Golang requirements.txt equivalent - shell

Coming from a python/django world, it'd be great to have something like a requirements.txt equivalent for go/revel. How can I do this? I know I can just write a requirements.txt file and then do something like
cat requirements | xargs go get
But what if my requirements ALSO have requirements? The above command would attempt to "go get" them, and then they'd fail to build, since I don't have those requirements installed.
Is there something I'm missing?

The command go get does exactly what you need: It finds all dependencies and downloads and installs the missing ones. Focus on "all": go get really traverses your dependency graph.
Have a look at the documentation:
The Go documentation is really clean, short and well written. I would recommend always to have a look at the documentation first before making assumptions which are based on experience with other tools or tool-chains.
They also provide useful blog posts, https://blog.golang.org/using-go-modules

I just found that the kubernetes guys actually have created an overview page for themselves here.
Summary is this: Currently stable is Glide and the cool new toy is called dep


Are Go modules really usable today given third party "incompatible" modules?

I am new to Go and trying to create my first program. Following the various getting started & tutorials I create a new module, which for my purpose needs to have a dependency on this module:
My problem is that the module has dependencies that have not "properly adopted" the semantic versioning approach.
go list -e -m all
k8s.io/client-go v12.0.0+incompatible
reports 37 such modules... so contacting the module author to have them adopt SIV, as I have seen suggested, will not be an option.
Am I missing something, or should I simply completely give up on using modules for this new project?
Are Go modules really usable today given third party "incompatible" modules?
Am I missing something
Maybe: This "+incompabtible" is not a sign of failure.
or should I simply completely give up on using modules for this new project?
No, of course not.
Thanks for the answers and comments, it seems that:
New project should use modules, +incompatible dependencies will come up but that is fine
This FAQ entry has it right, just read the first 2 lines and keep "Additional Details" for a rainy day
go list -m all won't behave as described in all the tutorials if +incompatible dependencies exist, it will choke on the first incompatible module instead.
go list -m -e all seems to work as expected.
If you are using Goland, using GOFLAGS=-e seems to make dependency resolution work despite +incompatible modules. This may well have side effects that I am not aware of.

How to run pkg.go.dev locally as a godoc replacement?

godoc has been removed from the go standard install since 1.12 and looks like it wont be updated anytime soon. pkg.go.dev at least appears to be its successor. It also has additional documentation features like grabbing the README.md file and rendering it in the documentation page.
For these reasons I was hoping to switch over to using pkg.go.dev locally to view and create documentation for small internal packages. The major issue is that unlike godoc there does not seem to be a clear usage guide. I also do not know if pkpg.go.dev is completely overkill for this task. So I would like to know:
Can and should pkg.go.dev be used as a local godoc replacement?
If yes, how would I run it for this task?
Run pkgsite locally.
go install golang.org/x/pkgsite/cmd/pkgsite#latest && pkgsite
You can use the x/tools/godoc that has the previous godoc tool
Running godoc [1] on its own worked for me, but was really slow because it generates docs for every single package in the standard library, while I only care about the local package that I am working on. To that end, if your package is in a folder called something, you can move the folder so that it looks like this:
Then, go to the godoc folder, and run
godoc -goroot .
Then, browse to localhost:6060. Alternatively, another site is available for
Go docs [2].

Problem in setting the value of GOPATH on windows machine

My GOROOT path :-
I have set GOPATH to :-
But when I import modules (like github.com/gorilla/mux) inside VS Code. VS Code prompts me this error :-
could not import github.com/gorilla/mux (cannot find package "github.com/gorilla/mux" in any of C:\Go\src\github.com\gorilla\mux (from $GOROOT) C\src\github.com\gorilla\mux (from $GOPATH) \Users\kunal\go\src\github.com\gorilla\mux (from $GOPATH))
From above It is clear that it shows me two different GOPATH which I haven’t set. How do I fix this?
I recommend going through the following path, using official documentation pages:
Read about properly installing Go for your platform
Read the getting started tutorial which also tells you how to install 3rd-party packages and use them in your code.
It should take you no more than 20 minutes to go through these steps, and it's almost certain that you'll be able to accomplish your goal by the end of the process. As a bonus, keep going through the Getting Started guide beyond the first page to learn how to create your own Go modules, use them from other modules, write tests, build your code into a binary, and more.
This is IMHO the minimal background required to even try writing Go programs; without going through these steps, you will lack crucial fundamental understanding and it will be hard to even understand SO answers.
Specifically in your case - please remember that at this time (with Go 1.16), GOPATH is pretty much deprecated and you should be using Go modules instead. The documents linked to above will explain this in detail.
I ll give a TLDR for the solution given by #Eli Bendersky. If you don't understand GOPATH and go modules, you can look it up yourself here. Here I have assumed you are using VS Code with golang extension. I haven't tested it for other IDEs but it should work in a similiar way.
In the source directory where you have the main.go, create a file named go.mod
Name the package name to whatever you like and save the file.
go to your terminal and run go build main.go, this will download all the missing packages(if any) and will update the go.mod file and create a new file go.sum to create the checksums of the package versions.
All the package error squiggles should be gone by now in your IDE, if it doesn't try restarting your IDE once. You are good to go!
If you are stuck somewhere, let me know in the comments.
I just started to learn golang today. But it seems that I understood more from what these experts are trying to say when trying to answer this basic question.
I don't claim deep knowledge of golang. But as a 2100 rated chess player, I do claim common sense and rigorous thought process. The GOPATH environment variable is very much in use do not believe these kids. Only a kid would make such claims that GOPATH has no use.
The way I see it is that, the go.mod and go.sum plays in tandem with GOPATH.
Continue on your own journey, little tiger. I upvoted your question for moral support.

Where can I find documentation on writing plugins for the heroku command toolbelt?

Is the process of creating a custom command/plugin, such as pg:transfer ( for example ) documented somewhere? I tried searching for this kind of info but I get no relevant results.
Unfortunately there is not much in the way of docs around that. Your best bet is to review examples and go from there. The key is basically that whatever is in init.rb there will be loaded, so you can simply define your additions there (or require the files that define them if it is a larger/more complex plugin). The end result just ends up monkey-patching the toolbelt, so you can also look at toolbelt commands for additional examples. Finally, if you need any external gems you will need to use vendored copies of them. Hope that helps put you on the right track, but let me know if you have further questions.

ctag database for Go

How to generate tags file for Go source
In mac, I installed exuberant ctags , and tried the below command in source directory
ctags -f gosource.tags -R `pwd`
But, it doesn't consider *.go files. Do I have to use -h option? But, isn't it only for header files, as per the manual?
Please give me the correct command so that I can use the tags file with vim. I also prefer absolute path so that I can keep the file anywhere
I assumed current ctags support Go, seeing http://groups.google.com/group/golang-nuts/browse_thread/thread/3a4848db231b02c9.
but, http://ctags.sourceforge.net/languages.html desn't have go listed.
Add the following to ~/.ctags
--regex-Go=/func([ \t]+\([^)]+\))?[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\2/d,func/
--regex-Go=/var[ \t]+([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/d,var/
--regex-Go=/type[ \t]+([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/d,type/
(From http://go-wise.blogspot.com/2011/09/using-ctags-with-go.html)
--regex-Go=/func([ \t]+\([^)]+\))?[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\2/f,func/
--regex-Go=/var[ \t]+([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/v,var/
--regex-Go=/type[ \t]+([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/t,type/
Does indeed work with ctags 5.8. One slight change from the previous poster, ctags requires unique 1-char types at the ends of the regex lines. Thus /d,func/ should read /f,func/ intuitively. This allows the ctags to distinguish between and identify types, allowing ctags --go-types=fvt i.e.
I saw your post, bumbled around a bit trying to find a good tool for the job, tried ctags, and ultimately was unsatisfied. I wrote a program 'gotags' in Go that generates a ctags file for Go code. Its better than the current ctags support because, for example, it tags struct field names as well as the struct name itself. You can get it here: https://github.com/necro351/gotags.
Its a nice short simple Go program because it uses the standard library parser and has no extra features other than good Go parsing and tagging. Just check it out (or go get it) and do a go install. Also, if you have any suggestions or ideas about improving it, let me know.
Edit: I am an active Gopher and so will be updating this tool over time and as I use it.
Edit: I am not actively developing Go anymore. But my tool is very short and pretty much works as is so it should "just work" :)
universal-ctags supports Go. It's the successor of exuberant-ctags and works perfectly fine. See here for the man pages.
Check Go Dashborad/Projects, section "Tag Generators". Status of those tools is not known to me.
Edit 2011-11-22: Latest egotags fork announced today (cyclic reference possible ;-)
