Get the inner XML using XPath? - xpath

This is my XML
<p>hello <b>world</b> this is some html</p>
Can I use XPath to return the following?
<p>hello <b>world</b> this is some html</p>

child::* selects all element children of the context node
see details

The quick answer is, no. You can't accomplish this with XPath, but, once you select the parent node (i.e. "record" in your example), you should be able to manipulate it in whichever language you are using to parse the XML. Unfortunately, it may not be "easy".
It sounds like you would want something like the innerHTML property, but for XML DOM instead of the HTML DOM. Unfortunately, nothing like this exists for the XML DOM. If you don't care about the nodes themselves, you could use the textContent property; in the case of your example, you would get "hello world this is some html", which doesn't seem to be what you want.
Check out this similar question, which includes a parsing algorithm in Java. It seems that you will need to write a similar algorithm in whichever language you're using to parse the XML.

For anyone looking for this in the future, this IS very much possible to do using a DOT, that will return the entire node content as text (at least in MSSQL xpath it does).


xpath function to serialize node?

I am using a stack at the moment where I don't have direct access to the XML and can only pull through xpath selectors. By default it will return 'string()' if the response is not text.
'string()' will concatenate all text nodes. I am looking for a way to return the serialization of a node so text + tags + attributes.
I can't see anything that looks like this but it seems like an obvious thing to want so I recon I am not looking in the right place .
Unless you work in an XPath or XQuery 3.0 environment with being supported (or a similar extension function) you won't have access to such a function.

facing issue to find xpath expression

My XPath '//div[#id='sharetools-container-div']/iframe[#id='sharetools-iframe']' is working fine, but after this tag there is '#document' text present and after this '#document' there is html tag, so when I extend the XPath expression as '//div[#id='sharetools-container-div']/iframe[#id='sharetools-iframe']/#document/html', it is throwing exception as follows:
Caused by: class org.jaxen.saxpath.XPathSyntaxException:
70: Expected one of '.', '..', '#', '*', QName.
So please guide me how to write XPath for this.
From what I can gather, XPath does not descend into iframes.You see, XPath expressions are tied to a particular XML document, such as an HTML document,1 that they can be evaluated against. In the browser, an iframe counts as a separate document. The <iframe> node itself is a part of the parent document; but it is merely a pointer to another document (the iframe's contents) which is completely separate.
That seems to be the gist of this email chain, and seems to fall naturally out of the fact that XPath expressions are evaluated by calling document.evaluate (that is, a member of a particular document object), as implemented in Firefox. This suggests that the overlap between the various specs defining iframes and XPath excludes traversing that document boundary in a single XPath expression — or at least that seems to be Mozilla's interpretation.
But take note that all of this is an guesswork based on Firefox's particular implementation of the XPath specification. This limitation may or may not apply to other browsers, but I would suspect that it does.
It also seems to explain why Selenium requires you to switch context from one document (the parent HTML page) to another (the iframe itself) in order to execute XPath expressions against it, as hinted at by the solution posted by #singaravelan, and others.
1But only if the HTML document is magical enough! (Not all HTML documents are well-formed XML: browsers are much more lenient than XML parsers can be; Cf. #MathiasMüller's comment.)
You haven't shown your source XML, but one thing we know for sure is that it doesn't contain an element called "#document", because that isn't a legal element name. For the same reason, you can't request an element called "#document" in your XPath expression.
You can use with different XPath to bypass the word: #document with the word: descendant
For example:
or something like that. It is depend on what do you want in the inner html.
First thanks to raise this question. I am also face the same problem.
with help of following line I got solved for my case.

Letting Nokogiri decide whether to use #fragment or #parse

I have a piece of HTML that I would like to parse with Nokogiri, but I do not know whether it is a full HTML document (with DOCTYPE, etc) or a fragment (e.g. just a div with some elements in it).
This makes a difference for Nokogiri, because it should use #fragment for parsing fragments but #parse for parsing full documents.
Is there a way to determine whether a given piece of text is a fragment or a full HTML document?
Depends on how trashed your page is, but
should work in most cases.
The simplest way would be to look for the mandatory <html> tag, using for instance a regular expression /<html[\s>])/ (allowing attributes).
Is this sufficient to solve your problem?

XPath queries using HtmlAgilityPack fails to select notes with self closing tags

I'm trying to query all input nodes. All of the nodes that are not self-closing are being returned fine, but the nodes that are self-closing are not. Is there a way to address this that doesn't require me to changes the HTML?
This is the default behavior. If you want to change it, you need to play with the ElementFlags collection, and for example, just remove INPUT from it, just like I explained for OPTION on a similar question here on SO: XHTML Parsing with HTMLAgilityPack

Problems with Xalan using XPATH (unclosed tags)

I'm facing a problem with the following tech-stack: JWebUnit -> HtmlUnit -> Xalan.
I'm trying to find an element by XPATH, but the HTML document is pretty malformed.
Xalan stops finding elements when I reach the /body element on XPATH. I believe it's because the document contains two <body> tags and one being unclosed.
Everything works for /html/head or /html. But when I try /html/body (or /html/body[1], //body[1], or anything inside those tags) I get only null from Xalan.
Is there any way to get around with that? I just can't change the html document istself. Thank you kindly for your attention.
Best regards,
HtmlUnit must be using something to convert HTML to XML. Perhaps you can tell it to use jsoup or tagsoup, which are very tolerant of messy HTML?
You might as well also write code to just dump the XML tree to a file so you can see what's in it.
