I have a table like this
table = {57,55,0,15,-25,139,130,-23,173,148,-24,136,158}
it is utf8 encoded byte array by php unpack function
how can I convert it to utf-8 string I can read in lua?
Lua doesn't provide a direct function for turning a table of utf-8 bytes in numeric form into a utf-8 string literal. But it's easy enough to write something for this with the help of string.char:
function utf8_from(t)
local bytearr = {}
for _, v in ipairs(t) do
local utf8byte = v < 0 and (0xff + v + 1) or v
table.insert(bytearr, string.char(utf8byte))
return table.concat(bytearr)
Note that none of lua's standard functions or provided string facilities are utf-8 aware. If you try to print utf-8 encoded string returned from the above function you'll just see some funky symbols. If you need more extensive utf-8 support you'll want to check out some of the libraries mention from the lua wiki.
Here's a comprehensive solution that works for the UTF-8 character set restricted by RFC 3629:
local bytemarkers = { {0x7FF,192}, {0xFFFF,224}, {0x1FFFFF,240} }
function utf8(decimal)
if decimal<128 then return string.char(decimal) end
local charbytes = {}
for bytes,vals in ipairs(bytemarkers) do
if decimal<=vals[1] then
for b=bytes+1,2,-1 do
local mod = decimal%64
decimal = (decimal-mod)/64
charbytes[b] = string.char(128+mod)
charbytes[1] = string.char(vals[2]+decimal)
return table.concat(charbytes)
function utf8frompoints(...)
local chars,arg={},{...}
for i,n in ipairs(arg) do chars[i]=utf8(arg[i]) end
return table.concat(chars)
print(utf8frompoints(72, 233, 108, 108, 246, 32, 8364, 8212))
--> Héllö €—
I am trying to replicate the encryption result from here in Ruby using OpenSSL: https://emvlab.org/descalc/?key=18074F7ADD44C903&iv=18074F7ADD44C903&input=4E5A56564F4C563230313641454E5300&mode=cbc&action=Encrypt&output=25C843BA5C043FFFB50F76E43A211F8D
Original string = "NZVVOLV2016AENS"
String converted to hexadecimal = "4e5a56564f4c563230313641454e53"
iv = "18074F7ADD44C903"
key = "18074F7ADD44C903"
Expected result = "9B699B4C59F1444E8D37806FA9D15F81"
Here is my ruby code:
require 'openssl'
require "base64"
include Base64
iv = "08074F7ADD44C903"
cipher = "08074F7ADD44C903"
def encode(string)
puts "Attempting encryption - Input: #{string}"
encrypt = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('DES-CBC')
encrypt.key = ["18074F7ADD44C903"].pack('H*') #.scan(/../).map{|b|b.hex}.pack('c*')
encrypt.iv = ["18074F7ADD44C903"].pack('H*')
result = encrypt.update(string) + encrypt.final
puts "Raw output: #{result.inspect}"
unpacked = result.unpack('H*')[0]
puts "Encrypted key is: #{unpacked}"
puts "Encrypted Should be: 9B699B4C59F1444E8D37806FA9D15F81"
return unpacked
res = encode("NZVVOLV2016AENS")
Encrypted key is: 9b699b4c59f1444ea723ab91e89c023a
Encrypted Should be: 9B699B4C59F1444E8D37806FA9D15F81
Interestingly, the first half of the result is correct, and the last 16 digits are incorrect.
The web site uses Zero padding by default, while the Ruby code uses PKCS#7 padding by default.
Ruby does not seem to support Zero padding, so disable the default padding and implement Zero padding yourself.
Zero padding pads to the next full block size with 0x00 values. The block size for DES is 8 bytes. If the last block of the plaintext is already filled, no padding is done:
def zeroPad(string, blocksize)
len = string.bytes.length
padLen = (blocksize - len % blocksize) % blocksize
string += "\0" * padLen
return string
In the encode() function (which should better be called encrypt() function) the following lines must be added before encryption:
encrypt.padding = 0 # disable PKCS#7 padding
string = zeroPad(string, 8) # enable Zero padding
The modified Ruby code then gives the same ciphertext as the web site.
Note that DES is insecure, also it' s insecure to use the key as IV (as well as a static IV). Furthermore, Zero padding is unreliable in contrast to PKCS#7 padding.
I'm trying to populate TreeView with data from os.listdir(path).
All is ok until I read a directory name with a non-utf character. In my case 0xf6 which is not utf8.
As I'm running on Windows the charset from os.listdir() is Windows-1252 or ANSI.
How can I solve this problem to achieve correct display in TreeView?
Here some of my code:
def fill_tree(treeview, node):
if treeview.set(node, "type") != 'directory':
path = treeview.set(node, "fullpath")
# Delete the possibly 'dummy' node present.
parent = treeview.parent(node)
for p in os.listdir(path):
ptype = None
p = os.path.join(path, p)
if os.path.isdir(p):
ptype = 'directory'
fname = os.path.split(p)[1].decode('cp1252').encode('utf8')
if ptype == 'directory':
oid = treeview.insert(node, 'end', text=fname, values=[p, ptype])
treeview.insert(oid, 0, text='dummy')
The UnicodeDecodeError is due to passing byte strings when the function is expecting Unicode strings. Python 2 attempts to implicitly decode byte strings to Unicode. Use Unicode strings explicitly instead. os.listdir(unicode_path) will return Unicode string, for example os.listdir(u'.').
In Ruby, I'm reading an .ifc file to get some information, but I can't decode it. For example, the file content:
should be:
I'm trying to encode it with:
puts ifcFileLine.encode("Windows-1252")
puts ifcFileLine.encode("ISO-8859-1")
puts ifcFileLine.encode("ISO-8859-5")
puts ifcFileLine.encode("iso-8859-1").force_encoding("utf-8")'
But nothing gives me what I need.
I don't know anything about IFC, but based solely on the page Denis linked to and your example input, this works:
ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_EXPR = /\\X2\\(.*?)\\X0\\/
def decode_ifc(str)
$1.gsub(/..../) { $&.to_i(16).chr(Encoding::UTF_8) }
str = 'S\X2\00E9\X0\jour/Cuisine'
puts "Input:", str
puts "Output:", decode_ifc(str)
All this code does is replace every sequence of four characters (/..../) between the delimiters, which will each be a Unicode code point in hexadecimal, with the corresponding Unicode character.
Note that this code handles only this specific encoding. A quick glance at the implementation guide shows other encodings, including an \X4 directive for Unicode characters outside the Basic Multilingual Plane. This ought to get you started, though.
See it on eval.in: https://eval.in/776980
If someone is interested, I wrote here a Python Code that decode 3 of the IFC encodings : \X, \X2\ and \S\
import re
def decodeIfc(txt):
# In regex "\" is hard to manage in Python... I use this workaround
txt = txt.replace('\\', 'µµµ')
txt = re.sub('µµµX2µµµ([0-9A-F]{4,})+µµµX0µµµ', decodeIfcX2, txt)
txt = re.sub('µµµSµµµ(.)', decodeIfcS, txt)
txt = re.sub('µµµXµµµ([0-9A-F]{2})', decodeIfcX, txt)
txt = txt.replace('µµµ','\\')
return txt
def decodeIfcX2(match):
# X2 encodes characters with multiple of 4 hexadecimal numbers.
return ''.join(list(map(lambda x : chr(int(x,16)), re.findall('([0-9A-F]{4})',match.group(1)))))
def decodeIfcS(match):
return chr(ord(match.group(1))+128)
def decodeIfcX(match):
# Sometimes, IFC files were made with old Mac... wich use MacRoman encoding.
num = int(match.group(1), 16)
if (num <= 127) | (num >= 160):
return chr(num)
return bytes.fromhex(match.group(1)).decode("macroman")
I am trying to convert some C# code into ruby. Here is a snippet of the C# code:
string Encrypt(string toEncrypt, string key) {
byte[] keyArray;
byte[] toEncryptArray = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(toEncrypt);
keyArray = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key);
TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider tdes = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider();
tdes.Key = keyArray;
tdes.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
tdes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
ICryptoTransform cTransform = tdes.CreateEncryptor();
byte[] resultArray = cTransform.TransformFinalBlock(toEncryptArray, 0, toEncryptArray.Length);
return Convert.ToBase64String(resultArray, 0, resultArray.Length);
My biggest issue seems to be around getting the padding specification right.
Here is what I have so far...
des = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new('des-ecb')
des.encrypt # OpenSSL::PKCS7 has to passed in somewhere
des.key = '--The Key--'
update_value = des.update(val)
After running through all of the available OpenSSL ciphers and testing to see if any of the outputs resulted in the same encrypted string with no success, I then did the same thing, but this time passing in a padding integer (from 0 - 20), and iterated over all of the ciphers again.
This resulted in a success!
The final code:
def encrypt val
des = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new 'DES-EDE3'
des.padding = 1
des.key = '--SecretKey--'
update_value = des.update(val)
up_final = update_value + des.final
Base64.encode64(up_final).gsub(/\n/, "")
The biggest thing to note is the I had to remove the newline characters, and had to put in a padding of 1.
I'm still confused on the padding...but, wanted to update everyone on what I found in case someone runs into this in the future
:Update: The padding didn't matter after all...if you take out that line it still encrypts the same as if you had any number in there...the big difference I was missing was taking out the newlines
Try 'des-ede3-ecb' or just '3des' as names instead. 'des-ecb' is unlikely to return a triple DES cipher.
PKCS#7 is normally the default for OpenSSL, so you may not have to specify it.
Make sure that your character-encoding (UTF-8, compatible with ASCII for values up to 7F) and encoding (base 64) matches as well.
I have a key.bin file which content is something along the lines of:
-12, 110, 93, 14, -48, ...
This is being used by a service to decrypt 3DES content, but I need to encrypt it via Ruby.
I've tried loads of scenarios with how to set the key and what to do with it, but to no avail as of yet:
Tried splitting the key by , and converting each number to hex, concatenating the hex values to make the key
Tried converting the number string to binary
Tried converting the resulting hex to binary
I assume what I need to do is something simple like:
des = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new('des3')
des.key = mistery # this step is where i'm having problems at
final = des.update(encrypted) + des.final
Any ideas on what I should do with this key?
Key sample:
Data sample:
Got it working!
Here's how:
def read_key(key_file)
File.read(key_file).split(',').map { |x| x.to_i }.pack('c*')
des = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new('des-ede3')
des.key = read_key('key.bin')
result = des.update(decoded) + des.final
def read_key(key_file)
File.read(key_file).split(',').map { |x| x.to_i }.pack('c*')
des2 = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new('des-ede3')
des2.key = read_key('key.bin')
result = des2.update(result) + des2.final
puts Base64.encode64(result)