modify captured array c++11 lambda function - c++11

I'm writing an Windows phone application with C++/CX. The function tries to copy input array to output array asynchronously:
IAsyncAction CopyAsync(const Platform::Array<byte, 1>^ input, Platform::WriteOnlyArray<byte, 1>^ output)
byte *inputData = input->Data;
byte *outputData = output->Data;
int byteCount = input->Length;
// if I put it here, there is no error
//memcpy_s(outputData, byteCount, inputData, byteCount);
return concurrency::create_async([&]() -> void {
memcpy_s(outputData, byteCount, inputData, byteCount); // access violation exception
This function compiles but cannot run correctly and produces an "Access violation exception". How can I modify values in the output array?

This is Undefined Behaviour: by the time you use your 3 captured (by reference) variables inputData/outputData/byteCount in the lambda, you already returned from CopyAsync and the stack has been trashed.
It's really the same issue as if you returned a reference to a local variable from a function (which we know is evil), except that here the references are hidden inside the lambda so it's a bit harder to see at first glance.
If you are sure that input and output won't change and will still be reachable between the moment you call CopyAsync and the moment you run the asynchronous action, you can capture your variables by value instead of by reference:
return concurrency::create_async([=]() -> void {
// ^ here
memcpy_s(outputData, byteCount, inputData, byteCount);
Since they're only pointers (and an int), you won't be copying the pointed-to data, only the pointers themselves.
Or you could just capture input and output by value: since they're garbage-collected pointers this will at least make sure the objects are still reachable by the time you run the lambda:
return concurrency::create_async([=]() -> void {
memcpy_s(output->Data, input->Length, input->Data, input->Length);
I for one prefer this second solution, it provides more guarantees (namely, object reachability) than the first one.


check an exception to call a C structure from go

I have a structure in C and I called that structure in my go program. If that structure throws any error it terminates my go program like below
#ifndef _ORDERBOOK_H
#define _ORDERBOOK_H
typedef struct order order;
struct order {
int tradeid;
int side;
int symbol;
double amount;
double price;
include "orderbook.h"
order* order_place(char *side,double amount,double price,char symbol[19])
struct order *tradeorder= calloc(1000000,sizeof(struct order));//Initlize the structure
//My internal code which place an order
clob_ord_t o=unxs_order(c, (clob_ord_t){CLOB_TYPE_LMT,parsed_side, amount, .lmt =price, .usr = (uintptr_t)out},NANPX);
if (o.qty.dis + o.qty.hid > 0.dd) {
/* put remainder of order into book */
i = clob_add(c, o);
//printf("orderid..%lu\n", i.usr);
printf("orderid..%s\n", i.usr);
insertMap(hashTable, i.usr, i);
// printMap(hashTable);
return tradeorder; //return the structure
o:=C.order_place(C.CString("ASK"),C.double(12.0),C.double(1.0),C.CString("1")) //this line may get an exception If some wrong parameter to pass otherwise returns correct value
If I put correct parameter to order_pace function from go there is no issue, If I pass some incorrect parameter then In get an exception an it terminates the go server. Now I need to handle that exception so that my server remain running irrespective of an exception.
You can't catch the fatal fault, and it isn't safe to continue after your C code throws a fault (unlike Go). The running program is in an undefined potentially dangerous state. The safest thing to do is shutdown the program and/or let it crash.
You must check for errors within C.order_place and return an error on failure. Eg, return NULL.
A few other recommendations:
Allocate struct order via Go to rely on the garbage collector to simplify memory management.
var order C.struct_order
C.order_place(&order, side, ...)
Always free strings allocated via C.CString once they are no longer needed.
cstr := C.CString("test")
Depending on your platform, you can simplify debugging with improved stack traces by importing cgosymbolizer. This adds support for C stack traces.
import _ ""
You probably should use char *symbol instead of char symbol[19] in your example since C.CString returns a pointer to an arbitrarily long C string, not a pointer to an array of 19 chars.

Call golang function from Tcl sript

We use a third party Tcl parsing library to validation Tcl script for both syntax and semantic checking. The driver was written in C and defined a set of utility functions. Then it calls Tcl_CreateObjCommand so the script could call these C functions. Now we are in the process of porting the main program to go and I could not find a way to do this. Anyone know a way to call golang functions from Tcl script?
static int
create_utility_tcl_cmds(Tcl_Interp* interp)
if (Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "ip_v4_address",
ip_address, (ClientData)AF_INET, NULL) == NULL) {
TCL_CHECKER_TCL_CMD_EVENT(0, "ip_v4_address");
return -1;
return 0;
Assuming you've set the relevant functions as exported and built the Go parts of your project as in
Using Go code in an existing C project
The important things to note are:
The package needs to be called main
You need to have a main function, although it can be empty.
You need to import the package C
You need special //export comments to mark the functions you want callable from C.
I can compile it as a C callable static library with the following command:
go build -buildmode=c-archive foo.go
Then the core of what remains to be done is to write the C glue function from Tcl's API to your Go code. That will involve a function something like:
static int ip_address_glue(
ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) {
// Need an explicit cast; ClientData is really void*
GoInt address_family = (GoInt) clientData;
// Check for the right number of arguments
if (objc != 2) {
Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "address");
return TCL_ERROR;
// Convert the argument to a Go string
GoString address;
int len;
address.p = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[1], &len);
address.n = len; // This bit is hiding a type mismatch
// Do the call; I assume your Go function is called ip_address
ip_address(address_family, address);
// Assume the Go code doesn't fail, so no need to map the failure back to Tcl
return TCL_OK;
(Credit to for providing enough information for me to work out some of the type bindings.)
That's then the function that you register with Tcl as the callback.
Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "ip_v4_address", ip_address_glue, (ClientData)AF_INET, NULL);
Theoretically, a command registration can fail. Practically, that only happens when the Tcl interpreter (or a few critical namespaces within it) is being deleted.
Mapping a failure into Tcl is going to be easiest if it is encoded at the Go level as an enumeration. Probably easiest to represent success as zero. With that, you'd then do:
GoInt failure_code = ip_address(address_family, address);
switch (failure_code) {
case 0: // Success
return TCL_OK;
case 1: // First type of failure
Tcl_SetResult(interp, "failure of type #1", TCL_STATIC);
return TCL_ERROR;
// ... etc for each expected case ...
default: // Should be unreachable, yes?
Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf("unexpected failure: %d", failure_code));
return TCL_ERROR;
Passing back more complex return types with tuples of values (especially a combination of a success indicator and a “real” result value) should also be possible, but I've not got a Go development environment in order to probe how they're mapped at the C level.

Ruby C extension : How do I know that a ruby VALUE generated in my C code will be correctly cleaned by GC?

I'm trying to write a really small C extension. So I don't want to make a whole ruby class, with initializer, allocator, and so forth. All I want to do is add a static method to an existing class, method which will run an algorithm and return a result. Unfortunately, all documentation I find only speak about wrapping a C struct into a VALUE, but that's not my use case.
What I want to know : if I create a ruby object (which will allocate memory) inside my C code, and that I return it as the result of my function, will it be taken care of properly by the garbage collector, or is it going to leak ?
Example :
void Init_my_extension()
VALUE cFooModule;
cFooModule = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("Foo"));
rb_define_singleton_method(cFooModule, "big_calc", method_big_calc, 1);
VALUE method_big_calc(VALUE self, VALUE input)
VALUE result;
result = rb_ary_new();
return result;
Will the array that was allocated by rb_ary_new() be properly cleaned when it's not used anymore ? How is the garbage collector aware of references to this value ?
Yes, You code properly clean memory if You using rb_ary_new().
In my opinion You need answer on other question. How create you own object.
first You must create rb_define_alloc_func(cYouObject,t_allocate);
similar this
struct stru { char a; };
void t_free(struct stru *a) { }
static VALUE t_allocate(VALUE obj) { return
Data_Wrap_Struct(obj,NULL,t_free,m); }

lifetime not long enough rust

I want to open a file, replace some characters, and make some splits. Then I want to return the list of strings. however I get error: broken does not live long enough. My code works when it is in main, so it is only an issue with lifetimes.
fn tokenize<'r>(fp: &'r str) -> Vec<&'r str> {
let data = match File::open(&Path::new(fp)).read_to_string(){
Ok(n) => n,
Err(e) => fail!("couldn't read file: {}", e.desc)
let broken = data.replace("'", " ' ").replace("\"", " \" ").replace(" ", " ");
let mut tokens = vec![];
for t in broken.as_slice().split_str(" ").filter(|&x| *x != "\n"){
return tokens;
How can I make the value returned by this function live in the scope of the caller?
The problem is that your function signature says "the result has the same lifetime as the input fp", but that's simply not true. The result contains references to data, which is allocated inside your function; it has nothing to do with fp! As it stands, data will cease to exist at the end of your function.
Because you're effectively creating new values, you can't return references; you need to transfer ownership of that data out of the function. There are two ways I can think of to do this, off the top of my head:
Instead of returning Vec<&str>, return Vec<String>, where each token is a freshly-allocated string.
Return data inside a wrapper type which implements the splitting logic. Then, you can have fn get_tokens(&self) -> Vec<&str>; the lifetime of the slices can be tied to the lifetime of the object which contains data.

How do I perform a nonblocking read using asio?

I am attempting to use boost::asio to read and write from a device on a serial port. Both boost::asio:read() and boost::asio::serial_port::read_some() block when there is nothing to read. Instead I would like to detect this condition and write a command to the port to kick-start the device.
How can I either detect that no data is available?
If necessary I can do everything asynchronously, I would just rather avoid the extra complexity if I can.
You have a couple of options, actually. You can either use the serial port's built-in async_read_some function, or you can use the stand-alone function boost::asio::async_read (or async_read_some).
You'll still run into the situation where you are effectively "blocked", since neither of these will call the callback unless (1) data has been read or (2) an error occurs. To get around this, you'll want to use a deadline_timer object to set a timeout. If the timeout fires first, no data was available. Otherwise, you will have read data.
The added complexity isn't really all that bad. You'll end up with two callbacks with similar behavior. If either the "read" or the "timeout" callback fires with an error, you know it's the race loser. If either one fires without an error, then you know it's the race winner (and you should cancel the other call). In the place where you would have had your blocking call to read_some, you will now have a call to Your function will still block as before when it calls run, but this time you control the duration.
Here's an example:
void foo()
io_service io_svc;
serial_port ser_port(io_svc, "your string here");
deadline_timer timeout(io_svc);
unsigned char my_buffer[1];
bool data_available = false;
boost::bind(&read_callback, boost::ref(data_available), boost::ref(timeout),
timeout.async_wait(boost::bind(&wait_callback, boost::ref(ser_port),
boost::asio::placeholders::error));; // will block until async callbacks are finished
if (!data_available)
void read_callback(bool& data_available, deadline_timer& timeout, const boost::system::error_code& error, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
if (error || !bytes_transferred)
// No data was read!
data_available = false;
timeout.cancel(); // will cause wait_callback to fire with an error
data_available = true;
void wait_callback(serial_port& ser_port, const boost::system::error_code& error)
if (error)
// Data was read and this timeout was canceled
ser_port.cancel(); // will cause read_callback to fire with an error
That should get you started with only a few tweaks here and there to suit your specific needs. I hope this helps!
Another note: No extra threads were necessary to handle callbacks. Everything is handled within the call to run(). Not sure if you were already aware of this...
Its actually a lot simpler than the answers here have implied, and you can do it synchronously:
Suppose your blocking read was something like this:
size_t len = socket.receive_from(boost::asio::buffer(recv_buf), sender_endpoint);
Then you replace it with
size_t len = 0;
error = boost::asio::error::would_block;
while (error == boost::asio::error::would_block)
//do other things here like go and make coffee
len = socket.receive_from(boost::asio::buffer(recv_buf), sender_endpoint, 0, error);
std::cout.write(, len);
You use the alternative overloaded form of receive_from which almost all the send/receive methods have. They unfortunately take a flags argument but 0 seems to work fine.
You have to use the free-function asio::async_read.
