Create EC2 instance from another instance via command line or dynamically - amazon-ec2

I want to use power of cloud, where master or main ec2 instance is creating multiple instances based on need and then destroying them.
need to Create multiple instance from same AMI.
I want to know best way to accomplish this.

You can utilize EC2 APIs for this purpose.
ec2-run-instances ( is a command that allows you to create a new instance from your own (or public) AMI. You can also specify the number of instances you wish to create.
There are also Web Service operation (RunInstances) for this purpose:
Which one to use is up to you. However, I don't think starting a new instance from a master instance is a good practice in AWS. You can rely on Elastic Load Balancing ( and Auto Scaling ( to scale up/down your server fleet depending on incoming traffic or healthiness of your running instances.


Monitoring EBS volumes for istances with CloudWatch Agent and CDK

I'm trying to set up a way to monitor disk usage for instances belonging to an AutoScaling Group, and add an alarm when the volumes associated to the instances are almost full.
Since it seems there are no metrics normally offered by Amazon to do that, I resorted using the CloudWatch Agent to get what I wanted. So far so good, I can create graphs and alarms for the metrics I want using the CloudWatch console.
My issue is how to automate everything with CDK. How can I automate the creation of the metric for each instance, without knowing the instance id beforehand? Is there a solution for this issue?
You can install and config CloudWatch agent via EC2 user data and the auto scaling group uses launch template to launch EC2 instance. All of those things can be done by AWS CDK.
There is an example from this open source project for your reference.
Another approach you could take is using AWS Systems Manager. Essentially, you install an SSM agent for your instances, and create an SSM Document (think Shell/Python script) that will run your setup script/automation.
You then create a State Manager Association, tying the SSM Document with your instances based on EC2 tags e.g. Application=MyApp or Team=MyTeam. This way, you don't have to provide any resource ids, just the tag key value pair which could extend multiple instances and future instance replacements. You can schedule it to run at specific times (cron) or at a certain frequency (rate) to enforce state.

Is there any way to automatically change the instance type of an aws ec2 instance without any downtime?

I want to change the instance type of an aws ec2 instance based on the cpu utilization of the instance. Basically i want the instance type to be t3.large if the cpu utilization is > 80% and t3.medium if it is below that. Is there any way to achieve this without any downtime? Can i achieve this with aws cloudformation? If so can you provide me a guide or link which i can refer to?
Unfortunately, you can't do this. Changing instance type requires stopping your instance:
You must stop your Amazon EBS–backed instance before you can change its instance type.
However, you could setup your instance(s) to operate in an autoscaling group. This way you could use UpdatePolicy to perform rolling or replacing update. This could be use to ensure that part or full fleet of your instances is operating while the new instance types are rolled out.

Any way to determine via AWS API whether EC2 instance uses instance stores?

So, I manage a large fleet of EC2 instances, and some of them have instance store data volumes (i.e. not the root volume). I want to find all the environments which use this type of storage, but neither describe-instances nor describe-instance-attribute (with the blockDeviceMapping attribute) seem to tell me. In other words, instances which I know use instance storage (by checking from the instance itself as per the documentation), don't have those volumes show up in the volume list for the regular AWS API call.
Are there any API calls I can use external to the instance to determine whether the instance was launched with instance store volumes, or will I have to run commands on the instances every time?
Really hope I'm just missing something obvious. :P
It doesn't look like you are missing anything obvious. The documentation only mentions using instance metadata.
When you view the block device mapping for your instance, you can see only the EBS volumes, not the instance store volumes. You can use instance metadata to query the complete block device mapping.

Running multiple environments on one AWS EC2 instance (Elastic Beanstalk)

I am very new to the Amazon AWS services. I was wondering if there is a way to run an instance of EC2 (say, Amazon Linux AMI) and then connect two environments to this instance.
Particularly, I'd like to run a PHP and a Tomcat environment on a single EC2 instance.
The problem is, every time I create a new environment in Elastic Beanstalk, it seems to create a new EC2 instance as well. Am I missing something here?
I'd appreciate any hint on this.
AWS Elastic Beanstalk is designed for deploying your running apps in a way that is designed for scalability from the ground-up. Because of this, Elastic Beanstalk will launch one or more EC2 instances, connect them to an Elastic Load Balancer instance, configure CloudWatch monitoring and Auto Scaling triggers.
Also, because of its fundamental design for scalability, Elastic Beanstalk is designed around a one-app-per-environment model (whereby "environment", I mean one of these EC2 + ELB + CloudWatch + AutoScaling clusters).
Since running two separate web servers with two separate apps (PHP & Java) is not a fundamentally scalable design, it's not a use-case that Elastic Beanstalk is optimized for.
You are free to spin-up a standalone EC2 instance and install whatever you'd like on it, but you're right — git aws.push support has not been made available for standalone EC2 instances. If the git support is important to you, you'll need to weigh the pros and cons of each approach.
I would also like to be able to do this, basically from a cost perspective for demos etc.
For example, a single instance with one PHP app and one Java app. Or, a single instance with two Java apps.
However, from what I have read so far in the Elastic Beanstalk developer guide, I have not found anything explicitly stating that multiple applications per environment is supported (or even, multiple environments per EC2 instance - if that even makes sense).
It makes me wonder if this is a feature that is often requested and planned for the future, or alternatively if the single-app-per-environment model is 'by design' for some reason.

How to sync my EC2 instance when autoscaling

When autoscaling my EC2 instances for application, what is the best way to keep every instances in sync?
For example, there are custom settings and application files like below...
Apache httpd.conf
PHP source for my application
To get my autoscaling working, all of these must be configured same in each EC2 instances, and I want to know the best practice to sync these elements.
You could use a private AMI which contains scripts that install software or checkout the code from SVN, etc.. The second possibility to use a deployment framework like chef or puppet.
The way this works with Amazon EC2 is that you can pass user-data to each instance -- generally a script of some sort to run commands, e.g. for bootstrapping. As far as I can see CreateLaunchConfiguration allows you to define that as well.
If running this yourself is too much of an obstacle, I'd recommend a service like:
scalr (also opensource)
They all offer some form of scaling.
