Fastest data structure with default values for undefined indexes? - data-structures

I'm trying to create a 2d array where, when I access an index, will return the value. However, if an undefined index is accessed, it calls a callback and fills the index with that value, and then returns the value.
The array will have negative indexes, too, but I can overcome that by using 4 arrays (one for each quadrant around 0,0).

You can create a Matrix class that relies on tuples and dictionary, with the following behavior :
from collections import namedtuple
2DMatrixEntry = namedtuple("2DMatrixEntry", "x", "y", "value")
matrix = new dict()
defaultValue = 0
# add entry at 0;1
matrix[2DMatrixEntry(0,1)] = 10.0
# get value at 0;1
key = 2DMatrixEntry(0,1)
value = {defaultValue,matrix[key]}[key in matrix]

This question is probably too broad for stackoverflow. - There is not a generic "one size fits all" solution for this, and the results depend a lot on the language used (and standard library).
There are several problems in this question. First of all let us consider a 2d array, we say this is simply already part of the language and that such an array grows dynamically on access. If this isn't the case, the question becomes really language dependent.
Now often when allocating memory the language automatically initializes the spots (again language dependent on how this happens and what the best method is, look into RAII). Though I can foresee that actual calculation of the specific cell might be costly (compared to allocation). In that case an interesting thing might be so called "two-phase construction". The array has to be filled with tuples/objects. The default construction of an object sets a bit/boolean to false - indicating that the value is not ready. Then on acces (ie a get() method or a operator() - language dependent) if this bit is false it constructs, else it just reads.
Another method is to use a dictionary/key-value map. Where the key would be the coordinates and the value the value. This has the advantage that the problem of construct-on-access is inherit to the datastructure (though again language dependent). The drawback of using maps however is that lookup speed of a value changes from O(1) to O(logn). (The actual time is widely different depending on the language though).
At last I hope you understand that how to do this depends on more specific requirements, the language you used and other libraries. In the end there is only a single data structure that is in each language: a long sequence of unallocated values. Anything more advanced than that depends on the language.


Mutable data types that use stack allocation

Based on my earlier question, I understand the benefit of using stack allocation. Suppose I have an array of arrays. For example, A is a list of matrices and each element A[i] is a 1x3 matrix. The length of A and the dimension of A[i] are known at run time (given by the user). Each A[i] is a matrix of Float64 and this is also known at run time. However, through out the program, I will be modifying the values of A[i] element by element. What data structure can also allow me to use stack allocation? I tried StaticArrays but it doesn't allow me to modify a static array.
StaticArrays defines MArray (MVector, MMatrix) types that are fixed-size and mutable. If you use these there's a higher chance of the compiler determining that they can be stack-allocated, but it's not guaranteed. Moreover, since the pattern you're using is that you're passing the mutable state vector into a function which presumably modifies it, it's not going to be valid or helpful to stack allocate that anyway. If you're going to allocate state once and modify it throughout the program, it doesn't really matter if it is heap or stack allocated—stack allocation is only a big win for objects that are allocated, used locally and then don't escape the local scope, so they can be “freed” simply by popping the stack.
From the code snippet you showed in the linked question, the state vector is allocated in the outer function, test_for_loop, which shouldn't be a big deal since it's done once at the beginning of execution. Using a variably sized state vector to index into an array with a splat (...) might be an issue, however, and that's done in test_function. Using something with fixed size like MVector might be better for that. It might, however, be better still, to use a state tuple and return a new rather than mutated state tuple at the end. The compiler is very good at turning that kind of thing into very efficient code because of immutability.
Note that by convention test_function should be called test_function! since it modifies its M argument and even more so if it modifies the state vector.
I would also note that this isn't a great question/answer pair since it's not standalone at all and really just a continuation of your other question. StackOverflow isn't very good for this kind of iterative question/discussion interaction, I'm afraid.

What abstract data type is this?

Is the following a common data type (i.e. does it have a name)?
Its unique characteristic is, unlike a regular Set, that it contains the "universe" on initialisation with O(C) memory overhead, and a max memory overhead of O(N/2) (which only occurs when you remove every-other element):
> s = new Structure(701)
s = Structure(0-700)
> s.remove(100)
s = Structure(0-99, 101-700)
> s.add(100)
s = Structure(0-700)
> s.remove(200)
s = Structure(0-199, 201-700)
> s.remove(202)
s = Structure(0-199, 201, 203-700)
> s.removeAll()
s = Structure()
Does something like this have a standard name?
I've used this many times in the past and seen it used in things like plane-sweep algorithms for polygon clipping.
Sometimes the abstract data type it represents is just a set, and the data structure is an optimization. I use this for representing the set of matching characters given by a regex expression like [^a-zA-z0-9.-], for example, and to perform intersection, union, and other operations on those sets.
This sort of data structure is implemented on top of some other ordered set or map structure, by simply storing the keys where membership in the set changes instead of the keys in the set itself. In all the other cases where I've seen this sort of thing done, the authors refer to that underlying structure instead of giving a name to the concept itself.
I like the idea of having a name for it, though, since as I said I've used it myself many times. Maybe I would call it an "in & out set" in honor of the hamburger chain I liked the best back when I ate hamburgers.
It's a Compressed Bit Set or Compressed Bitmap.
A Bit Set or Bitmap is a set specifically designed for storing Integers. Most languages offer standard implementations of these. They typically work by assigning a 1 to the Nth bit in an internal array of Integers where N is the number you're adding to the set. 0 indicates the value is not present. The memory usage for these types of Bit Sets is dictated by the largest number you store.
A Compressed Bit Set is one that compacts ranges of 0s and 1s.
In this case, the question demonstrates a type of compression called "run-length-encoding" (thank you #Ralf Kleberhoff), so it is specifically a Run-length Encoded Bitmap.
Common implementations of Compressed Bitmaps (from newest-to-oldest) are:
Roaring Bitmaps (only one to provide "good random access")
Oracle BBC

What's the most efficient way of combining switch/if statements

This question doesn't address any programming language in particular but of course I'm happy to hear some examples.
Imagine a big number of files, let's say 5000, that have all kinds of letters and numbers in it. Then, there is a method that receives a user input that acts as an alias in order to display that file. Without having the files sorted in a folder, the method(s) need to return the file name that is associated to the alias the user provided.
So let's say user input "gd322" stands for the file named "k4e23", the method would look like
return "k4e23";
Now, imagine having 4 values in that method:
case gd322: return fw332;
case g344d: return 5g4gh;
case s3red: return 536fg;
case h563d: return h425d;
} //switch on string, no break, no string indicators, ..., pls ignore the syntax, it's just pseudo
Keeping in mind we have 5000 entries, there are probably more than just 2 entries starting with g. Now, if the user input starts with 's', instead of wasting CPU cycles checking all the a's, b's, c's, ..., we could also make another switch for this, which then directs to the 'next' methods like this:
switch(input[0]){ //implying we could access strings like that
case a: switchA(input);
case b: switchB(input);
// [...]
case g: switchG(input);
case s: switchS(input);
So the CPU doesn't have to check on all of them, but rather calls a method like this:
switchG(String input){
case gd322: return fw332;
case g344d: return 5g4gh;
// [...]
Is there any field of computer science dealing with this? I don't know how to call it and therefore don't know how to search for it but I think my thoughts make sense on a large scale. Pls move the thread if it doesn't belong here but I really wanna see your thoughts on this.
EDIT: don't quote me on that "5000", I am not in the situation described above and I wanted to talk about this completely theoretical, it could also be 3 entries or 300'000, maybe even less or more
If you have 5000 options, you're probably better off hashing them than having hard-coded if / switch statements. In c++ you could also use std::map to pair a function pointer or other option handling information with each possible option.
Interesting, but I don't think you can give a generic answer. It all depends on how the code is executed. Many compilers will have all kinds of optimizations, in the if and switch, but also in the way strings are compared.
That said, if you have actual (disk) files with those lists, then reading the file will probably take much longer than processing it, since disk I/O is very slow compared to memory access and CPU processing.
And if you have a list like that, you may want to build a hash table, or simply a sorted list/array in which you can perform a binary search. Sorting it also takes time, but if you have to do many lookups in the same list, it may be well worth the time.
Is there any field of computer science dealing with this?
Yes, the science of efficient data structures. Well, isn't that what CS is all about? :-)
The algorithm you described resembles a trie. It wouldn't be statically encoded in the source code with switch statements, but would use dynamic lookups in a structure loaded from somewhere and stuff, but the idea is the same.
Yes the problem is known and solved since decades. Hash functions.
Basically you have a set of values (here strings like "gd322", "g344d") and you want to know if some other value v is among them.
The idea is to put the strings in a big array, at an index calculated from their values by some function. Given a value v, you'll compute an index the same way, and check whether the value v is here or not. Much faster than checking the whole array.
Of course there is a problem with different values falling at the same place : collisions. Some magic is needed then : perfect hash functions whose coefficients are tweaked so values from the initial set don't cause any collisions.

Efficiency of appending to vectors

Appending an element onto a million-element ArrayList has the cost of setting one reference now, and copying one reference in the future when the ArrayList must be resized.
As I understand it, appending an element onto a million-element PersistenVector must create a new path, which consists of 4 arrays of size 32. Which means more than 120 references have to be touched.
How does Clojure manage to keep the vector overhead to "2.5 times worse" or "4 times worse" (as opposed to "60 times worse"), which has been claimed in several Clojure videos I have seen recently? Has it something to do with caching or locality of reference or something I am not aware of?
Or is it somehow possible to build a vector internally with mutation and then turn it immutable before revealing it to the outside world?
I have tagged the question scala as well, since scala.collection.immutable.vector is basically the same thing, right?
Clojure's PersistentVector's have special tail buffer to enable efficient operation at the end of the vector. Only after this 32-element array is filled is it added to the rest of the tree. This keeps the amortized cost low. Here is one article on the implementation. The source is also worth a read.
Regarding, "is it somehow possible to build a vector internally with mutation and then turn it immutable before revealing it to the outside world?", yes! These are known as transients in Clojure, and are used for efficient batch changes.
Cannot tell about Clojure, but I can give some comments about Scala Vectors.
Persistent Scala vectors (scala.collection.immutable.Vectors) are much slower than an array buffer when it comes to appending. In fact, they are 10x slower than the List prepend operation. They are 2x slower than appending to Conc-trees, which we use in Parallel Collections.
But, Scala also has mutable vectors -- they're hidden in the class VectorBuilder. Appending to mutable vectors does not preserve the previous version of the vector, but mutates it in place by keeping the pointer to the rightmost leaf in the vector. So, yes -- keeping the vector mutable internally, and than returning an immutable reference is exactly what's done in Scala collections.
The VectorBuilder is slightly faster than the ArrayBuffer, because it needs to allocate its arrays only once, whereas ArrayBuffer needs to do it twice on average (because of growing). Conc.Buffers, which we use as parallel array combiners, are twice as fast compared to VectorBuilders.
Benchmarks are here. None of the benchmarks involve any boxing, they work with reference objects to avoid any bias:
comparison of Scala List, Vector and Conc
comparison of Scala ArrayBuffer, VectorBuilder and Conc.Buffer
More collections benchmarks here.
These tests were executed using ScalaMeter.

Speedy attribute lookup in dynamically typed language?

I'm currently developing a dynamically typed language.
One of the main problems I'm facing during development is how to do fast runtime symbol lookups.
For general, free global and local symbols I simply index them and let each scope (global or local) keep an array of the symbols and quickly look them up using the index. I'm very happy with this approach.
However, for attributes in objects the problem is much harder. I can't use the same indexing scheme on them, because I have no idea which object I'm currently accessing, thus I don't know which index to use!
Here's an example in python which reflects what I want working in my language:
class A:
def __init__(self):
self.a = 10
self.c = 30
class B:
def __init__(self):
self.c = 20
def test():
if random():
foo = A()
foo = B()
# There could even be an eval here that sets foo
# to something different or removes attribute c from foo.
print foo.c
Does anyone know any clever tricks to do the lookup quickly? I know about hash maps and splay trees, so I'm interesting if there is any ways to do it as efficient as my other lookup.
Once you've reached the point where looking up properties in the hash table isn't fast enough, the standard next step is inline caching. You can do this in JIT languages, or even bytecode compilers or interpreters, though it seems to be less common there.
If the shape of your objects can change over time (i.e. you can add new properties at runtime) you'll probably end up doing something similar to V8's hidden classes.
A technique known as maps can store the values for each attribute in a compact array. The knowledge which attribute name corresponds to which index is maintained in an auxiliary data structure (the eponymous map), so you don't immediately gain a performance benefit (though it does use memory more efficiently if many objects share a set of attributes). With a JIT compiler, you can make the map persistent and constant-fold lookups, so the final machine code can use constant offsets into the attributes array (for constant attribute names).
In an interpreter (I'll assume byte code), things are much harder because you don't have much opportunity to specialize code for specific objects. However, I have an idea myself for turning attribute names into integral keys. Maintain a global mapping assigning integral IDs to attribute names. When adding new byte code to the VM (loading from disk or compiling in memory), scan for strings used as attributes, and replace them with the associated ID, creating a new ID if the string hasn't been seen before. Instead of storing hash tables or similar mappings on each object - or in the map, if you use maps - you can now use sparse arrays, which are hopefully more compact and faster to operate on.
I haven't had a change to implement and test this, and you still need a sparse array. Unless you want to make all objects (or maps) take as many words of memory as there are distinct attribute names in the whole program, that is. At least you can replace string hash tables with integer hash tables.
Just by tuning a hash table for IDs as keys, you can make several optimizations: Don't invoke a hash function (use the ID as hash), remove some indirection and hence cache misses, save yourself the complexity of dealing with pathologically bad hash functions, etc.
