Extract session ID from psexec / PowerShell query user command - session

I'm writing a PowerShell script to find out the session ID of the active user at a remote machine, to then launch a program using that session ID. Here is what I have so far.
$queryusers = $psexecdirectory + ' \\' + $remotepc + ' -u ' + $domain + '\' + $username + ' -p ' + $password + ' query user'
$results = iex $queryusers
The above works fine, with the example results below being stored on the variable $results
usr1 3 Disc 1:12 9/5/2013 11:59
>usr2 rdp-tcp#1 4 Active . 9/5/2013 11:59
I've used the below to get the ID, but the number on session name 'rdp-ctp#0' changes when another user logs in, like in the output above, rendering it useless:
$id = $results | Select-String "$rdp-tcp#0\s+(\w+)" |
Foreach {$_.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value}
I am unfamiliar with the PowerShell syntax, and have been unable to find a site where formatting options are explained. Can someone help me out? And if you know of a website where I can learn more about extracting snippets from strings? Thanks in advance.

Try this:
$id = $results | ? { $_ -match '(\d+)\s+Active' } | % { $matches[1] }
The regular expression (\d+)\s+Active will match the keyword "Active" preceeded by a number and the subsequent loop returns the first submatch (i.e. the number).


Powershell - Extract timestamp

i am completely new to Powershell and I am trying to create a script to extract the timestamp for the string found in a log file. There are log files everyday and it should select the latest file. It then looks for a string in that file. Now, where it finds the string it should also return a timestamp where the string is located. I am only able to complete the first part and struggling with the 2nd bit. My script is in no way optimal but it is a start. Any help is appreciated.
Set-Location -Path "O:\xyz\0502251\logs"
$latest = (Get-ChildItem -Path $dir -Filter 'async_SPARKLE_ONITE_*.log' | Sort-Object CreationDate -Descending | Select-Object -last 1).fullname
$pattern = "Successfulyl finished running psp_dba_maint_4"
$search = (Get-Content $latest | Select-String -Pattern "psp_dba_maint_4" | Select-Object -last 1)
"The overnight completed at:"
"Do something"
This looks for the latest file and extracts the string. Now Just want to know at what time this log was generated.
The log is:
Connection 1
Server message: 2022-10-15 23:56:07:020
Message number: 0, Severity 10, State 1, Line 126
Procedure 'psp_dba_locklogin'
Message String: -----> login SPRK_SVC_IRISS logged in at 23:55:45 running SRI.exe:AWAITING COMMAND on rptSPARKLE from host da-pvrep02 is still active
Connection 1
Server message: 2022-10-15 23:56:07:020
Message number: 0, Severity 10, State 1, Line 126
Procedure 'psp_dba_locklogin'
Message String: -----> login SPRK_SVC_IRISS logged in at 23:55:45 running SRI.exe:AWAITING COMMAND on rptSPARKLE from host da-pvrep05 is still active
Connection 1
Server message: 2022-10-15 23:56:07:020
Message number: 0, Severity 10, State 1, Line 126
Procedure 'psp_dba_locklogin'
Message String: -----> login SPRK_SVC_IRISS logged in at 23:55:39 running SRI.exe:SELECT on rptSPARKLE from host da-pvrep02 is still active
Connection 1
Server message: 2022-10-15 23:56:07:020
Message number: 0, Severity 10, State 1, Line 126
Procedure 'psp_dba_locklogin'
Message String: -----> login SPARKLE_CAI logged in at 23:55:37 running SPARKLE ESB (pooled):AWAITING COMMAND on A_uatSPK from host DA-UVESB01 is still active
Connection 1
Server message: 2022-10-15 23:56:07:020
Message number: 0, Severity 10, State 1, Line 355
Procedure 'psp_dba_dbrefresh'
Message String: Setting PrivShield on SPRKSZCBS OUT OF maintenance mode
Connection 1
Server message: 2022-10-15 23:56:07:022
Message number: 0, Severity 10, State 1, Line 362
Procedure 'psp_dba_dbrefresh'
Message String:
Connection 1
Server message: 2022-10-15 23:56:07:022
Message number: 0, Severity 10, State 1, Line 364
Procedure 'psp_dba_dbrefresh'
Message String: - Refresh 2 complete
Connection 1
Server message: 2022-10-15 23:56:07:028
Message number: 0, Severity 10, State 1, Line 42
Procedure 'psp_dba_maint_4'
Message String: Successfulyl finished running psp_dba_maint_4
This has different values in files generated everyday. So it should look for the latest file and return the result as The overnight completed at: 23:56.
Here is a variant using the switch statement to efficiently process the file line-by-line and test each line to match given RegEx patterns:
$found = switch -File $latest -RegEx {
'\d\d:\d\d' { $timestamp = $matches[0] }
'Successfulyl finished running psp_dba_maint_4' { $true; break }
if( $found ) {
"The overnight completed at: $timestamp"
else {
"Not found"
$found = switch ... assigns the output of the switch statement to the variable. The output will be $true if the pattern has been found.
\d\d:\d\d searches for the time (first occurence of a pair of two digits separated by :) within the current line. The automatic variable $matches[0] then gives the matched value, similar to the RegEx -match operator. For a detailed explanation of the RegEx pattern and the ability to experiment with it, see this Regex101.com page.
Although there is no $false output of the switch statement, an empty output evaluates to $false in a boolean context (in this case the if statement), so if the pattern isn't found, the else branch will be entered.
There is a typo in Successfulyl which I just copied from your example ;)
To complement zett42's helpful switch-based answer:
A Select-String solution, as you attempted, is possible, via the -Context parameter, which allows you to capture the lines surrounding a matching line as well:
$time =
Select-String -LiteralPath $latest -Pattern 'psp_dba_maint_4' -Context 3 |
Select-Object -Last 1 |
ForEach-Object {
# Extract and output the 'HH:mm' part of the timestamp from
# the 3rd line above the match (the first element in the pre-context array)
$_.Context.PreContext[0] -replace '^.+ (..:..).+$', '$1'
if ($time) {
"The overnight completed at: $time"
} else {
'Do something'
It is much more efficient to pass the file path of the target file to Select-String, via -LiteralPath, than it is to pass the file's content, line by line, via Get-Content.
If you had assigned the whole file-info object (System.IO.FileInfo), as emitted by Get-ChildItem, to $latest, you could alternatively have provided it via the pipeline: $latest | Select-String ...
The type of the match-information objects that Select-String emits is Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MatchInfo.
The regex-based -replace operator is used to extract (part of) the time-of-day string from the context line.
For an explanation of the above regex (and substitution, where $1 refers to the first and only capture group, (...)), see this regex101.com page.
As you need to get the Time information only related to the procedure psp_dba_maint_4 you can do:
#Remove empty lines, join strings and split string at "connection 1" = you keep the related information together. Next parse the array of strings for the string which matches "psp_dba_maint_4" and after that extract dateTime
$null = (((Get-Content $latest | ?{$_}) -join $null) -split "connection 1" | ?{$_ -match "psp_dba_maint_4"}) -match '\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}'
$Search = $matches[0]
"The overnight completed at: $search"
"Do something"
Alternatively you could parse the log an create objects, e.g.:
$obj = #(
Get-Content $latest | ?{$_} | %{
#If string is connection 1 initialize hashtable/create object
If ($_ -match 'connection 1'){
If ($attrsHT){
new-object -typename psobject -Property $attrsht
$attrsHt = #{}
Else {
#replace Procedure with Procedure, replace ": " with | and split at |
$split = (($_ -replace "Procedure","Procedure:") -replace ": ","|") -split "\|"
#add key and value to hashtable
gives you the array $obj containing the loginformation:
$obj[0] | fl *
Procedure : 'psp_dba_locklogin'
Message String : -----> login SPRK_SVC_IRISS logged in at 23:55:45 running SRI.exe:AWAITING COMMAND on
rptSPARKLE from host da-pvrep02 is still active
Server message : 2022-10-15 23:56:07:020
Message number : 0, Severity 10, State 1, Line 126
Here's another solution to add to the rest.
if ($found = Get-Content -Path $latest -ReadCount 7 | %{
if ($_ -match 'Setting PrivShield on SPRKSZCBS OUT OF maintenance mode')
) { "The overnight completed at: $found" }
else { 'not found' }
On another note, $latest contains the oldest file and not the newest. Specifying -Descending in your Sort-Object brings the most current files to the top. So, when you select the last one via -Last 1, that is the oldest file and not the newest.

how to escape space and ampersand in same time in powershell script that execute CMD

In my Powershell script, I use "rmtshare.exe" to get information about share level permission. The "rmtshare.exe" can run perfectly under CMD environment with following command:
rmtshare.exe \\fs-sw-206\"C&C FQT"
However, when I bring it to powershell environment. I can't figure out how to escape the space and the ampersand. Here is what I have tried so far which it is not working:
$rmtShare = "C:\rmtshare.exe"
$ServerName = "fs-sw-206"
$ShareName = "C&C FQT"
Invoke-Expression ($rmtShare + " " + "\\" + $ServerName + "\" + $ShareName)
The script above will give error message from the CMD, it said "if a sharename or path contains spaces, it should be enclosed in quotes".
If I changed the last line to this:
Invoke-Expression ($rmtShare + " " + "\\" + $ServerName + "\" + "'"+'"'+"'" + $ShareName +"'"+'"'+"'")
The error message was from Powershell itself, it said "The ampersand (&) character is not allowed". NOTE: if there is no ampersand, it works. So, now I am stuck because I need to escape both characters at the same time.
Please offer your solution.
You may need to download the rmtshare.exe to test out yourself. Download site: (https://www.symantec.com/connect/downloads/remove-folder-share-remote-computer)
so, here is the code in Powershell that overcame the problem - escape space and ampersand in same time in powershell script that execute CMD
$s = " "
$q = '"'
$Verbatim = '--%'
$rmtShare = "C:\rmtshare.exe"
$ServerName = "fs-sw-206"
$ShareName = "C&C FQT"
Invoke-Expression ($rmtShare +$s+$Verbatim+$s+"\\"+$ServerName+"\"+$q+$ShareName+$q)
There should be other solutions as well. Please post if you know it.

How to remove partial path from Get-Location output?

I'm trying to write a custom prompt for PowerShell and I was wondering how I would filter out the 1...n directories in the output of Get-Location.
function prompt {
"PS " + $(get-location) + "> "
So, if the path is too long I would like to omit some of the directories and just display PS...blah\blah> or something. I tried (get-container) - 1 but it doesn't work.
Use Split-Path with the -Leaf parameter if you want just the last element of a path:
function prompt {
"PS {0}> " -f (Split-Path -Leaf (Get-Location))
I wanted to make a more dynamic function. I do just basic string manipulation. You could do some logic nesting Split-Path but the string manipulation approach is just so much more terse. Since what you want to be returned wont be a fully validated path I feel better offering this solution.
Function Get-PartialPath($path, $depth){
If(Test-Path $path){
"PS {0}>" -f (($path -split "\\")[-$depth..-1] -join "\")
} else {
Write-Warning "$path is not a valid path"
Sample Function call
Get-PartialPath C:\temp\folder1\sfg 2
PS folder1\sfg>
So you can use this simple function. Pass is a string for the path. Assuming it is valid then it will carve up the path into as many trailing chunks as you want. We use -join to rebuild it. If you give a $depth number that is too high the whole path will be returned. So if you only wanted to have 3 folders being shown setting the $depth for 3.
Ansgar Wiechers' answer will give you the last directory but if you want a way to do multiple directories at the end of the filepath (using the triple dot notation) you can cast the directory path to a uri and then just get and join the segments:
function prompt {
$curPath = pwd
$pathUri = ([uri] $curPath.ToString())
if ($pathUri.Segments.Count -le 3) {
"PS {0}>" -f $curPath
} else {
"PS...{0}\{1}>" -f $pathUri.Segments[-2..-1].trim("/") -join ""
Or using just a string (no uri cast)
function prompt {
$curPath = pwd
$pathString = $curPath.Tostring().split('\') #Changed; no reason for escaping
if ($pathString.Count -le 3) {
"PS {0}>" -f $curPath
} else {
"PS...{0}\{1}>" -f $pathString[-2..-1] -join ""
$a = prompt
Write-Host $a
Then just change -2 to whatever you want to be the first directory and -le 3 to match. I typically use the uri cast when I have to run stuff through a browser or over connections to Linux machines (as it uses "/" as a path separator) but there is no reason to not use the string method for normal operations.

On Windows, how can I kill all processes having files open in a directory?

One really frustrating "feature" of windows is that processes lock up files and prevent the removal of directories.
I'm looking for a way to locate all processes which have files open in that directory, something like "lsof" on unix. I'm looking for some powershell magic, and I'd rather not have to buy some custom maintenance tool.
So I have good news and bad news. I'll start with the bad news... I haven't found a way to close locked files strictly within PowerShell. The good news is that it can be done with a PowerShell script, and a little help from a free utility from SysInternals called Handle.exe. Here's the script I have on hand to do this:
Function Close-LockedFile{
$HandleApp = 'C:\sysinternals\Handle.exe'
If(!(Test-Path $HandleApp)){Write-Host "Handle.exe not found at $HandleApp`nPlease download it from www.sysinternals.com and save it in the afore mentioned location.";break}
$HandleOut = Invoke-Expression ($HandleApp+' '+$Filename)
$Locks = $HandleOut |?{$_ -match "(.+?)\s+pid: (\d+?)\s+type: File\s+(\w+?): (.+)\s*$"}|%{
'AppName' = $Matches[1]
'PID' = $Matches[2]
'FileHandle' = $Matches[3]
'FilePath' = $Matches[4]
ForEach($Lock in $Locks){
Invoke-Expression ($HandleApp + " -p " + $Lock.PID + " -c " + $Lock.FileHandle + " -y") | Out-Null
If ( ! $LastexitCode ) { "Successfully closed " + $Lock.AppName + "'s lock on " + $Lock.FilePath}
Now, if you want to do that for all files in a directory just get all the files, and run a ForEach loop on the file's FullName property. You should then be able to delete the directory without issues.
Edit: Here's the link to Handle.exe's web page: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896655.aspx (thanks to Kev because I was too lazy to look it up myself.. Thanks Kev!)

How can i change server administrator name and password

I need to change the local administrator name and password on servers to those that are contained in a .csv
The CSV file contains a list with all the information in it whereby the Server, Administrator name and Passwords are different on each line
The csv is headed by three columns - Server,Admin,PW
How could this be done using Powershell?
I know i can set them all the same using this but they need to be as per each csv line.
foreach ($strComputer in get-content c:\Servers.txt)
$Admin=[adsi]("WinNT://" + $strComputer + "/Administrator, user")
try this ( not tested ):
import-csv c:\servers.txt | % {
$Admin=[adsi]("WinNT://" + $($_.Server) + "/Administrator, user")
$Admin.SetInfo() # I think it's needed
you can use the Import-Csv instead of get-content. then you can adress the variables by using the header names.
asuming you have a file like:
the output of
foreach ($line in Import-Csv c:\Servers.txt) { echo $line.server }
would be:
just to complete your code, try this example:
foreach ($line in Import-Csv c:\Servers.txt)
$Admin=[adsi]("WinNT://" + $line.Server + "/Administrator, user")
