Hadoop Configuration - hadoop

I have started configuring Hadoop 2.1.0-beta version for single node. I followed steps mentioned in Michael Noll's Tutorial (http://www.michael-noll.com/tutorials/running-hadoop-on-ubuntu-linux-multi-node-cluster/#configuring-single-node-clusters-first). Every thing I did and configured well. As a result of JPS, I got that NameNode, DataNode, Secondary NameNode started fine. Then I found out that there is no start-mapred.sh script. So I tried starting the jobtracker using hadoop-daemons.sh (hadoop-daemon.sh --config /home/nayan/dev/hadoop/etc/hadoop/ start jobtracker) and it resulted in failure with message "Sorry, the jobtracker command is no longer supported. You may find similar functionality with the "yarn" shell command.". I do not know what all configuration changes (if any) I need to make. I made changes in "yarn-site.xml" file, as suggested in Hadoop:The Definitive Guide. But could not proceed further. Where can I find out about Yarn. I checked Apache site, but could not figure it out.

You need to check your configuration xml files. Sometimes if you have any problrm in xml then some daemons wont start.
and try to use ./start-all.sh and then JPS

you can use start-yarn.sh to start the ResourceManger and Jobtracker daemons

I usually start everything using these two commands

You Should use start-dfs.sh for Hdfs Daemons and start-yarn.sh for Resource manager and nodemanager daemon both are in /bin of hadoop.

./start-dfs.sh or start-dfs.sh will start only HDFS components , while ./start-yarn.sh or start-yarn.sh will start Yarn component like NodeManager , Resource manager etc. If you don't want to start both the components separately , try using this command :
./start-all.sh or start-all.sh (This is deprecated command though).
To answer your question , use ./start-yarn.sh

First have to start the yarn daemons in the YARN( HADOOP 2.x) Environment.
So start with this
at /hadoop_installed_path/sbin$ ./start-yarn.sh
Once the yarn daemons started then we can start df daemons
at /hadoop_installed_path/sbin$ ./start-dfs.sh

1.You should check all the steps in Hadoop The definitive guide.
if it's all proper than use start-all.sh
than run jps.
2.some time You have to close console for reflecting your changes.so close the console and reopen it again and then try jps,
hope this will help.


start-all.sh command not found

I have just installed Cloudera VM setup for hadoop. But when I open the command prompt and want to start all daemons for hadoop using command 'start-all.sh' , I get an error stating "bash : start-all.sh: command not found".
I have tried 'start-dfs.sh' too yet still gives the same error. When I use 'jps' command, I can see that none of the daemons have been started.
You can find start-all.sh and start-dfs.sh scripts in bin or sbin folders. You can use the following command to find that. Go to hadoop installation folder and run this command.
find . -name 'start-all.sh' # Finds files having name similar to start-all.sh
Then you can specify the path to start all the daemons using bash /path/to/start-all.sh
If you're using the QuickStart VM then the right way to start the cluster (as #cricket_007 hinted) is by restarting it in the Cloudera Manager UI. The start-all.sh scripts will not work since those only apply to the Hadoop servers (Name Node, Data Node, Resource Manager, Node Manager ...) but not all the services in the ecosystem (like Hive, Impala, Spark, Oozie, Hue ...).
You can refer to the YouTube video and the official documentation Starting, Stopping, Refreshing, and Restarting a Cluster

Job tracker and Task tracker don't sow up when ran the start-all.sh command in ububtu for hadoop

Job tracker and Task tracker don't sow up when ran the start-all.sh command in ububtu for hadoop
I do get the rest of the processes while i run the "JPS" command in unix.
Not sure why i am not being shown with the job tracker and task tracker.Have been following couple of links and couldn't get my prob sorted.
Steps done :
-Multiple times formatted the namenode
-Multiple time deleted and recreated the tmp folder with appropriate permissions.
What could be the issue ?
Any suggestions would really help me as i am struggling in setting up hadoop on my laptop.I am new to it though.
Try starting jobtracker and tasktracker separately.
From your hadoop HOME directory run
. bin/../libexec/hadoop-config.sh
Then from hadoop BIN directory run
hadoop-daemon.sh --config $HADOOP_CONF_DIR start jobtracker
hadoop-daemon.sh --config $HADOOP_CONF_DIR start tasktracker
You must have been using hadoop 2.x version where jobtracker is replaced with YARN resource manager. Using jps(jdk is needed) you can check whether resouce manager is running. If it is running then the default url for it is (host-name):8088. You can check your nodes,jobs also configuration there.If not running then start them with sbin/start-yarn.sh.

unable to see Task tracker and Jobtracker after Hadoop single node installation 2.5.1

Iam new to Hadoop 2.5.1. As i have already installed Hadoop 1.0.4 previously, i thought installation process would be same so followed following tutorial.
Every thing was fine, even i have given these settings in core-site.xml
But i have seen in several sites this value as 9000.
And also changes in yarn.xml.
Still everything works fine when i run a mapreduce job. But my question is
when i run command jps it gives me this output..
hduser#secondmaster:~$ jps
5178 ResourceManager
5038 SecondaryNameNode
4863 DataNode
5301 NodeManager
4719 NameNode
6683 Jps
I dont see task tracker and job tracker in jps. Where are these demons running.
And without these deamons how am i able to run Mapreduce job.
Sreelatha K.
From hadoop version hadoop 2.0 onwards, default processing framework has been changed to YARN from Classic Mapreduce. You are using YARN, where you cannot see Jobtracker, Tasker in YARN. Jobtracker and Tasktracker is replaced by Resource manager and Nodemanager respectively in YARN.
But still you have an option to use Classic Mapreduce framework instead of YARN.
In Hadoop 2 there is an alternative method to run MapReduce jobs, called YARN. Since you have made changes in yarn.xml, MapReduce processing happens using YARN, not using the traditional MapReduce framework. That's probably be the reason why you don't see TaskTracker and JobTracker listed after executing the jps command. Note that ResourceManager and NodeManager are the daemons for YARN.
YARN is next generation of Resource Manager who can able to integrate with Apache spark, storm and many more tools you can use to write map-reduce jobs

sudo jps not locating MapReduce jobtracker

I am running CDH5 on Ubuntu. I have installed everything i need, but when i type in sudo jps, the jobtracker is not displayed. Heres my configuration on mapred-site.xml
mapred.job.tracker.http.address: localhost{50030|50020}
Can someone please explain why this is happening? How can it be fixed?
what is your hadoop version? If it is 0.20.2+ then there is no need of configuring the jobtracker as they have removed the seperate jobtracker functionality. You can find it at localhost:8088.
Remove the configuration and restart the node
If it is an older version then try to manually start it using:
$hadoop jobtracker
if it doe not start, post the error log here

Job Tracker web interface

I followed the tutorialshttp://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.4.1/hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-common/SingleCluster.html and installed hadoop 2.4.1 as pseudo distributed cluster. I created a ubuntu VM using OracleVM and installed hadoop as mentioned in the link. It was setup fine and able to run the examples. However the job tracker URL is not working. :50030 gives page not found. I also tried netstat on the server and there is no process waiting on 50030 port . Do i need to start any other service ? What are the possible reasons ?
You need to execute this:
$HADOOP_HOME/sbin/mr-jobhistory-daemon.sh start historyserver
Or JobTracker won't start.
(In my case, $HADOOP_HOME is in /usr/local/hadoop)
Check the value of mapred.job.tracker.http.address in mapred-site.xml
If the port is different, use that.
Also check if jobtracker is running. Check the jobtracker logs.
You need to enter the following command
Job Tracker web UI.
