How to customize validation messages in Laravel? - validation

I searched a lot before asking this question but found nothing to help me.
I started using Laravel as a PHP framework. As I started to do form validation, I used the Validator class to manage all my validation and error messages. But I'd like to know how I can customize the error messages (I'd like to put them in another language for example).

The documentation says:
Language strings are stored in files within the resources/lang directory. Within this directory there should be a subdirectory for each language supported by the application.
Just create a directory with the supported language code, and add a validation.php file (it is wise to just copy the one provided in English then start translating).
An example for Spanish translation would be created at resources/lang/es/validation.php. And it will look as follow:
return array(
"required" => "El campo :attribute es requerido.",
After that, you will need to change the default language.
The default language for your application is stored in the app/config/app.php configuration file. You may change the active language at any time using the App::setLocale method.
Example of changing the default language at runtime:

in laravel 5 the validation.php file comes under the folder resources.


Laravel mcamara/laravel-localization package overrides config('app.locale')

I'm trying "mcamara/laravel-localization" package to localize my app and it works as expected except for one small issue, the package seems to override the config('app.locale') default value.
For instance if the default value of the locale property in config\app.php file is set to en end I changed the application language to french with the language switcher then config('app.locale') is evaluated to fr instead of the default en.
I hope the issue is clear so my question is: how can get the default locale as defined the config\app.php config file?
whole point of that package is changing locale, no matter what the default locale is that package change it to whatever you config it to.
but you can get current locale anytime you want using currentLocale() method of App facade and change it with setLocale($yourLocale).
In order to get the current language code, write the following function:
In order to activate the activation of a new language, you can write the following function:

How can i change the text in a "password forgot" email in Laravel?

In a Laravel project in the folder app/mail there is a file called WelcomeDogSchoolManager.php
In this file I can see the text that is being sent when a new user registers himself.
Within this file, I can see the following code:
#component('mail::button', ['url' => $passwordResetUrl])
Unfortunately, the developer left a mistake in the $passwordResetUrl (leaving it at "https://login..{domain}.nl" instead of the required "https://login.{domain}.nl"
This causes all my users being unable to register (unless they manipulate the URL).
Where in the Laravel Project can I search for the option to change the $passwordResetUrl?
I have no working knowledge of Laravel and am basically just searching through all the files on the server using Filezilla, trying to figure it all out. I got to this point, but have no idea how to proceed further.
Any tips are appreciated!
if your're using Laravel version lower then 6 then search for forget controller. It's basically inside that folder because email is triggered from that controller. Hopefully, you'll find the parameter which is passing to the WelcomeDogSchoolManager class.

Internationalisation with Codeigniter and smarty

What is the best way to do an international website using Codeigniter framework and smarty template ?
Because I really don't know where begin ..
PS : I already have the librairies languages ..
You need to load language helper first in your controller
Then inside smarty template using language helper you can display messages
Configuring Multi-Language Support
First we need to configure the necessary files before we can start using language support. The CodeIgniter config file, located in the application/config directory, contains an option called language which defines the default language of the application.
$config['language'] = 'english';
We also need to create the actual files which contain our messages in different languages. These files need to be placed inside the application/language directory with a separate directory for each language. For example, English language files should reside in the application/language/english directory, and French language files should be located in application/language/french.
Let’s create some language files that contain error messages for a sample application. Create the file english/message_lang.php (it’s important that all of the language files have the suffix _lang.php). The following code contains some sample entries for the content of our language file:
$lang["msg_first_name"] = "First Name";
$lang["msg_last_name"] = "Last Name";
$lang["msg_dob"] = "Date of Birth";
$lang["msg_address"] = "Address";
For more reference, refer this link

How To Use Model Of Another Application in Codeigniter

I am working on a project where I create Two Application hosted in same site.
My structure is given below…
Now my question is,is it possible to access model of one application from another application.
As example, I have a model named ‘User_model’ in font_end application. Is it possible to use this model from back_end application.
Yes, it is possible, but there is a but. It doesn't matter where your files are in an absolute sense, but it is not necessarily the easiest thing in the world to accomplish.
Your best bet is to use symlinks if you can and link them into a sub-directory of your models directory. This would be simple and clean.
Barring that, you should extend Loader and overwrite the &model method to look in the secondary directory (perhaps reassign $path to the alternate application's model folder if $path == 'frontend').
If that also isn't an option, loading is done through APPPATH.'models/'.$path . '/' .$model.EXT. This means you can access the model by the relative path to APPPATH.'models/'. Don't do that if you can possibly avoid it, however. It is non-obvious and an invitation to errors.
I tried your last version (error prone I know) and got this result:
Unable to locate the model you have specified: ext.
I used this load code to access the frontend model from my backend:
apppath and ext constants should be used like variables, but if I put it this way my notepad ++ highlighting goes wrong:
Put this code in home.php to use model of admin applicaton

Grails Validation Errors - Developer vs User

What is the best way to convert the developer-oriented validation error list you receive from calling validate() on a Grails domain object into user-oriented error messages?
Property [email] of class [class testproj.AuthUser] with value [x] is not a valid e-mail address
would rather have it read:
Email given is not a valid e-mail address
Is there anything built-in that already does this?
the files in grails-app/i18n
check out this documentation
To get all the error codes, look here Enable the quick nav on the right. At the bottom of every constraint is the properties key that you use to change the error message.
There is also a nice plugin called:
grails install-plugin i18n-templates
which can be found here
e.g. you have a Domain class in 'org.example.User' and you want to specify the localization messages. Use the following command:
grails generate-i18n-messages org.example.User
This will generate a list of possible messages for you in the console.
Copy and paste this output into your for the English language and in every other for the language you want to have localizations.
Then you just have to edit these property-files in order to have your page localized.
Eclipse/STS has a nice GUI, which makes localization of these property-files even faster.
