Titanium Alloy using jquery - titanium-mobile

Am new to Titanium Appcelerator and am using Titanium Alloys to develop my Mobile App Module. As I read in Titanium docs, Alloys have built-in support for underscore.js and Backbone.js. Is it possible to use jquery to develop apps with Titanium Alloys?

Practically no, but technically yes.
No, you can't use it in the bulk of your Titanium code because jQuery requires a DOM and Titanium does not create web-based apps, so there is not DOM. That's why DOM-less helpers like underscore.js are encouraged. That said...
Yes, you can use jQuery inside a Ti.UI.WebView in Titanium. As the webviews indeed have a DOM, they can be used in the web-based code contained in the webview.


How to use COVALENT UI with nativescript angular app

I wanted to use covalent ui components with a nativescript angular app. Is that possible? I am a newbie with nativescript development. Can we use any angular library with nativescript?
You can not use covalent ui components on nativescript as those work only on web.
You can search here for ui components and other plugins
And you can use angular libraries as long as they don't use DOM api's, for example NGRX will work like a charm ;)

Best practice for loading images on nativescript angular iOS

I'm building out an iPhone and Android app using nativescript angular.
Since the app will be loading images in a list view, I have the nativescript fresco plugin to take care of loading the images and it works beautifully btw. Unfortunately this only take care of Android side.
I was wondering what other developers use when developing for nativescript apps for IOS. 
clarification: what I'm really trying to figure out is what should I use to replace fresco when developing for ios.
Also, I now have all these Fresco tags for all the images for android. But what do you do when you are ready to develop for IOS? Do I need to have *ngIF statements on all of them for android and use default Image tags for IOS?
You can use the <android></android> or <ios></ios> tags for platform specific views
<FrescoDrawee [imageUri]="someImage"></FrescoDrawee>
<Image [src]="someImage"></Image>
There is also the SDWebImage library which can automatically manage caching.

Using JQuery mobile to create apps

I have tried to create simple apps for android. For this I used Eclipse.
I want to find out what there is out there (Good frameworks) for building platform independent apps. I fell over JQuery Mobile and PhoneGap/Apache Cordova (and some other frameworks).
What I was not able to find out, is what editor are used with JQuery Mobile. Am I wrong thinking that anything can be used, since it is just Javascript and css3? Can one use Visual studio for this?
I also read that JQuery mobile can be used with PhoneGap, with out further explanation. What does this mean exactly? Why would you use JQuery with PhoneGap, instead of using pure phoneGaP?
So to recap the questions
Can JQuery mobile be used with Visual Studio? If not, what editors do you suggest?
What does it mean that JQuery mobile can be used with PhoneGaP? I thought these 2 were separate frameworks?
1.Can JQuery mobile be used with Visual Studio? If not, what editors do you suggest?
You can use any UI framework ( Jquery Mobile, Sencha touch, Dojo toolit, Kendo UI, Ionic, ..etc) as all the frameworks are based on Javascript, HTML5 and CSS3.
As such you can choose any editors which you are comfortable with.
Some popular editors to name a few WebStorm, Sublime Text, Eclipse, Visual Studio.
2. What does it mean that JQuery mobile can be used with PhoneGaP? I thought these 2 were separate frameworks?
JQuery is a HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript framework.
PhoneGap is a Webview Framework.
PHoneGap allows you to use ANY HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript framework ( UI frameworks mentioned above) OR you could just use plain HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript without ANY framework to build apps and then wrap it in PhoneGap.
Using PhoneGap you can have access to DEVICE APIs (like Device contact list, Acceloremeter, Camera etc), which otherwise would not have been possible using only HTML5, CSS and JS.

JQuery mobile vs Phone Gap

I want to convert an existing website for mobile version, what will be the best choice for me.
Using JQuery Mobile on asp.net webform or asp.net mvc
Create application on phonegap for the targeted mobiles
Any Other ?
You would need to provide a lot more information about your goals and your background to answer the best solution for you.
However, I can clarify your title: PhoneGap is a complementary solution to jQuery Mobile. They provide different capabilities and work together. You can use one or both of them. Here's a picture.
PhoneGap does two major functions:
Converts JavaScript/HTML/CSS assets to a native app
Provides a set of JavaScript APIs that map to device capabilities, not otherwise accessible to a web app, like Contacts, Accelerometer, Telephony, GPS, etc
jQuery Mobile is a cross-platform user interface system. It is an extension to jQuery that provides a set of UI libraries specialized for mobile device programming including small screens and touch and swipe events.

Titanium native UI on desktop

I would lie to build a desktop app with Titanium and i thought that the API would give me access to a native ui for desktop. But reading the documentation it seems like the native ui api is directed only to mobile development, while for desktop you have to build the UI yourself in html and js and it will not be native code (with the risk of low performance animation and graphic).
Am i right?
Yes you are right. Titanium Desktop only WebKit UI is possible: HTML5+js and/or PHP/Ruby/Python. You can see Tweetanium on git to see how Desktop/Mobile application can be designed. But simply also in mobile you can use a webkit view... It'sn't fast as native UI on mobile but it makes your UI code reusable in both world.
This is exactly what happens on PhoneGap project.
