Can I add cookie with Spring SockJs websocket implementation - spring

Can I add custom cookies over websocket in Spring SockJS implementation? The way we can add it with http request/ response?
Forget to mention that I see way to read cookie from headers :: HttpHeaders headers= session.getHandshakeHeaders(); -But I do not see a way to set headers. With headers I can read the cookies -but how to set it?

This is all work-in-progress still, but at this time you can configure a HandshakeInterceptor on the DefaultSockJsService. That gives you access to the request and response before and after the handshake.


Intercept spring RefreshTokenReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider for webclient

I am looking for the solution to intercept
AbstractWebClientReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient while using spring reactive Oauth2 with authorization grant type client_credentials? I am using hmac-auth-webclient provided here but this example only intercept the ClientRequest sent by webclient created in the configuration. While
ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction using its own webclient instance to send the token request which doesnt get intercepted with the filters specified in the configuration. How can I force every webclient initiated in the application should use certain headers in the request such as Digest & signature headers?
I am expecting way to intercept webclient instance used AbstractWebClientReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient to send some more custom headers with /token request.

How can I enable ws-addressing in spring so that replyTo is understood?

I created a ws endpoint with spring using spring-boot-starter-webservices.
I have used works fine.
But when I am trying to add the wsa:ReplyTo addressing header to the request with mustUnderstand=true the server prints:
Could not handle mustUnderstand headers: {}ReplyTo. Returning fault
and returns a similar Fault as a response.
How can I enable addressing so that ReplyTo is understood and replies with 202, sending the response to the differrent endpoint described in ReplyTo?
I tried adding next to #Endpoint annotation but I still get the above behaviour.

How to make spring webclient follow redirect with access token/authorization header?

We are using spring boot 2.4.5 with webflux and calling a service with client credentials grant type. What we noticed is that webclient is not following redirects.
How can we enable webclient to follow redirects where it can continue passing access token until it get the http 200?
Adding following code snippet does not pass the access token to redirected url and it is returning 401.
.clientConnector(new ReactorClientHttpConnector(
The sensitive headers like the Authorization are removed from the initialized request when redirecting to a different domain.
You can use the following variant of followRedirect(boolean):
followRedirect(boolean followRedirect, Consumer<HttpClientRequest> redirectRequestConsumer)
In order to re-add the Authorization header using redirectRequestConsumer.
For more details see the Javadoc here and Reactor Netty documentation here.

RestTemplate: Only one auth mechanism allowed; only the X-Amz-Algorithm query parameter

I am using RestTemplate with custom HttpClient. My request is getting redirected to S3 but somehow it is carrying Authorization header along with it after redirection.
Httpclient is configured to use LaxRedirectStrategy, cookies are ignored.
Is there a way how to fix this issue or any insight?

JerseyClient using DefaultHttpClient

I need to access a JAX-WS webservice protected by SSL using Jersey Client. I have successfully got this working with limited configuration and just letting the Client use the default HTTPURLConnection API.
This approach wont work however for my overall solution because it does not allow me the flexibility to change the credentials used when making a request to the WS. I'm trying to use DefaultHTTPClient instead and then passing it to the Client object on intialization.
NTCredentials credentials = new NTCredentials("username", "password",
computerName, domainName);
DefaultHttpClient httpClienttemp = new DefaultHttpClient();
DefaultHttpClient httpClient = wrapClient(httpClienttemp);
httpClient.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, credentials );
ClientConfig config = new DefaultClientConfig();
The wrapClient method creates an X509TrustManager and overrides the necessary methods so that all certificates are accepted. It also creates a SchemeRegistry entry for https access on port 443. This configuration results in a Connection refused exception.
The strange thing is, if i add an additional entry in the SchemeRegistry for http and give it a port of 443 then the request does get sent however a Connection Reset exception then gets thrown.
The Url i use to create the WebResource object is https however the SOAPAction i declare in the header uses http. Any ideas where im going wrong?
This is a limitation of the default HTTP Client (com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client) documented in the Jersey docs. You will have to use Apache HTTP Client to achieve this functionality.
Looks like someone already recommended doing this in the answer to your previous question: Jersey Client API - authentication.
EDIT: Corrected reference to the default Jersey HTTP Client to avoid confusion.
