Cloud 9 IDE and Ruby on Rails - ruby

Has anyone successfully created a Ruby on Rails (2.3.8) with Ruby (1.8.7) on the Cloud 9 IDE?
I have tried several times, but the lack of documentation is a bit irritating, and every time I attempt to load the version of Ruby on Rails and Ruby that I need the whole workspace seems to break.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I can supply any additional information needed upon request.
Link to more information from post on Cloud9 IDE website: Cloud9 IDE Support
Thank you for you time.

I used Cloud9 for around a year, and ended up migrating to Koding mainly because of issues like this. Koding gives you root access in your VM, so you can install and use whatever you like. None of these permission issues :)


Ruby implementations of SCIM v2

SCIM is a fresh standard for user provisioning put forward by Google, Salesforce, Ping Identity..etc.. Are there existing ruby implementations to support this?
Similar but for Java
You can get an Okta-oriented start from here or start from scratch here but I think you're otherwise on your own.
Yay! You've got an opportunity to contribute an open source project to the Ruby community :)

SSH Terminal in Browser in Ruby

I've taken a look at the Net-SSH gem, but it doesn't seem to support the in browser aspect. Before I start integrating that gem with javascript and a full user interface, I just wanted to ask the community if there are any libraries that have done this for me already. Feel free to suggest libraries outside of ruby. Any and all suggestions welcome.
There is already a product: GateOne. But sorry it is Python.

PECL OAuth-1.2.2 for Windows

I'm trying to get PECL OAuth to work on a Windows dev box (using WAMP). I found two dlls for older versions at Pierre's site but neither of them seem to work.
Adding the DLL to the relevant wamp\bin\php\php5.x.x\ext directory and then ticking the option in the PHP extensions flyout does not add anything OAuth related to the output of phpinfo() and if I try to instantiate an OAuth object I get a "Class 'OAuth' not found" error.
Is there anywhere (or any way) that I can get hold of working DLLs (ideally for the latest 1.2.2 version of OAuth, but any 1.0 or higher stable version will do). The maching in question is running 32bit Windows (Vista).
I hope somebody can help where Google has failed me so far...!
Thanks in advance,
I'm just barely beginning to delve into this whole thing, so I'm not quite sure which way is up, but does this article on oAuth, Xampp, and Windows, scroll down for the English, do the trick?
Let me know as I'm eager to figure all this out too!
And/or would one be able to build it with windows?

What is the easiest way to install Ruby on my server

I want to code pages in Ruby so that my website can be run in Ruby (just like I have a php install on my server).
What's the easiest way to go about this?
You can use Heroku and forget about Ruby server installation.
The answer to this question varies heavily depending on your operating system. But instructions for downloading and installing ruby on many systems are on the download page.
However, if you're planning on using it for a webserver, you probably also want Rails.

Has anyone been able to install Retrospectiva on a Windows machine?

I've been looking into some bug trackers and Retrospectiva seems like a good tool. However, I am having all sorts of trouble installing it on my machine. I followed the guide on their site ( but it hasn't helped much and there don't seem to be a lot of users on their site that work with Windows.
I am wondering if any of the SO users have any experience working with Retrospectiva.
I've successfully install Retrospectiva using Robert Heim's guide.
