JMeter - how to simulate an email address AND a confirm email address - jmeter

I'm trying to setup a JMeter test plan and need to create unique email addresses for submission. I saw this that suggested using the Random Function.
The problem is that I need to generate an email address AND reference that same created email in the confirm_email field. I need to randomly generate an email address and then use it twice. How do I do that?

I learned that there's an extra parameter to the __Random function that can hold a variable name that you can reference later.
So, my Parameters are:
email : ${__Random(1,10000000,refName)}
email 2 : ${refName}


jmeter - Is it possible to duplicate value of a form input

I'm using jmeter to make a POST request (submit a form). I have email and confirm email fields which must be identical. If I generate a random email address for the "Email" field, how can I use it for the "Confirm Email" field? This is the function for the random email address:
You can use i.e. Set Variables Action to create a variable, i.e. email before you will use it the first time:
Once done you will be able to refer the generated value as ${email} where required:
Set Variables Action plugin can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager

How does Laravel interally create certain parts of the verification email?

When creating a verification email with Laravel this is how the link can end up looking:
After the "verify/1/" there seems to be some hash of length 40.
The last query parameter "signature" has a hash of length 60.
My questions are: How are these hashes created? Which hash function is used and what is the input string? Also what is the purpose of those parts?
1- The first part after the verify/1/ is the sha1 of the registered user email.
We use this to make sure we validate the same email we have in the db and the one the user registered with.
2- The last part of the url is a sha256 signature to make sure the url is not altered by a malicious user. Any modification to the url will make the signature fails. Note that the signature is checked with the Laravel Signed middleware
So it is basically security measures to prevent malicious user.
For more informations:
The generated link will be in the notification class here: src/Illuminate/Auth/Notifications/VerifyEmail.php
Once the user clicked the link, it will be processed and checked in the file below: vendor/laravel/ui/auth-backend/VerifiesEmails.php

How to add php script to forward a copy of a form

Currently using Joomlashine JSN Uniforms on a beta site. I need to send a duplicate submission to another email address. However, JSN Uniforms canot do this ATM, but there is Script section in form admin panel which includes
Custom Scripts (PHP) called on form processing
The $html string contains the HTML code of the form. You can modify it by adding a PHP script below. Remember to not include the tags.
On form Process
The $post variable contains $_POST data of the form. You can modify it by adding a PHP script below, before it is added to the database. Remember to not include the tags.
After form has been processed
The $post variable contains $_POST data of the form. You can modify it by adding a PHP script below, after form been processed successfully. Remember to not include the tags.
Form Setup
department (pulldown) 1. Sales & Service 2. Training & Standards
Department: Sales & Service has 2 email addresses (at the moment Uniforms can only assign 1 email address
is there a script I can use to have the submitted form send to the Department and have the form sent to
problem resolved by not messing around with Joomla but adjusting the email service to forward/alias to one address and simply setup Outlook client for each use for the primary email address

Transmission api setting wrong To header when specify header_to with multiple recipients

I'm trying to send an email to multiple people(multiple to addresses) and have them all listed in the email clients like a regular email. When I set the header_to field on all recipients to, I end up with emails that have a to header set to "First Name" <,> which is incorrect.
This shows up as a single person with multiple email addresses in most clients and the header is wrong.
Why is the sparkpost transmission api messing with the header_to field? It's docs say that it uses this in place of generating a To header for you.
After going through every page of docs I could find to try and figure out how sparkpost's backend works I've found that you must omit the Name field on all recipients.

Uipath email activity for multiple email

Is it possible to have an array of email addresses (string) to pass into the send email activity on uipath? I can't see a way on the activity, except using the cc but I have 10 email addresses for he same email
You can have multiple to addresses separated by the ; character.
The easiest way to do this is to use string.Join method and construct a string from the array.
Create Variable ccMail like this
string ccMail="firstMail;secondMail;thirdMail;"
then pass this variable to CC in mail Activity
for Reference:
