Need to know Joomla Session timer data type - session

I have been looking under database of joomla. There I found under gu94g_session table, time column which is having value 1377499731. What does it mean. how I can decode this time. Would appreciate help.

The time column contains the Unix timestamp at the time of the records creation.
In Joomla! 2.5+ and 3.x+ the time column of #__session is set to value returned by PHP's time() i.e. the current Unix timestamp.
When sessions are stored in the database, the /libraries/joomla/sessions/storage/database.php file creates a record using this SQL query:
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->set($db->quoteName('data') . ' = ' . $db->quote($data))
->set($db->quoteName('time') . ' = ' . $db->quote((int) time()))
->where($db->quoteName('session_id') . ' = ' . $db->quote($id));
The time is set with this line:
->set($db->quoteName('time') . ' = ' . $db->quote((int) time()))

Its time stamp value of the current date time.
When the user get logged in in the site front end or back end a corresponding session is created with their login time like strtotime(date("Y-m-d h:i:s")) and save that on the time column Then based on the back end value its check expiry and clear session.
I think now its clear for you..


Laravel 8 - count clicks but user can't spam the function

In my website I track clicks on a specific link and save the count on database with this function:
public function redirect($url)
$data = Class::where('url', $url)->first('clicks');
$cnt = $data->clicks;
$sql = Class::where('url', $url)->update([
'clicks' => $cnt,
if (!$sql) {
return redirect(''.$url);
the problem is if someone spam the link , the count goes up. I want stop count if user clicked on link 5mins ago.
he will redirected to the link but count doesn't go up.
I'm new so it's so good if you explain it with details. Thanks
I would create a new table, lets call it link_clicks. You will need 3 columns, one to identify the person, one to get the time and one to identify the link (I dont exactly know how you store the links you want to observe).
So more or less you will have the following table:
If the users are always logged in, I would store the user_id, if they are not logged in, I would store the IP-address. So instead of user_id make a column called ip or ip-address.
Afterwards you can easily get the last click and its time.
Your new table contains following entry:
user_id = 1, link_id = 1 and created_at = 2021-04-21 19:00:00
Now in your controller you get the current date_time date("Y-m-d H:i:s") and the user id like that: auth()->id(). You can also define your time treshold in minutes e.g max_dif = 5.
Afterwards you can query the table for all clicks for the user. You can either make the time comparision in your where() statement or you can make some comaprison in your php code to check if the time treshhold is reached.

Double time specification in file in laravel api

I am making api's in laravel and getting 2021-01-30T10:30:17.704 05:30 from $request->followup and i have column in database named followup having datetime datatype. But it's giving me following error.
Carbon\Exceptions\InvalidFormatException: Could not parse '2021-01-30T10:30:17.704 05:30': DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (2021-01-30T10:30:17.704 05:30) at position 24 (0): Double time specification in file D:\xampp2\htdocs\synocrm-baid\rest-apis\vendor\nesbot\carbon\src\Carbon\Traits\Creator.php on line 188
I tried to change format like
$followupDate = date('Y-m-d h:i:s A',strtotime($request->followup));
My modal having
#property Carbon|null $followup
$request->followup is appending datetime with datetime
Original Value: 2021-01-30T10:30:17.704 05:30
Datetime: 2021-01-30T10:30:17.704
Time: 05:30
As we can see, there is two Time (05:30 and 10:30:17), because of which the strtotime() cannot convert the value.
In order to fix the problem,
Send the value as time time only (2021-01-30T10:30:17.704) instead of two times Time attribute
If you have no control over request value, you can retrieve only date value like:
$dateValue = explode(' ', $request->followup)[0];
$followupDate = date('Y-m-d h:i:s A',strtotime($dateValue));
Or Using Carbon
$followupDate = Carbon::parse($dateValue);
I would not recommend option 2 because it creates problems and confusion for other devs.
2021-01-30T10:30:17.704 05:30
It does not seem to valid timestamp. For parsing, it should be the valid timestamp or date.

How pass month value and get start and end date of month In laravel

I am a new Laravel and using Laravel 5.5.
I want to pass value of month and get start and end date of passing month.
Suppose pass 5 (May month) the get value
Start date: 01-05-2019
End date: 30-05-2019
I have tried:
$finalMonth = 5;
$startMonth = Carbon::now()->addMonth($finalMonth)->day(1)->format("Y-m-d");
$endMonth = Carbon::now()->addMonth($finalMonth)->endOfMonth()->format("Y-m-d");
But It's given the wrong result because of it adds current month+pass month.
Means 4+5=9 that means sept.
Please Help
Instead of using:
$startMonth = Carbon::now()->addMonth($finalMonth)->day(1)->format("Y-m-d");
Use instead the month method:
$startMonth = Carbon::now()->month($finalMonth)->day(1)->format("Y-m-d");
See: carbon-get-month-by-number-returns-march-for-number-2
Use instead Below :
$startMonth = Carbon::now()->month($finalMonth)->day(1)->format("Y-m-d");

ORACLE detecting duplicate data even the text is lower or uppercase

I'm using ORACLE database. How to detect duplicate data even the text is lower or uppercase.
Assuming on my table already inserted : Production
Now I want to add: production (with lower case), it should be detect duplicate. In my current case, it was not detected and inserted.
Here is the sample query:
SELECT * FROM tb_departments WHERE DEPARTMENT_NAME = '" . $getDepartmentName . "';
Anyone have an idea?
You can use the UPPER (or LOWER) function, which capitalize your string, i.e.
SELECT * FROM tb_departments WHERE UPPER(DEPARTMENT_NAME) = UPPER('" . $getDepartmentName . "');
As small variation you could capitalize your input string in the code and use
SELECT * FROM tb_departments WHERE UPPER(DEPARTMENT_NAME) = '" . $yourUpperDepartmentName . "';
Moreover I suggest you use query parameters, instead of injecting directly the parameters string ($getDepartmentName ) in your query.

How to get sets of Records in VB6?

Hey guys, just want to ask you a simple question that I know you're familiar with... I am using VB6, I just want to get sets of records from my database. What I mean is that I have UserID and with a part of code provided below, it only gets a single set of record. Like for instance, the value of UserID is A12, and so, all sets of records with the UserID of A12 must display in Textboxes respectively with the aid of datPayroll.Recordset.MoveNext.
With datPayroll
.RecordSource = "select * from tblpayroll where empid like '" & UserID & "'"
Me.txtRegularHours.Text = .Recordset.Fields!reghours
End With
-datPayroll : DataControl
-txtRegularHours : Textbox
-UserID : Variable
You probably want to look at MoveFirst, MoveNext, etc. and also EOF
Here is a link or two to get you started:
MoveFirst, MoveNext
You need to check that you have some data in your Recordset using EOF, then MoveFirst to move to the first record, and loop through using MoveNext.
