Trying to make an unordered list split into two columns - html-lists

I'm trying to separate this ul to be two columns splitting after "Lotus Notes Administration (this is for my resume) Can someone help me with the CSS?
<h4>Technical Expertise</h4>
<div id="skills">
<li>End User Training</li>
<li>Inventory Management</li>
<li>Active Directory Administration</li>
<li>Lotus Notes Administration</li>
<li>Technical Support</li>
<li>Software Testing</li>
<li>Project Management Best Practices</li>

You could do something:
<div class="Skills>
<div style="float: left; width: 50%;"><ul>List A</ul></div>
<div style="float: left; width: 50%;"><ul>List B</ul></div>


Error trying to get data using XPath on Google IMPORTXML function

I am trying to find the XPath to get 5 values of the following website:
I want the values 7,59 2,04 1,81 7,60 7,59
For the first value I tried this command but I get #N/A:
The piece of HTML is like below:
<span id="j_idt104:0:j_idt109:1:chartPanel0">
<div class="c--anim-btn" style="color: #5DADE2;">
<span class="c-anim-btn">
<div style="font-size: 12px !important;">
<div style="width: 90%; left: 5%; position:relative;line-height:2em;white-space: nowrap;">
<div style="width:50%;float:left"><label class="idtri">1T:</label>2,04</div>
<div style="width:50%;float:right"><label class="idtri">2T:</label>1,81</div>
<div style="width: 90%; left: 5%; position:relative;line-height:2em;white-space: nowrap;">
<div style="width:50%;float:left"><label class="idtri">3T:</label>7,60</div>
<div style="width:50%;float:right"><label class="idtri">4T:</label>7,59</div>
What could be the second paramenter to get the values I want?
Thank you
You have to fix your XPath with the following one to get the values :
//tr[.//span[.='P/L']]/td[2]//text()[parent::span[#class='c-anim-btn'] or parent::div][normalize-space()]
Output (formula in C4):
EDIT : Individual XPath :

Looking for same xpath for grid's column text from two different pages

In our application, there is a situation where there is a grid on two pages. I want to get text of columns from the grids. But both grid's column text has little different HTML.
Page 1 grid HTML:
<div class="ngHeaderContainer" ng-style="headerStyle()" style="width: 598px; height: 30px;">
<div class="ngHeaderScroller" ng-style="headerScrollerStyle()" ng-header-row="" style="height: 30px;">
<div class="ngHeaderCell ng-scope col0 colt0" ng-class="col.colIndex()" ng-repeat="col in renderedColumns" ng-style="{ height: col.headerRowHeight }" style="height: 30px;">
<div class="ngVerticalBar ngVerticalBarVisible" ng-class="{ ngVerticalBarVisible: !$last }" ng-style="{height: col.headerRowHeight}" style="height: 30px;"> </div>
<div ng-header-cell="">
<div class="ngHeaderSortColumn " ng-class="{ 'ngSorted': !col.noSortVisible() }" ng-style="{'cursor': col.cursor}" style="cursor: pointer;" draggable="true">
<div class="ngHeaderText ng-binding colt0" ng-class="'colt' + col.index" ng-click="col.sort($event)">Request ID</div>
For this, I've written xpath //div[#class='ngHeaderContainer']//div[#ng-header-cell='']//div[contains(#class,'ngHeaderText')]
Page 2 grid HTML
<div class="ngHeaderContainer" ng-style="headerStyle()" style="width: 598px; height: 30px;">
<div class="ngHeaderScroller" ng-style="headerScrollerStyle()" ng-header-row="" style="height: 30px;">
<div class="ngHeaderCell ng-scope col0 colt0" ng-class="col.colIndex()" ng-repeat="col in renderedColumns" ng-style="{ height: col.headerRowHeight }" style="height: 30px;">
<div class="ngVerticalBar ngVerticalBarVisible" ng-class="{ ngVerticalBarVisible: !$last }" ng-style="{height: col.headerRowHeight}" style="height: 30px;"> </div>
<div ng-header-cell="">
<div class="ng-scope ng-binding" ng-click="onColumnClick( 3, 'select', $event)">
Request ID
<img class="" ng-click="onColumnClick( 3, 'delete', $event)" src="styles/images/common/delete.png" ng-show="true">
For this, I've written xpath //div[#class='ngHeaderContainer']//div[#ng-header-cell='']/div
For grid, I've written a class and in that class I've method which returns column names. Since, xpath till reach to column name is different for grid on two different pages, I won't be able to use same method.
Can someone please help me to get xpath which can be used to return column names of the grid of both the pages?
This xpath will do it hopefully. I ran into similiar issue. Took help from here. This should return you both elements
//*[contains(#class, 'ng-binding')]

How to set a specific height for a PanelBar?

Is there a way to set the panel bar to a specific height (ie. 300px), and make that specific section scrollable if it's too long?
Assuming that you have your panelbar defined as a ul, something like:
<ul id="panelbar">
<li class="k-state-active">
<span class="k-link k-state-selected">My Teammates</span>
<div style="padding: 10px;">
<div class="teamMate">
<img src="../../content/web/panelbar/andrew.jpg" alt="Andrew Fuller">
<h2>Andrew Fuller</h2>
<p>Team Lead</p>
<div class="teamMate">
<img src="../../content/web/panelbar/nancy.jpg" alt="Nancy Leverling">
<h2>Nancy Leverling</h2>
<p>Sales Associate</p>
<div class="teamMate">
<img src="../../content/web/panelbar/robert.jpg" alt="Robert King">
<h2>Robert King</h2>
<p>Business System Analyst</p>
You should define a CSS style as:
#panelbar {
height: 300px;
overflow-y: scroll;
See an example here:
The solution above scrolls the entire control. Here's how to scroll the panel's items.
Click here for the Dojo example

Selecting a specific div element with Xpath and Nokogiri?

I am relatively new to parsing and would like to get more practice. I want to parse the following URL:
I want to grab all quotes tagged "hard-work". This is what the site code breaks down to:
<div class="content">
<div id="siteheader" class="uitext">
<div class="mainContentContainer ">
<div class="mainContent">
<div id="premiumAdTop">
<div class="mainContentFloat">
<div id="flashContainer"> </div>
<div id="connectPrompt" style="">
<img style="float: left; margin: -3px 5px 0px 0px" src="" alt="quote">
<h1>Quotes About Hard Work</h1>
<div class="leftContainer">
<div class="mediumText">
<div class="quote mediumText ">
<div class="quoteDetails ">
<a class="leftAlignedImage" href="/author/show/3916262.Babe_Ruth">
<div class="quoteText">
“It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.”
Babe Ruth
Right now my code is:
require "rubygems"
require "open-uri"
require "nokogiri"
#page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(""))
#div = #page.xpath("html/body/div[1]")
But the results aren't giving me the output that I want.
I think I ought to call the methods each and collect but I just don't know how to get to the node that I want, which I believe is contained somewhere in here:
<div id="connectPrompt" style="">
<img style="float: left; margin: -3px 5px 0px 0px" src="" alt="quote">
<h1>Quotes About Hard Work</h1>
<div class="leftContainer">
<div class="mediumText">
<div class="quote mediumText ">
<div class="quoteDetails ">
<a class="leftAlignedImage" href="/author/show/3916262.Babe_Ruth">
<div class="quoteText">
“It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.”
Babe Ruth
Can anyone point me in the right direction please? How far in do I have to go into the div class to get what I want?
You can use the XPath:
//div[#class = 'quoteText' and following-sibling::div[1][#class = 'quoteFooter' and .//a[#href and normalize-space() = 'hard-work']]]
to select all the div elements whose class is quoteText and which are followed by a div with class quoteFooter containing a link with hard-work.

Element selection using xPath

I am trying to write a test automation code and having a hard time finding an element using Xpath in the below structure.
<div id="270590-bar" class="chart-row clearfix" style="display: block;">
<div class="bar-col float">
<div class="bar-wrapper">
<div class="topic-name-wrapper" style="background-color: transparent;">Business</div>
<div class="bar" style="width:170px"></div>
<div style="float:left;position:relative; ">
<div class="level-dd-fake">Intermediate</div>
<select id="270590-level" class="level-dropdown level-select">
<div id="270590-un" class="topic unsubscribe" style="float:left; margin: 0px 0px 0px 1px !important;"></div>
There are several data rows which will use the same set of lines as above for each row.
When I give the value inside class="topic-name-wrapper" eg:- Business
I want to select the DropDown element at class="level-dropdown level-select"
Hope the question is clear and any help on this is really appreciated.
As far as I understand you need something like that:
