Cache issue / conflict with mobile & desktop themes - Magento Community 1.7 - magento

We’re using Magento Community version 1.7 and have a standard desktop theme and a mobile theme. We’ve added matched expressions to the General > Design > Themes section to display the relevant theme based on browser user agent.
Everything works great when the cache is switched off. However, when the cache is switched on and cleared, the theme which is loaded first gets cached. Is there a way around this? Either creating a separate cache for each theme or even switching the cache off altogether for the mobile theme?
Many thanks in advance for any advice you can give.

One way to bypass this is to leave the block cache and layouts not cached. These two are probably causing the issue to happen. This won't be that great of a performance hit since Magento is a resource hog anyway. I would recommend enabling Zend Full Page Cache and perhaps even using something like memcached or APC to supplement the default magento caching.
Hope this helps!


Improve prestashop site page speed

Hi i want improve prestashop page speed
i tried following thing
Speed Up your Site and compression with htaccess file (also tries this )
minfied css & js
use cdn (but not working )
Is there any way for do this currently page speed is 11.6 i need it 4-5.
Thanks in advance
You should use Prestashop Profiling system to see if there are long running SQL queries or if a hook is taking too much time.
To enable Prestashop Profiling you should edit your /config/ file and turn line define('_PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_', false); to define('_PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_', true);.
We can't help you further without more informations.
Ok, so this is not just a problem of optimization of your code. I can see that you added a cdn optimize1., Prestashop allows you to add 3 different cdn, you should use this option (it will allows parallels downloads of your content). Here is some information on the subject.

Yii Website shows old pages

I am not sure why, but lately, my yii 1 website shows pages from the cache too much. Earlier, if I uploaded via FTP, it'd show the latest page. Now it doesn't do that. I also get complaints from users that they are now faced with old pages or they have problems that are later fixed with a history clear.
What could potential problems be. Can I tune down Yii caching or flush it?

How to cache specific resources while disable cache is on in Chrome

Is it possible to cache specific resources while developing with disable cache option turned on in Chrome Dev Tools?
One might want to cache while testing local projects with caching disabled, for example.
You can't using DevTools. The disable cache disables the entire cache possible.
You may star a recent feature request in the Chromium issue tracker asking for just this feature. Please remember that +1, me too, and any other un-constructive comments are not needed. Simply login and click the star beside the issue number in the left sidebar. That will let the developers know others want this functionality as well.

Edit pages content through a UI

Sorry if someone already did this question, but I couldn't find it. I want to allow my client to edit the website pages content through a UI, not using notepad++ or something like that, you know? Like edit the FAQ or add some new product to his store. I don't know how to search it. I already looked for admin dashboard templates, but nothing...
If I'm not mistaken, you want a CMS (Content Management System). This would allow you to run a website with an editor and many other tools to help you and your clients out with development. Popular CMS's even have large libraries of plugins to customize and add virtually anything to the development environment. Popular CMS's include:
You can even develop your own via PHP and MySQL databasing. Not only does this allow you to have the tools tailored to your needs, but it's also a great learning experience.
If you're looking for just a sort of online IDE (Integrated Development Environment), then Cloud9 may suit your needs, but it can get pricy depending on what you need:
Overall, if you're dealing with dozens of HTML documents on a website, it can get messy and the need to switch to templating is an absolute necessity. CMS's are easy to install and have a lot of features, but they can be very bulky. So if you're just looking for a simple management system, I think PHP and MySQL would be best for your scenario. If that's all you want then here are some articles to get you started:

Installing a reputation system on phpbb causes layout problems

I have tried several times to install a reputation system mod on my phpbb forum. But it always causes the problem that my layout is messed up.
Is there a way I can work around this?
The mod I use is the rep system by pico88. I cant show the layout problems because the forum is up and running.
Maybe there is a reputation system that doesnt do anything with the layout?
That's a bit of a heavy modification for the server. I'm not getting into details. Speaking if which you should have posted some more. Like phpBB version, mod version, style etc. I can only guess what you are referring to without details...
I suggest you to use the Ajax like/dislike system By SiteSplat. Its Premium plugin and ppular among its users base. You can find it Here and the premium themes with support are Here
