Implementing a process with JPA for Activiti 5.9 - spring

how can we write Spring bean with JPA logic in activiti 5.9 using oracle as back end

I'm not sure this answers your question but I'll give it a try.
You don't need to do something special to achieve your goal.
Declare you processEngine as a Spring bean, you can find information about that at Activiti user guide:
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<bean id="processEngineConfiguration" class="org.activiti.engine.impl.cfg.StandaloneProcessEngineConfiguration">
<property name="jdbcUrl" value="jdbc:h2:mem:activiti;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=1000" />
<property name="jdbcDriver" value="org.h2.Driver" />
<property name="jdbcUsername" value="sa" />
<property name="jdbcPassword" value="" />
<property name="databaseSchemaUpdate" value="true" />
<property name="jobExecutorActivate" value="false" />
<property name="mailServerHost" value="" />
<property name="mailServerPort" value="5025" />
After that you implement your Spring bean including JPA logic. There is nothing Activiti specific here, you just implement it like there is no Activiti. You can find details at this site. Finally you can use this bean in your Service Tasks by that method:
<serviceTask id="javaService"
name="My Java Service Task"
activiti:expression="#{printer.printMessage(myVar1, myVar2)}" />
Here, printer can be your Spring bean or just a named variable in your process context. Variables myVar1 and myVar2 are variables residing in your process context.
You can also design your JPA-logic-including-bean as an Activiti aware one by that:
<serviceTask id="serviceTask" activiti:delegateExpression="${delegateExpressionBean}" />
In this case, delegateExpressionBean is your JPA-logic-including-bean, but class of that bean must implement Activiti's JavaDelegate interface.
It is your choice.


Enabling AspectJ for a Quartz Scheduler Job

I have created bean which will be executed by a simple trigger quartz scheduler. When I enable AspectJ within my spring-context.xml , my scheduler job is not getting triggered
Here is a snippet of my spring-context.xml
<!-- Scheduler Factory -->
<bean class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean">
<property name="triggers">
<ref bean="simpleTrigger" />
<!-- Trigger -->
<bean id="simpleTrigger"
<property name="jobDetail" ref="myJobDetail" />
<!-- 30 seconds -->
<property name="startDelay" value="10000" />
<!-- repeat every 50 seconds -->
<property name="repeatInterval" value="10000" />
<!-- Job Details -->
<bean name="myJobDetail" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.JobDetailBean">
<property name="jobClass" value="test.MyJob" />
<property name="jobDataAsMap">
<aop:aspectj-autoproxy />
I am not an expert in spring or aop. Can someone please explain what is wrong and how can we achieve it?
Without enabling AspectJ my scheduler gets triggered properly.
Do you have any aspects applied to the MyJob bean? If so, perhaps the aop mechanism creates a jdk dynamic proxy that cannot be recognised by the quartz api where you specify a specific job class of type MyJob. If this assumption is correct, then try:
<aop:aspectj-autoproxy proxy-target-class="true" />
That will instead use a CGLIB-based class proxy based on MyJob class.
I recommend reading in order to understand any implications that each proxying mechanism may have.
If that was the problem, it may be better to avoid completely having an aspect around the job class itself, and perhaps putting it around a bean that the job class will call to perform the desired functionality

Spring multiple beans with same id in a factory pattern?

I have a two beans with the same id as thats the Neo4j Class it maps to internally so i can't have the id changed for both. Now for a clustered environment I need this bean:
<bean id="graphDatabaseService" factory-bean="graphDbBuilderFinal"
factory-method="newGraphDatabase" destroy-method="shutdown" />
And for a non-clustered one I need this :
<bean id="graphDatabaseService" class=""
destroy-method="shutdown" scope="singleton">
<constructor-arg value="${neo4j.database.path}" />
Right now I comment either one of them based on environment as not all environments will have cluster setup. Is there a way where as based on environment value(a property may be) it picks one bean among these.
This is how it is used in java class.
private GraphDatabaseService graphDB;
You can use spring profile feature (since spring 3.1.X) see link
<beans profile="cluster">
<bean id="graphDatabaseService" factory-bean="graphDbBuilderFinal"
factory-method="newGraphDatabase" destroy-method="shutdown" />
<beans profile="no_cluster">
<bean id="graphDatabaseService" class=""
destroy-method="shutdown" scope="singleton">
<constructor-arg value="${neo4j.database.path}" />
and active the profile in your application in this way"cluster"
Will be loaded only the beans without profile and all those with the profile activated.
I hope this solution can help to solve your problem.
You dont need to define with different Id´s just in different xml configuration files. Like
cluster.xml --->
<bean id="graphDatabaseService" factory-bean="graphDbBuilderFinal"
factory-method="newGraphDatabase" destroy-method="shutdown" />
<bean id="graphDatabaseService" class=""
destroy-method="shutdown" scope="singleton">
And then use Spring profile to load one file or another depending of the profile
<beans profile="cluster">
<import resource="spring/cluster.xml" />
<beans profile="no_cluster">
<import resource="spring/no_cluster.xml" />

Spring Security LDAP - Problems Authenticating a User - Container Issue?

Let me preface this by saying I'm not well versed in Spring. I was thrown into a project at work and am trying to spin up as quickly as possible
With that in mind, I'm trying to implement spring security using Jasig's CAS and LDAP.
When I had loaded this set up from a local LDAP, things worked fine. However, since I've relocated it to the corporate LDAP, the webapp is no longer working.
At the moment, I can confirm this script successfully logs into LDAP and verifies the paths to the containers, however I get a server error before the page loads.
<beans xmlns=""
xmlns:sec="" xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation="" >
<bean id="contextSource" class="">
<!-- The URL of the ldap server, along with the base path that all other ldap path will be relative to -->
<constructor-arg value="ldaps://,dc=com"/>
<property name="userDn" value="uid=OdinAdmin,ou=Specials,dc=testing,dc=com" />
<property name="password" value="testpw" />
<bean id="ldapAuthProvider" class="">
<bean class="">
<constructor-arg ref="contextSource"/>
<property name="userSearch" ref="ldapUserSearch"/>
<constructor-arg ref="authoritiesPopulator" /> <!-- Populates authorities in the UserDetails object -->
<property name="userDetailsContextMapper" ref="userDetailsMapper" /> <!-- Adds OWF groups to the UserDetails object -->
<bean id="authoritiesPopulator" class="">
<constructor-arg ref="contextSource"/>
<constructor-arg value="ou=OdinRoles,ou=Odin,ou=Apps"/> <!-- search base for determining what roles a user has -->
<property name="groupRoleAttribute" value="cn"/>
<!-- the following properties are shown with their default values -->
<property name="rolePrefix" value="ROLE_"/>
<property name="convertToUpperCase" value="true"/>
<property name="searchSubtree" value="true"/>
<bean id="ldapUserSearch" class="">
<constructor-arg value="ou=people" /> <!-- search base for finding User records -->
<constructor-arg value="(uid={0})" /> <!-- filter applied to entities under the search base in order to find a given user.
this default searches for an entity with a matching uid -->
<constructor-arg ref="contextSource" />
<!-- Custom class that goes back to the ldap database to search for OWF group records and also adds
extra attributes from the user's ldap record to the UserDetails object.
The class implementation of this will likely need to be changed out for differnt setups -->
<bean id="userDetailsMapper" class="ozone.securitysample.authentication.ldap.OWFUserDetailsContextMapper">
<constructor-arg ref="contextSource" />
<constructor-arg value="ou=OdinGroups,ou=Odin,ou=Apps" /> <!-- search base for finding OWF group membership -->
<constructor-arg value="(uniqueMember={0})" /> <!-- filter that matches only groups that have the given username listed
as a "member" attribute -->
<property name="searchSubtree" value="true"/>
<bean id="ldapUserService" class="">
<constructor-arg ref="ldapUserSearch" />
<constructor-arg ref="authoritiesPopulator" />
<property name="userDetailsMapper" ref="userDetailsMapper" />
My question is, am I allowed to have the subcontainers in the constructor-arg values for group and role searches? In my previous version, everything was in the same container. That way I could just have all that included in my base-dn and just reference the specific OU within that. Ie. instead of
I'm not sure if that is causing the issue, but any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Can you provide what exactly is the error you're getting and which part actually fails? There is quite a bit of configuration in there and it'd very much help us if we narrow it down to one error or so.
P.S: I wanted this to be a comment but I'm sorry, i'm not yet allowed to comment due to the restrictions of SO.
This issue actually was based on the application I was implementing. It required specific role names (ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_USER) to function. I had to map the existing roles to these 2 through a custom Java class.
Thanks for the help!

host/role dependent spring configuration

I have a cluster of servers running a spring application. Some of the spring components need to be configured differently depending on the role their server is playing (primary, secondary, etc). I don't want to maintain separate spring config files for each role, rather I want to dynamically detect this when the application is started. Its almost like I want conditional bean instantiation (which doesn't exist in spring).
Q: What is the best way to achieve this type of configuration?
Example: Only the primary node in a cluster should create durable subscription to a JMS broker (which requires a globally unique JMS clientID). I can detect if the current host has this role by looking up the running server's hostname in a database and start this container manually (if my node happens to be primary); however, I don't want every node in the cluster to create a durable subscription (by instantiating this bean).
<bean id="auditrecordListenerContainer"
<property name="concurrentConsumers" value="1" />
<property name="clientID" value="${server-hostname}" />
<property name="durable" value="true" />
<!-- only started on the primary node: via application listener -->
<property name="autoStartup" value="false" />
Note, however there is no ${server-hostname} property in the spring container (at least that I know of)
If your code already conditionally starts the appropriate services based on object properties, you can use utility methods in the following manner:
<!-- Factory methods to determine properties -->
<bean id="hostname" class="MyUtil" factory-method="determineHostName"/>
<bean id="isHost" class="MyUtil" factory-method="isHost"/>
<bean id="auditrecordListenerContainer"
<property name="concurrentConsumers" value="1" />
<property name="durable" value="true" />
<!-- Reference properties here -->
<property name="hostname" ref="hostname" />
<property name="autoStartup" ref="isHost" />
To use a property of a singleton bean instead, use a PropertyPathFactoryBean:
<bean id="config" class="MyConfig"/>
<util:property-path id="hostname" path="config.hostname"/>
<util:property-path id="isHost" path=""/>
You can implement a conditional instantiation logic
as a FactoryBean

how to create Thread poolling using Spring scheduler?

I want a sample for thread pooling using Spring scheduler?
See the The Spring TaskExecutor abstraction, use the ThreadPoolTaskExecutor. It is configured as follows:
<bean id="taskExecutor" class="org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor">
<property name="corePoolSize" value="5" />
<property name="maxPoolSize" value="10" />
<property name="queueCapacity" value="25" />
Your question is too vague to be sure what you want, but you could use the ScheduledExecutorFactoryBean to create a standard Java5 ScheduledExecutorService which has comprehensive scheduling functions.
In Spring 3, the task namespace was added it contains what you need to setup a pooled TaskExecutor:
<task:executor id="executorWithCallerRunsPolicy"
You can read for details.
