Retaining logs from Hadoop job after it's executed - hadoop

I'm wondering if there's an easy way to grab all the job logs / task attempt logs of a particular run, and persist them somewhere (HDFS, perhaps)?
I know that the logs are on the local filesystem at /var/log/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce/userlogs for any particular job's task attempts, and that I could write a script to SSH to each of the slave nodes and scoop them all up. However, I'm trying to avoid that if it makes sense to - perhaps there's some built-in function of Hadoop that I'm not aware of?
I did find this link, which is old, but contains some helpful information -- but did not include the answer I'm looking for.
mapreduce.job.userlog.retain.hours is set to 24 by default, so any job's logs will be automatically purged after 1 day. Is there anything I can do besides increasing the value of the retain.hours parameter to get these to persist?

I don't know of anything out of the box that exists, but I have done something similar manually.
We set up cron jobs that run every 20 minutes that look for new logs for task attempts, then pumps them all into HDFS into a specific directory. We modified the files names so that the hostname it is coming from is appended. Then, we had MapReduce jobs try to find issues, calculate stats like runtimes, etc. It was pretty neat. We did something similar with NameNode logs, too.


Exporting jobs listed in Oozie Web Console

Apologies if this question sounds basic, I'm totally new to Hadoop environment.
What am I looking for?
In my case, there are jobs scheduled to run everday and I would want to export the list of failed jobs in an excel sheet each day.
How do I view the workflow jobs?
Currently I use the Oozie web console to view the jobs and I don't have/see an option to export. Also,
I was not able to find this information from the Oozie documentation.
However, I found that jobs can be listed using commands like
$ oozie jobs -oozie http://localhost:8080/oozie -localtime -len 2 -fliter status=RUNNING
Where am I stuck?
I want to filter the failed jobs for a given date and would want to export it as csv/excel data.
#YoungHobbit was right to point at that post which is very similar to this one; his answer was dead on target when it comes to extracting the entire list of jobs that have run on a specific day with the Oozie CLI (command-line interface).
Just don't forget to specify an "unbounded" reply e.g. -len 999999999 to avoid side effects (defaut is to show only the first 100 matches, which may be way too low if you run a lot of frequent jobs).
The trick is that you can make a more complex filter such as
... but you cannot request jobs that have FAILED or have been KILLED or have been SUSPENDED (which may result from a temporary YARN or HDFS outage) or are still suspiciously RUNNING (because a sub-workflow is SUSPENDED for instance).
So your best choice is to get the whole list, then filter out all jobs that have SUCCEEDED, with a plain old grep -- as suggested in another answer.
Then you will also need a complex sed or awk script to break down the ugly CLI output into a well-formed CSV. Ouch!
Now, you have an alternative to the Oozie CLI: the Oozie REST API (old Cloudera tutorial here, reference for Oozie V4.2 here) lets you query the Oozie server with any programming language that provides...
an HTTP client
and a way to parse JSON messages (using plain old regular expressions, if nothing else is available)
The logic would be basically the same -- fetch the list of all jobs in the desired time window, ignore SUCCEEDED jobs, parse the others to generate a CSV record, dump into a CSV file.
But your program would be more robust, since it would be based on structured JSON input.
One more thing: if you are familiar with Microsoft VBA, you can even use an Excel macro to build the report dynamically, in a self-service way. No need to bother with in intermediate CSV file.

How to delete input files after successful mapreduce

We have a system that receives archives on a specified directory and on a regular basis it launches a mapreduce job that opens the archives and processes the files within them. To avoid re-processing the same archives the next time, we're hooked into the close() method on our RecordReader to have it deleted after the last entry is read.
The problem with this approach (we think) is that if a particular mapping fails, the next mapper that makes another attempt at it finds that the original file has been deleted by the record reader from the first one and it bombs out. We think the way to go is to hold off until all the mapping and reducing is complete and then delete the input archives.
Is this the best way to do this?
If so, how can we obtain a listing of all the input files found by the system from the main program? (we can't just scrub the whole input dir, new files may be present)
. . .
(we're done, delete input files, how?)
return 0;
Couple comments.
I think this design is heartache-prone. What happens when you discover that someone deployed a messed up algorithm to your MR cluster and you have to backfill a month's worth of archives? They're gone now. What happens when processing takes longer than expected and a new job needs to start before the old one is completely done? Too many files are present and some get reprocessed. What about when the job starts while an archive is still in flight? Etc.
One way out of this trap is to have the archives go to a rotating location based on time, and either purge the records yourself or (in the case of something like S3) establish a retention policy that allows a certain window for operations. Also whatever the back end map reduce processing is doing could be idempotent: processing the same record twice should not be any different than processing it once. Something tells me that if you're reducing your dataset, that property will be difficult to guarantee.
At the very least you could rename the files you processed instead of deleting them right away and use a glob expression to define your input that does not include the renamed files. There are still race conditions as I mentioned above.
You could use a queue such as Amazon SQS to record the delivery of an archive, and your InputFormat could pull these entries rather than listing the archive folder when determining the input splits. But reprocessing or backfilling becomes problematic without additional infrastructure.
All that being said, the list of splits is generated by the InputFormat. Write a decorator around that and you can stash the split list wherever you want for use by the master after the job is done.
The simplest way would probably be do a multiple input job, read the directory for the files before you run the job and pass those instead of a directory to the job (then delete the files in the list after the job is done).
Based on the situation you are explaining I can suggest the following solution:-
1.The process of data monitoring I.e monitoring the directory into which the archives are landing should be done by a separate process. That separate process can use some metadata table like in mysql to put status entries based on monitoring the directories. The metadata entries can also check for duplicacy.
2. Now based on the metadata entry a separate process can handle the map reduce job triggering part. Some status could be checked in metadata for triggering the jobs.
I think you should use Apache Oozie to manage your workflow. From Oozie's website (bolding is mine):
Oozie is a workflow scheduler system to manage Apache Hadoop jobs.
Oozie Coordinator jobs are recurrent Oozie Workflow jobs triggered by time (frequency) and data availabilty.

When do the results from a mapper task get deleted from disk?

When do the outputs for a mapper task get deleted from the local filesystem? Do they persist until the entire job completes or do they get deleted at an earlier time than that?
In addition to the map and reduce tasks, two further tasks are created: a job setup task
and a job cleanup task. These are run by tasktrackers and are used to run code to setup
the job before any map tasks run, and to cleanup after all the reduce tasks are complete.
The OutputCommitter that is configured for the job determines the code to be run, and
by default this is a FileOutputCommitter. For the job setup task it will create the final
output directory for the job and the temporary working space for the task output, and
for the job cleanup task it will delete the temporary working space for the task output.
Have a look at OutputCommitter.
If your hadoop.tmp.dir is set to a default setting (say, /tmp/), it will most likely be subject to tmpwatch and any default settings in your OS. I would suggest poking around in /etc/cron.d/, /etc/cron.daily, etc/cron.weekly/, etc., to see exactly what your OS default is like.
One thing to keep in mind about tmpwatch is that, by default, it will key on access time, not modification time (i.e., files that have not been 'touched' since X will be considered 'stale' and subject to removal). However, it's a common practice with Hadoop to mount filesystems with the noatime and nodiratime flags, meaning that access times will not get updated and thus skewing your tmpwatch behaviors.
Otherwise, Hadoop will purge task attempt logs older than 24 hours (after task completion), by default. While a few years old, this writeup has some great info on the default behaviors. Take a look in particular at the sections that refer to mapreduce.job.userlog.retain.hours.
EDIT: responding to OP's comment, which clears up my misunderstanding of the question:
As far as the intermediate output of map tasks which is spilled to disk, used by any combiners, and copied to any reducers, the Hadoop Definitive Guide has this to say:
Tasktrackers do not delete map outputs from disk as soon as the first
reducer has retrieved them, as the reducer may fail. Instead, they
wait until they are told to delete them by the jobtracker, which is
after the job has completed.
I've also +1'd #mgs answer below, as they have linked the source code that controls this and described the Job cleanup task.
So, yes, the map output data is deleted immediately after the job completes, successfully or not, and no sooner.
"Tasktrackers do not delete map outputs from disk as soon as the first reducer has retrieved them, as the reducer may fail. Instead, they wait until they are told to delete them by the jobtracker, which is after the job has completed"
Hadoop: The Definitive Guide ( Section 6.4)

What is the difference between job.submit and job.waitForComplete in Apache Hadoop?

I have read the documentation so I know the difference.
My question however is that, is there any risk in using .submit instead of .waitForComplete if I want to run several Hadoop jobs on a cluster in parallel ?
I mostly use Elastic Map Reduce.
When I tried doing so, I noticed that only the first job being executed.
If your aim is to run jobs in parallel then there is certainly no risk in using job.submit(). The main reason job.waitForCompletion exists is that it's method call returns only when the job gets finished, and it returns with it's success or failure status which can be used to determine that further steps are to be run or not.
Now, getting back at you seeing only the first job being executed, this is because by default Hadoop schedules the jobs in FIFO order. You certainly can change this behaviour. Read more here.

A tool showing a breakdown of completion times and source machine names for each and every mapper and reducer?

I know job tasks page (in the JobTracker UI) is already showing start time and end time of every tasks in mapper and reducer but I would like to see something more like source machine names, number of spills and so on. I guess I can try to write such a tool using JobTracker class? But before embarking on that, I would like to see if there is such a tool already.
Does the hadoop job -history all output-dir command give you enough information to parse / process? - Search for the above command
