How to handle transactions with Spring Data JPA? - spring

I am about to start creating a new application and wanted to get some feedback on the approach I plan on using. We will be using spring and spring data jpa.
Can controllers call domain services and repositories or should the controller only make calls to application and infrastructure services?
If its "ok" to call domain services and repositories from a controller and a domain service operation needs a transaction, can/should I just put the #Transactional annotation on the domain service method? Or should I have an application service that wraps the call (not sure I like this approach because you would end up with a bunch of pass through methods)?
If its not "ok" to call domain services and repositories from a controller do I need to create application services to wrap all possible domain service calls(like I said in 2 that could be a lot of pass through methods)?
The best solution I can come up with is something like the following:
Repositories will have the #Transactional annotation with propagation REQUIRED when writing to the database and propagation set to readOnly=true and propagation set to SUPPORTS when reading from the database.
Application and Domain Services will add the #Transactional annotation as needed
If the controller ever needs to make make a direct call to a repository a domain service or an application service it can. No pass throughs.

I am not clear for your question. What is the Domain Services doing? I knew Application Services and Domain Repositories very well.
In spring , there are two layers service and data access layer.
Service layer can used #Service (In your design it will be application Services) but not used #Transactional Tag.
Data access layer used #Repository Tag and also #Transactional Tag, Because This layer is directly connected and make operation with the Database. So, I like to know what 's function of the Domain Service. I am not clear for that.
Thanks buddy.

I personally would only access your domain and application services from your controllers. That way you only have to put #Transactional annotations at one "level". You get transactionality out of the box at your repository layer if you're extending the regular Spring Data repository interfaces. I would leave that layer as simple as possible. Put your readOnly and other configuration at the service layer.
Creating "pass through" methods allows you more flexibility down the road too if you ever decide to change your DAO implementation.


Sharing of a view among microservies

I'm splitting up a monolith web service into several microservices using spring boot. To reduce duplicated code I extracted shared parts in a maven module that is used in the different microservices.
The monolith application had a healthcheck page that showed various information about the state of the service and some debbuging infos. It is implemented with Spring MVC and jsp.
I'd like to use this view in each of the microservices. Whats the best way to do this without duplicating the view/controller?
I was thinking of adding a web module to the shared maven project that contains the controller, view, spring mvc settings,...
But I'm not sure if it is good to have two web modules in one microservice.
Have you considered using spring boot actuator to retrieve health (and more) application information?
You could then have another microservice that retrieves that information from each of your services, or just simply check it on then hitting the different endpoints (/health, /env, etc.).
If you have you custom health logic you can even implement your own actuator endpoint for it. Furthermore, you can create your own library to reuse it in all your microservices:
46.4 Adding custom endpoints
If you add a #Bean of type Endpoint then it will automatically be exposed over JMX and HTTP (if there is an
server available). An HTTP endpoints can be customized further by
creating a bean of type MvcEndpoint. Your MvcEndpoint is not a
#Controller but it can use #RequestMapping (and #Managed*) to expose
If you are doing this as a library feature consider adding a
configuration class annotated with #ManagementContextConfiguration to
/META-INF/spring.factories under the key
If you do that then the endpoint will move to a child context with all
the other MVC endpoints if your users ask for a separate management
port or address. A configuration declared this way can be a
WebConfigurerAdapter if it wants to add static resources (for
instance) to the management endpoints.

Spring Enterprise Application Best Practices

After read the Gordon's article about Best Practices to build Enterprise Application using Spring Framework, I would like to share some ideas about the Service layer.
My architecture represents exactly what Gordon described in this image
The application is complex, has a heavy business rule and demands to use different resources like Database, SOAP, REST and file handle sometimes in the same use case.
For this scenery that I have described above, I have a Service class that needs to perform SOAP and REST requests and handle some database data. So, I have autowired in my Service class a SOAP and a REST component and the Repository to handle the database stuff.
I'm concerned about if this is the best approach do handle the integration between my Services and the resources like SOAP, REST, Database and etc.
So, I have autowired in my Service class a SOAP and a REST component
and the Repository to handle the database stuff.
Sounds problematic even though it will work.
Think about the dependency between layers. Service layer will depend on Repository layer (Business logic layer will depend on data layer). Service integration layer (or service communication layer) for incoming requests will depend on the Service layer. But the data layer does not depend on the service layer. Nor the service layer depend on the inbound service invocation layer.
So, remove the SOAP and REST components from the Service class. To the SOAP and REST components, wire the Service instance (i.e. avoid SOAP and REST components wired into the Service, do it in the reverse direction).
This way, when you want to support another integration protocol (say JMS), you do all such work not by modifying your service.
Your data access seems to be fine. I hope your Service accesses the repository via DAOs.
So, I have autowired in my Service class a SOAP and a REST component
and the Repository to handle the database stuff.
Sounds fine. You are using dependency injection, this means they can be easily tested or altered.

DAO on different application server

I'm developing a new application based on Spring MVC and Hibernate for data access.
I want the data access layer to be running on a separate application server, preferably JBOSS.
I want the data access layer to be running behind a firewall.
How can I achieve this?
Right now I'm concerned about hibernate lazy initialization in this scenario. Would there really be any problems with Hibernate lazy initialization?
There could be some performance penalties to this approach - the IO will be a bottleneck. However, Spring Remoting allows you to easily achieve this.
Create an interface for you DAO.
Implement the concrete implementation.
Use spring remoting to export the interface.
Inject the interface - from your apps point of view its just something that implements the interface. It doesn't care the the calls are being fired off to the remote server.
The mechanism for achieving this is called DynamicProxies - a Java SE feature. DynamicProxies allow you to provide a class that responds to the method calls on an interface at runtime. In this case the method calls are dispatched across to the corresponding methods on the remote server.
Both the service layer and DAO layer servers should be behind the firewall on the same domain.
From the UI, use REST web services to fetch the data from application server (hosting the DAO's and Transactional services). Annotate the entity classes with #Proxy(lazy=false) to avoid lazy loads of entities. For the server to validate the clients (web application querying the business layer behind firewall), use client identity certificates, you can use Bouncy Castle CMS APIs to validate the identity, trust and message integrity. If you have SSL offloaders in network, use detached signatures in http(s) headers.

Spring Service Bean as Servlet

I have following architecture in my application.
Client (GWT) <--calls--> Servlet <--calls--> Service <--calls--> Dao
I want to make this architecture easier for changes.
For example: when I want return the inserted id of an object from the Dao layer, because I need it in the client, I have to update the service and the servlet layer as well. So for this little change I have to update all 3 layers (3 classes and 3 interfaces) makes a change on 6 places.
I see why I need the Dao Layer.
I also get why I need the service layer.
What I don't get is why the service layer can't also be a servlet. At the moment all my servlets do is forwarding the request to the service layer.
The Wikipedia Article about Java Servlets says:
Servlets are most often used to
1 process or store data that was submitted from an HTML form
2 provide dynamic content such as the results of a database query
3 manage state information that does not exist in the stateless HTTP protocol
1 and 2 are just database calls, which I make in my dao layer and the service layer makes extra business logic already possible.
3 I am currently not working with sessions. I don't have a login so far and I am just playing around with my architecture, but I think the service layer could handle this as well.
I want to know the cos and pros for this architecture change:
One layer less to update if a change happens.
Service Layer gets complexer.
Thx for your answers.
You need the servlet layer because that is what allows access to the session.
Also, you don't want your service layer to need to know anything about HTTP since you want to be able to re-use the service and DAO layers in other applications (e.g. if you write a desktop application re-using those layers) and needing to include the servlet API would not make sense there.
If needed you could call the DAO layer directly from a servlet for simple cases in order to not duplicate methods in the service and DAO layers.
The servlet API has filters which are a good place to implement security in your web application.
You can use Spring Security if you are already using the Spring framework for your web application.

How to connect my Spring + Hibernate based application backend with pure HTML and AJAX based client?

I'd like to call methods of my DAOs by AJAX. I'm quite new in that so I would like to ask what is the best way to do that. Is it possible to publish my beans as web services and call them with e.g. jQuery? I think it is not possible :) I've also read about Direct Web Remoting but I don't know which way to go...
As I see, there are lot of experienced guys here so I think you can show me direction.. thanks in advance
Rather than exposing your DAO beans directly, you should create some Spring MVC controller beans, and call those from the client-side (using AJAX). Ideally, the controllers should not call the DAOs directly, but should instead call service beans (and the service beans should call the DAOs). One advantage of this approach is that you can define your service methods to be transactional, i.e. whenever a service method begins a transaction is started, and whenever a service method returns (without an exception) the transaction is committed. If the boundaries of your transactions are your DAO methods then it is not possible to wrap several database calls in a single transaction.
Of course there's no reason why you need to use Spring MVC - any web framework would suffice.
You have to expose your DAO's or beans by means of http. Typically you create a layer above the DAO layer to expose your services through HTTP, which are available to any AJAX framework such as jQuery. What jQuery and other frameworks ends up doing is using a special asynchronous request called XMLHttpRequest and then parse the server response (can be anything, pure HTML, JSON, XML, etc) and process it.
Here's a link I found that shows Spring & DWR with AJAX: Bram Smeets Blog.
