Periodic intervals - intervals

I have the following structures in my code:
class Interval {
public $start, $end;
class Period {
public $interval, $period;
They represent a simple and repeating interval, respectively. For example:
**** // This is a simple interval [0, 4].
****__****__**** // This is "repeating interval" with period = 2 (each underline means pause between intervals)
So period is an infinite set of intervals. The "distance" (or pause) between each of them is constant.
I need a function that accepts an arbitrary interval and period and says whether this interval is inside period or not. "Inside" means that given interval is inside any of intervals in period.
function interval_inside_period(Interval $interval, Period $period) {
return is_inside ? true : false;
$period = new Period(new Interval(0, 4), 10);
// The first 3 intervals in this Period are [0, 4], [14, 18] and [28, 32]
// Like: ****__________****__________****
interval_inside_period(new Interval(15, 16), $period); // === true, is inside [14, 18]
interval_inside_period(new Interval(29, 32), $period); // === true, is inside [28, 32]
interval_inside_period(new Interval( 3, 5), $period); // === false, overlaps but is not inside
interval_inside_period(new Interval(17, 29), $period); // === false, overlaps but is not inside
interval_inside_period(new Interval(11, 12), $period); // === false
interval_inside_period(new Interval(20, 27), $period); // === false
The problem is that due to the lack of math experience I have no idea how to implement such function. I've thought about wave functions, specially about rectangular periodic function but i have no idea how to describe Period with such function.
A simple Period with equal length and periodicity can be described by Square wave function:
$square_period = new Period(new Interval(0, 2), 2);
// __**__**__**__**
// This function describes such Period.
function is_square_period($n) {
return ($n >= 0 && ($n / 2) % 2) == 0 ? 1 : 0;
This approach gives opportunity to find if any integer $n lays inside Period or not. But I don't know if this can be used to solve the problem.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Let's see... The offset between two consecutive intervals is $start + $end + $period. The start of interval k is therefore at k * ($start + $end + $period) + $start. By dividing x from a given Interval (new Interval(x, y)) by $start + $end + $period we can calculate our k:
// this is should be integer division...
$k = ($interval->start - $period->interval->start)
/ ($period->interval->start + $period->interval->end + $period->period);
Now we can calculate the bounds of interval k and check if the given interval is inside of it.
$kStart = $k * (
$period->interval->start + $period->interval->end + $period->period
) + $period->interval->start;
$kEnd = $kStart + ($period->interval->end - $period->interval->start);
return $kStart <= $interval->start && interval->end <= $kEnd;
This yields the following with the period and the first interval from your question:
$k = (15 - 0) / (0 + 4 + 10) = 15 / 14 = 1
$kStart = 1 * (0 + 4 + 10) + 0 = 1 * 14 + 0 = 14
$kEnd = 14 + (4 - 0) = 18
return (14 <= 15 && 16 <= 18) // true
The values for the remaining intervals are:
iStart | iEnd | k | kStart | kEnd | result
29 | 32 | 2 | 28 | 32 | true
3 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 4 | false
17 | 29 | 1 | 14 | 18 | false
11 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 4 | false
20 | 27 | 1 | 14 | 18 | false


Numerical sequence of 1 2 4

I need help in providing an algorithm for a numerical sequence which should display a series of 1 2 4 and its consecutive summations.
e.g. If my input value is 20, it should display
1 2 4 8 9 11 15 16 18
1 = 1
2 = 1 + 1
4 = 2 + 2
8 = 4 + 4
And the summation of 1 and 2 and 4 will repeat again starting with the present number which is 8 and so on..
9 = 8 + 1
11 = 9 + 2
15 = 11 + 4
16 = 15 + 1
18 = 16 + 2
As you can see, it should not proceed to 22 (18 + 4) since our sample input value is 20. I hope you guys get my point. I'm having a problem in designing the algorithms in the for loop. What I have now which is not working is
$input = 20;
for ($i = $i; $i < $input; $i = $i+$i) {
$i = 4;
$i = $i - 3;
}elseif($i % 4 == 0){
$i = $i + 1;
print_r("this is \$i = $i<br><br>");
NOTE: Only one variable and one for loop is required, it will not be accepted if we use functions or arrays. Please help me, this is one of the most difficult problems I've encountered in PHP..
you can use the code
$input = 20;
$current = 1;
$val = 1;
while($val < $input){
print_r("this is \$val = $val\n");
$val = $val + $current;
$current = ($current == 4 ? 1 : $current*2);
see the online compiler
Since you have mentioned Only one variable and one for loop is required
Try this,
$input = 20;
for ($i = 1; $i < $input; $i) {
if($i>$input) break;
print_r("this is \$i = $i<br><br>");
if($i>$input) break;
print_r("this is \$i = $i<br><br>");
if($i>$input) break;
print_r("this is \$i = $i<br><br>");
Online Compiler
def getSeq(n):
if n == 1:
return [1]
temp = [1]
seq = [ 1, 2, 4]
count, current, prev = 0, 0, 1
while True:
current = prev + seq[count]
if current > n:
prev = current
temp += [current]
count = (count + 1) % 3
return temp
print getSeq(20)
I'm pretty sure that this one is going to work
the case that we have to take care of is n == 1 and return a static result [1].
in other cases the second value is repeating circularly and adding up to previous value.
This Python solution should be implementable in any reasonable language:
limit = 20
n = 1 << 2
while n >> 2 < limit:
print(n >> 2)
n = (((n >> 2) + (2 ** (n & 3))) << 2) + ((n & 3) + 1) % 3
Perl Equivalent (using the style of for loop you expect):
$limit = 20;
for ($n = 1 << 2; $n >> 2 < $limit; $n = ((($n >> 2) + (2 ** ($n & 3))) << 2) + (($n & 3) + 1) % 3) {
print($n >> 2, "\n");
The basic solution is this:
limit = 20
n = 1
i = 0
while n < limit:
n = n + (2 ** i)
i = (i + 1) % 3
But we need to eliminate the extra variable i. Since i only cycles through 0, 1 and 2 we can store it in two bits. So we shift n up two bits and store the value for i in the lower two bits of n, adjusting the code accordingly.
Not only one variable and one for loop, no if statements either!

Modulo algorithm proving elusive

I have a color-wheel that maps a color to each hour on a 24-hour clock. Now given the hour of day, I want to map those colors to a 12-hour clock such that the colors 5 hours before and 6 hours after the current hour are used. But it gets a bit tricky b/c the 0th index of the result always has to be the 0th color or the 12th color of the 24 color-wheel.
For example, given colors24 as an array of 24 colors and a hour time of 5 then the final color12 array would map to colors24's indexes as:
If the hour is 3, then:
And if the hour is 9, then:
Bonus points if the algorithm can be generalized to any two arrays regardless of size so long as the first is evenly divisible by the second.
If hours is the total number of hours (24), length the number of colors displayed at a time (12), and hour is the current hour, then this is a generic algorithm to get the indexes into the color array:
result = [];
add = hour + hours - (length / 2) - (length % 2) + 1;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result[(add + i) % length] = (add + i) % hours;
Here is a Javascript implementation (generic, can be used with other ranges than 24/12):
function getColorIndexes(hour, hours, length) {
var i, result, add;
if (hours % length) throw "number of hours must be multiple of length";
result = [];
add = hour + hours - (length / 2) - (length % 2) + 1;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result[(add + i) % length] = (add + i) % hours;
return result;
console.log ('hour=3: ' + getColorIndexes(3, 24, 12));
console.log ('hour=5: ' + getColorIndexes(5, 24, 12));
console.log ('hour=9: ' + getColorIndexes(9, 24, 12));
console.log ('hour=23: ' + getColorIndexes(23, 24, 12));
As stated in the question, the number of hours (24) must be a multiple of the length of the array to return.
This can be done by first placing the numbers into a temporary array, then finding the location of 0 or 12 in it, and printing the results from that position on, treating the index as circular (i.e. modulo the array length)
Here is an example implementation:
int num[12];
// Populate the values that we are going to need
for (int i = 0 ; i != 12 ; i++) {
// 19 is 24-5
num[i] = (h+i+19) % 24;
int p = 0;
// Find p, the position of 0 or 12
while (num[p] != 0 && num[p] != 12) {
// Print num[] array with offset of p
for (int i = 0 ; i != 12 ; i++) {
printf("%d ", num[(p+i) % 12]);
Note: The first and the second loops can be combined. Add a check if the number you just set is zero or 12, and set the value of p when you find a match.
Can you not get the colors straight away, i.e. from (C-Y/2+X+1)%X to (C+Y/2)%X, and then sort them?
(This is the same as looping (C+Z+X+1)%X from Z = -Y/2 to Z = Y/2-1):
for (i = 0, j = c+x+1, z = -y/2; z < y/2; z++) {
color[i++] = (z+j)%x;
For C=3, X=24 and Y=12, you get:
(C-12/2+24+1)%24 = 3-6+24+1 = 22, 23, 0, 1 .. 9
After sorting you get 0, 1 ...9, 22, 23 as requested.
Without sorting, you'd always get a sequence with the current hour smack in the middle (which could be good for some applications), while your 3 example has it shifted left two places.
You can do this by shifting instead of sorting by noticing that you only need to shift if c is below Y/2 (C=3 makes you start from -2, which becomes 22), in which case you shift by negative y/2-c (here, 2, or 12+2 using another modulus), or if c > (x-y/2), in which case you'd end beyond x: if c = 20, c+6 is 26, which gets rolled back to 2:
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0 1 2
and gives a s factor of 2+1 = 3, or (c+y/2)%x+1 in general:
0 1 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
for (i = 0, j = c+x+1, z = -y/2; z < y/2; z++) {
color[(s+i++)%y] = (z+j)%x;
However, I think you've got a problem if x > 2*y; in that case you get some c values for which neither 0, nor x/2 are "in reach" of c. That is, "evenly divisible" must then mean that x must always be equal to y*2.
Here is a solution in JavaScript:
function f(h) {
var retval = [];
for (var i = h - 5; i <= h + 6; ++i)
retval.push((i+24) % 24);
return retval.sort(function(a,b){return a-b;}); // This is just a regular sort
For example,
f(5) // [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ]
f(3) // [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 22, 23 ]
f(9) // [ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ]

Add all the values between 100 and 4000000 inclusively that are divisable by 3 or 5 but not both 3 and 5

Add all the values between 100 and 4000000 inclusively that are divisable by 3 or 5 but not both 3 and 5
Can't figure out how to implement second part of that stipulation. Here's what I have so far:
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 100; i < 4000001; i++) {
if (i % 3 || i % 5 === 0) {
sum = sum + i;
You can compute the sum without any loop, using the formula for the sum of an arithmetic progression: We have
3 + 5 + 6 + 9 + 10 + 12 + 18 + 20 + ...
= 3 + 6 + 9 + 12 + 15 + 18 + ...
+ 5 + 10 + 15 + 20 + ...
- 2*(15 + 30 + 45 + ...)
Note that we add all the multiples of 3 and 5 but then subtract the multiples of 15 twice, because they were counted twice as multiples of both 3 and 5.
Let g(n) be the sum of integers from 1 to n. We have g(n) = n*(n+1)/2.
Let f(n) be the sum of integers between 1 and n that are divisible by 3 or 5, but not both. Then we have
f(n) = 3*g(floor(n / 3)) + 5*g(floor(n/5)) - 30*g(floor(n/15))
And the sum of integers between m and n that are divisible by 3 or 5, but not both is then just f(n) - f(m - 1). This can be computed in O(1).
You simply need to escape only those part which involves division by 15, and other higher numbers(multiple of 15) will be avoided further automatically.
Note that checking divisibility by 15 should be at the top, which on being true will continue further iteration without executing the below codes of divisibility by 3 and 5. If false, then a number can only be divisible by 3 or 5 or none, but not both.
for (var i = 100; i < 4000001; i++) {
if(i % 15 == 0 )
if (i % 3 == 0) {
sum = sum + i;
if (i % 5 == 0) {
sum = sum + i;
Also, note that you have used === operator which I don't think is a valid operator, probably you want ==. BTW, I am not sure whether any language supports ===, I think Javascript supports that. So, be careful at that step.
You can use != instead of || since this is exactly what you want. Only divisible by 3 or 5 but not by both.
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 100; i < 4000001; i++) {
if ((i % 3 == 0) != (i % 5 == 0)) {
sum = sum + i;
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 100; i < 4000001; i++) {
if (i % 3 === 0 ^ i % 5 === 0) {
sum = sum + i;
use the exclusive OR , XOR ^ returns true only when one of the conditions not both is true.

How to make rounded percentages add up to 100%

Consider the four percentages below, represented as float numbers:
I need to represent these percentages as whole numbers. If I simply use Math.round(), I end up with a total of 101%.
14 + 48 + 10 + 29 = 101
If I use parseInt(), I end up with a total of 97%.
13 + 47 + 9 + 28 = 97
What's a good algorithm to represent any number of percentages as whole numbers while still maintaining a total of 100%?
Edit: After reading some of the comments and answers, there are clearly many ways to go about solving this.
In my mind, to remain true to the numbers, the "right" result is the one that minimizes the overall error, defined by how much error rounding would introduce relative to the actual value:
value rounded error decision
13.626332 14 2.7% round up (14)
47.989636 48 0.0% round up (48)
9.596008 10 4.0% don't round up (9)
28.788024 29 2.7% round up (29)
In case of a tie (3.33, 3.33, 3.33) an arbitrary decision can be made (e.g. 3, 4, 3).
There are many ways to do just this, provided you are not concerned about reliance on the original decimal data.
The first and perhaps most popular method would be the Largest Remainder Method
Which is basically:
Rounding everything down
Getting the difference in sum and 100
Distributing the difference by adding 1 to items in decreasing order of their decimal parts
In your case, it would go like this:
If you take the integer parts, you get
which adds up to 97, and you want to add three more. Now, you look at the decimal parts, which are
and take the largest ones until the total reaches 100. So you would get:
Alternatively, you can simply choose to show one decimal place instead of integer values. So the numbers would be 48.3 and 23.9 etc. This would drop the variance from 100 by a lot.
Probably the "best" way to do this (quoted since "best" is a subjective term) is to keep a running (non-integral) tally of where you are, and round that value.
Then use that along with the history to work out what value should be used. For example, using the values you gave:
Value CumulValue CumulRounded PrevBaseline Need
--------- ---------- ------------ ------------ ----
13.626332 13.626332 14 0 14 ( 14 - 0)
47.989636 61.615968 62 14 48 ( 62 - 14)
9.596008 71.211976 71 62 9 ( 71 - 62)
28.788024 100.000000 100 71 29 (100 - 71)
At each stage, you don't round the number itself. Instead, you round the accumulated value and work out the best integer that reaches that value from the previous baseline - that baseline is the cumulative value (rounded) of the previous row.
This works because you're not losing information at each stage but rather using the information more intelligently. The 'correct' rounded values are in the final column and you can see that they sum to 100.
You can see the difference between this and blindly rounding each value, in the third value above. While 9.596008 would normally round up to 10, the accumulated 71.211976 correctly rounds down to 71 - this means that only 9 is needed to add to the previous baseline of 62.
This also works for "problematic" sequence like three roughly-1/3 values, where one of them should be rounded up:
Value CumulValue CumulRounded PrevBaseline Need
--------- ---------- ------------ ------------ ----
33.333333 33.333333 33 0 33 ( 33 - 0)
33.333333 66.666666 67 33 34 ( 67 - 33)
33.333333 99.999999 100 67 33 (100 - 67)
Since none of the answers here seem to solve it properly, here's my semi-obfuscated version using underscorejs:
function foo(l, target) {
var off = target - _.reduce(l, function(acc, x) { return acc + Math.round(x) }, 0);
return _.chain(l).
sortBy(function(x) { return Math.round(x) - x }).
map(function(x, i) { return Math.round(x) + (off > i) - (i >= (l.length + off)) }).
foo([13.626332, 47.989636, 9.596008, 28.788024], 100) // => [48, 29, 14, 9]
foo([16.666, 16.666, 16.666, 16.666, 16.666, 16.666], 100) // => [17, 17, 17, 17, 16, 16]
foo([33.333, 33.333, 33.333], 100) // => [34, 33, 33]
foo([33.3, 33.3, 33.3, 0.1], 100) // => [34, 33, 33, 0]
The goal of rounding is to generate the least amount of error. When you're rounding a single value, that process is simple and straightforward and most people understand it easily. When you're rounding multiple numbers at the same time, the process gets trickier - you must define how the errors are going to combine, i.e. what must be minimized.
The well-voted answer by Varun Vohra minimizes the sum of the absolute errors, and it's very simple to implement. However there are edge cases it does not handle - what should be the result of rounding 24.25, 23.25, 27.25, 25.25? One of those needs to be rounded up instead of down. You would probably just arbitrarily pick the first or last one in the list.
Perhaps it's better to use the relative error instead of the absolute error. Rounding 23.25 up to 24 changes it by 3.2% while rounding 27.25 up to 28 only changes it by 2.8%. Now there's a clear winner.
It's possible to tweak this even further. One common technique is to square each error, so that large errors count disproportionately more than small ones. I'd also use a non-linear divisor to get the relative error - it doesn't seem right that an error at 1% is 99 times more important than an error at 99%. In the code below I've used the square root.
The complete algorithm is as follows:
Sum the percentages after rounding them all down, and subtract from 100. This tells you how many of those percentages must be rounded up instead.
Generate two error scores for each percentage, one when when rounded down and one when rounded up. Take the difference between the two.
Sort the error differences produced above.
For the number of percentages that need to be rounded up, take an item from the sorted list and increment the rounded down percentage by 1.
You may still have more than one combination with the same error sum, for example 33.3333333, 33.3333333, 33.3333333. This is unavoidable, and the result will be completely arbitrary. The code I give below prefers to round up the values on the left.
Putting it all together in Python looks like this.
from math import isclose, sqrt
def error_gen(actual, rounded):
divisor = sqrt(1.0 if actual < 1.0 else actual)
return abs(rounded - actual) ** 2 / divisor
def round_to_100(percents):
if not isclose(sum(percents), 100):
raise ValueError
n = len(percents)
rounded = [int(x) for x in percents]
up_count = 100 - sum(rounded)
errors = [(error_gen(percents[i], rounded[i] + 1) - error_gen(percents[i], rounded[i]), i) for i in range(n)]
rank = sorted(errors)
for i in range(up_count):
rounded[rank[i][1]] += 1
return rounded
>>> round_to_100([13.626332, 47.989636, 9.596008, 28.788024])
[14, 48, 9, 29]
>>> round_to_100([33.3333333, 33.3333333, 33.3333333])
[34, 33, 33]
>>> round_to_100([24.25, 23.25, 27.25, 25.25])
[24, 23, 28, 25]
>>> round_to_100([1.25, 2.25, 3.25, 4.25, 89.0])
[1, 2, 3, 4, 90]
As you can see with that last example, this algorithm is still capable of delivering non-intuitive results. Even though 89.0 needs no rounding whatsoever, one of the values in that list needed to be rounded up; the lowest relative error results from rounding up that large value rather than the much smaller alternatives.
This answer originally advocated going through every possible combination of round up/round down, but as pointed out in the comments a simpler method works better. The algorithm and code reflect that simplification.
I wrote a C# version rounding helper, the algorithm is same as Varun Vohra's answer, hope it helps.
public static List<decimal> GetPerfectRounding(List<decimal> original,
decimal forceSum, int decimals)
var rounded = original.Select(x => Math.Round(x, decimals)).ToList();
Debug.Assert(Math.Round(forceSum, decimals) == forceSum);
var delta = forceSum - rounded.Sum();
if (delta == 0) return rounded;
var deltaUnit = Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Pow(0.1, decimals)) * Math.Sign(delta);
List<int> applyDeltaSequence;
if (delta < 0)
applyDeltaSequence = original
.Zip(Enumerable.Range(0, int.MaxValue), (x, index) => new { x, index })
.OrderBy(a => original[a.index] - rounded[a.index])
.ThenByDescending(a => a.index)
.Select(a => a.index).ToList();
applyDeltaSequence = original
.Zip(Enumerable.Range(0, int.MaxValue), (x, index) => new { x, index })
.OrderByDescending(a => original[a.index] - rounded[a.index])
.Select(a => a.index).ToList();
Enumerable.Repeat(applyDeltaSequence, int.MaxValue)
.SelectMany(x => x)
.ForEach(index => rounded[index] += deltaUnit);
return rounded;
It pass the following Unit test:
public void TestPerfectRounding()
new List<decimal> {3.333m, 3.334m, 3.333m}, 10, 2),
new List<decimal> {3.33m, 3.34m, 3.33m});
new List<decimal> {3.33m, 3.34m, 3.33m}, 10, 1),
new List<decimal> {3.3m, 3.4m, 3.3m});
new List<decimal> {3.333m, 3.334m, 3.333m}, 10, 1),
new List<decimal> {3.3m, 3.4m, 3.3m});
new List<decimal> { 13.626332m, 47.989636m, 9.596008m, 28.788024m }, 100, 0),
new List<decimal> {14, 48, 9, 29});
new List<decimal> { 16.666m, 16.666m, 16.666m, 16.666m, 16.666m, 16.666m }, 100, 0),
new List<decimal> { 17, 17, 17, 17, 16, 16 });
new List<decimal> { 33.333m, 33.333m, 33.333m }, 100, 0),
new List<decimal> { 34, 33, 33 });
new List<decimal> { 33.3m, 33.3m, 33.3m, 0.1m }, 100, 0),
new List<decimal> { 34, 33, 33, 0 });
DO NOT sum the rounded numbers. You're going to have inaccurate results. The total could be off significantly depending on the number of terms and the distribution of fractional parts.
Display the rounded numbers but sum the actual values. Depending on how you're presenting the numbers, the actual way to do that would vary. That way you get
Any way you go you're going to have discrepancy. There's no way in your example to show numbers that add up to 100 without "rounding" one value the wrong way (least error would be changing 9.596 to 9)
You need to choose between one of the following:
Accuracy of the items
Accuracy of the sum (if you're summing rounded values)
Consistency between the rounded items and the rounded sum)
Most of the time when dealing with percentages #3 is the best option because it's more obvious when the total equals 101% than when the individual items don't total to 100, and you keep the individual items accurate. "Rounding" 9.596 to 9 is inaccurate in my opinion.
To explain this I sometimes add a footnote that explains that the individual values are rounded and may not total 100% - anyone that understands rounding should be able to understand that explanation.
You could try keeping track of your error due to rounding, and then rounding against the grain if the accumulated error is greater than the fractional portion of the current number.
13.62 -> 14 (+.38)
47.98 -> 48 (+.02 (+.40 total))
9.59 -> 10 (+.41 (+.81 total))
28.78 -> 28 (round down because .81 > .78)
Not sure if this would work in general, but it seems to work similar if the order is reversed:
28.78 -> 29 (+.22)
9.59 -> 9 (-.37; rounded down because .59 > .22)
47.98 -> 48 (-.35)
13.62 -> 14 (+.03)
I'm sure there are edge cases where this might break down, but any approach is going to be at least somewhat arbitrary since you're basically modifying your input data.
I'm not sure what level of accuracy you need, but what I would do is simply add 1 the first n numbers, n being the ceil of the total sum of decimals. In this case that is 3, so I would add 1 to the first 3 items and floor the rest. Of course this is not super accurate, some numbers might be rounded up or down when it shouldn't but it works okay and will always result in 100%.
So [ 13.626332, 47.989636, 9.596008, 28.788024 ] would be [14, 48, 10, 28] because Math.ceil(.626332+.989636+.596008+.788024) == 3
function evenRound( arr ) {
var decimal = a ){ return a % 1 })
.reduce(function( a,b ){ return a + b }); // Ceil of total sum of decimals
for ( var i = 0; i < decimal; ++i ) {
arr[ i ] = ++arr[ i ]; // compensate error by adding 1 the the first n items
return a ){ return ~~a }); // floor all other numbers
var nums = evenRound( [ 13.626332, 47.989636, 9.596008, 28.788024 ] );
var total = nums.reduce(function( a,b ){ return a + b }); //=> 100
You can always inform users that the numbers are rounded and may not be super-accurate...
I once wrote an unround tool, to find the minimal perturbation to a set of numbers to match a goal. It was a different problem, but one could in theory use a similar idea here. In this case, we have a set of choices.
Thus for the first element, we can either round it up to 14, or down to 13. The cost (in a binary integer programming sense) of doing so is less for the round up than the round down, because the round down requires we move that value a larger distance. Similarly, we can round each number up or down, so there are a total of 16 choices we must choose from.
+ 28.788024
I'd normally solve the general problem in MATLAB, here using bintprog, a binary integer programming tool, but there are only a few choices to be tested, so it is easy enough with simple loops to test out each of the 16 alternatives. For example, suppose we were to round this set as:
Original Rounded Absolute error
13.626 13 0.62633
47.99 48 0.01036
9.596 10 0.40399
+ 28.788 29 0.21198
100.000 100 1.25266
The total absolute error made is 1.25266. It can be reduced slightly by the following alternative rounding:
Original Rounded Absolute error
13.626 14 0.37367
47.99 48 0.01036
9.596 9 0.59601
+ 28.788 29 0.21198
100.000 100 1.19202
In fact, this will be the optimal solution in terms of the absolute error. Of course, if there were 20 terms, the search space will be of size 2^20 = 1048576. For 30 or 40 terms, that space will be of significant size. In that case, you would need to use a tool that can efficiently search the space, perhaps using a branch and bound scheme.
I think the following will achieve what you are after
function func( orig, target ) {
var i = orig.length, j = 0, total = 0, change, newVals = [], next, factor1, factor2, len = orig.length, marginOfErrors = [];
// map original values to new array
while( i-- ) {
total += newVals[i] = Math.round( orig[i] );
change = total < target ? 1 : -1;
while( total !== target ) {
// Iterate through values and select the one that once changed will introduce
// the least margin of error in terms of itself. e.g. Incrementing 10 by 1
// would mean an error of 10% in relation to the value itself.
for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
next = i === len - 1 ? 0 : i + 1;
factor2 = errorFactor( orig[next], newVals[next] + change );
factor1 = errorFactor( orig[i], newVals[i] + change );
if( factor1 > factor2 ) {
j = next;
newVals[j] += change;
total += change;
for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { marginOfErrors[i] = newVals[i] && Math.abs( orig[i] - newVals[i] ) / orig[i]; }
// Math.round() causes some problems as it is difficult to know at the beginning
// whether numbers should have been rounded up or down to reduce total margin of error.
// This section of code increments and decrements values by 1 to find the number
// combination with least margin of error.
for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
for( j = 0; j < len; j++ ) {
if( j === i ) continue;
var roundUpFactor = errorFactor( orig[i], newVals[i] + 1) + errorFactor( orig[j], newVals[j] - 1 );
var roundDownFactor = errorFactor( orig[i], newVals[i] - 1) + errorFactor( orig[j], newVals[j] + 1 );
var sumMargin = marginOfErrors[i] + marginOfErrors[j];
if( roundUpFactor < sumMargin) {
newVals[i] = newVals[i] + 1;
newVals[j] = newVals[j] - 1;
marginOfErrors[i] = newVals[i] && Math.abs( orig[i] - newVals[i] ) / orig[i];
marginOfErrors[j] = newVals[j] && Math.abs( orig[j] - newVals[j] ) / orig[j];
if( roundDownFactor < sumMargin ) {
newVals[i] = newVals[i] - 1;
newVals[j] = newVals[j] + 1;
marginOfErrors[i] = newVals[i] && Math.abs( orig[i] - newVals[i] ) / orig[i];
marginOfErrors[j] = newVals[j] && Math.abs( orig[j] - newVals[j] ) / orig[j];
function errorFactor( oldNum, newNum ) {
return Math.abs( oldNum - newNum ) / oldNum;
return newVals;
func([16.666, 16.666, 16.666, 16.666, 16.666, 16.666], 100); // => [16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17]
func([33.333, 33.333, 33.333], 100); // => [34, 33, 33]
func([33.3, 33.3, 33.3, 0.1], 100); // => [34, 33, 33, 0]
func([13.25, 47.25, 11.25, 28.25], 100 ); // => [13, 48, 11, 28]
func( [25.5, 25.5, 25.5, 23.5], 100 ); // => [25, 25, 26, 24]
One last thing, I ran the function using the numbers originally given in the question to compare to the desired output
func([13.626332, 47.989636, 9.596008, 28.788024], 100); // => [48, 29, 13, 10]
This was different to what the question wanted => [ 48, 29, 14, 9]. I couldn't understand this until I looked at the total margin of error
| original | question | % diff | mine | % diff |
| 13.626332 | 14 | 2.74% | 13 | 4.5% |
| 47.989636 | 48 | 0.02% | 48 | 0.02% |
| 9.596008 | 9 | 6.2% | 10 | 4.2% |
| 28.788024 | 29 | 0.7% | 29 | 0.7% |
| Totals | 100 | 9.66% | 100 | 9.43% |
Essentially, the result from my function actually introduces the least amount of error.
Fiddle here
Note: the selected answer is changing the array order which is not preferred, here I provide more different variations that achieving the same result and keeping the array in order
given [98.88, .56, .56] how do you want to round it? you have four option
1- round things up and subtract what is added from the rest of the numbers, so the result becomes [98, 1, 1]
this could be a good answer, but what if we have [97.5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5]? then you need to round it up to [95, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
do you see how it goes? if you add more 0-like numbers, you will lose more value from the rest of your numbers. this could be very troublesome when you have a big array of zero-like number like [40, .5, .5 , ... , .5]. when you round up this, you could end up with an array of ones: [1, 1, .... , 1]
so round-up isn't a good option.
2- you round down the numbers. so [98.88, .56, .56] becomes [98, 0, 0], then you are 2 less than 100. you ignore anything that is already 0, then add up the difference to the biggest numbers. so bigger numbers will get more.
3- same as previous, round down numbers, but you sort descending based on the decimals, divide up the diff based on the decimal, so biggest decimal will get the diff.
4- you round up, but you add what you added to the next number. so like a wave what you have added will be redirected to the end of your array. so [98.88, .56, .56] becomes [99, 0, 1]
none of these are ideal, so be mindful that your data is going to lose its shape.
here I provide a code for cases 2 and 3 (as case No.1 is not practical when you have a lot of zero-like numbers). it's modern Js and doesn't need any library to use
2nd case
const v1 = [13.626332, 47.989636, 9.596008, 28.788024];// => [ 14, 48, 9, 29 ]
const v2 = [16.666, 16.666, 16.666, 16.666, 16.666, 16.666] // => [ 17, 17, 17, 17, 16, 16 ] 
const v3 = [33.333, 33.333, 33.333] // => [ 34, 33, 33 ]
const v4 = [33.3, 33.3, 33.3, 0.1] // => [ 34, 33, 33, 0 ]
const v5 = [98.88, .56, .56] // =>[ 100, 0, 0 ]
const v6 = [97.5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5] // => [ 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
const normalizePercentageByNumber = (input) => {
const rounded: number[] = => Math.floor(x));
const afterRoundSum = rounded.reduce((pre, curr) => pre + curr, 0);
const countMutableItems = rounded.filter(x => x >=1).length;
const errorRate = 100 - afterRoundSum;
const deductPortion = Math.ceil(errorRate / countMutableItems);
const biggest = [...rounded].sort((a, b) => b - a).slice(0, Math.min(Math.abs(errorRate), countMutableItems));
const result = => {
const indexOfX = biggest.indexOf(x);
if (indexOfX >= 0) {
x += deductPortion;
biggest.splice(indexOfX, 1);
return x;
return x;
return result;
3rd case
const normalizePercentageByDecimal = (input: number[]) => {
const rounded=, i) => ({number: Math.floor(x), decimal: x%1, index: i }));
const decimalSorted= [...rounded].sort((a,b)=> b.decimal-a.decimal);
const sum = rounded.reduce((pre, curr)=> pre + curr.number, 0) ;
const error= 100-sum;
for (let i = 0; i < error; i++) {
const element = decimalSorted[i];
const result= [...decimalSorted].sort((a,b)=> a.index-b.index);
return> x.number);
4th case
you just need to calculate how much extra air added or deducted to your numbers on each roundup and, add or subtract it again in the next item.
const v1 = [13.626332, 47.989636, 9.596008, 28.788024];// => [14, 48, 10, 28 ]
const v2 = [16.666, 16.666, 16.666, 16.666, 16.666, 16.666] // => [17, 16, 17, 16, 17, 17]
const v3 = [33.333, 33.333, 33.333] // => [33, 34, 33]
const v4 = [33.3, 33.3, 33.3, 0.1] // => [33, 34, 33, 0]
const normalizePercentageByWave= v4.reduce((pre, curr, i, arr) => {
let number = Math.round(curr + pre.decimal);
let total = + number;
const decimal = curr - number;
if (i == arr.length - 1 && total < 100) {
const diff = 100 - total;
total += diff;
number += diff;
return { total, numbers: [...pre.numbers, number], decimal };
}, { total: 0, numbers: [], decimal: 0 });
If you have just just two options you are good to use Math.round(). Only problematic pair of values are X.5 (eg. 37.5 and 62.5) it will round both values up and you will end up with 101% as you can try here:
Since you need to show always 100% you simply remove one percentage from on of them, for example on first one
const correctedARounded = Number.isInteger(aRounded-0.5) ? a - 1 : a
Or you can favor the option with more % votes.
The error of 1% diff happens 114 times for 10k cases of divisions between pairs of 1-100 values.
My JS implementation for the well-voted answer by Varun Vohra
const set1 = [13.626332, 47.989636, 9.596008, 28.788024];
// const set2 = [24.25, 23.25, 27.25, 25.25];
const values = set1;
console.log('Total: ', values.reduce((accum, each) => accum + each));
console.log('Incorrectly Rounded: ',
values.reduce((accum, each) => accum + Math.round(each), 0));
const adjustValues = (values) => {
// 1. Separate integer and decimal part
// 2. Store both in a new array of objects sorted by decimal part descending
// 3. Add in original position to "put back" at the end
const flooredAndSortedByDecimal =, position) => (
floored: Math.floor(value),
decimal: value - Number.parseInt(value),
)).sort(({decimal}, {decimal: otherDecimal}) => otherDecimal - decimal);
const roundedTotal = values.reduce((total, value) => total + Math.floor(value), 0);
let availableForDistribution = 100 - roundedTotal;
// Add 1 to each value from what's available
const adjustedValues = => {
const { floored, } = value;
let finalPercentage = floored;
if(availableForDistribution > 0){
finalPercentage = floored + 1;
return {
// Put back and return the new values
return adjustedValues
.sort(({position}, {position: otherPosition}) => position - otherPosition)
.map(({finalPercentage}) => finalPercentage);
const finalPercentages = adjustValues(values);
// { finalPercentage: [14, 48, 9, 29]}
Or something like this for brevity, where you just accumulate the error...
const p = [13.626332, 47.989636, 9.596008, 28.788024];
const round = (a, e = 0) => => (r = Math.round(x + e), e += x - r, r));
Result: [14, 48, 9, 29]
If you are rounding it there is no good way to get it exactly the same in all case.
You can take the decimal part of the N percentages you have (in the example you gave it is 4).
Add the decimal parts. In your example you have total of fractional part = 3.
Ceil the 3 numbers with highest fractions and floor the rest.
(Sorry for the edits)
If you really must round them, there are already very good suggestions here (largest remainder, least relative error, and so on).
There is also already one good reason not to round (you'll get at least one number that "looks better" but is "wrong"), and how to solve that (warn your readers) and that is what I do.
Let me add on the "wrong" number part.
Suppose you have three events/entitys/... with some percentages that you approximate as:
who | real | app
A | 33.34 | 34
B | 33.33 | 33
C | 33.33 | 33
Later on the values change slightly, to
who | real | app
A | 33.35 | 33
B | 33.36 | 34
C | 33.29 | 33
The first table has the already mentioned problem of having a "wrong" number: 33.34 is closer to 33 than to 34.
But now you have a bigger error. Comparing day 2 to day 1, the real percentage value for A increased, by 0.01%, but the approximation shows a decrease by 1%.
That is a qualitative error, probably quite worse that the initial quantitative error.
One could devise a approximation for the whole set but, you may have to publish data on day one, thus you'll not know about day two. So, unless you really, really, must approximate, you probably better not.
Here's a simpler Python implementation of #varun-vohra answer:
def apportion_pcts(pcts, total):
proportions = [total * (pct / 100) for pct in pcts]
apportions = [math.floor(p) for p in proportions]
remainder = total - sum(apportions)
remainders = [(i, p - math.floor(p)) for (i, p) in enumerate(proportions)]
remainders.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
for (i, _) in itertools.cycle(remainders):
if remainder == 0:
apportions[i] += 1
remainder -= 1
return apportions
You need math, itertools, operator.
check if this is valid or not as far as my test cases I am able to get this working.
let's say number is k;
sort percentage by descending oder.
iterate over each percentage from descending order.
calculate percentage of k for first percentage take Math.Ceil of output.
next k = k-1
iterate over till all percentage is consumed.
I have implemented the method from Varun Vohra's answer here for both lists and dicts.
import math
import numbers
import operator
import itertools
def round_list_percentages(number_list):
Takes a list where all values are numbers that add up to 100,
and rounds them off to integers while still retaining a sum of 100.
A total value sum that rounds to 100.00 with two decimals is acceptable.
This ensures that all input where the values are calculated with [fraction]/[total]
and the sum of all fractions equal the total, should pass.
# Check input
if not all(isinstance(i, numbers.Number) for i in number_list):
raise ValueError('All values of the list must be a number')
# Generate a key for each value
key_generator = itertools.count()
value_dict = {next(key_generator): value for value in number_list}
return round_dictionary_percentages(value_dict).values()
def round_dictionary_percentages(dictionary):
Takes a dictionary where all values are numbers that add up to 100,
and rounds them off to integers while still retaining a sum of 100.
A total value sum that rounds to 100.00 with two decimals is acceptable.
This ensures that all input where the values are calculated with [fraction]/[total]
and the sum of all fractions equal the total, should pass.
# Check input
# Only allow numbers
if not all(isinstance(i, numbers.Number) for i in dictionary.values()):
raise ValueError('All values of the dictionary must be a number')
# Make sure the sum is close enough to 100
# Round value_sum to 2 decimals to avoid floating point representation errors
value_sum = round(sum(dictionary.values()), 2)
if not value_sum == 100:
raise ValueError('The sum of the values must be 100')
# Initial floored results
# Does not add up to 100, so we need to add something
result = {key: int(math.floor(value)) for key, value in dictionary.items()}
# Remainders for each key
result_remainders = {key: value % 1 for key, value in dictionary.items()}
# Keys sorted by remainder (biggest first)
sorted_keys = [key for key, value in sorted(result_remainders.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)]
# Otherwise add missing values up to 100
# One cycle is enough, since flooring removes a max value of < 1 per item,
# i.e. this loop should always break before going through the whole list
for key in sorted_keys:
if sum(result.values()) == 100:
result[key] += 1
# Return
return result
For those having the percentages in a pandas Series, here is my implemantation of the Largest remainder method (as in Varun Vohra's answer), where you can even select the decimals to which you want to round.
import numpy as np
def largestRemainderMethod(pd_series, decimals=1):
floor_series = ((10**decimals * pd_series).astype(
diff = 100 * (10**decimals) - floor_series.sum().astype(
series_decimals = pd_series - floor_series / (10**decimals)
series_sorted_by_decimals = series_decimals.sort_values(ascending=False)
for i in range(0, len(series_sorted_by_decimals)):
if i < diff:
series_sorted_by_decimals.iloc[[i]] = 1
series_sorted_by_decimals.iloc[[i]] = 0
out_series = ((floor_series + series_sorted_by_decimals) / (10**decimals)).sort_values(ascending=False)
return out_series
Here's a Ruby gem that implements the Largest Remainder method:
To use:
a ={ BigDecimal('0.3334') }
# => [#<BigDecimal:887b6c8,'0.3334E0',9(18)>, #<BigDecimal:887b600,'0.3334E0',9(18)>, #<BigDecimal:887b4c0,'0.3334E0',9(18)>]
a = LareRound.round(a,2)
# => [#<BigDecimal:8867330,'0.34E0',9(36)>, #<BigDecimal:8867290,'0.33E0',9(36)>, #<BigDecimal:88671f0,'0.33E0',9(36)>]
# => 1.0
I wrote a function in Javascript that takes an array of percentages and outputs an array with rounded percentages using the Largest Remainder Method. It doesn't use any libraries.
Input: [21.6, 46.7, 31, 0.5, 0.2]
Output: [22, 47, 31, 0, 0]
const values = [21.6, 46.7, 31, 0.5, 0.2];
function roundPercentages(values) {
const flooredValues = => Math.floor(e));
const remainders = => e - Math.floor(e));
const totalRemainder = 100 - flooredValues.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
// Deep copy because order of remainders is important
// Sort from highest to lowest remainder
.sort((a, b) => b - a)
// Get the n largest remainder values, where n = totalRemainder
.slice(0, totalRemainder)
// Add 1 to the floored percentages with the highest remainder (divide the total remainder)
.forEach(e => flooredValues[remainders.indexOf(e)] += 1);
return flooredValues;
This is a case for banker's rounding, aka 'round half-even'. It is supported by BigDecimal. Its purpose is to ensure that rounding balances out, i.e. doesn't favour either the bank orthe customer.

Adjacent number algorithm grouper

By which I mean this:
Given the input set of numbers:
1,2,3,4,5 becomes "1-5".
1,2,3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14 becomes "1-3, 5, 7, 9-12, 14"
This is the best I managed to come up with: [C#]
Which feels a little sloppy to me, so the question is, is there somehow more readable and/or elegant solution to this?
public static string[] FormatInts(int[] ints)
if (ints == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("ints"); // hey what are you doing?
if (ints.Length == 0)
return new string[] { "" }; // nothing to process
if (ints.Length == 1)
return new string[] { ints[0].ToString() }; // nothing to process
Array.Sort<int>(ints); // need to sort these lil' babies
List<string> values = new List<string>();
int lastNumber = ints[0]; // start with the first number
int firstNumber = ints[0]; // same as above
for (int i = 1; i < ints.Length; i++)
int current = ints[i];
int difference = (lastNumber - current ); // compute difference between last number and current number
if (difference == -1) // the numbers are adjacent
if (firstNumber == 0) // this is the first of the adjacent numbers
firstNumber = lastNumber;
else // we're somehow in the middle or at the end of the adjacent number set
lastNumber = current;
if (firstNumber > 0 && firstNumber != lastNumber) // get ready to print a set of numbers
values.Add(string.Format("{0}-{1}", firstNumber, lastNumber));
firstNumber = 0; // reset
else // print a single value
values.Add(string.Format("{0}", lastNumber));
lastNumber = current;
if (firstNumber > 0) // if theres anything left, print it out
values.Add(string.Format("{0}-{1}", firstNumber, lastNumber));
return values.ToArray();
I've rewritten your code like this:
public static string[] FormatInts(int[] ints)
List<string> values = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < ints.Length; i++)
int groupStart = ints[i];
int groupEnd = groupStart;
while (i < ints.Length - 1 && ints[i] - ints[i + 1] == -1)
groupEnd = ints[i + 1];
values.Add(string.Format(groupEnd == groupStart ? "{0}":"{0} - {1}", groupStart, groupEnd));
return values.ToArray();
And then:
int[] myInts = { 1,2,3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14 };
string[] result = FormatInts(myInts); // now result haves "1-3", "5", "7", "9-12", "14"
See How would you display an array of integers as a set of ranges? (algorithm)
My answer to the above question:
void ranges(int n; int a[n], int n)
qsort(a, n, sizeof(*a), intcmp);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
const int start = i;
while(i < n-1 and a[i] >= a[i+1]-1)
printf("%d", a[start]);
if (a[start] != a[i])
printf("-%d", a[i]);
if (i < n-1)
Pure functional Python:
#!/bin/env python
def group(nums):
def collect((acc, i_s, i_e), n):
if n == i_e + 1: return acc, i_s, n
return acc + ["%d"%i_s + ("-%d"%i_e)*(i_s!=i_e)], n, n
s = sorted(nums)+[None]
acc, _, __ = reduce(collect, s[1:], ([], s[0], s[0]))
return ", ".join(acc)
assert group([1,2,3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14]) == "1-3, 5, 7, 9-12, 14"
I'm a bit late to the party, but anyway, here is my version using Linq:
public static string[] FormatInts(IEnumerable<int> ints)
var intGroups = ints
.OrderBy(i => i)
.Aggregate(new List<List<int>>(), (acc, i) =>
if (acc.Count > 0 && acc.Last().Last() == i - 1) acc.Last().Add(i);
else acc.Add(new List<int> { i });
return acc;
return intGroups
.Select(g => g.First().ToString() + (g.Count == 1 ? "" : "-" + g.Last().ToString()))
Looks clear and straightforward to me. You can simplify a bit if you either assume the input array is sorted, or sort it yourself before further processing.
The only tweak I'd suggest would be to reverse the subtraction:
int difference = (current - lastNumber);
... simply because I find it easier to work with positive differences. But your code is a pleasure to read!
As I wrote in comment, I am not fan of the use of value 0 as flag, making firstNumber both a value and a flag.
I did a quick implementation of the algorithm in Java, boldly skipping the validity tests you already correctly covered...
public class IntListToRanges
// Assumes all numbers are above 0
public static String[] MakeRanges(int[] numbers)
ArrayList<String> ranges = new ArrayList<String>();
int rangeStart = 0;
boolean bInRange = false;
for (int i = 1; i <= numbers.length; i++)
if (i < numbers.length && numbers[i] - numbers[i - 1] == 1)
if (!bInRange)
rangeStart = numbers[i - 1];
bInRange = true;
if (bInRange)
ranges.add(rangeStart + "-" + numbers[i - 1]);
bInRange = false;
ranges.add(String.valueOf(numbers[i - 1]));
return ranges.toArray(new String[ranges.size()]);
public static void ShowRanges(String[] ranges)
for (String range : ranges)
System.out.print(range + ","); // Inelegant but quickly coded...
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] an1 = { 1,2,3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,16,22,23,27 };
int[] an2 = { 1,2 };
int[] an3 = { 1,3,5,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15 };
int L = 100;
int[] anr = new int[L];
for (int i = 0, c = 1; i < L; i++)
int incr = Math.random() > 0.2 ? 1 : (int) Math.random() * 3 + 2;
c += incr;
anr[i] = c;
I won't say it is more elegant/efficient than your algorithm, of course... Just something different.
Note that 1,5,6,9 can be written either 1,5-6,9 or 1,5,6,9, not sure what is better (if any).
I remember having done something similar (in C) to group message numbers to Imap ranges, as it is more efficient. A useful algorithm.
With input validation/pre-sorting
You can easily get the result as a LoL if you need to do something more fancy than
just return a string.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use Scalar::Util qw/looks_like_number/;
sub adjacenify {
my #input = #_;
# Validate and sort
looks_like_number $_ or
die "Saw '$_' which doesn't look like a number" for #input;
#input = sort { $a <=> $b } #input;
my (#output, #range);
#range = (shift #input);
for (#input) {
if ($_ - $range[-1] <= 1) {
push #range, $_ unless $range[-1] == $_; # Prevent repetition
else {
push #output, [ #range ];
#range = ($_);
push #output, [ #range ] if #range;
# Return the result as a string. If a sequence is size 1, then it's just that number.
# Otherwise, it's the first and last number joined by '-'
return join ', ', map { 1 == #$_ ? #$_ : join ' - ', $_->[0], $_->[-1] } #output;
print adjacenify( qw/1 2 3 5 7 9 10 11 12 14/ ), "\n";
print adjacenify( 1 .. 5 ), "\n";
print adjacenify( qw/-10 -9 -8 -1 0 1 2 3 5 7 9 10 11 12 14/ ), "\n";
print adjacenify( qw/1 2 4 5 6 7 100 101/), "\n";
print adjacenify( qw/1 62/), "\n";
print adjacenify( qw/1/), "\n";
print adjacenify( qw/1 2/), "\n";
print adjacenify( qw/1 62 63/), "\n";
print adjacenify( qw/-2 0 0 2/), "\n";
print adjacenify( qw/-2 0 0 1/), "\n";
print adjacenify( qw/-2 0 0 1 2/), "\n";
1 - 3, 5, 7, 9 - 12, 14
1 - 5
-10 - -8, -1 - 3, 5, 7, 9 - 12, 14
1 - 2, 4 - 7, 100 - 101
1, 62
1 - 2
1, 62 - 63
-2, 0, 2
-2, 0 - 1
-2, 0 - 2
-2, 0 - 2
And a nice recursive solution:
sub _recursive_adjacenify($$);
sub _recursive_adjacenify($$) {
my ($input, $range) = #_;
return $range if ! #$input;
my $number = shift #$input;
if ($number - $range->[-1] <= 1) {
return _recursive_adjacenify $input, [ #$range, $number ];
else {
return $range, _recursive_adjacenify $input, [ $number ];
sub recursive_adjacenify {
my #input = #_;
# Validate and sort
looks_like_number $_ or
die "Saw '$_' which doesn't look like a number" for #input;
#input = sort { $a <=> $b } #input;
my #output = _recursive_adjacenify \#input, [ shift #input ];
# Return the result as a string. If a sequence is size 1,
# then it's just that number.
# Otherwise, it's the first and last number joined by '-'
return join ', ', map { 2 == #$_ && $_->[0] == $_->[1] ? $_->[0] :
1 == #$_ ? #$_ :
join ' - ', $_->[0], $_->[-1] } #output;
Short and sweet Ruby
def range_to_s(range)
return range.first.to_s if range.size == 1
return range.first.to_s + "-" + range.last.to_s
def format_ints(ints)
range = []
0.upto(ints.size-1) do |i|
range << ints[i]
unless (range.first..range.last).to_a == range
return range_to_s(range[0,range.length-1]) + "," + format_ints(ints[i,ints.length-1])
My first thought, in Python:
def seq_to_ranges(seq):
first, last = None, None
for x in sorted(seq):
if last != None and last + 1 != x:
yield (first, last)
first = x
if first == None: first = x
last = x
if last != None: yield (first, last)
def seq_to_ranges_str(seq):
return ", ".join("%d-%d" % (first, last) if first != last else str(first) for (first, last) in seq_to_ranges(seq))
Possibly could be cleaner, but it's still waaay easy.
Plain translation to Haskell:
import Data.List
seq_to_ranges :: (Enum a, Ord a) => [a] -> [(a, a)]
seq_to_ranges = merge . foldl accum (id, Nothing) . sort where
accum (k, Nothing) x = (k, Just (x, x))
accum (k, Just (a, b)) x | succ b == x = (k, Just (a, x))
| otherwise = (k . ((a, b):), Just (x, x))
merge (k, m) = k $ maybe [] (:[]) m
seq_to_ranges_str :: (Enum a, Ord a, Show a) => [a] -> String
seq_to_ranges_str = drop 2 . concatMap r2s . seq_to_ranges where
r2s (a, b) | a /= b = ", " ++ show a ++ "-" ++ show b
| otherwise = ", " ++ show a
About the same.
Transcript of an interactive J session (user input is indented 3 spaces, text in ASCII boxes is J output):
g =: 3 : '<#~."1((y~:1+({.,}:)y)#y),.(y~:(}.y,{:y)-1)#y'#/:~"1
g 1 2 3 4 5
|1 5|
g 1 2 3 5 7 9 10 11 12 14
|1 3|5|7|9 12|14|
g 12 2 14 9 1 3 10 5 11 7
|1 3|5|7|9 12|14|
g2 =: 4 : '<(>x),'' '',>y'/#:>#:(4 :'<(>x),''-'',>y'/&.>)#((<#":)"0&.>#g)
g2 12 2 14 9 1 3 10 5 11 7
|1-3 5 7 9-12 14|
(;g2) 5 1 20 $ (i.100) /: ? 100 $ 100
|20 39 82 33 72 93 15 30 85 24 97 60 87 44 77 29 58 69 78 43|
| |
|67 89 17 63 34 41 53 37 61 18 88 70 91 13 19 65 99 81 3 62|
| |
|31 32 6 11 23 94 16 73 76 7 0 75 98 27 66 28 50 9 22 38|
| |
|25 42 86 5 55 64 79 35 36 14 52 2 57 12 46 80 83 84 90 56|
| |
| 8 96 4 10 49 71 21 54 48 51 26 40 95 1 68 47 59 74 92 45|
|15 20 24 29-30 33 39 43-44 58 60 69 72 77-78 82 85 87 93 97|
|3 13 17-19 34 37 41 53 61-63 65 67 70 81 88-89 91 99 |
|0 6-7 9 11 16 22-23 27-28 31-32 38 50 66 73 75-76 94 98 |
|2 5 12 14 25 35-36 42 46 52 55-57 64 79-80 83-84 86 90 |
|1 4 8 10 21 26 40 45 47-49 51 54 59 68 71 74 92 95-96 |
Readable and elegant are in the eye of the beholder :D
That was a good exercise! It suggests the following segment of Perl:
sub g {
my ($i, #r, #s) = 0, local #_ = sort {$a<=>$b} #_;
$_ && $_[$_-1]+1 == $_[$_] || push(#r, $_[$_]),
$_<$#_ && $_[$_+1]-1 == $_[$_] || push(#s, $_[$_]) for 0..$#_;
join ' ', map {$_ == $s[$i++] ? $_ : "$_-$s[$i-1]"} #r;
In plain English, this algorithm finds all items where the previous item is not one less, uses them for the lower bounds; finds all items where the next item is not one greater, uses them for the upper bounds; and combines the two lists together item-by-item.
Since J is pretty obscure, here's a short explanation of how that code works:
x /: y sorts the array x on y. ~ can make a dyadic verb into a reflexive monad, so /:~ means "sort an array on itself".
3 : '...' declares a monadic verb (J's way of saying "function taking one argument"). # means function composition, so g =: 3 : '...' # /:~ means "g is set to the function we're defining, but with its argument sorted first". "1 says that we operate on arrays, not tables or anything of higher dimensionality.
Note: y is always the name of the only argument to a monadic verb.
{. takes the first element of an array (head) and }: takes all but the last (curtail). ({.,}:)y effectively duplicates the first element of y and lops off the last element. 1+({.,}:)y adds 1 to it all, and ~: compares two arrays, true wherever they are different and false wherever they are the same, so y~:1+({.,}:)y is an array that is true in all the indices of y where an element is not equal to one more than the element that preceded it. (y~:1+({.,}:)y)#y selects all elements of y where the property stated in the previous sentence is true.
Similarly, }. takes all but the first element of an array (behead) and {: takes the last (tail), so }.y,{:y is all but the first element of y, with the last element duplicated. (}.y,{:y)-1 subtracts 1 to it all, and again ~: compares two arrays item-wise for non-equality while # picks.
,. zips the two arrays together, into an array of two-element arrays. ~. nubs a list (eliminates duplicates), and is given the "1 rank, so it operates on the inner two-element arrays rather than the top-level array. This is # composed with <, which puts each subarray into a box (otherwise J will extend each subarray again to form a 2D table).
g2 is a mess of boxing and unboxing (otherwise J will pad strings to equal length), and is pretty uninteresting.
Here's my Haskell entry:
runs lst = map showRun $ runs' lst
runs' l = reverse $ map reverse $ foldl newOrGlue [[]] l
showRun [s] = show s
showRun lst = show (head lst) ++ "-" ++ (show $ last lst)
newOrGlue [[]] e = [[e]]
newOrGlue (curr:other) e | e == (1 + (head curr)) = ((e:curr):other)
newOrGlue (curr:other) e | otherwise = [e]:(curr:other)
and a sample run:
T> runs [1,2,3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14]
Erlang , perform also sort and unique on input and can generate programmatically reusable pair and also a string representation.
group(List) ->
[First|_] = USList = lists:usort(List),
getnext(USList, First, 0).
getnext([Head|Tail] = List, First, N) when First+N == Head ->
getnext(Tail, First, N+1);
getnext([Head|Tail] = List, First, N) ->
[ {First, First+N-1} | getnext(List, Head, 0) ];
getnext([], First, N) -> [{First, First+N-1}].
%%%%%% pretty printer
group_to_string({X,X}) -> integer_to_list(X);
group_to_string({X,Y}) -> integer_to_list(X) ++ "-" ++ integer_to_list(Y);
group_to_string(List) -> [group_to_string(X) || X <- group(List)].
Test getting programmatically reusable pairs:
shell> testing:group([34,3415,56,58,57,11,12,13,1,2,3,3,4,5]).
result> [{1,5},{11,13},{34,34},{56,58},{3415,3415}]
Test getting "pretty" string:
shell> testing:group_to_string([34,3415,56,58,57,11,12,13,1,2,3,3,4,5]).
result> ["1-5","11-13","34","56-58","3415"]
hope it helps
Public Function convertListToRange(lst As String) As String
Dim splLst() As String
splLst = Split(lst, ",")
Dim x As Long
For x = 0 To UBound(splLst)
Dim groupStart As Integer
groupStart = splLst(x)
Dim groupEnd As Integer
groupEnd = groupStart
Do While (x <= UBound(splLst) - 1)
If splLst(x) - splLst(x + 1) <> -1 Then Exit Do
groupEnd = splLst(x + 1)
x = x + 1
convertListToRange = convertListToRange & IIf(groupStart = groupEnd, groupStart & ",", groupStart & "-" & groupEnd & ",")
Next x
convertListToRange = Left(convertListToRange, Len(convertListToRange) - 1)
End Function
Return: "1-3,7-9,11-12,99-101"
