Using compass in WebStorm - compass-sass

I've tried to add a 'compass' file watcher in WebStorm. Everything is going well but when I need to combine a large number of images into a single image sprite through WebStorm, the image output is corrupted. If I manually implement 'compass compile' in terminal then image output is fine.
So in summary,
Sass compile = ok
Image auto spriting = fail
Is there anyway to fix this?
Update: screenshot of my setting


Gulp not reacting to changes in theme file with understrap

I'm creating a Wordpress theme from scratch using a full course tutorial on how to make one.
I'm just following the steps but it goes wrong where I want to set up gulp so it can preview the changes in the sass file.
After a day of debugging errors, I finally got it working as it says "Gulp watching", which means it's waiting for changes in the sass file.
But for some reason, it's just not doing anything.I tried editing some css but it won't do anything.. Is there anyone who had this issue and got it working?

WebStorm doesn't compile main SCSS on partial update

I'm building in WebStorm.
I have a main.scss witch references several partial files (names prefixed with _) via #use. I have a file watcher set up and everything works fine when I'm working in the main.scss - I make changes, they get compiled and are reflected in my build.
When I make change in a partial though they don't seem to trigger the file watcher. In order for the changes to show in the build I have to jump back to main.scss and make some small change that triggers the watcher and everything gets compiled. This is a bit of a pain to keep having to do but I've tried messing around with the watcher settings and have had no luck.
Can anyone suggest a way to trigger the file watcher when partial SCSS files are updated?
Not a full answer as WebStorm just doesn't seem to want to play ball but in the end I set up webpack and am using the sass-loader which seems to work as desired and actually makes more sense as I'll usually be running webpack anyway.

Live editing SCSS files in Chrome DevTools with Prepros

I just started using Prepros to compile my SCSS files and I can't seem to figure out how to enable live editing of those files in Chrome Developer Tools.
I'm not really sure how this is supported nowadays, but I've found some examples showing this in action (such as this video) and I know it used to be an experimental feature in earlier versions of Chrome.
In Prepros, I have Source Map enabled and the map is showing up in my filesystem properly.
Chrome is also showing all the SCSS files correctly, but I can't save any changes to the file system (basically, whenever I change something, it only changes in the compiled main.css file).
As you can see here, there are no green dots next to the SCSS files:
...and when I try to edit and save them in the Sources panel, this shows up:
Here's my Prepros project structure (everything gets compiled into the main.css file):
Is there any way to set this up so that I could edit anything in DevTools and save it to the file system from there? I want to avoid copying code over to my text editor as much as possible.

How to auto-reload css in Chrome after editing SASS files

I am trying to set up the mapping feature in Chrome canary. I followed the screenshots in this answer.
The main feature works, when I inspect an element, it points me to my local sass file and when I edit it, the local file safes, and the `sass --watch' is triggered. However, the browser does not refresh, even though on the "General" tab in devtools I have checked "Auto-reload CSS upon Sass save".
Should the browser reload? Is there a way to get it to reload?
Ps - I have compass but I can not use that as it does not support mapping, so I am compiling sass through the terminal
You probably forgot this step:
In the Sources tab, find your generated CSS file, right click on it and choose Map to network resource, and select the same file name in the shown dropdown:
and then choose the matching file from your workspace:
It could be that the Sass-file is still compiling when Chrome tries to reload the CSS. Setting the 'Auto-reload CSS upon Sass save' Timeout to 5000 ms fixed it for me. When Chrome triggers the reload, it can even prevent Sass from recompiling the CSS.
I solved the problem by installing tincr extention and now when I save locally, the browser refreshes.

How do I load an image using SDL and Xcode on OS X 10.5?

Edit: After using a bmp at toastie's suggestion, I'm still having problems loading the image:
I'm using SDL and OpenGL with Xcode and I'm trying to load an image to use as a texture on a cube. The image is a 256x256 RBG jpeg. The image is in the same directory as all of my source code, and it's under the Resources folder in the Xcode project. The file is named texture.bmp
if (textureSurface = SDL_LoadBMP("texture.bmp"))
// ...
else printf("%s", SDL_GetError());
I keep running it and getting the console error: Couldn't open texture.bmp
What is the path, or proper syntax for loading a file under these conditions?
SDL_LoadBMP only loads BMP files as its name would suggest :)
You will need another library to load other image formats.
Try SDL_image:
or DevIL:
Or roll your own loader:
Found the answer here. Essentially the image path is relative to the application being run, so I had to move the image or make the path relative to the debug build.
I don't have Xcode in front of me, but I think if you right/option click on the file in your resources listing to get at the preferences for the file you can set it to be relative to the project, containing directory, etc.
