How to allow loadView to be sent to my NSViewController? - macos

Having discovered that awakeFromNib is begin called multiple times, I tried to implement loadView in the following way to prevent (nib loading) initialization from repeatedly occurring, with:
- (void)loadView {
[self viewWillLoad];
[super loadView];
[self viewDidLoad];
Looks like a good trick to allowing certain arrays and properties to be set-up in viewWillLoad, but loadView absolutely won't be called.
I've done much research about this here and through google.

You're not receiving a loadView message because you have this VC and its view in the same nib, with the VC's view outlet set to the view. Since the VC already has a view, it has no reason to go load another one.

loadView is typically not called if you are using a nib (since view is already set). But the real question is why you're trying to fight the view loading process this way. If awakeFromNib is being called multiple times, that suggests you have multiple instances of this class. Each will get a call to awakeFromNib (that is expected behavior). If this is surprising, you should dig into why you have multiple instances. But you shouldn't try to subvert the view-loading mechanism like this.


group fetch / data updates (class structure design)

What would be the best design for the following scenario?
I have a class that manages a bunch of NSManagedObjects. Inserting, deleting, fetching, etc. A viewController uses this object as the dataSource for a tableView. Thus every time the managed objects change (added, deleted or altered), the tableview has to reloadData().
To ensure that my class has the correct list of objects, it should fetch() the managedObjects after every delete or insert and notify any observers that its contents have changed.
So far this is all working nicely. However I would to limit the number of fetch() operations. Like NSView only draws once even though you called setNeedsDisplay multiple times. What is the best approach to do something similar to this?
It's kind of similar to a NSArrayController, but my class performs more functions in the backend while NSArrayController is more for binding views to the backend.
You should look for NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification, posted by NSManagedObjectContext
The notification is posted during processPendingChanges, after the changes have been processed, but before it is safe to call save: again (if you try, you will generate an infinite loop).
The notification object is the managed object context. The userInfo dictionary contains the following keys: NSInsertedObjectsKey, NSUpdatedObjectsKey, and NSDeletedObjectsKey.
core data coalesce the changes for you, so it's already quite optimized.
Anyway, depending on what you want to do, a better option could be to subclass NSArrayController, probably overriding the - (NSArray *)arrangeObjects:(NSArray *)objects method, e.g:
- (NSArray *)arrangeObjects:(NSArray *)objects
NSArray *a1 = [self mayBeYouWantToPreprocessFetchedObjects:objects];
NSArray *a2 = [super arrangeObjects:a1]; // this performs filtering, etc
NSArray *a3 = [self mayBeYouWantToPostProcessArrangedObjects:a2];
// [self doWhatYouWantWithArrangedObjects:a3]; // e.g. trigger a reloadData if you're not using bindings
// or probably better : performOnMainThread: a method that will use arrangedObjects :
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(dataWasReloaded) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
return a3;
Doing so, you would get for free
all core data handling, including optimising the number of fetch (you can expect/hope NSArrayController is well optimised, and won't rearrange object when it's not necessary)
possibility to bind to model source like NSArray or NSSet in addition to core data (could be f.i. the arrangedObjects of another NSArrayController)
possibility to bind a NSTableView to your controller
all NSArrayController features, e.g. predicate filtering
I'm using such technique to provide data source to a NSOutlineView (partly because I have some specific processing on the fetched object, and also because NSTreeController is very limited), being still able to bind a NSTableView and have a flat view of my data

NSArrayController rearrangeObjects error

I have troubles with NSArrayController rearrangeObjects function - this function called from some background treads and sometimes App crashes with error: 'endUpdates called without a beginUpdates'.
How can i detect if arrayController is rearranging objects in current moment and add next rearrange to some like queue or cancel current rearranging and run new?
May be there is another solution for this problem?
Edit code added:
TableController implementation:
- (void)setContent{//perfoms on main thread
//making array of content and other functions for setting-up content of table
//arrayController contains objects of MyNode class
//end of setting up. Call rearrangeObjects
[arrayController rearrangeObjects];
- (void)updateItem:(MyNode *)sender WithValue:(id)someValue ForKey:(NSString *)key{
[sender setValue:someValue forKey:key];
[arrayController rearrangeObjects];//exception thrown here
MyNode implementation:
- (void)notifySelector:(NSNotification *)notify{
//Getted after some processing finished
id someValue = [notify.userInfo objectForKey:#"observedKey"];
[delegate updateItem:self WithValue:someValue ForKey:#"observedKey"];
Don't do that. AppKit (to which NSArrayController belongs) is not generally thread safe. Instead, use -performSelectorOnMainThread:... to update your UI (including NSArrayController). ALWAYS do updating on the main thread.
Joshua and Dan's solution is correct. It is highly likely that you are performing operations on your model object in a background thread, which then touches the array controller, and hence touches the table.
NSTableView itself is not threadsafe. Simply adding in a "beginUpdates/endUpdates" pair will just avoid the race condition for a bit. However, like Fin noted, it might be good to do the pair of updates for performance reasons, but it won't help with the crash.
To find the sources of the crash, add some assertions in your code on ![NSThread currentThread].mainThread -- particularly any places before you touch the array controller's content. This will help you isolate the problem. Or, subclass NSTableView and add the assertion in somewhere key, like overriding -numberOfRows (which is called frequently on changes), and calling super.
I solved this by adding this at the very start of my UI initialisation
[myTableView beginUpdates];
and then at the end after the persistant store has been loaded fully:
[myTableView endUpdates];
This also make the app startup a lot better since it does not constantly have to reload all loads from the MOC.

initWithNibName either called twice or wrong xib loaded

I'm programming a Cocoa application and want the application to work as a kind of Wizard. So in the main window I have a Custom View that interacts with the user and changes from a sign in to a device activation screen as they step through the stages of the wizard. I have currently overridden the WizardViewController's awakeFromNib method:
- (void)awakeFromNib{
//If no redirect request save, add first view: ID Login
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSString *tokenRequest = [defaults objectForKey:#"redirectRequestToken"];
if (!tokenRequest){
SignInWithIDViewController *signInViewController = [[SignInWithIDViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"SignInWithIDViewController" bundle:nil];
[wizardView addSubview:[signInViewController view]];
} else {
NSLog(#"Have already logged in.");
As is, initWithNibName in SignInIDViewController gets called twice, once explicitly by me, and again when the view is loaded (presumably through loadView). However, if I simply call init then initWithNib name is only called once, but the wrong xib file is loaded (of the DeviceActivationViewController class). I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong, because the signInViewController should not be init twice, but I need the proper xib file in IB to display.
The only other method I have in this class currently that is not a user interface IBAction is the generated initWithNibName method plus an added NSLog statement.
I think that creating the objects in IB (the blue cubes), and instantiating them in code is the problem. If you've created objects for them in IB, then they will be instantiated in awakeFromNib, you shouldn't also call alloc init on them in code -- that will create a new instance.
I don't have a lot of experience with using view controllers in OSX, but it seems that you can't connect IBActions to the view controller (as file's owner). The way I made it work, was to subclass the custom view (that's created for you when you add a view controller), change the class of that view to your new subclass, and put the action methods in that class. It seems like this should be something that would be handled by the view controller, but I think it not working has something to do with the view controller not being in the responder chain in OSX (whereas I think it is in iOS).
After Edit: After a detour into memory management problems, I think I found the best way to do this. You can, and probably should (to comply with Apple's MVC paradigm) put the button methods in the view controller class rather than in the view as I said above. You actually can connect the IBActions to the view controller (as File's Owner), you just need to make sure that the view controller is retained when you instantiate it in code. To do this, you need to make signInViewController a property in whatever class you're instantiating the SignInViewController class in, and use "retain" in the property declaration. Then you don't need to (and shouldn't) create any of the blue cubes in IB.

Cocoa: setters in an NSViewController view

I'm using an NSViewController class with a single view in it to display a progress indicator bar and some text fields. I'm trying to use progressIndicator setMaxValue:and theTextField setStringValue: but neither of these are doing anything.
I've done this before and I've checked and rechecked, it's fairly straightforward, the fact that it's not working makes me think that it has to do with the fact that the class is NSViewController. Which is why I tried
Timers *aTimer = [[Timers alloc] init];
[aTimer.timerNameLabel setStringValue:#"name"];
[aTimer.progressIndicator setMaxValue:x];
in the app delegate which is an NSObject class, but that didn't work either.
I've tried looking around the NSViewController documentation but I can't find anything that says it can't set those values so I don't know what's happening. What am I doing wrong?
You probably want to use -initWithNibName:bundle: instead of a regular init to initialize your custom nib.
EDIT: It seemed the problem was due to the view not being queried before getting other objects. By calling [myController view] you actually load the nib, which isn't done automatically when you initialize the view controller. So before you can use any element of the view, you need to call [myController view]

Where do you put cleanup code for NSDocument sub-classes?

I have a document-based application and I have sub-classed NSDocument and provided the required methods, but my document needs some extensive clean-up (needs to run external tasks etc). Where is the best place to put this? I have tried a few different methods such as:
If I put it in dealloc, sometimes it gets called and other times it does not (pressing Command+Q seems to bypass my document's deallocation), but it is mandatory that this code gets called without failure (unless program unexpectedly terminates).
Have each document add itself as an observer in the local notification center for NSApplicationWillTerminateNotification. In its notification method, call its clean-up method (which you should also call from dealloc or close).
The correct answer here didn't fit my use case, but the question does. Hence the extra answer.
My use case: closing a document (which may be one of several that are open) but not closing the application.
In this case (at time of writing and unless I'm just looking in the wrong place) the documentation is not as helpful as it could be.
I added a canCloseDocumentWithDelegate:shouldCloseSelector:contextInfo: override in my NSDocument subclass and called super within it. The documentation doesn't say whether you must call super, but a bit of logging shows that the system is providing a selector and a context. This method is called just before the document is closed.
- (void) canCloseDocumentWithDelegate:(id)delegate shouldCloseSelector:(SEL)shouldCloseSelector contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo;
if ([self pdfController])
[[[self pdfController] window] close];
[self setPdfController: nil];
[super canCloseDocumentWithDelegate:delegate shouldCloseSelector: shouldCloseSelector contextInfo: contextInfo];
There is some useful discussion of this method on CocoaBuilder. If there's downsides to this approach or better ways of doing this, please comment.
