The instructions for running tests with the Jenkins XCode plugin say to set the test target (which I've done), the SDK (which I've done) and the configuration (which I tried with nothing, Debug, and Test).
However I keep getting " not configured for running".
How do I actually get it to run tests?
This is the output:
+ xcodebuild -workspace /Users/MyDir/.Jenkins/jobs/MyTests/workspace/folder/MyWorkspace.xcworkspace -scheme MyTestScheme clean
xcodebuild: error: Failed to build workspace MyWorkspace with scheme MyTestScheme.
Reason: Scheme "MyTestScheme" is not configured for running.
If within XCode for MyTestScheme if I choose Product/Run then I get the same error message, but if I choose Product/Test then the test code executes successfully. The output from a sucessful run in Xcode is:
2013-08-28 11:10:25.828 otest[65917:303] Unknown Device Type. Using UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone based on screen size
Test Suite 'Multiple Selected Tests' started at 2013-08-28 18:10:26 +0000
Test Suite '/Users/MyDir/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyWorkspace-ctngidolzdhijvbymvghygtoaiiw/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/MyTestScheme.octest(Tests)' started at 2013-08-28 18:10:26 +0000
Test Suite 'MyTests' started at 2013-08-28 18:10:26 +0000
Test Case '-[MyTests test1]' started.
2013-08-28 11:10:26.029 otest[65917:303] MDN: (null)
Test Case '-[MyTests testA1]' passed (0.346 seconds).
For me the problem was using the test schema. The debug schema should be used instead.
To configure the Xcode plugin for unit testing you need to write "test" in the "Custom xcodebuild arguments" field inside the "Advanced Xcode build options".
XCode plugin maintainer here. I don't know the answer, but I would love to help you out.
Have you tried fiddling with the destination argument ?
E.g. -destination 'OS=8.0,name=iPhone'
or -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,OS=8.0,name=iPhone 6s'
(adjust depending on your needs)
If that doesn't work, please try to copy the output generated by the run of the tests from XCode itself.
Helpppp ! I just want to get my pipeline run successfully T.T Anyone can help me here~
Situation: I am integrating Apollo client in my iOS project and following the instruction provided by official Apollo - (using SPM way to setup). It works all fine for me in Xcode manual compile and testing. However, when I am using the command to run the unit test, I got stuck while generating Apollo GraphQL API. Below is the error I have received while running
xcodebuild test -scheme ${CI_PROJECT_NAME} -project ${CI_PROJECT_NAME}.xcodeproj -destination "${XCODE_APPLICATION_PLATFORM}" -enableCodeCoverage YES| xcpretty -s
Error: xcodebuild[10347:2192409] NSFileHandle couldn't write. Exception: *** -[_NSStdIOFileHandle writeData:]: Broken pipe
Note: This error occurs while I am running unit test through command line in Gitlab pipeline. Using Xcode 13.2.1.
I am currently trying to get my Instrumentation tests to run using GitHub Actions. I have the unit tests running fine but I cannot seem to get the Espresso tests to run. I am currently trying:
- name: Run Instrumentation Tests (reactivecircus)
uses: reactivecircus/android-emulator-runner#v2.6.1
api-level: 23
target: default
arch: x86
profile: Nexus 6
script: ./gradlew connectedCheck --stacktrace
And I get the result:
com.balsdon.ratesapp.behaviour.RateListActivityEntryBehaviourInstrumentedTest > recyclerViewClickOnItemChangesMain[test(AVD) - 6.0] FAILED
android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x7f0700d3
at android.content.res.Resources.getValue(
Tests on test(AVD) - 6.0 failed: Instrumentation run failed due to 'android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException'
> Task :app:connectedOfflinemockDebugAndroidTest FAILED
> Task :app:processOnlineecbDebugAndroidTestResources
> Task :app:processProductionDebugAndroidTestResources
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:connectedOfflinemockDebugAndroidTest'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file:///Users/runner/runners/2.165.2/work/currency_list_app/currency_list_app/app/build/reports/androidTests/connected/flavors/OFFLINEMOCK/index.html
and when I use:
- uses: malinskiy/action-android/emulator-run-cmd#release/0.0.5
cmd: ./gradlew integrationTest
api: 23
tag: default
abi: x86
I get
/Users/runner/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb -s emulator-5554 shell getprop sys.boot_completed
error: device 'emulator-5554' not found
The process '/Users/runner/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb' failed with exit code 1
If you want to see all my attempts, you can see all the commits on my pull request
Your emulator version that you run locally, it's most likely newer than API 23 android version. On github actions script you're running the emulator using API 23:
uses: reactivecircus/android-emulator-runner#v2
api-level: 23
target: default
arch: x86
profile: Nexus 6
script: ./gradlew connectedCheck --stacktrace
and inside your project there is a app/src/main/res/drawable-v24 inside resources, thus it wont be available for emulators with < 24 API version. You either have to change that directory to be drawable-v23 or you move the resources to an other drawable that older versions can access.
Even if you change the drawable directory to drawable-v23, Espresso may have issues. You'll either have to resolve for that version or you'll have to use a newer API version for your GitHub action emulator, maybe the same as you have on your development environment.
I am trying to get started on Corda on Windows and I am following the started guides using the following docs:
I have downloaded all the latest version (as of 22.09.19) of Git (2.23.0, 64-bit version) / Java JDK (jdk-8u221-windows-x64.exe) / and the latest IntelliJ.
However I am facing the following issues:
When I open the 'Event Log' I don't see any messages event gradle message
Also when I try and run the Nodes from Intellj > Run CordaApps Kotlin I get the following error message:
When I try and run the nodes from the Git bash terminal
Jatin#LAPTOP-16QRBJDJ MINGW64 ~/cordapp-tutorial (release-V3)
$ ./gradlew.bat deployNodes
Starting a Gradle Daemon, 1 stopped Daemon could not be reused, use --status for details
:java-source:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:java-source:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:java-source:classes UP-TO-DATE
:java-source:jar UP-TO-DATE
Bootstrapping local network in C:\Users\Jatin\cordapp-tutorial\java-source\build\nodes
Node config files found in the root directory - generating node directories
Generating directory for Notary
Generating directory for PartyA
Generating directory for PartyB
Generating directory for PartyC
Nodes found in the following sub-directories: [Notary, PartyA, PartyB, PartyC]
Waiting for all nodes to generate their node-info files...
:java-source:deployNodes FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':java-source:deployNodes'.
> Node in Notary exited with 1 when generating its node-info - see logs in C:\Users\Jatin\cordapp-tutorial\java-source\build\nodes\Notary\logs
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at
5 actionable tasks: 2 executed, 3 up-to-date
The log:
CAPSULE EXCEPTION: Illegal char <"> at index 34: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin" (for stack trace, run with -Dcapsule.log=verbose)
USAGE: <options> corda.jar
capsule.version - Prints the capsule and application versions.
capsule.modes - Prints all available capsule modes.
capsule.jvms - Prints a list of all JVM installations found. - Prints this help message.
capsule.mode=<value> - Picks the capsule mode to run.
capsule.reset - Resets the capsule cache before launching. The capsule to be re-extracted (if applicable), and other possibly cached files will `enter code here`be recreated.
capsule.log=<value> (default: quiet) - Picks a log level. Must be one of none, quiet, verbose, or debug.<value> - Sets the location of the Java home (JVM installation directory) to use; If 'current' forces the use of the JVM that launched the capsule.<value> - Sets the path to the Java executable to use.
capsule.jvm.args=<value> - Sets additional JVM arguments to use when running the application."
Have you set Java classpath to point to jdk1.8.0_221?
From the log record it seems that the jdk is 1.7. Corda require at least version 8u171. Please check the classpath and installed java version.
You should add Java to the PATH environment variable by following the instructions in the Oracle documentation - ""
Which java variant you are using?
If it is Adopt OpenJDK 8, use HotSpot JVM not the OpenJ9 Version.
Here is the link for windows x64 AdoptOpenJDK 8
I am using MSBuild. I have Java 8 installed.
I am running the following commands:
SonarQube.Scanner.MSBuild.exe begin /k:"ABC" /"http://localhost:9000" /d:sonar.login="8b839xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx6b00125bf92" /d:sonar.verbose=true
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe" /t:rebuild
SonarQube.Scanner.MSBuild.exe end /d:sonar.login="8b839xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx6b00125bf92"
The last step fails:
ERROR: Error during SonarQube Scanner execution
ERROR: The 'report' parameter is missing
ERROR: Re-run SonarQube Scanner using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
The SonarQube Scanner did not complete successfully
12:53:21.909 Creating a summary markdown file...
12:53:21.918 Post-processing failed. Exit code: 1
The MSBuild version is greater than 14.
Java 8 is properly installed. Documentation indicates that Java 8 is adequate.
Any idea on what could be wrong?
Where do I add the -X switch? I tried on all 3 statements
Update :I installed Java SDK 9. Still same issue.
Update :With verbose logging and using /n naming parameter:
INFO: Analysis report generated in 992ms, dir size=4 MB
INFO: Analysis reports compressed in 549ms, zip size=1 MB
INFO: Analysis report generated in C:\ABC\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\scanner-report
DEBUG: Upload report
DEBUG: POST 400 http://localhost:9000/api/ce/submit?projectKey=ABC | time=1023ms
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Total time: 54.833s
INFO: Final Memory: 51M/170M
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
DEBUG: Execution getVersion
DEBUG: Execution stop
ERROR: Error during SonarQube Scanner execution
ERROR: The 'report' parameter is missing
ERROR: Re-run SonarQube Scanner using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
Process returned exit code 1
The SonarQube Scanner did not complete successfully
Creating a summary markdown file...
Post-processing failed. Exit code: 1
I've struggled the same problem with SonarQube and I've finally found a solution:
You need to restart sonar service after using evaluation token.
Please note this isn't the answer, however I feel this feedback is valuable to getting this question answered.
I can reproduce this issue in POSTMan with a POST request to:
This returns
"errors": [
"msg": "The 'report' parameter is missing"
You can get a similar error by removing the projectKey query parameter. I tried adding a report query parameter and received the same error:
Given this, I feel there is a problem with their code. It should have included a report parameter when creating the POST request, but it failed to do so.
Verbose output seems to have changed from using the -X switch to /d:sonar.verbose=true. E.G.
SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe begin /k:"myProjectKey" /"http://localhost:9000" /d:sonar.login="myLogin" /d:sonar.verbose=true
Note the verbose logging didn't give me any valuable insight.
(Also note that the documentation currently says to use SonarQube.Scanner.MSBuild.exe, but the verbose logger told me to switch to SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe) we we report this issue to someone that can fix it? Their documentation says to go to Stackoverflow. So here we are.
I thought it may have been an issue with a project. So I created a new project with nothing other than the startup template Console Application. Same error.
In my case SonarQube 7.9.1 (deployed with Helm to Kubernetes cluster) was missing temp directory /opt/sonarqube/temp/tc/work/Tomcat/localhost/ROOT after Helm rollback. No idea what happened to it.
Logfile /opt/sonarqube/logs/web.log inside SonarQube pod had this error:
2021.02.02 06:57:03 WARN web[AXdZ6l6MParQCncJACv3][o.s.s.w.ServletRequest] Can't read file part for parameter report The temporary upload location [/opt/sonarqube/temp/tc/work/Tomcat/localhost/ROOT] is not valid
The fix was to exec into pod and create the missing directory. Would like to know the reason though...
The issue is with the sonar service starting up.
First try to stop the SonarStart.bat by using Ctrl+c, and then try to open localhost:9000 ( or whichever port you configured sonar server).
If it is still opening then go to task manager and search for wrapper.exe service and stop the service. If no service is found then go to:
Task manager>Details> and stop all java.exe process.
Note: If you running many Java applications, right-click the java.exe and choose goto service, and stop only those java.exe that belongs to AppX
Now start sonarstart.bat as administrator..
today i face the same error when using jenkins to scanner the code.
get the error when POST /api/ce/submit and get 400 code by add the sonar.verbose=true
i use the below step to check reason
first to restart the sonarqube => failed
check the report file size by using "du -sh" get 108m and DB server support 1G => failed
login the sonar-qube server and check the access.log, web.log and another log, finally find the error reason " Processing of multipart/form-data request failed. No space left on device", so i check the server by command "df -h", some devices are used 100% => so i remove some no-using file and fix it!!!
check if you have enough memory
ex: free -m
In my case I had to upgrade memory.
I am using Jmeter 3.0 for load testing API's. I am using Maven-Jmeter plugin to run my load tests. Currently using com.lazerycode.jmeter plugin version 2.0.3. Test's run fine on my local machine but when I run it via Jenkins, I get "Non HTTP response code:". I have googled and tried pretty much everything which is suggested in various forums but error doesn't go way. What am I missing? Any help is appreciated.
See error stack below.
httpSample t="1069" it="0" lt="0" ts="1485212600015" s="false" lb="ServiceProxy:TC#1: GET- Health Check For Proxy Service" **rc="Non HTTP response code:" rm="Non HTTP response message: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure"** tn="Service Proxy Regression Test Plan 1-1" dt="text" by="2566" ng="1" na="1">
****** received : [[[Non HTTP response code:]]]
****** comparison: [[[200 ]]]
class="java.lang.String"> Received fatal alert: handshake_failure
at org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.createLayeredSocket(
at org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.createLayeredSocket(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.LazySchemeSocketFactory.createLayeredSocket(
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnectionOperator.updateSecureConnection(
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.ManagedClientConnectionImpl.layerProtocol(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.MeasuringConnectionManager$MeasuredConnection.layerProtocol(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.establishRoute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.tryConnect(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.doExecute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient.execute(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPHC4Impl.executeRequest(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPHC4Impl.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerProxy.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.executeSamplePackage(
at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.processSampler(
I was able to solve the problem. Here is the solution:
1) I am using maven-jmeter plugin and maven-jmeter analysis plugin. In simple terms, running jmeter via a maven project. To solve the SSLHandshakeException problem, put your maven command in the "Execute Shell" area instead of "Goal" area in jenkins job. I also changed the command to "mvn -B -f ./pom.xml verify -s settings.xml".
However, after doing #1, I was seeing that my performance tests were running twice. So I followed the solution #2.
2) I used a freestyle project in jenkins instead of maven project. I put the command in "Execute shell" area. I was getting 'cmd fail' errors. This was due to old version of maven being used on slave. I specified exact version of maven I want to use on slave and things worked fine.
Here is how it looks like:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
export http_proxy=
export HTTP_PROXY=
export https_proxy=
/usr/share/maven-3.3.9/bin/mvn -B -f ./pom.xml verify -s settings.xml -DSERVICE_P_NUM_OF_USERS=1 -DSERVICE_P_RAMP_UP_TIME=1
I have seen this error. Then i figured out that the error was due to java version of Jenkins-slave. Upgrade java version and see if it helps.