Installing Zizaco entrust and confide - laravel

I am following the instruction of the link
I have written "zizaco/entrust": "dev-master" in require section of composer.json and then update it on command prompt by the command php composer.json update.
I have also run the command php composer.json dump-autoload.
It gets updated.
I have added the provider and alias line in app.php and in Auth.php model and table is also set as 'users'.
But when I run the command php artisan entrust:migration
It shows me the error as follows
Please help me as I need to work on it fast.
Kindly let me know what and where is the problem.
Help is appreciated.

I had a similar problem where by each time I run 'composer update' the packages I needed where not included as I expected. So as my solution, each time I want to start a project in laravel 4, I first edit my composer.json file before running 'composer install'. Since then I do not have such embarrassment again.


Class 'Stripe\Stripe' not found error in PHP

I installed laravel and composer and created my first project in laravel. I want to integrate stripe using PHP. When I try to execute my first project in localhost I take this message:
Fatal error: Class 'Stripe\Stripe' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\laravel\stripe\public\elda.php on line 21
To include the stripe libraries, I inserted inside the composer.json file the code from the API library for PHP. Here is an image of my composer.json file:
I run composer install in cmd and this is the output:
You may be getting outdated dependencies. Run update to update them.
I run composer update and the output is the error in the image below:
Can someone help me to solve this error?
Well, sorry did not make a comment of your post, but I have not enough points to do so. But you need to run composer install in the terminal after that includes a new package.
I had the same issue, but when I ran this command my issue is resolved.
composer require stripe/stripe-php
I hope this may help you, after you update your composer.

Laravel deleting package with composer

I tried to delete barryvdh/laravel-debugbar from my laravel installation, and it seems I didn't make something right.
What I did so far :
composer remove barryvdh/laravel-debugbar
I deleted then the references in config/app.php
And I've got an error :
Error Output: PHP Fatal error:
Class 'Barryvdh\Debugbar\ServiceProvider' not found in
{mypath}\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\ProviderRepository.php on line 146
I tried dump-autoload, clear-compiled, but none works.
What did I miss ?
22/02/2016 Edit : I also tried to remove ALL the vendor folder, then install it again via composer install, but I got the error again when the command php artisan clear-compiled was run angain.
Ok, it seems I had played with artisan commands, and the configuration file was cached (via php artisan config:cache).
I deleted it (in bootstrap/cache/config.php) and everything works like a charm, but I also could have used the command php artisan config:clear to remove it.
When you installed Debugbar, after the package was install via composer you needed to add the class to the providers array in config/app.php. So you need to remove this line from there:
If you also register the facade, then you need to remove the following from the aliases array from the same file:
'Debugbar' => Barryvdh\Debugbar\Facade::class
If you also ran php artisan vendor:publish (which is the final step described in the Installation Section from the package readme) then you can delete the config/debugbar.php file as well, although leaving that configuration file in place will not cause any issues.
Marc Brillault's answer is correct. I am adding more clarification to that answer:
I removed debug bar class manually from the catch files. present in (bootstrap/cache/config.php).
Steps for How to remove manually class.
1.) Open this two files
2.) Find this two line and remove It.
'Debugbar' => Barryvdh\Debugbar\Facade::class,
3.) run command `php artisan config:clear`
after the following this step check command php artisan list is working well.
you must:
First. Delete the references to Debugbar in config/app.php
Second. composer remove barryvdh/laravel-debugbar
In that order. If you don't, Laravel get confused ;)
The best ways you need to do is delete all file manually in all composer files.

How can I remove a package from Laravel using PHP Composer?

What is the correct way to remove a package from Laravel using PHP Composer?
So far I've tried:
Remove declaration from file composer.json (in the "require" section)
Remove any class aliases from file app.php
Remove any references to the package from my code :-)
Run composer update
Run composer dump-autoload
None of these options are working! What am I missing?
Composer 1.x and 2.x
Running the following command will remove the package from vendor (or wherever you install packages), composer.json and composer.lock. Change vendor/package appropriately.
composer remove vendor/package
Obviously you'll need to remove references to that package within your app.
I'm currently running the following version of Composer:
Composer version 1.0-dev (7b13507dd4d3b93578af7d83fbf8be0ca686f4b5) 2014-12-11 21:52:29
26/10/2020 - Updated answer to assert command works for v1.x and v2.x of Composer
I got it working... The steps to remove a package from Laravel are:
Remove the declaration from file composer.json (in the "require" section)
**Remove Service Provider from file config/app.php (reference in the "providers" array)
Remove any class aliases from file config/app.php
Remove any references to the package from your code :-)
Run composer update vendor/package-name. This will remove the package folder from the vendor folder and will rebuild the Composer autoloading map.
Manually delete the published files (read the comment by zwacky)
It will remove the package folder from the Vendor folder.
Normally composer remove used like this is enough:
composer remove vendor/package
But if a Composer package is removed and the "config" cache is not cleaned you cannot clean it. When you try like so
php artisan config:clear
you can get an error In ProviderRepository.php line 208:
Class 'Laracasts\Flash\FlashServiceProvider' not found
This is a dead end, unless you go deleting files:
rm bootstrap/cache/config.php
And this is Laravel 5.6 I'm talking about, not some kind of very old stuff.
It happens usually on automated deployment, when you copy files of a new release on top of old cache. Even if you cleared the cache before copying. You end up with an old cache and a new composer.json file.
You can remove any package just by typing the following command in the terminal, and just remove the providers and alias you provided at the time of installing the package, if any and update the composer,
composer remove vendor/your_package_name
composer update
Before removing a package from a composer.json declaration, please remove the cache:
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:clear
If you forget to remove the cache and you get a "class not found error" then please reinstall the package, clear the cache and remove again.
You can do any one of the below two methods:
Running the below command (most recommended way to remove your package without updating your other packages)
$ composer remove vendor/package
Go to your composer.json file and then run command like below it will remove your package (but it will also update your other packages)
$ composer update
If you are still getting the error after you are done with all the steps in the previous answers, go to your projects, Bootstrap → Cache → config.php. Remove the provider and aliases entries from the cached array manually.
composer remove vendor/package
This is an example:
Install or add a package
composer require firebear/importexportfree
Uninstall / remove
composer remove firebear/importexportfree
Finally after removing:
php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php -f bin/magento cache:clean
Composer remove package/name
Php artisan optimize
e.g "Composer remove mckenziearts/laravel-notify" works for me while using Laravel 8.
To add the packages, the command is to be like:
composer require spatie/laravel-permission
To remove the packages, the command is to be like:
composer remove spatie/laravel-permission
In case the given answers still don't help you remove that, try this:
Manually delete the line in require from composer.json
Run composer update
If this doesn't work "composer remove package/name", you can still remove it manually.
Note : package/name is like spatie etc.
Go to composer.json and find the package name
Delete package name from composer.json
Find the vendor file in your Laravel project.
Delete the package file which is under vendor
run composer install on your terminal
Note : Package File mean is that package that you are looking for. For example, you want to remove Spatie. Then you need to find that with similar name in vendor file and you need to delete it manually.
Your package was removed successfully.
We have come with a great solution. This solution is practically done in Laravel 6. If you want to remove any package from your Laravel Project then you can easily remove the package by following below steps:
Step 1: You must know the package name which you want to remove. If you don't know the complete package name then you can open your project folder and go to the composer.json file and check the name in the require array:
"require": {
"php": "^7.2",
"fideloper/proxy": "^4.0",
"laravel/framework": "^6.2",
"laravel/passport": "^8.3",
"laravel/tinker": "^2.0"
Suppose, here I am going to remove the "fideloper/proxy" package.
Step 2: Open a command prompt with your project root folder directory
Step 3: First of all, clear all cache by the following commands. Run the commands one by one.
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:clear
Step 4: Now write the following command to remove the package. Here you need to change your package name instead of my example package.
composer remove fideloper/proxy
Now, wait for a few seconds while your package is removed.
On Laravel 8.*, the following steps work for me:
Run command composer remove package-name on the terminal
Remove Provider and aliases from file Config/app.php
Remove the related file from the Config folder.
Remove it from your code where you used it.
Remove the package folder from the vendor folder (manual delete)
Remove it from file composer.json and 'composer.lock' files (use Ctrl + F5 to search)
Remove it from file config/app.php and file bootstrap/cache/config.php files
Run these commands:
composer remove **your-package-name**
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:clear
There are quite a few steps here:
Go to file composer.json and look for the package and how it is written over there.
for example
{ "require": {
"twig/twig": "^3.0" } }
I wish to remove twig 3.0
Now open cmd and run composer remove vendor/your_package_name as composer remove twig/twig will remove the package.
As a final step, run composer update. This will surely give you a massage of nothing to install or update, but this is important in case your packages have inter-dependencies.
You have two solution.
Use remove of composer.
composer remove *your_package_name*
Delete the line in require from composer.json and then run update
composer update
After removed, recommend to run below two command.
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:clear

How to install Laravel 4 profiler

I'm a Ubuntu/git/composer noob, and I'm trying to follow the installation instructions here.
After running the php artisan config:publish loic-sharma/profiler command I get the following error:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Profiler\ProfilerServiceProvider' not found in /var/www/epcr/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/ProviderRepository.php on line 158
I'm assuming the problem is that I haven't downloaded the code, but I'm not exactly sure how to go about doing that.
Most packages require you to manually add service provider in app/config/app.php. There is an array of providers inside.
Some providers require also facade alias.
So take a look at documentation, if it is provider, then it should be documented.
Try running composer dump-autoload
I needed to run composer update after I added the require to my composer.json file. After that I had a few permissions I needed to update and it worked after that.

Laravel: Can't install Sentry

I tried to install Sentry 2 with composer. I used the composer manuel from the sentry site,
but i got always a serviceprovider exception:
"Class 'Cartalyst\Sentry\SentryServiceProvider' not found"
Is there an another way or i did something wrong?
If you look closely on the [Sentry website installer instructions for laravel 4],
step one states that you need to add "cartalyst/sentry": "2.0.*" to your composer.json,
but it also specifically states that it requires you to run php composer.phar update from the command line
Note that you should run php composer.phar update BEFORE you add the entries for the app/config/app.php (before proceeding to steps 2 and above)
#Todd Isaacs's answer would also lead you to the required result but you do not need to go back to the beggining, all you have to do is revert the changes on your app/config/app.php file and run the update.
hope that helps.
I found the solution. SSL is necessary for composer update and now all works fine.
So I checked the php ini and set ssl on.
I just got this same error and being totally new at Laravel I decided to step back, here is what I did to resolve it.
removed the entries I added to my composer.json and app.php (I think app.php was the issue)
run composer update (yep worked this time)
added "cartalyst/sentry": "2.0.*" to my composer.json
run composer update (sentry was installed)
added 'Cartalyst\Sentry\SentryServiceProvider' and 'Sentry' => 'Cartalyst\Sentry\Facades\Laravel\Sentry' to my app.php
run composer update (still works)
When I originally installed Sentry I added the 'Cartalyst\Sentry\SentryServiceProvider' to the app.php before running the update and I think this was the issue. ( install instructions )
For Sentry 3, change the service provider in app/config/app.php to:
