Collision of Obj files with mouse and touch events in three.js - three.js

I was working with my three.js project in which I loads few '.obj ' files in to the scene using 'OBJMTLLoader.js'.
I implemented mouse touch and keyboard events so that I can navigate each objects through the entire scene.
But I need to detect collisions so that when two objects collide, the navigation need to stop in the collided direction. i.e. an object should not get over the other.
I successfully implemented the above for key events by emitting ray to all sides of the object. But the same method doesn't work properly for mouse and touch events.
I also tried to implement 'physi.js', but it seems obj files can't be loaded in 'Physijs.Scene'.
Do anyone know what to be done to implement this..?

Finally I obtained the solution, using the physi.js itself. I made physijs box mesh of desired sizes and added my obj models to it.I made the meshes visible property to false. And made those meshes to collide. The objects will move along with the meshes.


Add an event listener to a particular part of a 3D Object in Three.js

I am having a human body object and what I want is that my code should open a popup whenever I click on any of the specified body parts such as eyes, nose, arms, etc. The object is a single compiled .obj file and I'm unable to figure out as to how should I attach an event listener to the multiple body parts. Any kind of help is much appreciated!
PS: - I am also using orbit controls to handle the zoom and rotation of object.
Thanks in advance..
To solve this issue, it's necessary to design your model in a way such that individual components like arms, eyes etc. are independent 3D objects grouped together to build a more complex asset. This is something you have to ensure during the design phase with a tool like Blender.
In the next step export to glTF instead of OBJ, load the model with THREE.GLTFLoader into your app and then perform a recursive raycasting with the entire asset via:
raycaster.intersectObject( gltf.scene, true, intersects );
By executing this code in a pointermove or pointerdown event listener you can find out whether the user interacts with the model or not.
Notice that three.js has no system to directly assign event listeners to 3D objects. You have to use a different solution like raycasting for this.

Gamemaker Studio2, Draw GUI layer conflict

I would like to preface this by saying I am still quite new to gameMakerstudio and I do not know all there is to know about how the software works and this is probably the root cause of my problem as I do not know why I am having this current layering issue.
I have been having an issue where I have TWO DrawGUI events in separate objects within the same room.
The first object is a Fog Of War that draws a GUI and reveals the map as the player moves, and keeps explored places visible but not in view.
The second object is the joystick where a player will use their thumb to drag the stick to move the player.
Ever since I have implemented the Fog of War. I have been unable to view the joystick. It appears that the fog of war draws overtop of it and I am unable to use it.
I understand there are other draw events where I can do this.
Draw GUI
Draw Begin
Draw End
After changing where I have the code drawing.
Example: At first the joystick and the fog were both in Draw GUI, After moving one from Draw GUI to Draw GUI Begin, the same issue appears.
I have made sure to place the joystick at the top most level in the room and the fog of war at the bottom most layer.
I have tried to apply depth the object
oJoystick_Stick.depth = -100;
this does not achieve anything.
Is there another way to force two objects on the GUI layer to be on top of the other?
To my understanding, DrawGUI always prioritises the objects drawn there above anything in Draw, including Begin Draw and End Draw. This is because DrawGUI is for an interface (like the stats you see about your character like health, ammo ect.), and objects drawn there aren't part of the room itself. You may also have noticed that the objects drawn in DrawGUI also follows the camera/Viewpoint.
So, to clear up the draw priority:
First is the DrawGUI layer that places objects in front of everything, like an interface.
After that, the depth variable and layers inside the room has priority, each layer has also given a depth value, with an interval of 100.
If the depth is also the same (for example when they're in the same layer), then the order of the objects and code loaded decides the order drawn.
The latter is not always reliable when multiple objects are overlapping at the same depth, because if the objects are redrawn in-game again (e.g. a persistent object been loaded into a new room, or pause and unpause using instance_activate_all), then the order of objects drawn may differ. Keep in mind when overlapping objects, that they are placed in different layers to prevent mixed priorities.
I've however not used a Fog of War system myself, so I don't know if it's build-in or not, but I wouldn't recommend placing them in the DrawGUI, as that should be reserved for the interface layout. With the default Draw options, you'll have more flexibility to the layers inside the room.
Some advice about DrawGUI
DrawGUI Begin --> call the event before every drawGUI in that moment
DrawGUI --------> the event is called sync with the screen refresh rate
DrawGUI End ----> call the event after every drawGUI in that moment
so GM-Studio "pipeline" for the DrawGUI is like the step event, we have a BEGIN, a CURRENT, an END.
To prioritize the object render, GM-Studio use the depth in-build variabile. Take the 0 as the reference value. Object with depth value > 0 are rendering as last. Object with depth value < 0 are rendering infront everything.
Check the depth during the calling of the instance_create_depth() function, check where the depth variabile is changing, check in the room editor for each instance layer the depth value. and z-order.

Group of objects on top but added to a camera

As a precision I already noticed threads about this but didn't find a way to achieve exactly what I need.
Basicaly I have a board of objects that I need remaining always on top of everything but also attached to the camera.
I first tried to add the group to the camera and it stayed as wished always in the viewport. But in this configuration the group of objects still be a part of the scene so while zooming to regular objects in the "editor" the board goes into/among these objects of the scene.
My second trial was based on this thread and work wonderfully in order to get all of the board objects rendered above everything. But on such a configuration when rotating around the axis (with orbit control) both scenes rotates. So I tried to update the foreground scene with coordinates of the camera but the update was not immediate and this scene is flickering (I suppose that while rotating the update function is not called immediately).
My best wish would have been to "attach" the foreground scene to the camera so that it would stay on top and sticked on the screen/viewport but I don't even know if it is possible and how to do that (as only groups of objects seem to be capable to be attached to the camera).
I am really stuck on that point. Thanks you for any help!
If this is what you need,
just set object.material.depthTest = false; and object.renderOrder = 1000; for all objects you need to be always on top and attached to the camera.

Transition between different points of views (SCNCameras) in SceneView

I've built a basic scene for SceneKit, including several SCNNodes with geometries, SCNLights, and an SCNCamera. I would now like to add functionality whereby the point of view shifts between different camera positions when the user taps on the screen.
What is the best way to achieve this? Should I include several SCNCameras in the scene and switch sceneView.pointOfView between them? Or should I rather update the position (and orientation) of a single camera. Also, how can I specify the transition path from moving from the old to the new camera position, i.e. use animation for the transition.
changing the pointOfView of the view is the easiest way. But if you want to control the path you will have to move the camera yourself. You can do that with SCNAction or by using CoreAnimation explicit or implicit animations.

Flex 4 How to enable Mouse events on all overlapping objects

I`m stuck in this situation where I have a transparent container overlapping other objects.I plan to use this overlapping Transparent Object to show moving objects since it implements absolute positioning. The problem is I want the mouse to work on the overlapping container as well as the ones below it. So far what I have found is that you disable the overlapping objects mouse events and let the events pass through. But what if I want all overlapping objects to catch the mouse. Any ideas?
Just change 'bubbles' property to true.
