Why tail-recursion is a bad use of recursion? - algorithm

I recently in learning Date structure.
In Mark Allen Weiss's book , Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C , Why he says tail-recursion is a bad use of recursion and best not use it in chapter 3 ? But I saw many people say it is useful online.

It's not necessarily bad. Tail recursion is always equivalent to a loop and writing the loop explicitly can be more efficient, depending on the compiler.(*) Modern compilers such as GCC can optimize tail recursion away, but they don't always recognize it. When they don't see it, the recursion will consume stack space.
That said, an algorithm such as quicksort is naturally expressed recursively and one of its two recursions is a tail recursion. I'd write it recursively on a first pass and then rewrite it as a loop if I found that it was too slow.
When an algorithm has only a single recursion that is a tail recursion, it might still be a good idea to write it as a loop right away, because recursive functions can be harder to debug than loops.
(*) I'm assuming we're talking about C only. In some other languages, tail recursion can be either considered the natural way of looping (functional languages) or an outright abomination (Python).

Tail recursion is fine, and a perfectly useful technique to structure your code. It is not "bad". However, there are some caveats:
Like any recursion, unless your compiler can optimise it away (check this), it will consume stack frames. For large input, this may lead to a stackoverflow.
Some programmers have a childish revulsion to recursion, and knowing that tail-recursion can always be transformed to a loop, believe it always should be.
For both of the above reasons, you should learn how to transform between a tail recursion and a loop, not least because it will help you know if your compiler can optimise away the recursion.


Can every recursion function be called DFS(Depth-First Search)? [duplicate]

A reddit thread brought up an apparently interesting question:
Tail recursive functions can trivially be converted into iterative functions. Other ones, can be transformed by using an explicit stack. Can every recursion be transformed into iteration?
The (counter?)example in the post is the pair:
(define (num-ways x y)
(case ((= x 0) 1)
((= y 0) 1)
(num-ways2 x y) ))
(define (num-ways2 x y)
(+ (num-ways (- x 1) y)
(num-ways x (- y 1))
Can you always turn a recursive function into an iterative one? Yes, absolutely, and the Church-Turing thesis proves it if memory serves. In lay terms, it states that what is computable by recursive functions is computable by an iterative model (such as the Turing machine) and vice versa. The thesis does not tell you precisely how to do the conversion, but it does say that it's definitely possible.
In many cases, converting a recursive function is easy. Knuth offers several techniques in "The Art of Computer Programming". And often, a thing computed recursively can be computed by a completely different approach in less time and space. The classic example of this is Fibonacci numbers or sequences thereof. You've surely met this problem in your degree plan.
On the flip side of this coin, we can certainly imagine a programming system so advanced as to treat a recursive definition of a formula as an invitation to memoize prior results, thus offering the speed benefit without the hassle of telling the computer exactly which steps to follow in the computation of a formula with a recursive definition. Dijkstra almost certainly did imagine such a system. He spent a long time trying to separate the implementation from the semantics of a programming language. Then again, his non-deterministic and multiprocessing programming languages are in a league above the practicing professional programmer.
In the final analysis, many functions are just plain easier to understand, read, and write in recursive form. Unless there's a compelling reason, you probably shouldn't (manually) convert these functions to an explicitly iterative algorithm. Your computer will handle that job correctly.
I can see one compelling reason. Suppose you've a prototype system in a super-high level language like [donning asbestos underwear] Scheme, Lisp, Haskell, OCaml, Perl, or Pascal. Suppose conditions are such that you need an implementation in C or Java. (Perhaps it's politics.) Then you could certainly have some functions written recursively but which, translated literally, would explode your runtime system. For example, infinite tail recursion is possible in Scheme, but the same idiom causes a problem for existing C environments. Another example is the use of lexically nested functions and static scope, which Pascal supports but C doesn't.
In these circumstances, you might try to overcome political resistance to the original language. You might find yourself reimplementing Lisp badly, as in Greenspun's (tongue-in-cheek) tenth law. Or you might just find a completely different approach to solution. But in any event, there is surely a way.
Is it always possible to write a non-recursive form for every recursive function?
Yes. A simple formal proof is to show that both µ recursion and a non-recursive calculus such as GOTO are both Turing complete. Since all Turing complete calculi are strictly equivalent in their expressive power, all recursive functions can be implemented by the non-recursive Turing-complete calculus.
Unfortunately, I’m unable to find a good, formal definition of GOTO online so here’s one:
A GOTO program is a sequence of commands P executed on a register machine such that P is one of the following:
HALT, which halts execution
r = r + 1 where r is any register
r = r – 1 where r is any register
GOTO x where x is a label
IF r ≠ 0 GOTO x where r is any register and x is a label
A label, followed by any of the above commands.
However, the conversions between recursive and non-recursive functions isn’t always trivial (except by mindless manual re-implementation of the call stack).
For further information see this answer.
Recursion is implemented as stacks or similar constructs in the actual interpreters or compilers. So you certainly can convert a recursive function to an iterative counterpart because that's how it's always done (if automatically). You'll just be duplicating the compiler's work in an ad-hoc and probably in a very ugly and inefficient manner.
Basically yes, in essence what you end up having to do is replace method calls (which implicitly push state onto the stack) into explicit stack pushes to remember where the 'previous call' had gotten up to, and then execute the 'called method' instead.
I'd imagine that the combination of a loop, a stack and a state-machine could be used for all scenarios by basically simulating the method calls. Whether or not this is going to be 'better' (either faster, or more efficient in some sense) is not really possible to say in general.
Recursive function execution flow can be represented as a tree.
The same logic can be done by a loop, which uses a data-structure to traverse that tree.
Depth-first traversal can be done using a stack, breadth-first traversal can be done using a queue.
So, the answer is: yes. Why: https://stackoverflow.com/a/531721/2128327.
Can any recursion be done in a single loop? Yes, because
a Turing machine does everything it does by executing a single loop:
fetch an instruction,
evaluate it,
goto 1.
Yes, using explicitly a stack (but recursion is far more pleasant to read, IMHO).
Yes, it's always possible to write a non-recursive version. The trivial solution is to use a stack data structure and simulate the recursive execution.
In principle it is always possible to remove recursion and replace it with iteration in a language that has infinite state both for data structures and for the call stack. This is a basic consequence of the Church-Turing thesis.
Given an actual programming language, the answer is not as obvious. The problem is that it is quite possible to have a language where the amount of memory that can be allocated in the program is limited but where the amount of call stack that can be used is unbounded (32-bit C where the address of stack variables is not accessible). In this case, recursion is more powerful simply because it has more memory it can use; there is not enough explicitly allocatable memory to emulate the call stack. For a detailed discussion on this, see this discussion.
All computable functions can be computed by Turing Machines and hence the recursive systems and Turing machines (iterative systems) are equivalent.
Sometimes replacing recursion is much easier than that. Recursion used to be the fashionable thing taught in CS in the 1990's, and so a lot of average developers from that time figured if you solved something with recursion, it was a better solution. So they would use recursion instead of looping backwards to reverse order, or silly things like that. So sometimes removing recursion is a simple "duh, that was obvious" type of exercise.
This is less of a problem now, as the fashion has shifted towards other technologies.
Recursion is nothing just calling the same function on the stack and once function dies out it is removed from the stack. So one can always use an explicit stack to manage this calling of the same operation using iteration.
So, yes all-recursive code can be converted to iteration.
Removing recursion is a complex problem and is feasible under well defined circumstances.
The below cases are among the easy:
tail recursion
direct linear recursion
Appart from the explicit stack, another pattern for converting recursion into iteration is with the use of a trampoline.
Here, the functions either return the final result, or a closure of the function call that it would otherwise have performed. Then, the initiating (trampolining) function keep invoking the closures returned until the final result is reached.
This approach works for mutually recursive functions, but I'm afraid it only works for tail-calls.
I'd say yes - a function call is nothing but a goto and a stack operation (roughly speaking). All you need to do is imitate the stack that's built while invoking functions and do something similar as a goto (you may imitate gotos with languages that don't explicitly have this keyword too).
Have a look at the following entries on wikipedia, you can use them as a starting point to find a complete answer to your question.
Recursion in computer science
Recurrence relation
Follows a paragraph that may give you some hint on where to start:
Solving a recurrence relation means obtaining a closed-form solution: a non-recursive function of n.
Also have a look at the last paragraph of this entry.
It is possible to convert any recursive algorithm to a non-recursive
one, but often the logic is much more complex and doing so requires
the use of a stack. In fact, recursion itself uses a stack: the
function stack.
More Details: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Functions
tazzego, recursion means that a function will call itself whether you like it or not. When people are talking about whether or not things can be done without recursion, they mean this and you cannot say "no, that is not true, because I do not agree with the definition of recursion" as a valid statement.
With that in mind, just about everything else you say is nonsense. The only other thing that you say that is not nonsense is the idea that you cannot imagine programming without a callstack. That is something that had been done for decades until using a callstack became popular. Old versions of FORTRAN lacked a callstack and they worked just fine.
By the way, there exist Turing-complete languages that only implement recursion (e.g. SML) as a means of looping. There also exist Turing-complete languages that only implement iteration as a means of looping (e.g. FORTRAN IV). The Church-Turing thesis proves that anything possible in a recursion-only languages can be done in a non-recursive language and vica-versa by the fact that they both have the property of turing-completeness.
Here is an iterative algorithm:
def howmany(x,y)
a = {}
for n in (0..x+y)
for m in (0..n)
a[[m,n-m]] = if m==0 or n-m==0 then 1 else a[[m-1,n-m]] + a[[m,n-m-1]] end
return a[[x,y]]

what is the advantage of recursion algorithm over iteration algorithm?

I am having problem in understanding one thing that when recursion involves so much space as well as the time complexity of both the iterative algos and recursive algos are same unless I apply Dynamic programming to it , then why should we use recursion ,Is it mere for reducing the lines of code that we use this , since even for implementing recursion , a whole PCB has to be saved during passing of control of function from one call to another ?
Although I have seen many posts related to it but still it's not clear to me that what is the major advantage of implementing recursion over iteration ?
what is the major advantage of implementing recursion over iteration ?
Readability - don't neglect it. If the code is readable and simple - it will take less time to code it (which is very important in real life), and a simpler code is also easier to maintain (since in future updates, it will be easy to understand what's going on).
Now, I am not saying "Make everything recursive!", but if something is significantly more readable in a recursive solution - unless in production it makes the code suffer in performance in noticeable way - keep it!.
Performance. Yes, you heard me. Sometimes, to transform a recursive solution to an iterative one, you need more than a simple loop - you need a loop + a stack.
However, many times, your stack DS is not as efficient as the machine one, which is optimized exactly for this purpose by hundreds of employees in Intel/AMD.
This thread discusses a specific case, where a trivial conversion of an algorithm from recursive to iterative yields worse results, and in order to outperform the machine stack - you will need to invest lots of hours in optimizing your stack, and your time is a scarce resource.
Again, I am not saying - "recursion is always faster!". But in some situations, it could be.

Iteration vs Recursion efficiency

I got a basic idea of how recursion works - but I've always programmed iteratively.
When we look at the keywords CPU/stack/calls and space, how is recursion different from iterations?
It needs more memory because of running many "stacks(?)" which each (most likely) stores a value. It therefore takes up much more space, than an iterative solution to the same problem. This is generally speaking. There are some cases where Recursion would be better, such as programming Towers of Hanoi and such.
Am I all wrong? I've got an exam soon and I have to prepare a lot of subjects. Recursion is not my strong suit, so I would appreciate some help on this matter :)
This really depends on the nature of the language and compiler/interpreter.
Some functional languages implement tail recursion, for example, to recognize specific cases where the stack frame can be destroyed/freed prior to recursing into the next call. In those special cases among the languages/compilers/interpreters that support it, you can actually have infinite recursion without overflowing the stack.
If you're working with languages that use the hardware stack and don't implement tail recursion, then typically you have to push arguments to the stack prior to branching into a function and pop them off along with return values, so there's somewhat of an implicit data structure there under the hood (if we can call it that). There's all kinds of additional things that can happen here as well, like register shadowing to optimize it.
The hardware stack is usually very efficient, typically just incrementing and decrementing a stack pointer register to push and pop, but it does involve a bit more state and instructions than branching with a loop counter or a condition. Perhaps more importantly, it tends to involve more distant branching to jump into another function's code as opposed to looping within the same body of code which could involve more instruction cache and page misses.
In these types of languages/compilers/interpreters that use the hardware stack and will always overflow it with enough recursion, the loopy routes often provide a performance advantage (but can be more tedious to code).
As a twist, you also have aggressive optimizers sometimes which do all kinds of magic with your code in the process of translating it to machine instructions and linking it like inlining functions and unrolling loops, and when you take all these factors into account, it's often better to just code things a bit more naturally and then measure with a profiler if it could use some tweaking. Of course you shouldn't use recursion in cases that can overflow, but I generally wouldn't worry about the overhead most of the time.

Is classical (recursion based) depth first search more memory efficient than stack based DFS?

I was looking at the responses to this question by #AndreyT and I had a question regarding the memory efficiency of classical DFS vs. stack based DFS. The argument is that the classical backtracking DFS cannot be created from BFS by a simple stack-to-queue replacement. In doing the BFS to DFS by stack-to-queue replacement, you lose the space efficiency of classical DFS. Not being a search algorithm expert (though I am reading up on it) I'm going to assume this is just "true" and go with it.
However, my question is really about overall memory efficiency. While a recursive solution does have a certain code efficiency (I can do a lot more with a few lines of recursive search code) and elegance, doesn't it have a memory (and possibly performance) "hit" because of the fact it is recursive?
Every time you recurse into the function, it pushes local data onto the stack, the return address of the function, and whatever else the compiler thought was necessary to maintain state on return, etc. This can add up quickly. It also has to make a function call for each recursion, which eats up some ops as well (maybe minor...or maybe it breaks branching predictability forcing a flush of the pipeline...not an expert here...feel free to chime in).
I think I want to stick to simple recursion for now and not get into "alternative forms" like tail-recursion for the answer to this question. At least for now.
Whereas you can probably do better than a compiler by explicitly managing a stack, the reward often isn't worth the extra work. Compilers are a lot smarter these days than a lot of people think. They're also not quite as good as others think sometimes--you take the good with the bad.
That said, most compilers can detect and remove tail recursion. Some can convert simple recursive functions to iterative solutions, and some really good compilers can figure out that local variables can be re-used.
Recursive solutions often result in smaller code, which means it's more likely that the code will fit into the CPU cache. A non-recursive solution that requires an explicitly managed stack can result in larger code, more cache misses, and slower performance than the "slow" recursive solution.
Finally, many solutions are most intuitively implemented recursively, and those solutions tend to be short and easy to understand. Converting a recursive solution to an iterative solution that involves explicitly managing a stack results in more lines of code that is often obscure, fragile, and difficult to prove correct.
I've found that an easy to code and understand recursive solution is usually plenty fast enough and doesn't use too much memory. In the rare case that profiling reveals my recursive implementation is the bottleneck (usually it's a comparison function or something similar that the recursive function calls), I'll consider a non-recursive solution. I don't very often realize a significant gain by making the change.

Reasoning about performance in Haskell

The following two Haskell programs for computing the n'th term of the Fibonacci sequence have greatly different performance characteristics:
fib1 n =
case n of
0 -> 1
1 -> 1
x -> (fib1 (x-1)) + (fib1 (x-2))
fib2 n = fibArr !! n where
fibArr = 1:1:[a + b | (a, b) <- zip fibArr (tail fibArr)]
They are very close to mathematically identical, but fib2 uses the list notation to memoize its intermediate results, while fib1 has explicit recursion. Despite the potential for the intermediate results to be cached in fib1, the execution time gets to be a problem even for fib1 25, suggesting that the recursive steps are always evaluated. Does referential transparency contribute anything to Haskell's performance? How can I know ahead of time if it will or won't?
This is just an example of the sort of thing I'm worried about. I'd like to hear any thoughts about overcoming the difficulty inherent in reasoning about the performance of a lazily-executed, functional programming language.
Summary: I'm accepting 3lectrologos's answer, because the point that you don't reason so much about the language's performance, as about your compiler's optimization, seems to be extremely important in Haskell - more so than in any other language I'm familiar with. I'm inclined to say that the importance of the compiler is the factor that differentiates reasoning about performance in lazy, functional langauges, from reasoning about the performance of any other type.
Addendum: Anyone happening on this question may want to look at the slides from Johan Tibell's talk about high performance Haskell.
In your particular Fibonacci example, it's not very hard to see why the second one should run faster (although you haven't specified what f2 is).
It's mainly an algorithmic issue:
fib1 implements the purely recursive algorithm and (as far as I know) Haskell has no mechanism for "implicit memoization".
fib2 uses explicit memoization (using the fibArr list to store previously computed values.
In general, it's much harder to make performance assumptions for a lazy language like Haskell, than for an eager one. Nevertheless, if you understand the underlying mechanisms (especially for laziness) and gather some experience, you will be able to make some "predictions" about performance.
Referential transparency increases (potentially) performance in (at least) two ways:
First, you (as a programmer) can be sure that two calls to the same function will always return the same, so you can exploit this in various cases to benefit in performance.
Second (and more important), the Haskell compiler can be sure for the above fact and this may enable many optimizations that can't be enabled in impure languages (if you've ever written a compiler or have any experience in compiler optimizations you are probably aware of the importance of this).
If you want to read more about the reasoning behind the design choices (laziness, pureness) of Haskell, I'd suggest reading this.
Reasoning about performance is generally hard in Haskell and lazy languages in general, although not impossible. Some techniques are covered in Chris Okasaki's Purely Function Data Structures (also available online in a previous version).
Another way to ensure performance is to fix the evaluation order, either using annotations or continuation passing style. That way you get to control when things are evaluated.
In your example you might calculate the numbers "bottom up" and pass the previous two numbers along to each iteration:
fib n = fib_iter(1,1,n)
fib_iter(a,b,0) = a
fib_iter(a,b,1) = a
fib_iter(a,b,n) = fib_iter(a+b,a,n-1)
This results in a linear time algorithm.
Whenever you have a dynamic programming algorithm where each result relies on the N previous results, you can use this technique. Otherwise you might have to use an array or something completely different.
Your implementation of fib2 uses memoization but each time you call fib2 it rebuild the "whole" result. Turn on ghci time and size profiling:
Prelude> :set +s
If it was doing memoisation "between" calls the subsequent calls would be faster and use no memory. Call fib2 20000 twice and see for yourself.
By comparison a more idiomatic version where you define the exact mathematical identity:
-- the infinite list of all fibs numbers.
fibs = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
memoFib n = fibs !! n
actually do use memoisation, explicit as you see. If you run memoFib 20000 twice you'll see the time and space taken the first time then the second call is instantaneous and take no memory. No magic and no implicit memoization like a comment might have hinted at.
Now about your original question: optimizing and reasoning about performance in Haskell...
I wouldn't call myself an expert in Haskell, I have only been using it for 3 years, 2 of which at my workplace but I did have to optimize and get to understand how to reason somewhat about its performance.
As mentionned in other post laziness is your friend and can help you gain performance however YOU have to be in control of what is lazily evaluated and what is strictly evaluated.
Check this comparison of foldl vs foldr
foldl actually stores "how" to compute the value i.e. it is lazy. In some case you saves time and space beeing lazy, like the "infinite" fibs. The infinite "fibs" doesn't generate all of them but knows how. When you know you will need the value you might as well just get it "strictly" speaking... That's where strictness annotation are usefull, to give you back control.
I recall reading many times that in lisp you have to "minimize" consing.
Understanding what is stricly evaluated and how to force it is important but so is understanding how much "trashing" you do to the memory. Remember Haskell is immutable, that means that updating a "variable" is actually creating a copy with the modification. Prepending with (:) is vastly more efficient than appending with (++) because (:) does not copy memory contrarily to (++). Whenever a big atomic block is updated (even for a single char) the whole block needs to be copied to represent the "updated" version. The way you structure data and update it can have a big impact on performance. The ghc profiler is your friend and will help you spot these. Sure the garbage collector is fast but not having it do anything is faster!
Aside from the memoization issue, fib1 also uses non-tailcall recursion. Tailcall recursion can be re-factored automatically into a simple goto and perform very well, but the recursion in fib1 cannot be optimized in this way, because you need the stack frame from each instance of fib1 in order to calculate the result. If you rewrote fib1 to pass a running total as an argument, thus allowing a tail call instead of needing to keep the stack frame for the final addition, the performance would improve immensely. But not as much as the memoized example, of course :)
Since allocation is a major cost in any functional language, an important part of understanding performance is to understand when objects are allocated, how long they live, when they die, and when they are reclaimed. To get this information you need a heap profiler. It's an essential tool, and luckily GHC ships with a good one.
For more information, read Colin Runciman's papers.
