Flyway init() fails to upgrade schema_version when it is a synonym - oracle

In some respects, similar to How to handle Oracle synonyms with Flyway 2.0.1?. Our controlling Security & DBA groups have decreed one Oracle schema for the objects (tables, views, sp) {owner} and one schema for accessing via synonyms {user}. Most apps could probably use the switch context, but apart from the aforementioned policy blindsiding me, there is some legacy PL/SQL usage in amongst the mostly Java JPA access. Owner does not have any access to user schema. User can create synonyms.
Not yet looked at writing custom Java code - trying to do off the mvn command line out of the box.
So, I have run Flyway 2.2 init() against Owner schema and then immediately created a copy called SCHEMA_VERSION_USER. (Upper case to avoid Oracle (10g) causing issues with synonym.)
Manually created a synonym SCHEMA_VERSION_USER to Owner.SCHEMA_VERSION_USER.
mvn compile flyway:migrate -Dflyway.user=USER -Dflyway.table=SCHEMA_VERSION_USER
but received
[INFO] Upgrading the metadata table "USER"."SCHEMA_VERSION_USER" to the Flyway 2.0 format...
[INFO] Checking prerequisites...
[ERROR] com.googlecode.flyway.core.api.FlywayException: Unable to upgrade the metadata table "USER"."SCHEMA_
VERSION_USER" to the Flyway 2.0 format
[ERROR] Caused by java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00904: "DESCRIPTION": invalid identifier
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Flyway Error: com.googlecode.flyway.core.api.FlywayException: Unable to upgrade the metadata table "USER"."SCHEMA_VERSION_USER" to the Flyway 2.0 format
ORA-00904: "DESCRIPTION": invalid identifier
When I tried qualifying the table as in -Dflyway.table=USER.SCHEMA_VERSION_USER it fails with
[ERROR] com.googlecode.flyway.core.api.FlywayException: Found non-empty schema "USER" without metadata table! Use init() first to initialize the metadata table.
Is this a defect; deliberate design; not thought of; backlog? Do I need to have the DBA execute the everything as system dba to avoid permissioning issues? Prefer not to as it kind of locks us into using them for all environments not just prod and we are trying to introduce 'automated' continuous delivery. Or maybe just have them manually create the schema_version table in the User schema to avoid the initial upgrade check? Do I have to write java to bypass the initial upgrade check?
Post note: We are trying to get them to embrace some modern DB automation tools - they have previously only accepted custom handrolled control scripts that are a maintenance nightmare.

This is a scenario that had not come up so far. The upgrade code assumes it is a table, and wants to ensure a smooth migration from Flyway 1.x. It cannot be bypassed at this point.
Creating the table in the user's schema should solve the issue. You can specify the schema where the table will be created by using the flyway.schemas property. The table will be created in the first one of the list.

This is a problem where I am working as well. We have a MD and APP user. The APP user cannot create tables and the MD user is not allowed to have CREATE ANY TABLE. So we really need the APP user's FlywayDb version table to be a synonym of the MD user's tables. Anyone done any work on this since this question was asked 2 years ago?

Use -Dflyway.schemas=OWNER while you run the comand.


"autoKeyInfo is not initialized" when trying to batch insert into table with generated id

When I tried to upgrade my Oracle JDBC driver from ojdbc8 to ojdbc11 I started to receive the following exception when trying to do a batch insert with ids being generated in the database:
java.lang.AssertionError: autoKeyInfo is not initialized
I created a reproducer for this.
How can I resolve this problem?
This seems to be a bug in the later versions of the Oracle JDBC drivers.
They have the findings in the issue tracker, but I have nothing to link to since it is not public.
The recommended workaround is to use the LTS driver version, which is ojdbc
The reproducer is not just doing a batch update, it uses a Keyholder and tries to return the IDs generated by the database. The problem is not the generation of values, the problem is the attempt to return them. says "DML returning cannot be combined with batch update". "DML returning" refers to "returning into" clauses used by the driver to return values for out parameters. Looks like a conscious regression in the newer driver versions. Spring uses Keyholders to handle out parameters.
When creating the keys in the database with identity columns or triggers or with <sequence>.nextval in the SQL statement and not trying to return it the generated value, batch inserts should work.

Why do I have to disable Javers' schema management in order to initialize my application?

In my Spring-Boot project when:
The Javers tables are created on the first execution (when the tables do not exist on the database) and the code runs as expected, however from the second execution onwards an exception is thrown describing that the tables cannot be created because them already exist. This is the situation that I cannot understand, isn't Javers supposed to know that the tables already exist and do not attempt to create the tables?
If the tables where already created on the database, manually or executing the application with this option as 'true' at least once, the application executes as expected.
What am I supposed to do?
Is there something wrong with my Spring-Boot configuration? The application was supposed to run with 'sqlSchemaManagementEnabled=true' even with the tables already created?
I expected is to leave the 'sqlSchemaManagementEnabled=false' and create the tables manually?
I had the same problem, when using other than public schema in PostgreSQL.
I solved it by switching to public schema, now it works correctly with javers.sqlSchemaManagementEnabled=true.
For other schemas, you should somehow specify the schema name in org.javers.repository.sql.schema.TableNameProvider
If javers.sqlSchemaManagementEnabled=true, Javers creates SQL tables if they do not exists already.
It's checked here:
It's hard to say why it doesn't work in your case, try to debug this code using the latest Javers version.

Sonarqube 5.3: Error installing on Oracle 12 - columns missing

I am trying to install Sonarqube 5.3 using an Oracle database.
Oracle user is created with all permission granted (grant all) and "revoke select any" options.
Sonar is started with "./ start" but the initial schema creation fails AFTER table creation ON insert to table "GROUPS":
2016.01.15 09:42:25 ERROR web[jruby.rack] initialization failed
org.jruby.rack.RackInitializationException: An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:
ActiveRecord::JDBCError: ORA-00904: "VERSION": invalid identifier
: INSERT INTO groups (name, description, created_at, updated_at, displayname, created, lastmodified, version, id) VALUES('sonar-administrators', 'System administrators', TO_TIMESTAMP('2016-01-15 09:42:25:478000','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS:FF6
'), TO_TIMESTAMP('2016-01-15 09:42:25:478000','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS:FF6'), NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ?)
Compared the table structure with the statement I noticed that not all columns have been created: Columns DISPLAYNAME, CREATED, LASTMODIFIED, VERSION are missing!
Why are these not created?
If I create them manually, sonar fails to start afterwards. Is there any way to re-init the initial data?
Using sonars embedded database works fine.
Any ideas?
Problem solved!
It seems database configuration and permissions in combination with public synonyms on our database caused this issue.
The problem has been solved by proceeding the following steps:
wipe out partly generated schema including all containing objects
install Sonarqube 5.3 on a newly/clean Oracle XE 11 database and create basic configuration
stop Sonarqube & export database schema
import database schema on Oracle 12 database
After starting up Sonarqube I realized a problem with Oracle JDBC driver producing a NullPointerException while starting.
Basically this is a bug in the driver itself and already fixed by Oracle -> use ojdbc-driver to fix this issue!
Hope this might help some other people with similar problems.

SonarQube upgrade fails from v5.1 to v5.2

I am trying to upgrade SonarQube v5.1 to v5.2 and it fails with below error:
ERROR web[o.s.s.d.m.DatabaseMigrator] Fail to execute database migration: org.sonar.db.version.v52.RemoveDuplicatedComponentKeys
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error during processing of row:..................................................................
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Streaming result set com.mysql.jdbc.RowDataDynamic#7f872fa8 is still active. No statements may be issued when any streaming result sets are open and in use on a given connection. Ensure that you have called .close() on any active streaming result sets before attempting more queries.
2015.11.05 09:08:32 INFO web[o.s.s.d.m.PlatformDatabaseMigration] DB migration failed | time=6911ms
2015.11.05 09:08:32 ERROR web[o.s.s.d.m.PlatformDatabaseMigration] DB Migration or container restart failed. Process ended with an exception
org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: (StandardError) An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:
Fail to execute database migration: org.sonar.db.version.v52.RemoveDuplicatedComponentKeys
I found a workaround. I've deleted the duplicated projects from the projects table and then restarted the migration process.
To get an idea what is going on, execute the following query on your database:
select p.kee, COUNT(p.kee) FROM projects p GROUP BY p.kee HAVING COUNT(p.kee) > 1;
If you this query returns any elements you have to remove duplicated ones (e.g. the oldest ones). In my case it was easy because I had no isseues in the issue table related to projects in question.
I you have to mimic the SonarQube 5.2 migration procedure step by step (deleting duplicated projects and updating issues for them) you can find a list of queries being executed during the migration step on Github.

What causes a JDBC Type 91 error?

I have a web app hosted on BEA Weblogic 10.x with an Oracle 10g database backend.
It works perfectly with one database, but when we make a clone of it and try to use a different WebLogic and Oracle instance we are getting this error:
ERROR - Problem initializing invocation tracking - disabling
tracking xxxxclass.BadTableMappingException: Database column
xxxxPeriodEnding in database yyyyyyy, table zzzzzzz has an
unknown type: JDBC Type 91.
We get it every time we do a query that involves a column of type DATE. There was no ORA-XXXX code in the message.
I can access the database using SQL*Plus using the same access and do selects and updates on the same tables with no errors.
The answer to this question is not just a simple description of what a type 91 error is (although that will help) but what could be causing this given the circumstances described above.
I am using ojdbc14.jar for JDBC on both instances of weblogic.
I have no idea about the error, but have you considered the jdbc jar version and more importantly if the oracle DB needs to be updated.
I faced very weird problems with oracle, and struggled for a while to find at the end that installing some patches for oracle would solve the problem.
Set oracle.jdbc.V8Compatible=true.
This remaps the oracle DATE type to a DATETIME time in JDBC. This parameter was missing on the new Weblogic server.
