ServiceStack caching strategy - caching

I'm learning ServiceStack and have a question about how to use the [Route] tag with caching. Here's my code:
public class ApplicationUsers : IReturn<ApplicationUserResponse>
public int Id { get; set; }
public object Get(ApplicationUsers request)
//var cacheKey = UrnId.Create<ApplicationUsers>("users");
//return RequestContext.ToOptimizedResultUsingCache(base.Cache, cacheKey, () =>
return new ApplicationUserResponse
ApplicationUsers = (request.Id == 0)
? Db.Select<ApplicationUser>()
: Db.Select<ApplicationUser>("Id = {0}", request.Id)
What I want is for the "ApplicationUsers" collection to be cached, and the times when I pass in an Id, for it to use the main cached collection to get the individual object out.
If I uncomment the code above, the main collection is cached under the "users" key, but any specific query I submit hits the Db again. Am I just thinking about the cache wrong?
Thanks in advance,

this line
var cacheKey = UrnId.Create<ApplicationUsers>("users");
is creating the same cache key for all the requests, you must use some of the request parameters to make a "unique key" for each different response.
var cacheKey = UrnId.Create<ApplicationUsers>(request.Id.ToString());
this will give you the "urn:ApplicationUsers:0" key for the get all and the "urn:ApplicationUsers:9" for the request with Id = 9
now you can use the extension method in this way.
return RequestContext.ToOptimizedResultUsingCache(Cache, cacheKey, () => {
if(request.Id == 0) return GetAll();
else return GetOne(request.Id);
I hope this helps, regards.


TempData not kept between postback

I need some advice on how to proceed with the mvc app I'm building. On my page I type out who is logged in to the page. This I first did by creating a base class where I created a user class which contained the users name and a image representing the user. Then I passed this class on to my views. But I also need to pass other models to my views depending on what view I'm in. Sure I could build a class that contain all different models I need to use on each page but there should be a easy way to pass name and image values across the pages and be persistant? I tried TempData together with TempData.Keep() but that was not persistant. How can I pass theses values between pages?
public ActionResult Validate(AccountModels.LoginModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (Membership.ValidateUser(model.UserName, model.Password))
var mu = _repo.GetUser(Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString());
TempData["Name"] = mu.Name;
TempData["Image"] = mu.Image;
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(model.UserName, model.RememberMe);
return View("Index");
As #Jyoti said, you could use of Keep() method.
To make it easy to work with TempData, I wrote these methods in my BaseController, and I use it in every controller when I need to transfer data between actions or between view and controller.
protected TReturnType GetTempDataValue<TReturnType>(PsmConstants.TempDataKey sessionName, bool peekData =false )
object value = peekData ? TempData.Peek(sessionName.ToString()) : TempData[sessionName.ToString()];
return (TReturnType) value;
protected void RemoveTempData(PsmConstants.TempDataKey sessionName)
if (TempData.ContainsKey(sessionName.ToString()) && TempData[sessionName.ToString()] == null) return;
TempData[sessionName.ToString()] = null;
protected void SetTempDataValue(PsmConstants.TempDataKey sessionName, object value)
TempData[sessionName.ToString()] = value;
protected void KeepTempDataValue(PsmConstants.TempDataKey sessionName)
if (TempData.ContainsKey(sessionName.ToString()))
And this is the Keys enumeration :
public enum TempDataKey
PageError = 1,
PageInfo = 2
And this is, the usage of these methods(Set value and Get value from TempData):
SetTempDataValue(PsmConstants.TempDataKey.PageError , 'your error message' );
var originalValues = GetTempDataValue<MyModel>(PsmConstants.TempDataKey.Info, true);
Use session instead of Temp if it is not working.but i think it should work.
TempData["Name"] = mu.Name;TempData["Image"] = mu.Image;TempData.Keep();
How you are passing this into other models,Please share the source code so that it will easy to identify.

Trouble sending a specific request with null parameters to an API

This is an example of the controller I've built in .Net Core 2.1.
public class TestApiController: Controller
public ActionResult Get(int? param1 = null, DateTime? param2 = null, bool? param3 = null)
//Get data ...
My issue with this set up is that I cannot call this function with a null parameter;
This kind of call will not work: http://localhost:9000/api/TestApi/null/null/true. It will give me an error stating that null is not a valid input for param1.
Now I cannot rely on reading parameters from a query string (company constraints)
but I would like to point out that it does work if I use [HttpGet] instead and use the url parameters.
Any ideas? suggestions? questions?
All would be welcome.
Thanks in advance.
I found sort of a patch to use.
It involves adding a middle ware in Startup.cs file.
services.Configure<ApiBehaviorOptions>(options =>
options.SuppressModelStateInvalidFilter = false;
options.InvalidModelStateResponseFactory = actionContext =>
if (
&& actionContext.ActionDescriptor.AttributeRouteInfo.Template.Contains("?"))
//Hard coded removed bad error if template has int?/double?/datetime?
return null;
var errors = actionContext.ModelState
.Where(e => e.Value.Errors.Count > 0)
.Select(e => new Error
Name = e.Key,
Message = e.Value.Errors.First().ErrorMessage
return new BadRequestObjectResult(errors);
I have managed to finally use the URL I specified in the question;
Again, it's not a solid solution, just a workaround.

How can I pass list of complex objects to webapi from breezejs?

I found that using [fromapi] attribute I can pass one complex object.
when I try to pass list of complex objects it doesn't work.
in the client side I use breeze. server side is webapi.
How can I do this?
You can create one DTO which has property for your list of objects
public class CreateUserDto
public string Name {set;get;}
public List<RoleDto> Roles {set;get;}
public CreateUserDto()
this.Roles = new List<RoleDto>();
public class RoleDto
public int Id {set;get;}
public string Name {set;get;}
And you can use that as the argument of your Web api endpoint
public HttpResponseMesssage Save(CreateUserDto model)
//Check model.Roles now
// to do : Return a response
From client, you can send data like this.(Assuming you have jQuery library loaded to your page)
var data { Name : "TestName",Roles:[]}
data.Roles.push(new { Id:1,Name:"Admin"});
data.Roles.push(new { Id:2,Name:"Editor"});
// do something with response
Modelbinding will take care of converting the posted form data to an instance of CreateUserDto in your Save method. You can access model.Roles property to get the list of complex objects you wanted.
you can use Dictionary as below:
public IQueryable<Product> GetProducts(Dictionary<string, object> data)
var categoryId = Convert.ToInt32(data["categoryId"]);
var category = _context.Categories.Single(a => a.ID == categoryId);
var galleryId = Convert.ToInt32(data["galleryId"]);
var langId = Convert.ToInt32(data["langId"]);
var searchStr = data["str"];
return category.Products.Where(a => a.GalleryID == galleryId, a.LanguageID == langId, a.Description.Contains(searchStr))

OData V4 modify $filter on server side

I would like to be able to modify the filter inside the controller and then return the data based on the altered filter.
So for I have an ODataQueryOptions parameter on the server side that I can use to look at the FilterQueryOption.
Let's assume the filter is something like this "$filter=ID eq -1" but on the server side if I see "-1" for an ID this tells me that the user wants to select all records.
I tried to change the "$filter=ID eq -1" to "$filter=ID ne -1" which would give me all by setting the Filter.RawValue but this is read only.
I tried to create a new FilterQueryOption but this requires a ODataQueryContext and a ODataQueryOptionParser which I can't figure out how to create.
I then tried to set the Filter = Null and then us the ApplyTo which seems to work when I set a break point in the controller and check this on the immediate window but once it leaves the GET method on the controller then it "reverts" back to what was passed in the URL.
This article talks about doing something very similar "The best way to modify a WebAPI OData QueryOptions.Filter" but once it leaves the controller GET method then it reverts back to the URL query filter.
public IQueryable<Product> GetProducts(ODataQueryOptions<Product> queryOptions)
if (queryOptions.Filter != null)
var url = queryOptions.Request.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri;
string filter = queryOptions.Filter.RawValue;
url = url.Replace("$filter=ID%20eq%201", "$filter=ID%20eq%202");
var req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url);
queryOptions = new ODataQueryOptions<Product>(queryOptions.Context, req);
IQueryable query = queryOptions.ApplyTo(db.Products.AsQueryable());
return query as IQueryable<Product>;
Running this code will not return any product this is because the original query in the URL wanted product 1 and I swapped the ID filter of product 1 with product 2.
Now if I run SQL Profiler, I can see that it added something like "Select * from Product WHERE ID = 1 AND ID = 2".
BUT if I try the same thing by replacing the $top then it works fine.
public IQueryable<Product> GetProducts(ODataQueryOptions<Product> queryOptions)
if (queryOptions.Top != null)
var url = queryOptions.Request.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri;
string filter = queryOptions.Top.RawValue;
url = url.Replace("$top=2", "$top=1");
var req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url);
queryOptions = new ODataQueryOptions<Product>(queryOptions.Context, req);
IQueryable query = queryOptions.ApplyTo(db.Products.AsQueryable());
return query as IQueryable<Product>;
With Microsoft's help. Here is the final output that supports filter, count, and paging.
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Web.OData;
using System.Web.OData.Extensions;
using System.Web.OData.Query;
/// <summary>
/// Used to create custom filters, selects, groupings, ordering, etc...
/// </summary>
public class CustomEnableQueryAttribute : EnableQueryAttribute
public override IQueryable ApplyQuery(IQueryable queryable, ODataQueryOptions queryOptions)
IQueryable result = default(IQueryable);
// get the original request before the alterations
HttpRequestMessage originalRequest = queryOptions.Request;
// get the original URL before the alterations
string url = originalRequest.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri;
// rebuild the URL if it contains a specific filter for "ID = 0" to select all records
if (queryOptions.Filter != null && url.Contains("$filter=ID%20eq%200"))
// apply the new filter
url = url.Replace("$filter=ID%20eq%200", "$filter=ID%20ne%200");
// build a new request for the filter
HttpRequestMessage req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url);
// reset the query options with the new request
queryOptions = new ODataQueryOptions(queryOptions.Context, req);
// set a top filter if one was not supplied
if (queryOptions.Top == null)
// apply the query options with the new top filter
result = queryOptions.ApplyTo(queryable, new ODataQuerySettings { PageSize = 100 });
// apply any pending information that was not previously applied
result = queryOptions.ApplyTo(queryable);
// add the NextLink if one exists
if (queryOptions.Request.ODataProperties().NextLink != null)
originalRequest.ODataProperties().NextLink = queryOptions.Request.ODataProperties().NextLink;
// add the TotalCount if one exists
if (queryOptions.Request.ODataProperties().TotalCount != null)
originalRequest.ODataProperties().TotalCount = queryOptions.Request.ODataProperties().TotalCount;
// return all results
return result;
Remove [EnableQuery] attribute, your scenario should work, because after using this attribute, OData/WebApi will apply your original query option after you return data in controller, if you already apply in your controller method, then you shouldn't use that attribute.
But if your query option contains $select, those code are not working because the result's type is not Product, we use a wrapper to represent the result of $select, so I suggest you use try this:
Make a customized EnableQueryAttribute
public class MyEnableQueryAttribute : EnableQueryAttribute
public override IQueryable ApplyQuery(IQueryable queryable, ODataQueryOptions queryOptions)
if (queryOptions.Filter != null)
var url = queryOptions.Request.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri;
url = url.Replace("$filter=Id%20eq%201", "$filter=Id%20eq%202");
var req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url);
queryOptions = new ODataQueryOptions(queryOptions.Context, req);
return queryOptions.ApplyTo(queryable);
Use this attribute in your controller method
public IHttpActionResult Get()
return Ok(_products);
Hope this can solve your problem, thanks!
In response of #Chris Schaller I post my own solution as below:
public class CustomEnableQueryAttribute : EnableQueryAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext)
var url = actionContext.Request.RequestUri.OriginalString;
//change something in original url,
//for example change all A charaters to B charaters,
//consider decoding url using WebUtility.UrlDecode() if necessary
var newUrl = ModifyUrl(url);
actionContext.Request.RequestUri = new Uri(newUrl);

How to delete a single record from a list of records stored in a session

I have the following code
here is how I add a list of values to session
public ActionResult Add(Product product)
if (Session["AddToCart"] == null)
Session["AddToCart"] = new List<Product>();
var list = (List<Product>)Session["AddToCart"];
but how to remove a single record when a session contains multiple records. I am trying to pass an Id but it is not removing the record from the session. Here is how I perform the next step.
Public ActionResult Remove(Product product)
Product prod=db.Products.Single(x=>x.Id==product.Id);
var list=(List<Product>)Session["AddToCart"];
//Is this the correct approach
The above code doesn't works. Am I correct or is there anything missing plz correct the above code. Thanks.
Try this,
var list=(List<Product>)Session["AddToCart"];
list.RemoveAll(p => p.Id == product.Id);
Your choice of finding the product with the code db.Products.Single(x=>x.Id==product.Id); may not be the same object with the one in the session.
Or you can implement IEquatable<Product> interface. In this case your code would work too.
public class Product : IEquatable<Product>
public int Id;
public bool Equals(Product prod)
return prod.Id == Id;
// Rest of the class
