Mac app is still running after deleting Info.plist - macos

I want to build a Mac App from scratch. I manually created the required folders of main app, Contents, MacOS, Resources, and dropped the binaries. The only one I don't know how to create from scratch is "Info.plist". So, I just copied one from the installed Applications on my machine, removed all the unfamiliar keys, except the Executable and Package type (as APP).
Then I did a test. Before I copied and editted the Info.plist file, I double-clicked the app icon in Finder. Not working, which is expected. After I copied and editted the Info.plist file, it is working, which is also expected. Next is what I don't understand. I removed the Info.plist file, and double-clicked the app icon in Finder, it is STILL working!
My question is:
Did the first time running migrate the Info.plist information to some secret place in the app bundle?
Is copying and editing an existing Info.plist file from other applications a good practice for building an app from scratch?

I know the post is old but think to answer,so that users will get benefitted as they come across this.You asked two questions:-
1)See the first run has a build and its derived data might help you to run without Info.plist(for particular case although i didn't think so it run).
But you can't run app without info.plist.
2)No.the answer is copying and editing an existing info.plist from other application is not a good practice.
Every app and plug-in uses an Info.plist file to store configuration data in a place where the system can easily access it. OS X and iOS use Info.plist files to determine what icon to display for a bundle, what document types an app supports, and many other behaviors that have an impact outside the bundle itself.
For better knowledge about this you can see this link:-
I think the user who asked this already got these things,Hope this will help other Users.


How do I find why Xcode no longer notarizes my app?

I have a MacOS app that I last notarized about a year ago with no issues. This time, however, when I created the initial Archive, the Organizer put it into a section called 'Other Items' instead of in the 'macOS Apps' section with all of the previous Archives. In addition, and more distressingly, when the Archive is selected, the button says 'Distribute Content' instead of the expected 'Distribute App', and pressing it simple exports the Archive or its contents, without running through the automatic notarizing process.
I suspect I have done something in the last year that somehow invalidates my app such that Xcode no longer recognizes that it is an app. I have followed the suggestions at, but that did not provide any relevant clues.
I am using Xcode Version 13.4.1. How do I figure out what is preventing Xcode from offering to notarize the app?
To track this down, I created a new project, and then tried to notarize it. (I didn't actually notarize it, I just made sure that I could Archive it and it showed up in the correct section in the Organizer.) The new project archived as expected, so I knew that I could still notarize somethings; I was just having an issue with my app.
My plan was to copy items from my app into the new project in small chunks, and after each copy, attempt to Archive it. I figured that I would either find the item that was causing the failure (and fix it), or I would eventually copy the entire app without a failure. Either way, I would be able to notarize the app.
The first chunk I copied was all of the build settings. And right there, the new project would not notarize, so I removed and added build settings to binary search which setting was causing the failure. It came down to the RUN_DOCUMENTATION_COMPILER = YES build setting.
In the last year I have been more conscientious about documenting the code, and to actually see that documentation, I had added that build setting.
Comparing the archives created with and without running the documentation compiler, the MyApp.doccarchive file appears in the archive in the Application folder along side, so it appears that Xcode is confused by the "extra" file in the Application folder.

Debugging file associations of Electron app in MacOS

Our Electron app uses electron-builder and adds file associations to MacOS when it is installed from a .dmg file. Setting the association works fine, but we don't seem to handle the 'open-file' correctly inside the app, as files don't load as expected.
Is there a way of working with file association and debugging the app at the same time? I know that I could change the code and add some console logs, build the .dmg file, install it, try it and repeat. But this workflow seems very tedious, so I'm looking for a simpler way of doing this.
Can I somehow manually register the file association for the dev version of the Electron app, so that it's enough to build it and then click on some files in Finder? Or can I trigger the 'open-file' event of my app manually?
Turns out it‘s enough to simply build the complete app package. If macOS finds an .app file somewhere on the disk, it is available in Finder‘s file associations.

Problems setting application icon with QT 5.3 on Mac

I've been trying to set my application's icon following the directions here:
If I understand correctly, the process should be fairly simple:
Create an icon file (FlySightViewer.icns) using iconutil. I followed the directions here:
Add ICON = FlySightViewer.icns to the .pro file.
However, when I follow these steps, the icon remains the default Qt application icon. I've tried deleting the app bundle and build folder, since I've read that these are sometimes not rebuilt through the usual process. This doesn't seem to resolve the issue.
Looking a bit deeper, when I run qmake from Qt Creator, the generated Makefile contains several instances of FlySightViewer.icns, including this line:
#$(COPY_FILE) ../flysight-viewer-qt/src/FlySightViewer.icns
The file ../flysight-viewer-qt/src/FlySightViewer.icns seems to be right where I expect it to be. However, when I build the project and look inside the app bundle, the icon is nowhere to be found. The only thing in the Resources folder is empty.lproj.
So it seems to me that the icon isn't appearing as expected because it is not being copied to the app bundle, but I have no idea why that might be.
Any help would be appreciated. I realize this is a fairly common question, but none of the answers I've found here seems to have helped.
Thanks for your time!
Add this line into .pro file:
Then create the .plist and set the icon name there. I won't paste an example .plist because it's quite large, but you can see how it's done by right-clicking a random app and selecting "show package contents".
With older versions of Qt, I settled on changing the icon manually. However, the most recent version of Qt (or macdeployqt) seems to have fixed the problem, so I no longer need to set the icon manually.

How do I remove the default localizations from a Phonegap/Cordova project?

I've just had a Phonegap/Cordova iPhone app approved for the app store but noticed it claims to be available in a bunch of other languages including Northern Sami. I've found the list of languages in xcode under localizations and tried deleting them but if I restart xcode they re-appear.
I've also tried deleting lproj folders in the resources folders but that doesn't help either.
I'm at a loss to what to do next so any help would be much appreciated.
Here is a step by step guide of how I do it. (Order matters)
First go to the Resources folder in the Phonegap project. Within this folder there are several folders ending in *.lproj. Delete all of them except for en.lproj (Assuming your language is english).
Even though you deleted those files from your hard drive they're still linked in Xcode. Open up your *.xcodeproj and delete all of the folders from the side bar once again.
Normally this should suffice, but if you're still having problems go to the app's project tab (rather than target) and under info you can find and remove all the current localisations.
Oh and btw if this still isn't enough you can look at the details of your app's binary in iTunesConnect to verify if it worked before releasing the app.

Generic archive created when updating an existing Mac app?

I've made an update to my existing Mac app and went to archive it.
In Organizer it came up as a new entry and not under the previous releases I had. This new entry appears generic, ie. no app icon, no version or identifier info, just the name of the app came through. What happened? How do I troubleshoot?
In the update I added a UTI and also copied a plug-in into my bundle. Could those things have something to do with it?
Got it. My problem was related to dependency targets. Here's the solution:
(Excerpt added 2012-12-18; see blog post for screenshots and background info)
… Select dependent project(s) in the Project Navigator
Find “Skip Install” and set to YES.
If you have more dependent project, repeat these steps for all of them (i.e. at static library projects).
The app is expected to be deployed so do not change the Skip Install’s No to YES there. Change at the dependent projects only.
