Magento product url linking - magento

I am new to magento ...I started working on an half built magento site, the product added in the back end is not getting redirected to the product page..
I have changed the url in the url rewrite .. Here are the details :
Request path :
Target path : catalog/product/view/id/59
Redirect : Permanent (301)
But it is taking the path :
and giving error .. Where am i going wrong

a) if the above url is working than enable url rewrite form System>Configuration>General
select Web / Search Engines Optimization > yes
2) after changing the url rewrite please run reindexing


URL rewrites not working and keep changing the URL extension

I cannot get the URL rewrite in Magento to work correctly at all. I'm trying to redirect a category to a CMS page and at first try it works fine. After I refresh, it starts to change the URL extensions to something completely different than what's shown for the category URL. I've tried clearing the cache and reindexing the URL rewrite but that seems to change it again!
And if I do try to change the URL rewrite to this new, random, made up one that's being automatically inputted - it changes it again! I'm so confused here..
Fixing weird URL Rewrites
Sometimes when you make changes to your products, or enable a certain extension, Magento might start to rewrite all your URLs to include a suffix "-1" or some other number. Within the URL Rewrites, Magento differentiates between System URLs and Custom URLs. If the System URLs are broken like this, you should not fix this by adding new Custom URLs.
Instead, open up phpMyAdmin, create a backup of your Magento database, and flush the Magento table core_url_rewrite (so that it becomes totally empty). Immediately afterwards, refresh the Catalog Url Rewrites under Index Management. This will regenerate all System URLs.
You can also try to redirect through the .htaccess.
Redirect 301 /site-URL-to-redirect
There are two ways to redirect your category page to cms.
Using Magento native URL rewrite managment.
In Magento 1.x go to
admin -> catalog -> url rewrite managment -> add new url
select custom in Create URL Rewrite: drop down and then give your categoy url as request and cms page as target.
Using .htaccess file. Add this line of code into the file .htaccess:
Redirect category-url cms-page-url

Magento 1: Ajax URL returns 404 in a custom module when moved site to another server

I'M bit new to Magento development.
I just moved website to another server and the ajax call start return 404.
Could you please help me how to debug or resolve this issue ?
Orignal site (working fine)
Click on any product here in shop now section
Website URL:
Ajax URL is :
Moved Site (Error exist here)
I moved site to :
Ajax URL is:
When i click on any product shop now section here it returns 404 see screenshot here:
You have to remove index.php from secure frontend url otherwise you have to use index.php in your url to access specific route
For eg.

URL masking with MAGENTO

Is there any way of url masking with Magento.
For Eg :
Main website :
another domain :
Now when i open website is masked/redirect to with all the content of, and in URL it will display
let me know if this is possible in case of Magento without creating multiplestores.
This works for me :
Setup your URLs as “pointers” – all pointing to your Magento
installation’s root directory
Navigate to your Magento Admin under System > Configuration > Web >
Url Options and select “No” for “Auto-redirect to Base URL”.
That’s it! It should work exactly how you want it to.

make redirect to new url from the old url Magento

Hi i have a Magento site in which i have a different categories, due to some reason i have to rename one of the categories.
Old URL =
New URL =
for SEO purposes I need to redirect the user to
New url
when he enters the
Old url
Please suggest me how can i do this?
... or ... use htaccess rewrite rule.
Go to for creating rule and then save your .htaccess file on your root folder.
Use magento rewrite managment, here is manual
You can create URL rewrite for your Requirement.
Here is Step :
1> Login to magento admin
2> Catalog -> URL Rewrite Management -> Create New Url

Magento migration from single store to multistore. Redirects

I have 1 website for now. Its URL is, for example.
I want to create second website on the same domain adding store codes to URLs. So my URLs will be
But as I can see all my previous URLs will show 404 on their open. So if I open
it will show 404. It is not good because I loose my SEO.
How can I create redirects so if user opens
he will be automatically redirected to default website, like
Shall I have any issues with such redirects? (Like API will not work)
Or is it possible for URL
to show product from default website, if exists?
Magento has a very good system for SEO.
For Rewrite Management these are the steps:
1.Loginto Admin.
2.Move mouse over Catalog and you will find a drop down.
3 Select URL Rewrite management.
Catalog >> UrlRewrite Management
4.Then click on ADD URL Rewrite Button.
5.Then on next screen select custom from option provided
Create URL Rewrite : Select Custom
Now following important fields and values that should go:
Request Path (Old URL ) Target Path ( New URL ) redirect (Permanent 301).
Note : This approach will be good if you have few products but if you have too many product then some .htaccess rule is recommended.
