jqGrid hover over icon with empty string - jqgrid

I have a column with Actions which contains icons. One of the icon ( second icon) is tied to qtip. So when I hover over it shows the empty div which looks bad. It is jqGrid's hover over element value. But as in actions i do not have any value it shows blank.
What i can do to disable it for that particular column ?

In your colModel options, you can specify title:false like this:
colModel: [
{ name: "Actions", title: false },
{ name: "Type", index: "Type" },
{ name: "ReceiptLoc", index: "ReceiptLoc" }
That empty little box you are seeing is the tooltip copy of text in the cell. Your Action column has no bound values in the cell, that is why it is empty.


GraphQL/Netlify CMS - don't error if query field is undefined (doesn't exist)

I'm using Gatsby with Netlify CMS and have some optional fields in a file collection. The problem with this is that I'm unable to retrieve these fields using GraphQL, as the field doesn't exist if it was left blank.
For example, let's say I have the following collection file:
label: "Primary Color",
name: "primary",
file: "data/palette.yaml",
widget: "object",
fields: [
label: "Light",
name: "light",
required: false,
widget: "string"
label: "Main",
name: "main",
required: false,
widget: "string"
label: "Dark",
name: "dark",
required: false,
widget: "string"
label: "Contrast Text",
name: "contrastText",
required: false,
widget: "string"
All fields are optional. So let's say the user only enters in a value for main. This then saves the data as:
main: '#ff0000'
light, dark and contrastText are not saved at all - they are simply left out entirely.
When I query the data in GraphQL, I obviously need to check for ALL fields since I have no idea which optional fields were filled in by the user and which were left blank. This means my query should be something like:
query MyQuery {
paletteYaml {
primary {
Using the above example where the user only filled in the main field, the above query will throw an error as light, dark and contrastText fields do not exist.
I am using a file collection type (as opposed to folder collection type) for this, so I can't set a default value. It wouldn't matter if I could set a default value anyway, since GraphQL and Yaml do not accept undefined as a value - they can only accept null or an empty string ("") as a best alternative.
Even if I manually save the yaml file with all field values set to null or "", this wouldn't work either as it would then cause additional issues as I am deep merging the query result with another javascript object.
I simply need to have GraphQL return undefined for each blank (missing) field instead of throwing an error, or not return the blank/missing fields at all.
This seems like a common issue (handling optional fields in Netlify CMS) but there is nothing in the documentation about it. How do people handle this issue?

How do I get the current datasource filter for a grid with Kendo UI for Vue?

To get the current datasource filter with Kendo UI for jQuery, you can call dataSource.filter()
I can't seem to find the equivalent for the Vue.js version. I've created an example here. The filter is currently set on the 'ProductName' column to show results that start with 'c' via:
filterConfiguration: { field: "ProductName", operator: "startswith", value: "c" },
You can see this in the console by clicking the Log Filter button which logs out the value of:
If you change the filter by clicking on the column header and changing 'c' to 'ch' you'll notice if you log the filter again, it does not change.
There is also no filter() function on the data source. Is there a way to get the currently applied filter?
I figured it out. You have to assign the filter object like this:
filterConfiguration: {
logic: "or",
filters: [
{ field: "ProductName", operator: "startswith", value: "c" }
Or if you don't want to load the grid with any preset filters, you need at least this:
filterConfiguration: {
filters: []
This will not work:
filterConfiguration: {}

How do I programmatically select from a select2 dropdown when using the tablesorter.filterformatter widget?

I would like to be able to programmatically select something from a dropdown, as in http://select2.github.io/select2/#programmatic. But the dropdown also seems to be generated (I didn't include it anywhere in the HTML) by the filterformatter widget, which I initialized with:
theme: "blue",
headers: {1: {sorter: 'types'}},
widgets: ["filter", "zebra"],
widgetOptions : {
filter_formatter: {
1 : function ($cell, indx) {
return $.tablesorter.filterFormatter.select2($cell, indx, {
closeOnSelect: false,
placeholder: "Select events",
allowClear: true,
match: false, // exact match only
What element do I call select2 on in this case? What are the values/data that I should be using (the thing I would like to select, for example, is the string APP_STATE).
When select2 is applied to the table, the table cell gets a class name of select2col0 where (0 is the column zero-based index).
If you open this demo and enter the following code in the console, it'll programmically set the value:
$('.select2col0').find('input').select2('val', ['abc']);

ID values for jqGrid select lists

I am using jQrid version 3.8.1 and I have a grid that displays information about cars. The jQgrid should is set up to display one car per row and one of the columns is a multi-select list that displays which types of seats the car is configured with. A car can have multiple seat types.
When the user edits a car row, it makes an ajax query to get all of the seats types available in the system and sticks them in the multi-select list. In addition to populating the list, it needs to also select the options already chosen for that car.
The values inside the Installed Seats column are not simple strings. They have both an ID and a string value. So the ID for "Wire mesh" might be 2883 and the value for "Composite" might be 29991. They are just unique numeric values (basically the primary key from the table they are stored in).
After the multi-select list is populated with all the appropriate Seat values, I need to select the ones that the car currently has installed (in the picture above it's "Steel" and "Wire frame"). I need to do this based on the seat IDs stored for that car. However, I don't know where these value are going to come from. The grid only stores the names for the seats, not the IDs. Hopefully there is a way to make it store both.
The column model looks like this:
colModel: [
{ name: 'Year', index: 'Year', editable: true, edittype: "select", editoptions: { multiple: true } },
{ name: 'Make', index: 'Make', editable: true, edittype: "select", editoptions: { multiple: true } },
{ name: 'Body', index: 'Body', editable: true, edittype: "select", editoptions: { multiple: true } },
{ name: 'Seats', index: 'Seats', editable: true, edittype: "select", editoptions: { multiple: true }, cellattr='is-seat-list="1"' }
Notice that the 'Seats' model has a cell attribute called is-seat-list. I'm using this to find the select box in the row inside the 'editRow' function.
The onSelectRow handler looks like this:
onSelectRow: function (index) {
var curValues = $('#cargrid').getRowData(index);
jQuery('#cargrid').jqGrid('editRow', index, true, function(rowId) {
//when the user edits the row, query for all the seat types and fill in the list
url: '/getalltheseats',
complete: function (allSeats, stat) {
var list = $('#cargrid').find('tr[id="' + rowId + '"] td[is-seat-list="1"] select');
var $list = $(list);
//add the all seat types to the list, checking the ones that this car currently has selected
_.each(allSeats, function(seat) {
var selected = '';
if(curValues['Seats'].indexOf(seat.ID) !== -1) //<-- what do I do here??
selected = 'selected';
$list.append($('<option ' + selected + '></option>').attr('value', seat.ID).text(seat.Name));
The important line is
if(curValues['Seats'].indexOf(seat.ID) !== -1)
I have the value of the row but it only contains the seat name, not the ID. The data returned from the ajax call contains each seat name and ID but the <option> elements don't contain the ID value so I don't know which ones to select in the list.
So the question is, what's the best way to make jqGrid store both the seat names and IDs so that when I create the list dynamically, I can check the <option>s for the seats that have been chosen for that car.
For various reasons the standard dataUrl and buildSelect features of jqGrid are not going to work for me, which is why I'm building the list on the fly in this manner.
First of all you need additionally add formatter: "select" and to populate ID values in Seats column during filling of the grid. The formatter: "select" will decode the IDs and the corresponding Name value will be displayed to the user.
If you would use more recent version of jqGrid the you can use beforeProcessing callback created for the purpose. It allows to include all different ID/Name pairs in the server response for filling of the grid. It allows you to fill the information needed for the formatter: "select" directly in the main server response. You don't need to load the information before creating the grid.
If you use retro version of jqGrid (3.8.1) then I hope that you can still use the following trick. You can define userdata part of the server response defined as function. The outer elements of the server response root, page, total, records and userdata will be processed before the processing the main part with all items. It allows you to modify editoptions.value before it will be processed by formatter: "select".
For example the response from the server can looks like
"page": 1,
"total": 20,
"records": 400,
"userdata": {
"seats": "29991:Composite;42713:Nappa leather;6421:Steel;2883:Wire mesh"
"rows": [
"year": 2007,
"model": "Toyota/Camry",
"body": "Sedan",
"seats": "29991,6421"
"year": 2057,
"model": "BMW/Series 4",
"body": "Sedan",
"seats": "6421,2883"
Inside of jsonReader you can define userdata which set userdata.seats as value of editoptions. You can use setColProp method for example to do this.
In the way you will be able to implement all your requirements.

How do I get the formatted value of one column in another column in jqgrid

How do I get the formatted value of one column in another column in jqgrid.
For eg:
{ name: 'amount', index: 'amount', sorttype: "float", formatter: processAmount, title: false },
{ name: 'netAmount', index: 'netAmount', sorttype: "float", formatter: function (cellvalue, options, rowObject)
// How do I get the formatted value of column "amount" here?
I know that I am posting very little of my requirement or code. But I hope this is sufficient. Please let me know if you need more information on anything.
Custom formatters will be called before the body of the grid will be placed on the page. So you can't access the formatted value of one column inside of custom formatter of another column. What you can still do is calling of another formatfer. For example you can call processAmount function inside of formatter of netAmount column.
