Getting GCC to optimize hand assembly - gcc

In an attempt to make GCC not generate a load-modify-store operation every time I do |= or &=, I have defined the following macros:
#define bset(base, offset, mask) bmanip(set, base, offset, mask)
#define bclr(base, offset, mask) bmanip(clr, base, offset, mask)
#define bmanip(op, base, offset, mask) \
asm("ldx " #base);\
asm("b" #op " " #offset ",x " #mask);\
And they work great; the disassembled binary is perfect.
The problem comes when I use more than one in sequence:
inline void spi_init()
bset(_io_ports, M6811_DDRD, 0x38);
bset(_io_ports, M6811_PORTD, 0x20);
bset(_io_ports, M6811_SPCR, (M6811_SPE | M6811_DWOM | M6811_MSTR));
This results in:
00002227 <spi_init>:
2227: 3c pshx
2228: fe 10 00 ldx 0x1000 <_io_ports>
222b: 1c 09 38 bset 0x9,x, #0x38
222e: 38 pulx
222f: 3c pshx
2230: fe 10 00 ldx 0x1000 <_io_ports>
2233: 1c 08 20 bset 0x8,x, #0x20
2236: 38 pulx
2237: 3c pshx
2238: fe 10 00 ldx 0x1000 <_io_ports>
223b: 1c 28 70 bset 0x28,x, #0x70
223e: 38 pulx
223f: 39 rts
Is there any way to get GCC (3.3.6-m68hc1x-20060122) to automatically optimize out the redundant stack operations?

gcc will always emit the assembly instructions you tell it to emit. So instead of explicitly writing code to load registers with the value you want to manipulate, you instead want to tell gcc to do this on your behalf. You can do this with register constraints.
Unfortunately the 6811 code generator doesn't seem to be a standard part of gcc --- I don't spot the documentation in the manual. So I can't point you at platform-specific bit of the docs. But the generic bit you need to read is here:
The syntax is freaky, but the summary is:
asm("instructions" : outputs : inputs);
...where inputs and outputs are lists of constraints, which tell gcc what value to put where. The classic example is:
asm("fsinx %1,%0" : "=f" (result) : "f" (angle));
f indicates that the named value needs to go into a floating point register; = indicates it's an output; then the names of the registers are substituted into the instruction.
So, you'll probably want something like this:
asm("b" #op " " #offset ",%0 " #mask : "=Z" (i) : "0" (i));
...where i is a variable containing the value you want to modify. Z you'll need to look up in the 6811 gcc docs --- it's a constraint which represents a register which is valid for the asm instruction which is being generated. The 0 indicates that the input shares a register with output 0, and is used for read/write values.
Because you've told gcc what register you want i to be, it can integrate this knowledge into its register allocator and find the least-cost way to get i where you need it with the least amount of code. (Sometimes no additional code.)
gcc inline assembly is deeply contorted and weird, but pretty powerful. It's worth spending some time to thoroughly understand the constraint system to get the best use out of it.
(Incidentally, I don't know 6811 code, but have you forgotten to put the result of the op somewhere? I'd expect to see an stx to match the ldx.)
Update: Oh, I see what bset is doing now --- it's writing the result back to a memory location, right? That's still doable but it's a bit more painful. You need to tell gcc that you're modifying that memory location, so that it knows not to rely on any cached value. You'll need to have an output parameter with constraint m which represents that location. Check the docs.


how is thread local storage via gcc __thread keyword implemented in x86_64?

I'm digging around in libc and found an interesting asm sequence that I try to understand. glibc-2.27/malloc/malloc.c has:
static __thread tcache_perthread_struct *tcache = NULL;
# define MAYBE_INIT_TCACHE() \
if (__glibc_unlikely (tcache == NULL)) \
void *
__libc_malloc (size_t bytes) {
gcc translates it to:
96a97: 48 8b 2d da 42 35 00 mov 0x3542da(%rip),%rbp # 3ead78 <.got+0x18>
96aa6: 64 48 8b 4d 00 mov %fs:0x0(%rbp),%rcx
in runtime mov 0x3542da(%rip),%rbp will yield a negative value, i.e.:
(gdb) p $rbp
$1 = (void *) 0xfffffffffffffec0
The %fs segment is loaded in __libc_setup_tls via syscall arch_prct (as I learned in another thread) and there seem to be a loop over program headers of type PT_TLS that probably determines the aggregated tls variable sizes that are marked via gcc's __thread keyword. The __thread marked variables seem to be accessed below the struct pthread tcb using negative indexes.
The negative indexes of tls variables seems to be located in the global offset table, in the above example i.e.
0x3542da(%rip) ... # 3ead78 <.got+0x18>
Is there a description on which elements (libc, ld, gcc) are involved in GOT tls indexes calculation and how it is done in detail? I guess that there is maybe a pre-calculated layout, but how are libraries handled that are loaded via libdl? etc...

Encoding conditional jump (jecxz) within inline assembly

I am trying encode a jecxz instruction within inline assembly. The jexcz should jump to the next immediate instruction (i.e: the nop).
int main() {
asm("lea -24(%rdi), %rcx");
asm("jecxz $0x00");
But I am getting the following error.
gcc -o t main.c
main.c: Assembler messages:
main.c:7: Error: operand type mismatch for `jecxz'
What needs to be fixed here?
The most compatible solution is to write the line as follows:
asm("jecxz nextline; nextline:");
Regarding the asm("jecxz .+3") solution:
In 16-bit mode, a jcxz is encoded as e3 XX and a jecxz is encoded as 67 e3 XX
In 32-bit mode, a jecxz is encoded as e3 XX and a jcxz is encoded as 67 e3 XX
In 64-bit mode, a jrcxz is encoded as e3 XX and a jecxz is encoded as 67 e3 XX (jcxz is not available)
(Where XX is a signed-byte offset from the end of the instruction to the jump target)
So then, the line asm("jecxz .+3"); would assemble to 67 e3 00 in 16-bit and 64-bit code, and e3 01 in 32-bit code. The 32-bit case would be incorrect, as it would jump one byte past the end of the instruction, given that the 32-bit form is only two bytes wide.
If we use a label, we cover all three cases.
As per Micheal Petch's comment the correct usage is
asm("jecxz .+3");
which encodes the relative distance to the next immediate instruction.

How to determine the major compiler version from .obj files compiled with /GL?

I'm trying to determine Visual Studio version (2002/2003, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015) from the .obj file generated with the link time code generation option.
The file I have, generated with MSVC2012, has following COFF header contents:
File Header
+0 00 00 Machine - Unknown Machine
+2 FF FF NumberOfSections
+4 01 00 4C 01 TimeDateStamp
+8 70 94 F9 55 PointerToSymbolTable
+12 38 FE B3 0C NumberOfSymbols
+16 A5 D9 SizeOfOptionalHeader
+18 AB 4D Characteristics
Optional Header
+20 AC 9B Magic
+22 D6 B6 Linker Version Major/Minor
It seems that the initial 4 bytes being 00,00,FF,FF mark it as a LTCG object, and what follows is proprietary. None of the usual file header members make "sense" (maybe the timestamp is OK, I didn't check).
Does anyone know offhand if any part of this header is compiler-specific? All I need to determine is the MSVC major version used to compile the object...
It appears that there is a version, coded as <MAJOR:16:LE> 0x80 <MINOR:16:LE>, stored shortly after the header. E.g.:
17.00.61030 -> 0x11.0xEE66 -> 11 00 80 66 EE
19.00.23026 -> 0x13.0x59F2 -> 13 00 80 F2 59
What's needed is to figure out how to get to it reliably by offsets from preceding data.
This is a related question, with no resolution...
You can't get the compiler version with this file format, I guess ...
Complete answer :
It looks like some variation of the "anonymous file format", described in the "winnth.h" by various ANON_OBJECT_HEADER_XXX structures (replace XXX by V2 or BIGOBJ).
Here is a copy of the ANON_OBJECT_HEADER_BIGOBJ found in winnt.h :
/* same as ANON_OBJECT_HEADER_V2 */
WORD Sig2; // Must be 0xffff
WORD Version; // >= 2 (implies the Flags field is present)
WORD Machine; // Actual machine - IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_xxx
DWORD TimeDateStamp;
CLSID ClassID; // CLSID is a 16 bytes struct (not original comment)
DWORD SizeOfData; // Size of data that follows the header
DWORD Flags; // 0x1 -> contains metadata
DWORD MetaDataSize; // Size of CLR metadata
DWORD MetaDataOffset; // Offset of CLR metadata
/* bigobj specifics */
DWORD NumberOfSections; // extended from WORD
DWORD PointerToSymbolTable;
DWORD NumberOfSymbols;
The description match:
Sig1 : 00 00
Sig2 : FF FF
Version : >=2
Machine : 0x14c`
The other header structures (i.e, ANON_OBJECT_HEADER and ANON_OBJECT_HEADER_V2) are basically the same, but with less fields.
For the Version field, I found some information here :
Looks like the Version field is "1" for anonymous files, and it seems like the anonymous files and the so called "import files" shared the same characteristics, only that Version = 0 for import file format (I do not really know what it is admittedly).
But yeah, by just looking at the header, it seems that we have no information on what compiler version was used. And even then, when looking at .obj files generated with the /GL switch, they do not exactly follow this format and I didn't find much information about them. I'll be glad that someone prove me wrong.

What is the meaning of numbers in inline assemble

Do anyone know what the following code does?
I'm not sure what the 1, 2, 3 is refered and how they are used here. :-(
95 asm volatile("2: wrmsr ; xor %[err],%[err]\n"
96 "1:\n\t"
97 ".section .fixup,\"ax\"\n\t"
98 "3: mov %[fault],%[err] ; jmp 1b\n\t"
99 ".previous\n\t"
100 _ASM_EXTABLE(2b, 3b)
101 : [err] "=a" (err)
102 : "c" (msr), "" (low), "d" (high),
103 [fault] "i" (-EIO)
104 : "memory");
105 return err;​
The code is from Linux:
I really appreciate it ​if anyone could give me some key word to google it.
Thank you very much in advance!
Those are local labels (numbers followed by a colon).
When they are later referenced, the b (as in jmp 1b) means to refer to the nearest local label of that number going backwards. An f would look for a matching local label later (forwards) in the code.
That code declares an exception table, when an exception occurs executing the wrmsr instruction, the fault handler (usually in arch/<your_CPU_arch>/mm/fault.c) searches the exception table for the corresponding entry, and jumps there.
As you can see, the entry for that exception moves EIO into err, and jumps back to the instruction following the xor (which would clear err in case there was no error).

Code Golf: Duplicate Character Removal in String

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
The challenge: The shortest code, by character count, that detects and removes duplicate characters in a String. Removal includes ALL instances of the duplicated character (so if you find 3 n's, all three have to go), and original character order needs to be preserved.
Example Input 1:
Example Output 1:
Example Input 2:
Example Output 2:
(the second example removes letters that occur three times; some solutions have failed to account for this)
(This is based on my other question where I needed the fastest way to do this in C#, but I think it makes good Code Golf across languages.)
LabVIEW 7.1
ONE character and that is the blue constant '1' in the block diagram.
I swear, the input was copy and paste ;-)
21 characters of perl, 31 to invoke, 36 total keystrokes (counting shift and final return):
perl -pe's/$1//gwhile/(.).*\1/'
Ruby — 61 53 51 56 35
61 chars, the ruler says. (Gives me an idea for another code golf...)
puts ((i=gets.split('')){|c|i.to_s.count(c)<2}).join
|| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 |
| |
... 35 by Nakilon
23 characters:
I'm an APL newbie (learned it yesterday), so be kind -- this is certainly not the most efficient way to do it. I'm ashamed I didn't beat Perl by very much.
Then again, maybe it says something when the most natural way for a newbie to solve this problem in APL was still more concise than any other solution in any language so far.
print filter(lambda c:s.count(c)<2,s)
This is a complete working program, reading from and writing to the console. The one-liner version can be directly used from the command line
python -c 's=raw_input();print filter(lambda c:s.count(c)<2,s)'
J (16 12 characters)
(~.{~[:I.1=#/.~) 'nbHHkRvrXbvkn'
It only needs the parenthesis to be executed tacitly. If put in a verb, the actual code itself would be 14 characters.
There certainly are smarter ways to do this.
EDIT: The smarter way in question:
(~.#~1=#/.~) 'nbHHkRvrXbvkn'
12 characters, only 10 if set in a verb. I still hate the fact that it's going through the list twice, once to count (#/.) and another to return uniques (nub or ~.), but even nubcount, a standard verb in the 'misc' library does it twice.
There's surely shorter ways to do this in Haskell, but:
Prelude Data.List> let h y=[x|x<-y,(<2).length$filter(==x)y]
Prelude Data.List> h "nbHHkRvrXbvkn"
Ignoring the let, since it's only required for function declarations in GHCi, we have h y=[x|x<-y,(<2).length$filter(==x)y], which is 37 characters (this ties the current "core" Python of "".join(c for c in s if s.count(c)<2), and it's virtually the same code anyway).
If you want to make a whole program out of it,
h y=[x|x<-y,(<2).length$filter(==x)y]
main=interact h
$ echo "nbHHkRvrXbvkn" | runghc tmp.hs
$ wc -c tmp.hs
54 tmp.hs
Or we can knock off one character this way:
$ echo "nbHHkRvrXbvkn" | runghc tmp2.hs
$ wc -c tmp2.hs
53 tmp2.hs
It operates on all of stdin, not line-by-line, but that seems acceptable IMO.
C89 (106 characters)
This one uses a completely different method than my original answer. Interestingly, after writing it and then looking at another answer, I saw the methods were very similar. Credits to caf for coming up with this method before me.
On one line, it's 58+48 = 106 bytes.
C89 (173 characters)
This was my original answer. As said in the comments, it doesn't work too well...
On two lines, it's 17+1+78+77 = 173 bytes.
65 Characters:
new String(h.Where(x=>h.IndexOf(x)==h.LastIndexOf(x)).ToArray());
67 Characters with reassignment:
h=new String(h.Where(x=>h.IndexOf(x)==h.LastIndexOf(x)).ToArray());
new string(input.GroupBy(c => c).Where(g => g.Count() == 1).ToArray());
71 characters
PHP (136 characters)
function q($x){return $x<2;}echo implode(array_keys(array_filter(
On one line, it's 5+1+65+65 = 136 bytes. Using PHP 5.3 you could save a few bytes making the function anonymous, but I can't test that now. Perhaps something like:
echo implode(array_keys(array_filter(array_count_values(str_split(
stream_get_contents(STDIN))),function($x){return $x<2;})));
That's 5+1+66+59 = 131 bytes.
another APL solution
As a dynamic function (18 charachters)
line assuming that input is in variable x (16 characters):
For Each c In s : s = IIf(s.LastIndexOf(c) <> s.IndexOf(c), s.Replace(CStr(c), Nothing), s) : Next
Granted, VB is not the optimal language to try to save characters, but the line comes out to 98 characters.
61 characters. Where $s="nbHHkRvrXbvkn" and $a is the result.
Fully functioning parameterized script:
C: 83 89 93 99 101 characters
O(n2) time.
Limited to 999 characters.
Only works in 32-bit mode (due to not #include-ing <stdio.h> (costs 18 chars) making the return type of gets being interpreted as an int and chopping off half of the address bits).
Shows a friendly "warning: this program uses gets(), which is unsafe." on Macs.
main(){char s[999],*c=gets(s);for(;*c;c++)strchr(s,*c)-strrchr(s,*c)||putchar(*c);}
(and this similar 82-chars version takes input via the command line:
Golfscript(sym) - 15
|| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 |
| |
(just knocking a few characters off Mark Rushakoff's effort, I'd rather it was posted as a comment on his)
h y=[x|x<-y,[_]<-[filter(==x)y]]
which is better Haskell idiom but maybe harder to follow for non-Haskellers than this:
h y=[z|x<-y,[z]<-[filter(==x)y]]
Edit to add an explanation for hiena and others:
I'll assume you understand Mark's version, so I'll just cover the change. Mark's expression:
(<2).length $ filter (==x) y
filters y to get the list of elements that == x, finds the length of that list and makes sure it's less than two. (in fact it must be length one, but ==1 is longer than <2 ) My version:
[z] <- [filter(==x)y]
does the same filter, then puts the resulting list into a list as the only element. Now the arrow (meant to look like set inclusion!) says "for every element of the RHS list in turn, call that element [z]". [z] is the list containing the single element z, so the element "filter(==x)y" can only be called "[z]" if it contains exactly one element. Otherwise it gets discarded and is never used as a value of z. So the z's (which are returned on the left of the | in the list comprehension) are exactly the x's that make the filter return a list of length one.
That was my second version, my first version returns x instead of z - because they're the same anyway - and renames z to _ which is the Haskell symbol for "this value isn't going to be used so I'm not going to complicate my code by giving it a name".
Javascript 1.8
s.split('').filter(function (o,i,a) a.filter(function(p) o===p).length <2 ).join('');
or alternately- similar to the python example:
[s[c] for (c in s) if (s.split("").filter(function(p) s[c]===p).length <2)].join('');
123 chars. It might be possible to get it shorter, but this is good enough for me.
proc h {i {r {}}} {foreach c [split $i {}] {if {[llength [split $i $c]]==2} {set r $r$c}}
return $r}
puts [h [gets stdin]]
Full program in C, 141 bytes (counting newlines).
54 chars for the method body only, 66 with (statically typed) method declaration:
def s(s:String)=(""/:s)((a,b)=>if(s.filter(c=>c==b).size>1)a else a+b)
63 chars.
puts (t=gets.split(//)).map{|i|t.count(i)>1?nil:i}.compact.join
96 characters for complete working statement
Dim p=New String((From c In"nbHHkRvrXbvkn"Group c By c Into i=Count Where i=1 Select c).ToArray)
Complete working statement, with original string and the VB Specific "Pretty listing (reformatting of code" turned off, at 96 characters, non-working statement without original string at 84 characters.
(Please make sure your code works before answering. Thank you.)
(1st version: 112 characters; 2nd version: 107 characters)
/* #include <stdio.h> */
/* int */ k[256], o[100000], p, c;
/* int */ main(/* void */) {
while((c=getchar()) != -1/*EOF*/) {
++k[o[p++] = /*(unsigned char)*/c];
for(c=0; c<p; c++) {
if(k[o[c]] == 1) {
/* return 0; */
Because getchar() returns int and putchar accepts int, the #include can 'safely' be removed.
Without the include, EOF is not defined, so I used -1 instead (and gained a char).
This program only works as intended for inputs with less than 100000 characters!
Version 2, with thanks to strager
107 characters
#include <stdio.h>
/* global variables are initialized to 0 */
int char_count[256]; /* k in the other layout */
int char_order[999999]; /* o ... */
int char_index; /* p */
int main(int ch_n_loop, char **dummy) /* c */
/* variable with 2 uses */
(void)dummy; /* make warning about unused variable go away */
while ((ch_n_loop = getchar()) >= 0) /* EOF is, by definition, negative */
++char_count[ ( char_order[char_index++] = ch_n_loop ) ];
/* assignment, and increment, inside the array index */
/* reuse ch_n_loop */
for (ch_n_loop = 0; ch_n_loop < char_index; ch_n_loop++) {
(char_count[char_order[ch_n_loop]] - 1) ? 0 : putchar(char_order[ch_n_loop]);
return 0;
Javascript 1.6
Shorter than the previously posted Javascript 1.8 solution (71 chars vs 85)
Tested with WinXP DOS box (cmd.exe):
xchg cx,bp
mov al,2
rep stosb
inc cl
l0: ; to save a byte, I've encoded the instruction to exit the program into the
; low byte of the offset in the following instruction:
lea si,[di+01c3h]
push si
l1: mov dx,bp
mov ah,6
int 21h
jz l2
mov bl,al
shr byte ptr [di+bx],cl
jz l1
inc si
mov [si],bx
jmp l1
l2: pop si
l3: inc si
mov bl,[si]
cmp bl,bh
je l0+2
cmp [di+bx],cl
jne l3
mov dl,bl
mov ah,2
int 21h
jmp l3
Assembles to 53 bytes. Reads standard input and writes results to standard output, eg:
programname < input > output
118 characters actual code (plus 6 characters for the PHP block tag):
C# (53 Characters)
Where s is your input string:
new string(s.Where(c=>s.Count(h=>h==c)<2).ToArray());
Or 59 with re-assignment:
var a=new string(s.Where(c=>s.Count(h=>h==c)<2).ToArray());
Haskell Pointfree
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow
The whole program is 97 characters, but the real meat is just 23 characters. The rest is just imports and bringing the function into the IO monad. In ghci with the modules loaded it's just
(liftM2(\\)nub$ap(\\)nub) "nbHHkRvrXbvkn"
In even more ridiculous pointfree style (pointless style?):
main=interact$liftM2 ap liftM2 ap(\\)nub
It's a bit longer though at 26 chars for the function itself.
Shell/Coreutils, 37 Characters
fold -w1|sort|uniq -u|paste -s -d ''
