GetModuleHandleEx usage example. WTL internationalisation - winapi

I am trying to do internationalization in a WTL GUI application .. in my drop down selection change handler (which is used for language selection I do something like this):
int selected = (int)::SendMessage(m_cbLang, CB_GETCURSEL,0,0);
int retCode = 0;
case 0:
case 1:
return S_OK;
Now, I really don't know how to use this function, although it is here , I don t know what the lpModuleName represents. The "GuiLibOther.dll" is a dll which contains the entire interface in another language.. all resources translated to another language.. I want the interface to change the language imediatelly after another language is selected. is this the right way?
Case 0 return hmod = NULL

First of all you don't want to use the GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS flag unless you're passing the address of some item in the DLL, which in this case you're not.
Second the documentation implies that the DLL must already be loaded before you call GetModuleHandleEx. If you haven't linked it in to your .exe so that it's automatically loaded, you must use LoadLibrary.
The need to use LoadLibrary suggests a simplification:
case 0:
if (hmodExe == INVALID_HANDLE)
retCode =::GetModuleHandleEx(0, NULL, &hmodExe);
case 1:
hmodDLL1 = LoadLibrary(L"GuiLibOther.dll");
This should let you switch resource libraries dynamically without extra overhead.


Detect Alt-Tab/Task Switching/ForegroundStaging Window accurately

Given a valid hwnd, how can we verify if it is indeed the alt-tab window?
One of my previous methods was to get the class of the window that the hwnd belongs to, then compare it to these values: MultitaskingViewFrame, ForegroundStaging, TaskSwitcherWnd and TaskSwitcherOverlayWnd.
However, I've come to realise that class names are not unique across the system, and indeed one can RegisterClassEx a class with the same name as the above names, which means my method above would give false positives.
I found a working solution to the problem: additionally, filter by process path using GetWindowModuleFileNameW.
rough pseudocode:
if window.class() in [..] && GetWindowModuleFileNameW(window.hwnd) == "C:\Windows\explorer.exe" {
Processes cannot fake their path, so this works.
I recommend using the SetWinEventHook function to get the active display information correctly.
DWORD eventMin,
DWORD eventMax,
HMODULE hmodWinEventProc,
DWORD idProcess,
DWORD idThread,
DWORD dwFlags
DWORD eventMin,
DWORD eventMax,
It is sufficient to give the constants EVENT_SYSTEM_FOREGROUND as arguments.
If I press alt-tab, the window switches fast but the callback is fired
for the the Task Switcher window and some other invisible window with
class ForegroundStaging.
For invisible windows, you can use IsWindowVisible to filter.
For the the Task Switcher window, you can compare their title names to filter.
Some code:
void __stdcall Wineventproc(HWINEVENTHOOK hWinEventHook, DWORD event, HWND hwnd, LONG idObject, LONG idChild, DWORD idEventThread, DWORD dwmsEventTime)
if (IsWindowVisible(hwnd))
TCHAR title[512] = {};
int index = GetWindowText(hwnd, title, 512);
if (_tcsncmp(title, TEXT("Task Switching"), 14))
title[index] = L'\n';
title[index + 1] = L'\0';
but I also need to account for rogue processes that try to masquerade
as ForegroundStaging etc.
This is a complicated question. No antivirus or protection technology is perfect. It takes time to identify and block malicious sites and applications, or trust newly released programs and certificates.  With almost 2 billion websites on the internet and software continuously updated and released, it's impossible to have information about every single site and program.
In other words, it is not easy to efficiently identify the true identity of each unknown application.
Refer: Unknown – Unrecognized software

In MFC RegisterHotKey function don't respond

In MFC RegisterHotKey function don't respond from Dll but works fine if i put same code in exe.
i am using same code which works in exe and putting it in Dll.
Also making sure that Dll gets load and othere changes are reflecting when i run exe.
You are using the same code for registering a hotkey in your DLL as in your EXE. This is your problem. See documentation for RegisterHotKey:
An application must specify an id value in the range 0x0000 through 0xBFFF. A shared DLL must specify a value in the range 0xC000 through 0xFFFF (the range returned by the GlobalAddAtom function). To avoid conflicts with hot-key identifiers defined by other shared DLLs, a DLL should use the GlobalAddAtom function to obtain the hot-key identifier.
To use RegisterHotKey from a shared DLL, you need to generate an id value. To get a value in the correct range, call GlobalAddAtom with a string parameter (see About Atom Tables: String Atoms). To create a unique id, pass the string representation of a GUID.
// Putting in message map
//Demographic Bar HotKey (putting in create or init)
RegisterHotKey(GetSafeHwnd(), GlobalAddAtom("SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+D"), MOD_SHIFT | MOD_CONTROL | MOD_ALT, 'D');
//source file
LRESULT CMainFrame::OnHotKey(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
int hotKeyId = (int)wParam;
CString atomName;
GlobalGetAtomName(hotKeyId, atomName.GetBuffer(20), 20);
if (atomName.Compare("SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+D") == 0)
SetPaneFocused(1); //Hard-coding 1 & 2 as place holders. Actual pane id should be here
else if (atomName.Compare("SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+M") == 0)
return S_OK;

How to use VerQueryValue?

I've an exe that will need to retrieve version infomation from a specific dll (ex : FileDescription). My codes already called the GetFileVersionInfoSize and GetFileVersionInfo. But I'm not sure how to apply the VerQueryValue, even after going through and other examples.
Can someone explain/shed some light on how to apply VerQueryValue and its usage? Thanks.
To get the FileDescription via VerQueryValue, just copy and paste the example code from the VerQueryValue documentation, and modify it as appropriate.
The basic idea behind that example code is:
Use the second form (\VarFileInfo\Translation) to get the list of translations.
Then use the third form (\StringFileInfo\lang-codepage\string-name) to get the string(s).
(The first form () is just for the VS_FIXEDFILEINFO, a set of numerical values for parts of the version number, the flags, etc.)
The example code gets the FileDescription for each language. If you know you only have one language (e.g., because you're looking at your own app, and it isn't translated), you can skip the loop and just return the first one. For more general use, you want to pick the best match for the user's language and return that one.
This is a working example, after many try and errors. I'm using Borland C++, so minor details may need to be changed for incompabible environments.
#include <Windows.h>
std::string GetAppVersion()
DWORD dwHandle;
GetModuleFileName(NULL, fileName, MAX_PATH);
DWORD dwSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(fileName, &dwHandle );
TCHAR buffer[dwSize];
UINT fiLen = 0;
if ((dwSize > 0) && GetFileVersionInfo(fileName, dwHandle, dwSize, &buffer))
VerQueryValue(&buffer, L"\\", (LPVOID*)&pvFileInfo, &fiLen);
if (fiLen > 0)
char buf[25];
int len = sprintf(buf, "%hu.%hu.%hu.%hu",
return std::string(buf, len);
return std::string("(Unknown)");

playing files after accepting them through open dialog box

I am a new member and joined this site after referring to it loads of times when i was stuck with some programming problems. I am trying to code a media player (Win32 SDK VC++ 6.0) for my college project and I am stuck. I have searched on various forums and msdn and finally landed on the function GetShortPathName which enables me to play through folders and files which have a whitespace in their names. I will paste the code here so it will be much more clearer as to what i am trying to do.
ZeroMemory(&ofn, sizeof(ofn));
ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn);
ofn.hwndOwner = hwnd;
ofn.lpstrFilter = "Media Files (All Supported Types)\0*.avi;*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.asf;*.wmv;*.mp2;*.mp3\0"
"Movie File (*.avi;*.mpg;*.mpeg)\0*.avi;*.mpg;*.mpeg\0"
"Windows Media File (*.asf;*.wmv)\0*.asf;*.wmv\0"
"Audio File (*.mp2;*.mp3)\0*.mp2;*.mp3\0"
"All Files(*.*)\0*.*\0";
ofn.lpstrFile = szFileName;
ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;
ofn.lpstrDefExt = "mp3";
length = GetShortPathName(szFileName, NULL, 0);
buffer = (TCHAR *) malloc (sizeof(length));
length = GetShortPathName(szFileName, buffer, length);
for(i = 0 ; i < MAX_PATH ; i++)
if(buffer[i] == '\\')
buffer[i] = '/';
mciSendString("open buffer alias myFile", NULL, 0, NULL);
mciSendString("play buffer", NULL, 0, NULL);
return 0;
using the GetShortPathName function i get the path as : D:/Mp3z/DEEPBL~1/03SLEE~1.mp3
Putting this path directly in Play button case
mciSendString("open D:/Mp3jh/DEEPBL~1/03SLEE~1.mp3 alias myFile", NULL, 0, NULL);
mciSendString("play myFile", NULL, 0, NULL);
the file opens and plays fine. But as soon as i try to open and play it through the open file dialog box, nothing happens. Any input appreciated.
It looks like the problem is that you're passing the name of the buffer variable to the mciSendString function as a string, rather than passing the contents of the buffer.
You need to concatenate the arguments you want to pass (open and alias myFile) with the contents of buffer.
The code can also be much simplified by replacing malloc with an automatic array. You don't need to malloc it because you don't need it outside of the block scope. (And you shouldn't be using malloc in C++ code anyway; use new[] instead.)
Here's a modified snippet of the code shown in your question:
(Warning: changes made using only my eyes as a compiler! Handle with care.)
// Get the short path name, and place it in the buffer array.
// We know that a short path won't be any longer than MAX_PATH, so we can
// simply allocate a statically-sized array without futzing with new[].
// Note: In production code, you should probably check the return value
// of the GetShortPathName function to make sure it succeeded.
GetShortPathName(szFileName, buffer, MAX_PATH);
// Add the short path name to your ListBox control.
// Note: In C++ code, you should probably use C++-style casts like
// reinterpret_cast, rather than C-style casts!
SendMessage(hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(buffer));
// Build the argument string to pass to the mciSendString function.
// Note: In production code, you probably want to use the more secure
// alternatives to the string concatenation functions.
// See the documentation for more details.
// And, as before, you should probably check return values for error codes.
TCHAR arguments[MAX_PATH * 2]; // this will definitely be large enough
lstrcat(arguments, TEXT("open"));
lstrcat(arguments, buffer);
lstrcat(arguments, TEXT("alias myFile"));
// Or, better yet, use a string formatting function, like StringCbPrintf:
// StringCbPrintf(arguments, MAX_PATH * 2, TEXT("open %s alias myFile"),
// buffer);
// Call the mciSendString function with the argument string we just built.
mciSendString(arguments, NULL, 0, NULL);
mciSendString("play myFile", NULL, 0, NULL);
Do note that, as the above code shows, working with C-style strings (character arrays) is a real pain in the ass. C++ provides a better alternative, in the form of the std::string class. You should strongly consider using that instead. To call Windows API functions, you'll still need a C-style string, but you can get one of those by using the c_str method of the std::string class.

Force GetKeyNameText to english

The Win32 function GetKeyNameText will provide the name of keyboard keys in the current input locale.
From MSDN:
The key name is translated according to the layout of the currently
installed keyboard, thus the function may give different results for
different input locales.
Is it possible to force the input locale for a short amount of time? Or is there another alternative to GetKeyNameText that will always return the name in English?
Update: This answer does not work. It actually modifies the keyboard settings of the user. This appear to be a behavior change between Windows versions.
CString csLangId;
HKL hLocale = LoadKeyboardLayout( (LPCTSTR)csLangId, KLF_ACTIVATE );
HKL hPrevious = ActivateKeyboardLayout( hLocale, KLF_SETFORPROCESS );
// Call GetKeyNameText
ActivateKeyboardLayout( hPrevious, KLF_SETFORPROCESS );
UnloadKeyboardLayout( hLocale );
WARNING: GetKeyNameText is broken (it returns wrong A-Z key names for non-english keyboard layouts since it uses MapVirtualKey with MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR that is broken), keyboard layout dlls pKeyNames and pKeyNamesExt text is bugged and outdated. I cannot recommend dealing with this stuff at all. :)
If you're really-really want to get this info - then you can load and parse it manually from keyboard layout dll file (kbdus.dll, kbdger.dll etc).
There is a bunch of undocumented stuff involved:
In order to get proper keyboard layout dll file name first you need to convert HKL to KLID string. You can do this via such code:
// Returns KLID string of size KL_NAMELENGTH
// Same as GetKeyboardLayoutName but for any HKL
bool succeded = false;
if ((HIWORD(hkl) & 0xf000) == 0xf000) // deviceId contains layoutId
WORD layoutId = HIWORD(hkl) & 0x0fff;
HKEY key;
CHECK_EQ(::RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Keyboard Layouts", &key), ERROR_SUCCESS);
DWORD index = 0;
while (::RegEnumKeyW(key, index, pwszKLID, KL_NAMELENGTH) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
WCHAR layoutIdBuffer[MAX_PATH] = {};
DWORD layoutIdBufferSize = sizeof(layoutIdBuffer);
if (::RegGetValueW(key, pwszKLID, L"Layout Id", RRF_RT_REG_SZ, nullptr, layoutIdBuffer, &layoutIdBufferSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
if (layoutId == std::stoul(layoutIdBuffer, nullptr, 16))
succeded = true;
DBGPRINT("Found KLID 0x%ls by layoutId=0x%04x", pwszKLID, layoutId);
CHECK_EQ(::RegCloseKey(key), ERROR_SUCCESS);
WORD langId = LOWORD(hkl);
// deviceId overrides langId if set
if (HIWORD(hkl) != 0)
langId = HIWORD(hkl);
std::swprintf(pwszKLID, KL_NAMELENGTH, L"%08X", langId);
succeded = true;
DBGPRINT("Found KLID 0x%ls by langId=0x%04x", pwszKLID, langId);
return succeded;
Then with KLID string you need to go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts\%KLID% registry path and read Layout File string from it.
Load this dll file from SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_System, ...) (usually C:\Windows\System32) with LoadLibrary() call.
Next you need to do GetProcAddress(KbdDllHandle, "KbdLayerDescriptor") - you're receive pointer that can be casted to PKBDTABLES.
There is kbd.h header in Windows SDK that have KBDTABLES struct definition (there is some stuff involved to use proper KBD_LONG_POINTER size for x32 code running on x64 Windows. See my link to Gtk source at the end).
You have to look at pKeyNames and pKeyNamesExt in it to get scan code -> key name mapping.
Long story short: The GTK toolkit have the code that doing all this(see here and here). Actually they are building scan code -> printed chars tables from Windows keyboard layout dlls.
