Trouble copying text file into Excel using VBA - debugging

I want to copy contents from text file to an Excel cell using VBA. I can do this succesfully from most text files. But in case of certain files, the code is copying only partial data into the excel file.
This is the code I used for copying
FileName = folderpath & sFile
Set mytextfile = Workbooks.Open(FileName)
mytextfile.Sheets(1).Cells.CurrentRegion.Copy ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RawData").Range("A" & inputRow)
'mytextfile.Sheets(1).Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Copy ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RawData").Range("A" & inputRow)
mytextfile.Close (False)
I already understand what is the problem. While opening certain text files as excel files, some contents are present in cell A1 and the rest in cell A2.
I don't know why it is opened so. I am posting contents of two text file below:
1)Text file whose contents are contained in different cells when opened in excel
+001 061 477 130 F g3ktHqrwc9 CLE!g1ksIpqub7 CLEHS04C |P.O. BOX 171 SEARSPORT,ME Nashville 68800 AZ| |5150 CTY RD 525 Raleigh 64292|
18000000 0412CL0 1 N 2
I got the following output when I used the above text file.
fwi!3F5A!041!g1ksIpqub7J MCMILLAN J. PIIKKILA RAYMONDBERRY#WEBTV.NET +001 061 477 130 F g3ktHqrwc9 CLE!g1ksIpqub7 CLEHS04C |P.O. BOX 171 SEARSPORT
2)Text file whose contents are contained in a single cell A1
fSj!3U68!071!gQloo3d5OGG Presley Y. TART JR PULPACTION82#HOIMAIL.COM
+001 047 475273 M gQmqq6d8ME CVE!gQloo3d5OG CVEGF07C |10001 SW 125TH CT RD Reno 88595 TN| |10849 DEBORAH DRIVE Glendale 70958| 97400000
0712CV0 0 N 0
I got the following output when I used the above text file.
fSj!3U68!071!gQloo3d5OGG Presley Y. TART JR PULPACTION82#HOIMAIL.COM +001 047 475273 M gQmqq6d8ME CVE!gQloo3d5OG CVEGF07C |10001 SW 125TH CT RD Reno 88595 TN| |10849 DEBORAH DRIVE Glendale 70958| 97400000 0712CV0 0 N 0
There is no apparent difference between the contents of these two file.
I also tried this code but without any success:
FileName = folderpath & sFile
Set mytextfile = Workbooks.Open(FileName)
mytextfile.Sheets(1).Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Copy ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RawData").Range("A" & inputRow)
mytextfile.Close (False)

You are not using the right approach to read a *.txt file in VBA. Opening file using Workbooks.Open() treats the opened file as a *.csv. Therefore, when Excel is reading a stream and a comma occurs it treats it as a new line separator and throws the remaining part (after the comma) to the next cell. As stated on MSDN Workbooks.Open Method
expression .Open(FileName ... )
expression A variable that represents a Workbooks object.
Clearly, a Workbook object not a txt file.
The right approach to read content of a *.txt file is to use the FileSystemObject and TextStream objects from the Microsoft Scripting Runtime Library.
I wrote a simple Sub for you that reads the entire content of a *.txt file. In order to make it work you have to add references to your project
In VBE window, click Tools » References » scroll down, find, and tick Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Now, screen through the below code and modify the path to your *.txt file or pass the path through a parameter and the entire content of your *.txt file will be placed in the first Sheet Sheet(1) Cell A1
Sub ReadTxtFile()
Dim oFSO As New FileSystemObject
Dim oFS As TextStream
Dim fileName As String
' make sure to update your path or
' pass it to the sub through parameter
fileName = "C:\Users\fooboo\Desktop\text.txt"
Set oFS = oFSO.OpenTextFile(fileName)
Dim content As String
content = oFS.ReadAll
With Sheets(1).Range("A1")
.NumberFormat = "#"
.Value = content
End With
Set oFS = Nothing
Set oFSO = Nothing
End Sub


WMI Query Output to variable [duplicate]

I can't get the following function in VBScript to work. I am trying to get all of the files in a folder and loop through them to get the highest numbered file. (file name format is log_XXX.txt) The problem that I am having is that the code never enters my For Each loop. I am new to VBScript, but I don't seem to understand why this won't work.
Function GetFileNumber(folderspec)
Dim fso, f, f1, fc, s, tempHighNum
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.GetFolder(folderspec)
WScript.Echo f.Files.Count : rem prints 3
Set fc = f.Files
WScript.Echo fc.Count : rem prints 3
Set tempHighNum = "000"
For Each f1 in fc
WScript.Echo f1.Size : rem does not print
WScript.Echo f1.Type : rem does not print
WScript.Echo f1.Name : rem does not print
s = Right(,3)
IF (s > tempHighNum) THEN
tempHighNum = s
GetFileNumber = tempHighNum
End Function
Change this line:
Set tempHighNum = "000"
to the following:
tempHighNum = "000"
You are attempting to set the tempHighNum variable to a string type. Therefore, you should not use the Set keyword. Set is only needed when assigning object types to variables.
I am not sure how your script works so I put this HTML application together for you. It uses a batch file called Dir.Bat located in C:\Batch which makes a file called Data.Txt located in c:\Temp. Then the script takes
over. The script reads the file Data.Txt line by line. As each line is read two split statements are used to separate out the string in the text file's name. After that I collect those strings containing numbers into the variable ListCol as I test for larger and larger numbers. I finally wind up with the largest number which I place in your original variable tempHighNum. I will post the HTA file and the Dir.Bat file. I know I did not write the script as a function using a parameter so if you really need to use a parameter, I will try to help you by changing the HTA file to make it possible to enter the path and file name in a TextBox. That should make it easy to
change and use. I added and changed a thing or two to make it run smoother.
I am not sure how your script works so I put this HTML application together for you. It uses a batch file called Dir.Bat located in C:\Batch which makes a file called Data.Txt located in c:\Temp. Then the script takes
over. The script reads the file Data.Txt line by line. As each line is read two split statements are used to separate out the string in the text file's name. After that I collect those strings containing numbers into the variable ListCol as I test for larger and larger numbers. I finally wind up with the largest number which I place in your original variable tempHighNum. I will post the HTA file and the Dir.Bat file. I know I did not write the script as a function using a parameter so if you really need to use a parameter, I will try to help you by changing the HTA file to make it possible to enter the path and file name in a TextBox. That should make it easy to
change and use. I added and changed a thing or two to make it run smoother.
<HTML><!-- C:\HTML_and_HTA_CODE_EXAMPLES\ATest.Hta -->
BORDER ="thick"
BORDERSTYLE ="complex"
CAPTION ="yes"
ICON ="http://Your URL/your icon.ico"
SCROLL ="no"
SYSMENU ="yes"
VERSION ="1.0"
.ExBt21 {background:"#E0E0E0";Color:"red";}/* For Exit Button */
.Spn4 {font-family:"arial";font-weight:"bold";Color:"blue"}
.Spn2 {Color:"red"}
.tAr1 {font-family:"arial";font-weight:"bold";Color:"blue"}
<SCRIPT Language="VBScript">
Sub GetFileNumber
Dim FSO, f, fc, tempHighNum, strLine, objSHO, line
Dim DataArr, Data1Arr, Data2Arr, ListCol
Set objSHO=CreateObject("WScript.Shell") "C:\Batch\Dir.bat"
Set FSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
Set f = FSO.OpenTextFile("c:\Temp\Data.Txt", "1")
Do Until f.AtEndOfStream
fc = fc & f.ReadLine & vbLf
Data1Arr = Split(fc,vbLf)
For x=0 To Count
DataArr = Split(Data1Arr(x),".")
If x <= Count-1 Then
Data2Arr = Split(DataArr(0),"_")
ListCol = ListCol & Data2Arr(1) & vbLf
If Data2Arr(1) > tempHighNum Then
tempHighNum = Data2Arr(1)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub ExtBtn:Window.close:End Sub' Exit Script For Window
<BODY bgcolor="#D0D0D0">
<button OnClick="GetFileNumber">Button To Press</button><br/>
<span id="Span1" class="Spn1">The biggest No. is: </span><span id="Span2" class="Spn2"></span><br/><br/>
<span Id="Span3" Class="Spn3">Dir.Bat looks in: </span><span Id="Span4" Class="Spn4">C:\Temp\Log_???.Txt</span><br/>
<textarea Id="tArea1" class="tAr1" rows="10"></textarea><br/><br/>
<input id="ExBtn21" class="ExBt21" type="Button" name="ExitBtn21" OnClick="ExtBtn" value="&nbsp-Exit-&nbsp"/><!-- Exit Button -->
The Dir.Bat file is next:
#Echo Off
Dir/B c:\Temp\Log_???.Txt>c:\Temp\Data.Txt

Downloading content from txt file to a variable

I made a counter that works when you press the button as the action in VBScript.
my code:
Licznik_ID = Licznik_ID + 1
Dim Stuff, myFSO, WriteStuff, dateStamp
Stuff = "Whatever you want written"
Set myFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WriteStuff = myFSO.OpenTextFile("c:\tmp\yourtextfile.txt", 2, True)
SET WriteStuff = NOTHING
the counter variable named "Licznik_ID"
indicated by the arrow.
It is written to the file "c:\tmp\yourtextfile.txt"
And it works well.
For each time the number increases by one and is replaced and stored in the txt file.
The file contains the number 1 and the increase in the txt file appears the number 2 and so on ...
How now download the data stored with the file "c: \tmp\yourtextfile.txt" back to the variable to use it in such a way that when you start NiceForm or button has been loaded with the contents of txt file into a variable?
Set myFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Licznik_ID = myFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\tmp\yourtextfile.txt").ReadAll
Licznik_ID = Licznik_ID + 1
FSO is kinda weird the way it does its file modes sometimes.
edit: If you want to allow this to create the file without errors if it doesn't exist, replace line 2 with this:
If myFSO.FileExists("C:\tmp\yourtextfile.txt") Then
Licznik_ID = myFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\tmp\yourtextfile.txt").ReadAll
End If
If the file doesn't exist, Licznik_ID will be Empty. Empty + 1 = 1 in vbscript.

vbscript compare string contents (folder directory) of text files and creates the missing folders

I am currently working on a school assignment to compare strings within text files. These text files contains paths of folder directories. If a directory is not found on the other textfile, it will create that directory, else nothing will happen.
diretory1.txt contains directory strings that are:
and diretory2.txt, contains the following
In the case of my textfiles, directories "C:\mcgfiles" and "C:\mcgfiles\logs" will be created on my drive C:\ since they are missing.
Here is the code I used:
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Const ForReading = 1
Set objFile1 = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\scripts\directory1.txt", ForReading)
strAddresses = objFile1.ReadAll
Set objFile2 = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\scripts\directory2.txt", ForReading)
Do Until objFile2.AtEndOfStream
strCurrent = objFile2.ReadLine
If InStr(strAddresses, strCurrent) = 0 Then
End If
It works fine when I use "C:\mcgfiles\temp" as the missing directory. But it cant differentiate what's missing when I use "C:\mcgfiles" or "C:\mcgfiles\logs". Maybe its because I used InStr function and it considers "C:\mcgfiles" and "C:\mcgfiles\logs" not missing since it can also be found in "C:\mcgfiles\logs\activity" etc.
I tried to use strComp but still nothing happens. Please help. Thank you
InStr() "returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another". So "C:\mcgfiles" is found in "C:\mcgfiles\logs". If all of the pathes in the string you search in are terminated by an EOL marker (eg.g vbCrLf) you can use target & EOL as the needle:
>> haystack = "c:\a\b;c:\a;"
>> eol = ";"
>> needle = "c:\a" & eol
>> WScript.Echo InStr(haystack, needle)
Other techniques - e.g. using a dictionary of the pathes - are possible, but would need more work.

Type mismatch Error VBScript

So i am trying to make this program open a file that the user chooses so i have them first
enter their file that is already on the desktop and put the .txt extension after the name and then i try to add the name at the end of the directory and it says on line: 10 column: 1 Type mismatch any help would be appreciated thanks. I am new to this :)
Option Explicit
Dim a, b, c, d, e
Set a = createobject("")
c = msgbox("Welcome to my word finding program!", vbInformation+vbOkCancel+vbDefaultButton1+vbSystemModal, "Information: ")
b = inputbox("MAKE SURE THAT YOUR FILE IS ON YOUR DESKTOP!" &vbLf& "Please enter the name of your .txt file" &vbLf& "Rembmer to add .txt after it" &vbLf& "EX: Name.txt")"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\", b
Space is missing after
Folder and filename are not two seperate parameters. "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\" & b
However, path and filename might contain spaces, so you should always quote them (quotes inside strings are written as two quotes) """C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\" & b & """"

VBScript For Each isn't working

I can't get the following function in VBScript to work. I am trying to get all of the files in a folder and loop through them to get the highest numbered file. (file name format is log_XXX.txt) The problem that I am having is that the code never enters my For Each loop. I am new to VBScript, but I don't seem to understand why this won't work.
Function GetFileNumber(folderspec)
Dim fso, f, f1, fc, s, tempHighNum
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.GetFolder(folderspec)
WScript.Echo f.Files.Count : rem prints 3
Set fc = f.Files
WScript.Echo fc.Count : rem prints 3
Set tempHighNum = "000"
For Each f1 in fc
WScript.Echo f1.Size : rem does not print
WScript.Echo f1.Type : rem does not print
WScript.Echo f1.Name : rem does not print
s = Right(,3)
IF (s > tempHighNum) THEN
tempHighNum = s
GetFileNumber = tempHighNum
End Function
Change this line:
Set tempHighNum = "000"
to the following:
tempHighNum = "000"
You are attempting to set the tempHighNum variable to a string type. Therefore, you should not use the Set keyword. Set is only needed when assigning object types to variables.
I am not sure how your script works so I put this HTML application together for you. It uses a batch file called Dir.Bat located in C:\Batch which makes a file called Data.Txt located in c:\Temp. Then the script takes
over. The script reads the file Data.Txt line by line. As each line is read two split statements are used to separate out the string in the text file's name. After that I collect those strings containing numbers into the variable ListCol as I test for larger and larger numbers. I finally wind up with the largest number which I place in your original variable tempHighNum. I will post the HTA file and the Dir.Bat file. I know I did not write the script as a function using a parameter so if you really need to use a parameter, I will try to help you by changing the HTA file to make it possible to enter the path and file name in a TextBox. That should make it easy to
change and use. I added and changed a thing or two to make it run smoother.
I am not sure how your script works so I put this HTML application together for you. It uses a batch file called Dir.Bat located in C:\Batch which makes a file called Data.Txt located in c:\Temp. Then the script takes
over. The script reads the file Data.Txt line by line. As each line is read two split statements are used to separate out the string in the text file's name. After that I collect those strings containing numbers into the variable ListCol as I test for larger and larger numbers. I finally wind up with the largest number which I place in your original variable tempHighNum. I will post the HTA file and the Dir.Bat file. I know I did not write the script as a function using a parameter so if you really need to use a parameter, I will try to help you by changing the HTA file to make it possible to enter the path and file name in a TextBox. That should make it easy to
change and use. I added and changed a thing or two to make it run smoother.
<HTML><!-- C:\HTML_and_HTA_CODE_EXAMPLES\ATest.Hta -->
BORDER ="thick"
BORDERSTYLE ="complex"
CAPTION ="yes"
ICON ="http://Your URL/your icon.ico"
SCROLL ="no"
SYSMENU ="yes"
VERSION ="1.0"
.ExBt21 {background:"#E0E0E0";Color:"red";}/* For Exit Button */
.Spn4 {font-family:"arial";font-weight:"bold";Color:"blue"}
.Spn2 {Color:"red"}
.tAr1 {font-family:"arial";font-weight:"bold";Color:"blue"}
<SCRIPT Language="VBScript">
Sub GetFileNumber
Dim FSO, f, fc, tempHighNum, strLine, objSHO, line
Dim DataArr, Data1Arr, Data2Arr, ListCol
Set objSHO=CreateObject("WScript.Shell") "C:\Batch\Dir.bat"
Set FSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
Set f = FSO.OpenTextFile("c:\Temp\Data.Txt", "1")
Do Until f.AtEndOfStream
fc = fc & f.ReadLine & vbLf
Data1Arr = Split(fc,vbLf)
For x=0 To Count
DataArr = Split(Data1Arr(x),".")
If x <= Count-1 Then
Data2Arr = Split(DataArr(0),"_")
ListCol = ListCol & Data2Arr(1) & vbLf
If Data2Arr(1) > tempHighNum Then
tempHighNum = Data2Arr(1)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub ExtBtn:Window.close:End Sub' Exit Script For Window
<BODY bgcolor="#D0D0D0">
<button OnClick="GetFileNumber">Button To Press</button><br/>
<span id="Span1" class="Spn1">The biggest No. is: </span><span id="Span2" class="Spn2"></span><br/><br/>
<span Id="Span3" Class="Spn3">Dir.Bat looks in: </span><span Id="Span4" Class="Spn4">C:\Temp\Log_???.Txt</span><br/>
<textarea Id="tArea1" class="tAr1" rows="10"></textarea><br/><br/>
<input id="ExBtn21" class="ExBt21" type="Button" name="ExitBtn21" OnClick="ExtBtn" value="&nbsp-Exit-&nbsp"/><!-- Exit Button -->
The Dir.Bat file is next:
#Echo Off
Dir/B c:\Temp\Log_???.Txt>c:\Temp\Data.Txt
