Spring Data Rest - Caching - caching

How to enable caching with Spring Data Rest?
The reasoning behind is that repository listing and search methods won't change once the application is up. Also if the data behind the rest API is changed only through rest API it does makes a case to enable caching data too.
I believe some level is caching happens in REST API framework and it would be ideal if the caching happens at the final response stage i.e., json response (to avoid the overhead of marshalling objects to json)

The easiest way to implement this on the repository level is to use Spring's #Cacheable as it can be seen in the Spring Data JPA Examples project.
Another option is to leverage HTTP Caching using the Apache HTTPD settings or a Varnish for example.


Will I benefit from using Spring Webflux in applciation where the rest of the components are non-reactive?

I want to introduce the new service in our company application which will ease some load of monolitic app. The specific of new service is that it will in scope of each request make a lot of http calls(simultaneously as well) and compose obtained data to make new calls. The question is: will I benefit from using Spring WebFlux here provided the rest of the services are synchronous(and backpressure I assume won't work)? Does it make sense at least in terms of resource consumption not to be blocking?

Integrating Vert.x with spring data JPA

I am currently using common approach of calling Spring data JPA repository from Spring service class. But as those calls are blocking, performance is not good for my use-case as number of requests I have to handle is very high.
So I plan to use Vert.x. My understanding is that I would need to call DAO repository from verticle, which in turn I need to integrate in service layer.
Would that be correct way of doing that?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using feign over RestTemplate

I get that Feign is declarative and hence it abstracts out a lot of things for the developer. But, when should one choose one over the other? Though feign is declarative, it has serious problems with oAuth. What are some of the considerations in using RestTemplate over Feign
Feign allows you to abstract the mechanics of calling a REST service. Once you configure and annotate the Feign interface, you can call a REST service by making a simple Java function call. The actual implementation of making a REST call is handled at runtime by Feign. This means that the implementation can be configured without changing your business logic code.
By just changing the Feign configuration in Java or using properties you can add encoding/decoding, logging, and change the REST call implementation library. All this is done through configuration only, while the business logic that calls the service remains unchanged.
Since Feign uses standard Java interfaces, it's also easy to mock them during unit tests.
There are certain advantages.
1.URLs are not hardcoded.
2.you don't have to write unit test cases for feign as there is no code to test however you have to write integration tests.
3.we can use Eureka Client ID instead of the URL.
4.Feign handled the actual code.
5.Feign integrates with Ribbon and Eureka Automatically.
6.Feign provides a very easy way to call RESTful services.
One of the advantages of using Feign over RestTemplate is that, we do not need to write any implementation to call the other services. So there is no
need to write any unit test as there is no code to test in the first place. However, it is advised that we write Integration tests.
Using Feign-clients over rest-templates has number of advantages. I will list down those below.
The developer need not worry about the implementation. Just to create abstract Feign interface and few annotations - declarative
principle. (If you want customized configuration, then it will hold
some code)
With Spring Cloud Eureka, Ribbon client-side load-balancer will be equipped with Feign client.
No need to worry about the unit test, because there is no implementation from you to test. (Arguable)
Supports Feign annotations and JAX-RS annotations.
Highly compatible and easily configurable with Spring Cloud (Specially with Eureka server registry)
Allows Feign client configuration via #Configuration class or application properties.
Allows us to add interceptors. (Add interceptors via #Configuration or application properties. Alternatively can use
Spring Cloud provided interceptors as well. Example -
Hystrix support for fall-back mechanism.
Error handling
Feign is a good choice, If you are fascinated with JPA and the way how it resolves your queries, then Feign is the tool for you. Feign will handle your server requests perfectly fine.
RestTemplate is used for making the synchronous call. When using RestTemplate, the URL parameter is constructed programmatically, and data is sent across to the other service. In more complex scenarios, we will have to get to the details of the HTTP APIs provided by RestTemplate or even to APIs at a much lower level.
Feign is a Spring Cloud Netflix library for providing a higher level of abstraction over REST-based service calls. Spring Cloud Feign works on a declarative principle. When using Feign, we write declarative REST service interfaces at the client, and use those interfaces to program the client. The developer need not worry about the implementation ...
Advantages of using Feign over RestTemplate:
Declarative approach: Feign provides a more declarative approach to define and use REST API clients, which can make the code more readable and easier to maintain.
Integrated with Eureka: Feign is integrated with Netflix Eureka for service discovery, making it easier to build and consume APIs in a microservices architecture.
Better error handling: Feign provides better error handling, including support for custom error handling and retries.
Support for multiple encodings: Feign supports multiple encoding types, including JSON, XML, and form data, while RestTemplate only supports JSON and XML.
Disadvantages of using Feign over RestTemplate:
Limited flexibility: Feign provides a more opinionated approach to defining and using REST API clients, which may limit flexibility in certain situations.
Limited control over HTTP request and response: Feign abstracts away some of the low-level details of the HTTP request and response, which can make it harder to control and customize these details if needed.
Lack of official support: Feign is not an officially supported library from Spring, which may be a consideration for some developers or organizations.

Writing a Mostly Client-Side App Without Controllers (but still within the Spring framework)

We are writing a mostly single-page, client-side app, but server-side/DB endpoints are still required of course, so the natural choice is SpringMVC (since we are a Java / Spring shop).
But this got me thinking why we need the cluttered, very old design for this app:
- Controller layer
- Service layer
- DAO layer
This app is mostly just the client side making AJAX calls with JSON for DB retrieval/persistence. Do I really need to go thru the Controller layer to receive requests, then invoke a Service method, which in turn invokes a DAO method?
At the same time, I don't want to write a REST Service because it could result in overhead and we may not support all of the REST requirements... but is it the right choice here? If I understand correctly, I would still need a RESTController on the presentation layer?
My goal is to just directly hit a Service method or, maybe even more directly, a DAO method. Is that how modern apps are written?
You cannot hit a DAO unless you expose it through an API of some sort that can be invoked remotely by the UI application; as a consequence, you need to write a service.
A convenient way of exposing a service is to either:
Use Spring MVC and use the controllers as stateless endpoints that provide a JSON/Protobuffer/XML sort of payload that is then parsed by your API (with JSON being the simplest option of them all, perhaps) or
Use Spring Boot, which uses Spring MVC under the hood.
Hope this helps and good luck with your project.

Authentication and authorization in Spring Data REST

I am implementing a Spring Data REST based app and I would like to know if there is an elegant way to implement authentication and authorization rules using this framework or related frameworks.
All HTTP requests to the REST server must carry authentication headers, I need to check them and decide to authorize or not based on the HTTP method and the association of the authenticated user with the resource being requested. For example, (the app is the REST server of an e-learning system), the instructors can access only their own course sections, students can access only the courses sections they are subscribed, etc.
I would like to know if there is a default way to implement authorization in Spring Data REST. If the answer is no, could you make a suggestion for my issue? I am thinking about:
Servlet Filters
Spring Security
Spring Data REST Handlers (how to access the HTTP headers?)
The best bet for you is Spring Security.
That would help you achieve authorization is much simpler manner.
Spring Security would require you an implementation that looks at request headers and performs the log-in operation programmatically.
Refer the accepted answer here.. I had followed the same and implemented the security layer in front of my rest services ( which were build using RestEasy )
RESTful Authentication via Spring
There is an alternate method as well..
In both cases you can disable the session creation by declaring the stateless authentication in spring security, this would help you improve the performance considerably when large volume of hits are made to the state-less REST services..
