List of Devices Registered on GCM - google-api

I am using Google Cloud Messaging APIs.
On the server side i want to get the list of all the devices that are registered on a Project ID that is given by Google Cloud Messaging .So could i get the all list of the devices so that i can store all of them into the database.Please provide me the suggestion on this how can we do this.Thanks

You must be registering a device on client side by getting the registration ID. So, as soon the user's device gets a registration ID, send the ID to your own server. At your server, you can store all the registration ID's this way. You'll have the list of all the devices that are registered to your SENDER ID.


Google play READ_CALL_LOG permission

Reading call log is the basic feature of my app, but i dont know which option to select among the following in the list in the declaration form.
Default SMS handler
Default Phone handler
Default Assistant handler
Transactional backup and restore for users and archive for enterprise (time-limited/non-continuous)
Enterprise archive, CRM, and device management
Caller ID, spam detection, and blocking
Connected device companion apps (for example, smartwatch or automotive)
Cross-device synchronization or transfer of SMS or calls
SMS-based financial transactions and related activity where access is restricted to financial SMS transactions (for example, 5-digit messages)
SMS based money management
Proxy calls
Services - Carrier
Services - OEM
Device Automation
Physical safety / emergency alert apps (e.g., senior safety)
Call-based OTP account verification
Using SMS_CB_RECEIVED for customer communications (e.g., Smart Zone Cast service)
Write and Show Call History in Dialer
In-vehicle hands-free use or projected display
Anti-SMS Phishing
Since its only write and show call history in dialer option thats close to my requirement, i selected this, but now i got thefollowing email from google.
Google Play
Developer update
Hi Developers at Bot Entity, Thanks for contacting the Google Play
team about your app Whatsupp Direct, com.whatsappdirect.wd. Publishing
Status Publishing status: Rejected After review, your app has been
rejected and wasn't published due to a policy violation. If you
submitted an update, the previous version of your app is still
available on Google Play. Issue: Violation of Permissions policy After
reviewing your app, we found that it doesn’t qualify to use the
requested permissions for the following reason(s): App is using
unnecessary permissions When you submitted your app, you specified
your app's core functionality as follows: Write and Show Call History
in Dialer. However, based on the permitted uses, your app is only
allowed to access the following permissions: WRITE_CALL_LOG. Please
remove the following permission(s) from your app: READ_CALL_LOG.
now how do i get READ_CALL_LOG in the list??

How to get the tenant name when integrating with Microsoft Teams

I have created a Microsoft Teams bot that can create/update conversations and receives all kinds of events to an endpoint (user joined team, ...). All I see in the events is a tenant id. For teams, i get an id and sometimes a name which is great.
to create/update conversations I use this flow:
Get a token from
POST to a channel: ${serviceUrl}v3/conversations/${conversationId}/activities
My question is, how can I get the name of a tenant? I can not find any API to do so?
Use case: A user sends me a support email. I have no way to check my database and find the correct entries because all I know is the tenant id.
I have looked into the Graph API but I'm not sure if my bot is actually able to make those calls (I get all kinds of strange permissions errors such as Authorization_IdentityNotFound The identity of the calling application could not be established.).
I want to make the calls to the API myself. I don't want to use any Microsoft SDK/Lib/...
It looks like I have to:
In Azure Portal -> App registrations -> API permissions add the Microsoft Graph application permission Organization.Read.All
For each tenant, ask the Microsoft Teams admin to visit:${tenantId}/adminconsent
Get a graph token for the tenant via${tenantId}/oauth2/v2.0/token (scope:
Call the graph api

Slack API: How to list your bot applications?

I want to list the bots owned by any user through the slack api. The list of applications owned by a user is missing from and user.list. Which api method could I use to list the applications any one user owns? Or vice versa if I have a bot application id how could I determine who owns said bot?
The endpoint you are looking for is team.integrationLogs.
This method lists the integration activity logs for a team, including
when integrations are added, modified and removed. This method can
only be called by Admins.
You will have to parse through the log with all changes to get the current state, but this is the only endpoint with that kind of information.

Uniquely identify user in Microsoft Bot Framework Web Chat

I want to uniquely identify users in Web Chat and store information particular to the user.
As far as I know Web Chat does not support channel data, so is there any way to identify users?
Can anyone help me on this issue?
The activity that your bot receives and send contains a From and a Recipient property that you can inspect to get details about the user, including the Id.

How to get the Google Chat (Hangout) ID of a google authenticated user (oauth2)?

I am working on xmpp client for google chat. I need the Google Talk ID which looks something like "" of a user. Using oauth2, I am able to get the email id(gmail) and other profile information but I can't figure out how to get the Google Chat ID.
I know that I can use the email id in place of the Google Chat ID for all purposes. I need the Google Chat ID because I am using email ID as an identifier in my user table. Whenever a user receives a message in Google Chat (Hangouts), I am getting the from id as "" . There's no way for me to check if I have a record of the sender in my user table. If I can retrieve the Google Chat ID when people authenticate with my client, I can store it in the user table and use it to match when a user receives messages.
Sending messages works fine because I have the email id of the target user and I can use that to send message.
Please suggest if it's possible to get the Google Chat ID
There is even other problem: you can send or receive messages from users you don't even know the email ID. Maybe rely on using Google Talk ID always instead of email ID for your user table can be a better option.
BTW I heard something about that Google is discontinuing Google Chat...
