Deploying Laravel 4 on shared hosting server (hostgator) - laravel

I would appreciate your help. I really don't know where else to turn to. I can't deploy a L4 app to Hostgator. I read the guide on the forums, but my shared HG account already has many apps under public_html so deleting it would be catastrophic and a risk I cannot afford to play with.
Is there a way to deploy L4 app like any other normal apps?
What I am trying to do is the following:
home/myuser/public_html/ <--- where the app should live
home/myuser/public_html/ <--- dev environment
in both of these folders there is a separate git repository (via ssh). with remotes dev and prod
so what I simply want to achieve is:
git push prod
git push dev
but when I push, I am getting a message:
dev/bootstrap/../vendor/autoload.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory
/dev/bootstrap/../vendor/autoload.php' (include_path='.:/opt/php53/lib/php') in

Turns out I had not installed Composer properly.
I solved this by:
adding alias to php 5.3 in .bashrc:
alias php53='/opt/php53/bin/php'
installing Composer:
curl -sS | php53
in composer.json, in the "scripts" replacing php with: /opt/php53/bin/php (alias is not accepted, do not know why)
php53 composer.phar install
adding to .htaccess:
AddType application/x-httpd-php53 .php

I created a repository to simplify the installation process(mostly for future visitors) after struggling with it several times.
You can find the repository at or download it via


DigitOcean - laravel 8 deployment through Github (error 500)

I deployed the laravel app to digitalocean:
but I don't understand why is it showing error 500??
I connected a github repo to deploy it to digitalocean.
1- I set the build commands to: composer install
2- environment variables are set: APP_NAME, APP_URL, APP_KEY, DATABASE_URL, APP_DEBUG
This is how the repo looks (private)
What seems to be the issue??
I just did check the repo and it seems the vendors folder not there and your build steps look like a typo issue so please run below command
composer install
Still you face the issue then refer the laravel logs for that what went wrong
you also dont have a .env file
maybe copy the .env.example to .env
perhaps follow the instructions on the laravel site for the version you are using.
in your question, you have spelt 'install' incorrectly
turns out there were typos of lower and upper cases in controllers according to the laravel log.
I fixed them and now the site is running. It's weird that these typos didn't trigger erorrs locally..
All You have to do is configure the .env file if u have a .example.env edit the file to .env if u dont have it just try to create one or clone one from another project and do composer install but don't forget to generate a key with php artisan key:generate in the end

500 issue with Laravel

I have seen this answer in many posts but they have not helped me at all. I followed the regular steps to create the laravel project like this:
I cloned from my repository.
I ran composer update.
I added 777 permissions to storage and bootstrap folders.
I have a .env file.
I verfied the .htacces and it's ok.
It is working in locahost, but when I try to replicate it in Hostinger it does not work, it displays the 500 server error. So I wonder what is the problem?
I checked the logs by the way and they were empty. I put the laravel project debugger to true too.
the website url is
The debug:
The logs folder:
I think this is a good opportunity to point out how PHP / Laravel / Underlying Server interacts one to each other.
The HTTP server inspects Document Root and .htaccess to get instructions.
If the file is .php (like Laravel), then it CALLS to the php handler.
The php handler could be a FPM version or a Fast CGI version.
-> If an error ocurrs parsing the .htaccess or with the initial interaction between Http Server and PHP... Laravel never runs for real. All ends in a PHP error log
To find out what's wrong, you need to inspect what PHP / Http Server said about the error in their respective logs.
In short words: at this point is not a Laravel error, but a server/php one.
If Apache/PHP runs well, then PHP executes the Laravel Applicacion Lifecycle... if Laravel encounters a problem, then you will see the usual output error of Laravel Error Handler.
I think this is a must to know to work with web apps in general, because many times developers miss to catch if the problem was with Laravel, or with PHP / Server itself.
As a side note, that's why it is important to know how to choose propper hosting service for Laravel.
Thanks for reading.
You can try to clear cache
Like as
php artisan optimize
You can manually delete cache files which is located in bootstrap folder and inside bootstrap folder you can see cache folder inside cache folder delete all files except git ignore file your issue fix
If you show again this error on live serve then tou can update your composer and then run
php artisan optimize
at first, if you give any of your folders 777 permissions, you are allowing ANYONE to read, write and execute any file in that directory.... what this means is you have given ANYONE (any hacker or malicious person in the entire world) permission to upload ANY file, virus or any other file, and THEN execute that please be careful because IF YOU ARE SETTING YOUR FOLDER PERMISSIONS TO 777 YOU HAVE OPENED YOUR SERVER TO ANYONE THAT CAN FIND THAT DIRECTORY. please read the full explanation from here
the second here is the detailed steps I used to deploy my projects to the server:
run npm run production then update your github repo.
clone the project from GITHUB to server - clone to an outside folder (not public_html folder)
run cd <cloned folder name>
run composer install
run npm install
copy and configure .env file to cloned folder( be sure name is .env not env).
copy all content of cloned_project_folder_name/public to public_html folder
in index.php inside public_html folder edit as below
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../cloned_project_folder_name/bootstrap/app.php';
require __DIR__.'/../cloned_project_folder_name/vendor/autoload.php';
set your .htaccess properly.
change permission to 755 to index.php and all file in public_html folder
run composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev
run php artisan config:cache
run php artisan route:cache
I think I state it all, hope that will help

Laravel Spark - Cannot connect to repo

So, I recently made two big changes ... moved my code from bitbucket to github, and set up a pipeline on heroku with a new staging app (original app is now production).
I got a new github token and placed it into the auth.json file as was done with the previous bitbucket repo (it's a private repo). However, when I push to heroku to build the code with composer there, I cannot connect with the laravel spark repo.
Installing laravel/spark (v3.0.5): Downloading (failed) Failed to download laravel/spark
from dist: The ""
file could not be downloaded (HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found)
Now trying to download from source
Installing laravel/spark (v3.0.5): Cloning 512af184c1
Failed to execute git clone --no-checkout 'https://***:***' '/tmp/build_9916d292e7eb72e0fbe34f47e3d9854c/vendor/laravel/spark' && cd '/tmp/build_9916d292e7eb72e0fbe34f47e3d9854c/vendor/laravel/spark' && git remote add composer 'https://***:***' && git fetch composer
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository 'https://***:***' not found
What I have tried ...
Setting the github api token on heroku with
heroku config:set GITHUB_API_TOKEN=<token>
Setting the composer github token
composer config -g <token>
I am connected to the Laravel Spark repo on github and when I run composer on my local machine I am not prompted for a spark token. Every other dependency that I have runs fine - I can change the auth.json and that is not the case, so I don't think this is a problem with lack of access to my github.
Does anyone know how Laravel - Spark checks to grant access and how we can check to see where we are going wrong? There should be a checklist of things that can be looked at if access is denied.
Any help is appreciated. Been stuck for almost a week. I really need some way to figure out how to connect to the Spark repo.
(Edit) Spark is a composer satis repo. I can't really find any info on how to prompt this type of repo to tell me why I can't clone it or how best to communicate with it.
(Edit 2) Also tried changing the git config to ensure that it had the right token. This should be overwritten by the files, but I tried it anyway.
git config github.accesstoken <token>
The response from the software providers is to use an alternative method and place the code under my source control so that composer is not trying to load it. I do not wish to do this for a number of reasons. Again, I need a way to clone the satis repo in composer.
Edit 3: I have also tried going to the URL of the repo and attempting to access one of the versions. This displays the same error as when you go to the URL in the error directly (it's the same URL).
"message": "Not Found",
"documentation_url": ""
This seems to back up the belief that this is not a composer issue, but something to do with a github setting or spark setting.
Edit 4: It occurred to me that my problems started after upgrading to V6 and I am getting denied access to the spark repo containing versions 1-5 and version 6 is separate. I upgraded my spark version to 6 and had access to that repo. I then tried uploaded the code base to heroku that had version 6 but was denied access to the repo there.
I also tried ...
heroku config:set github_oauth=<token>
Edit 5: I noticed that the output from pushing to heroku included the phrase
In response, I found an article asserting that the oauth token should be set in the config portion of composer.json as ...
"config": {
"github-oauth": {
"": "<token>"
I tried it, but it didn't work
So, it turns out there were several issues. The final big one was that for some reason, I had to delete my api personal token used for github access and create a new one with full privileges for everything. Once that was set up, I had access and was able to reduce the privileges to repo only. Use open source Agora Invoicing software. It has all the tools you need to start software selling business. It is build on Laravel framework and is very similar to Laravel Spark

How to deploy a Laravel 5 using composer and FTP

I built a project using Laravel 5 on my dev machine and now I'd like to deploy it.
One solution that came to my mind is to upload everything using FTP but I guess there is a better way.
I uploaded the composer.json but I receive tons of errors.
I have ssh/root access but using GIT is not an option.
Make sure you can use composer binary on your server and you are set
upload every file except vendor folder (you may use some FTPS manager that reads git-ignore file and does not upload ignored files)
set permissions to ./storage folder (browse thru this severfault thread)
make sure your web server root is ./public
create env file (that is not going to be changed ever, until you want) and do not overwrite it with "local" env file.
$ composer install (installs everything from composer.lock)
$ composer update (updates from repositories again, do test on local before updating on production)

Issue Deploying with Laravel Forge

I am trying to deploy a Laravel PHP Project with Laravel Forge. I have connected to my repository on github correctly. However, when I hit deploy, if I go to the public IP for the site, I just see:
"No input file specified."
on the page.
I do not know why it is exhibiting this behavior.
If I go to the latest deployment log, I see:
/home/forge/.forge/ line 1: cd: /home/forge/default/laravel: No such file or directory
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
Composer could not find a composer.json file in /home/forge
To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file as described in the "Getting Started" section
Could not open input file: artisan
However, I do have a composer.json file in my laravel folder....
Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
It looks like the /home/forge/default/laravel directory doesn't exist. Could you ssh in and verify that the directory exists?
These are the commands that the default forge deploy script runs:
cd /home/forge/default
git pull origin master
composer install
php artisan migrate --force
It looks like your deploy script is navigating to /home/forge/default/laravel instead.
