Can one encapsulate Xml Rpc call within an winhttp object? - proxy

Is it possible to encapsulate an Xml Rpc call within an Winhttp 5.1 object ?
The reason I am asking this is because as far as I know Winhttp automatically resolves any proxy settings which I do not know beforehand for each user. I also don't want to set the proxy for each xml rpc call I make by hand since my users are all over the country.
Thx for any suggestions.

This helped me :
var url = new Uri("");
string ProxyUrl = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy.GetProxy(url).ToString();


Manipulate post body of httpsampler before request

I'm testing an Eclipse-RAP application with JMeter.
In RAP the client (javascript-framework in the browser) communicates with the server over a json-based protocol.
A message looks like this:
{"head":{"requestCounter":3,"uiSessionId":"832834"},"operations":[["set","w1",{"bounds": [0,0,1680,893],"cursorLocation":[1262,-1]}]]}
As you see there is a session-ID stored in uiSessionId. I extracted this id using a "Regular Expression Extractor" and stored it in a variable namedUI_SESSION_ID`.
Then i edited the raw "Post Body" of the recorded HTTP-Request:
{"head":{"requestCounter":3,"uiSessionId":"${UI_SESSION_ID}"},"operations":[["set","w1",{"bounds": [0,0,1680,893],"cursorLocation":[1262,-1]}]]}
and it works.
But i have to alter each Post-Body of each HTTP-Request which can be a lot.
After some research i thought using a "BeanShell PreProcessor" would be the right thing, but:
var sampler = ctx.getCurrentSampler();
would give me a HTTPSampler and i did not find any method which allows me to retrieve the post-body, replace the session-id with the variable and set the altered post-body.
Do you know any way i can replace the uiSessionId with the variable without changing every request manually?
You don't have to. The uiSessionId header has been introduced in a milestone version in preparation for multiple browser-tab support in RAP, but it has been replaced by another mechanism that does not use this header parameter anymore.
As of RAP 2.1 RC1, the client now attaches a “connection id” to every POST request in a URL parameter cid. This parameter does not affect load tests, and you don't have to remove it from your recording. Since every jmeter thread gets its own HttpSession, it's not a problem that all threads have the same cid.
One reason for this change was the ability to load test RAP applications without the kind of problems that you've been struggling with.

How to use proxy with TwitterConsumer class from DotNetOpenAuth.ApplicationBlock

I am currently implementing SSO with DotNetOpenAuth. However, when working locally, I need to send requests via a proxy. I am happy to do this programatically or via config setting but I am struggling to find where to add it to the TwitterConsumer class supplied in the application block.
Any help much appreciated
So the easiest way is probably to set the proxy in your .config file or programmatically using WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy.
Alternatively, just set the proxy properties on the HttpWebRequest objects like any other .NET request. For those request objects you don't see because DotNetOpenAuth creates and issues them automatically, you can implement IDirectWebRequestHandler and pass that into DNOA so you get to intercept each outgoing HttpWebRequest, but that is considerably harder and probably not necessary considering your other options.

WSO2 ESB - Dynamic value for proxy parameters (transport)

I need to be able to specify a dynamic value for proxy parameter. Actually, I have to specify each parameter with complete URL like :
<parameter name="transport.vfs.FileNamePattern">.*.txt</parameter>
I see some samples with property mediator and I guess it's working for next proxies but the problem here is that I need to change the proxy parameters value before its execution I think. I tried with a "trigger" proxy calling a custom mediator which change SynapseConfiguration of required proxy but this wasn't working.
Is there a way to replace these fixed value with lookups to create some deployment configuration ?
Many thanks.
You can check out this post How to dynamically route message in WSO2 ESB based on XML configuration file for an example how to dynamically set values in a proxy sequence.
You can do something this:
<parameter name="transport.vfs.FileNamePattern">
<script language="js">mc.getProperty('MY_DYNAMIC_VALUE')</script>
I am not sure this will help you much, as I suspect that the vfs parameters are set when initializing the proxy and not on the fly. If you give it a try, if possible please post back to this thread if it works or not.
Regards, nidkil
The Parameters in the Proxy service definitions are service level Parameters which is in the Axis2Service Configuration . They are used when you are initialing the Axis2Service in this case its the Synapse/WSO2 ESB proxy service. So you can't change the parameters dynamically on the fly.
But i can suggest following approach. It might or might not applicable to your scenario.
Have set of VFS proxies that listen for separate locations. Each will look at a give file extension. (one for .txt one for .foo etc..)
Use another generic vfs proxy to copy files to correct places dynamically(which accepts any extension).(You can use vfs sender).
Hope this helps.

Access request parameters from a JSP View in Spring Web MVC without putting them in a model

I'd like to be able to access some HTTP GET parameters directly in a JSP, without having to pass them through a Controller+Model, but at the same time still use the dispatcher/controller/model/view mechanism for other parameters and logic.
This is because I have many HTTP GET parameters that are generated by Javascript and used also only in Javascript. My Controllers don't need them at all.
I tried ${arg}, ${request.arg}, ${requestScope.arg}, nothing seems to work.
If I bypass the dispatcher, ${requestScope.arg} works.
But is there a way to make it work with the dispatcher?
If that's request parameters that you want to access (and not request attributes like the title says), then the syntax is ${param.parameterName}.
If it's request attributes, then it's ${requestScope.attributeName}.
See for a quick reference.

How do I determine which HostHeader the client used?

I'm attempting to set some session variables depending on which hostHeader was used to access my site. Do I have to parse it out of the URI property or is there a better way? (MVC3/IIS7)
Check out the HttpWebRequest.Host property, which should be equivalent to accessing Request.Headers["Host"] in MVC.
It mentions it's used to "Get or set the Host header value to use in an HTTP request independent from the request URI." If you're not setting this somehow then "then the Host header value to use in an HTTP request is based on the request URI." So inspecting it via the Request.Url.Host or equivalent property is equally sufficient. I don't know of any other way.
