware extends CSVReader {
private final Map<String, Integer> headerIndex = new LinkedHashMap<>();
// This code cannot be done with a stream and Collectors.toMap()
// because Map.merge() does not play well with null values. Some
// implementations throw a NullPointerException, others simply remove
// the key from the map.
Map<String, String> resultMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(headerIndex.size()*2);
It does the job however wanted to check if this is the best way out or can you think of a better way to get header names and failed values back and write in a csv.
I referred to following links but couldn't get much help
How to read from particular header in opencsv?

how to join header row to detail rows in multiple files with apache pig

I have several CSV files in a HDFS folder which I load to a relation with:
source = LOAD '$data' USING PigStorage(','); --the $data is a passed as a parameter to the pig command.
When I dump it, the structure of the source relation is as follows: (note that the data is text qualified but I will deal with that using the REPLACE function)
<.... more records ....>
<.... more records ....>
So each file has a header which provides some information about the data set that follows it such as the provider of the data and the date range it covers.
So now, how can I transform the above structure and create a new relation like the following ?:
(HEADER,20110118,20101218,20110118,T00002),{(0000000000000000035412,20110107,2699,D,20110107,2315.,,,,,,C),(0000000000000000035412,20110107,2699,D,20110107,246..,162,74,,,,B),..more tuples..},
(HEADER,20110224,20110109,20110224,T00002),{(0000000000000000035412,20110121,2028,D,20110121,a6c3.,,,,,R,P),(0000000000000000035412,20110217,2619,D,20110217,a6c3.,,,,,R,P),..more tuples..},..more tuples..
Where each header tuple is followed by a bag of record tuples belonging to that header ?.
Unfortunately there is no common key field between the header and the detail rows, so I don't think cant use any JOIN operation. ?
I am quite new to Pig and Hadoop and this is one of the first concept projects that I am engaging in.
Hope my question is clear and look forward to some guidance here.
This should get you started.
Source = LOAD '$data' USING PigStorage(',','-tagFile');
A = SPLIT Source INTO FileHeaders IF $1 == 'HEADER', FileData OTHERWISE;
B = GROUP FileData BY $0;
C = GROUP FileHeaders BY $0;
D = JOIN B BY Group, C BY Group;

How can I extract values from a custom flat file header into variables?

I have been stuck for a while with this problem and I have no clue. I am trying to upload multiple CSV files which has dates but I wanted the dates stored as date variables so I use the date variables to form part of the column in a table using script componet and I have no idea how to create the dates as date variables in SSIS.
CSV files look as shown below when opened in Excel.
CSV data 1:
Relative Date: 02/01/2013
Run Date: 15/01/2013
CSV data 2:
Relative Date: 14/02/2013
Run Date: 17/02/2013
Second Ave,E12,110
Fourth Avenue, E12,130
I want the Relative Date and Run Date stored as date variables. I hope I made sense.
Your best solution would be to use a Script Task in your control flow. With this you would pre-process your CSV files - you can easily parse the first two rows, retrieving your wanted dates and storing them into two variables created beforehand. (
Important to make sure when passing the variables into the script task you set them as ReadWriteVariables. Use these variables in any way you desire afterwards.
Updated Quick Walkthrough:
I presume that the CSV files you will want to import will be located in the same directory:
Add a Foreach Loop Container which will loop through the files in your specified directory and inside, a Script Task which will be responsible for parsing the two dates in each of your files and a Data Flow Task which you will use for your file import.
Create the variables you will be using - one for the FileName/Path, two for the two dates you want to retrieve. These you won't fill in as it will be done automatically in your process.
Set-up your Foreach Loop Container:
Select a Foreach File Enumerator
Select a directory folder that will contain your files. (Even better, add a variable that will take in a path you specify. This can then be read into the enumerator using its expression builder)
Wildcard for the files that will be searched in that directory.
You also need to map each filename the enumerator generates to the variable you created earlier.
Open up your Script Task, add the three variables to the ReadWriteVariables section. This is important, otherwise you won't be able to write to your variables.
This is the script I used for the purpose. Not necessarily the best, works for this example.
public void Main()
string filePath = this.Dts.Variables["User::FileName"].Value.ToString();
using (StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(filePath))
string line = "";
bool getNext = true;
while (getNext && (line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
if(line.Contains("Relative Date"))
string date = getDate(line);
this.Dts.Variables["User::RelativeDate"].Value = date;
// Test Event Information
bool fireAgain = false;
this.Dts.Events.FireInformation(1, "Rel Date", date,
"", 0, ref fireAgain);
else if (line.Contains("Run Date"))
string date = getDate(line);
this.Dts.Variables["User::RunDate"].Value = date;
// Test Event Information
bool fireAgain = false;
this.Dts.Events.FireInformation(1, "Run Date", date,
"", 0, ref fireAgain);
Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;
private string getDate(string line)
Regex r = new Regex(#"\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4}");
MatchCollection matches = r.Matches(line);
return matches[matches.Count - 1].Value;
The results from the execution of the Script Task for the two CSV files. The dates can now be used in any way you fancy in your Data Flow Task. Make sure you skip the first rows you don't need to import in your Source configuration.

Adding partitions to Hive from a MapReduce Job

I am new to Hive and MapReduce and would really appreciate your answer and also provide a right approach.
I have defined an external table logs in hive partitioned on date and origin server with an external location on hdfs /data/logs/. I have a MapReduce job which fetches these logs file and splits them and stores under the folder mentioned above. Like
From MapReduce job I would like add partitions to the table logs in Hive. I know the two approaches
alter table command -- Too many alter table commands
adding dynamic partitions
For approach two I see only examples of INSERT OVERWRITE which is not an options for me. Is there a way to add these new partitions to the table after the end of the job?
To do this from within a Map/Reduce job I would recommend using Apache HCatalog, which is a new project stamped under Hadoop.
HCatalog really is an abstraction layer on top of HDFS so you can write your outputs in a standardized way, be it from Hive, Pig or M/R. Where this comes into the picture for you, is that you can directly load data in Hive from your Map/Reduce job using the output format HCatOutputFormat. Below is an example taken from the official website.
A current code example for writing out a specific partition for (a=1,b=1) would go something like this:
Map<String, String> partitionValues = new HashMap<String, String>();
partitionValues.put("a", "1");
partitionValues.put("b", "1");
HCatTableInfo info = HCatTableInfo.getOutputTableInfo(dbName, tblName, partitionValues);
HCatOutputFormat.setOutput(job, info);
And to write to multiple partitions, separate jobs will have to be kicked off with each of the above.
You can also use dynamic partitions with HCatalog, in which case you could load as many partitions as you want in the same job !
I recommend reading further on HCatalog on the website provided above, which should give you more details if needed.
In reality, things are a little more complicated than that, which is unfortunate because it is undocumented in official sources (as of now), and it takes a few days of frustration to figure out.
I've found that I need to do the following to get HCatalog Mapreduce jobs to work with writing to dynamic partitions:
In my record writing phase of my job (usually the reducer), I have to manually add my dynamic partitions (HCatFieldSchema) to my HCatSchema objects.
The trouble is that HCatOutputFormat.getTableSchema(config) does not actually return partitioned fields. They need to be manually added
HCatFieldSchema hfs1 = new HCatFieldSchema("date", Type.STRING, null);
HCatFieldSchema hfs2 = new HCatFieldSchema("some_partition", Type.STRING, null);
Here's the code for writing into multiple tables with dynamic partitioning in one job using HCatalog, the code has been tested on Hadoop 2.5.0, Hive 0.13.1:
// ... Job setup, InputFormatClass, etc ...
String dbName = null;
String[] tables = {"table0", "table1"};
MultiOutputFormat.JobConfigurer configurer = MultiOutputFormat.createConfigurer(job);
List<String> partitions = new ArrayList<String>();
partitions.add(0, "partition0");
partitions.add(1, "partition1");
HCatFieldSchema partition0 = new HCatFieldSchema("partition0", TypeInfoFactory.stringTypeInfo, null);
HCatFieldSchema partition1 = new HCatFieldSchema("partition1", TypeInfoFactory.stringTypeInfo, null);
for (String table : tables) {
configurer.addOutputFormat(table, HCatOutputFormat.class, BytesWritable.class, CatRecord.class);
OutputJobInfo outputJobInfo = OutputJobInfo.create(dbName, table, null);
configurer.getJob(table), outputJobInfo
HCatSchema schema = HCatOutputFormat.getTableSchema(configurer.getJob(table).getConfiguration());
return job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1;
public static class MyMapper extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text, BytesWritable, HCatRecord> {
protected void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
HCatRecord record = new DefaultHCatRecord(3); // Including partitions
record.set(0, value.toString());
// partitions must be set after non-partition fields
record.set(1, "0"); // partition0=0
record.set(2, "1"); // partition1=1
MultiOutputFormat.write("table0", null, record, context);
MultiOutputFormat.write("table1", null, record, context);

SingleColumnValueFilter not returning proper number of rows

In our HBase table, each row has a column called crawl identifier. Using a MapReduce job, we only want to process at any one time rows from a given crawl. In order to run the job more efficiently we gave our scan object a filter that (we hoped) would remove all rows except those with the given crawl identifier. However, we quickly discovered that our jobs were not processing the correct number of rows.
I wrote a test mapper to simply count the number of rows with the correct crawl identifier, without any filters. It iterated over all the rows in the table and counted the correct, expected number of rows (~15000). When we took that same job, added a filter to the scan object, the count dropped to ~3000. There was no manipulation of the table itself during or in between these two jobs.
Since adding the scan filter caused the visible rows to change so dramatically, we expect that we simply built the filter incorrectly.
Our MapReduce job features a single mapper:
public static class RowCountMapper extends TableMapper<ImmutableBytesWritable, Put>{
public String crawlIdentifier;
// counters
private static enum CountRows {
public void setup(Context context){
Configuration configuration=context.getConfiguration();
public void map(ImmutableBytesWritable legacykey, Result row, Context context){
String rowIdentifier=HBaseSchema.getValueFromRow(row, HBaseSchema.CRAWL_IDENTIFIER_COLUMN);
if (StringUtils.equals(crawlIdentifier, rowIdentifier)){
The filter setup is like this:
String crawlIdentifier=configuration.get(ConfigPropertyLib.CRAWL_IDENTIFIER_PROPERTY);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(crawlIdentifier)){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Crawl Identifier not set.");
// build an HBase scanner
Scan scan=new Scan();
SingleColumnValueFilter filter=new SingleColumnValueFilter(HBaseSchema.CRAWL_IDENTIFIER_COLUMN.getFamily(),
Are we using the wrong filter, or have we configured it wrong?
EDIT: we're looking at manually adding all the column families as per but I'm pretty sure the Scan includes all the families by default.
The filter looks correct, but under certain conditions one scenario that could cause this relates to character encodings. Your Filter is using Bytes.toBytes(String) which uses UTF8 [1], whereas you might be using native character encoding in HBaseSchema or when you write the record if you use String.getBytes()[2]. Check that the crawlIdentifier was originally written to HBase using the following to ensure the filter is comparing like for like in the filtered scan.
